HomeMy WebLinkAbout385 1 ) ) ,) 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " " z '= ~ "".,.s 15 ~...;.:::: ;.>0' H Q (/)1-<U .oj cO 16 ~ ?i " Ol;;; ~ l: :r: '" " 17 o " il. 1-< ~ ...1~~ -< ;:; 18 ~ (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 C)'"' ..,::-J 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ._~._~~.----:::;:;t:;---~~' ~..A/14 -;jj 6 f9 " AN ORDINAUCE PROVIDDl'G FOR TEE EMPLOnmNT OF .All ASSISTA!l1'l' TO BE KNOWN AS TEE CITY AUDITOR ,PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES MID FIXING HIS COMPElmATIOJJ · The MaYDr and Common Council of the City of San Berna~ dino, do o::'dain as fo12o'ws : - Section I: That it is nedessary and proper for the interest and benefit of the c~ty of San Bernardino and the inhabitants thereof that an assistant be employed who shall be known. as City Auditor whcs e duties shall by tho so hereinaf'~ r prescribed. Section II. ~he duties of the City Auditor shall be as follows : -yo' ve rify the accuracy of all claims filed against the Ci ty ; to detect errors and f'r aud j to d.... termine the intent and insure a proper compliance with the fi-~.~ financial terms of all agreements entered into by the City; to obtain and inspect vouchers for all pa3nnents made j to call attention tc all loose , irregular and incompotent methods employed by any City officials an.d to devise for.ms and methods which will prevent or hlinder inaccuracies a.ftd facili1a te the prompt detection of all. .'PYInI errors' I I I i i : i of any street within the City of San Bernardino, the name I I ...._-f'"-.._~_...____! which may neverthe less ccur. Section III. In addition to the dut.ies :hereinbefore prescribed, the City Auditor shall ke ep a bo ok in which shall be entered all permits issued by the superintendent of streets for the cutting or opening of the person procuring such permit ; the amount of . ,,~> ,_..:....~fP.'~,...,"""""''''"''4~....~-i'!''''"__'!!lI#O'....\'''''..."...,".,,;,' .. 1 ) , .) 4 5 6 .... , H 9 10 11 12 13 14 . " z '" ... H~B 15 :::j'; [/J<-U .. . 16 . c ;:a ~ ~ ~ .~ z'"e :I: " " 17 ~ ~ E ~ \!) ..1<>0 < " 18 ;>: " (L 19 20 21 22 23 2+ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 /*" 'oW' ,. .....,.J \.-. -"1 I I I i I money deposited mew:;,)' dVl-'",...lted by said person and such other information as shall be necessary to keep a complete record of all openings made in any public street . Section IV. Said City Auditor shall, in addition to the afo resaid duties ,~",,, also keep a complete - record of each prQ.eeding had or taken under the act co~n1y known as and called the Vrooman Act and shall report to the May-icr and Common COlIDcil. at each meetiq the condition of such proceeding. Section IV: In addition to the afar esaid duties , said City Auditor shall each month examine and expert the books and reports of all. d ficials and depar'bunts pertainirg iD the finance of the City . Section VI. ~n addition to the aforesaid duties , saidCi ty Audi lor sha.ll do and perform such other I' things as shall from time to time be required at' him. by the Mayor ahd Common Council of said City. Section VII. The City Auditor shall receive as compensation for.his services aa the sum of $90.00 per month ,payable lIlOothly on the first day of each and every month whi1e emp10yed . Section VIII. The Auditor hereinbefore provided for shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to con" firmation by a majority of the Common Counci1 , and .. su.ll. remain in the employment of the Ci t,. during the p1easure of the Mayor and Common Co~il. Section IX. This ordinance shall take effsct and be in force from and after th irtyd ays after its passage and approval. ,..L " ... 1 ) ~ .) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . " z "E ~ ~ ~ ..8 15 ~j~ (/)"U .. . 16 . c ::IJ ~ ~ ltl:= z '\:' ::c ~ w 17 o ~ ~ E-< .... -1~~ -<i :: 18 ;:.:: if, 19 20 21 22 23 2+ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .... I """"'-, "Iii~' ",-~.__--"".I.._---""-,""""'."'~'"---'"---"""-'~",,,;-".;,,~_.l.._- Section X. The City Clerk shallcertify to the passage of the foregoing cr dinance and cause 1h e same to be published for three consecutive days in TbI Evening Index . I herel)ycertify t..lJ.at t he foregoing ordinance was passed anda dopted by the Mayor and Connnon Council. at' the City of san Bernardino at a meeting thereof held on the q day of ~ 1908. AY.~~_ -~ Noes ~ 0-- \. Approved thiSI<t a K;~&U~ . Mayor,bf the City of San Bernaraino. , 1908. ___._._i