HomeMy WebLinkAbout386 1 2 /' .3 10 V 4 / 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " ~ z "E ... 15 ....ii:.8 ~..:= ..:< " '1/).. U 16 .. . . 0 f.1l~~ z ... :I: ~ ~ 17 o " p, '"' ... ..:<?,.~ < < " 18 p: " I/) 19 20 21 22 23 24' .25 26 27 2t\ 29 30 31 32 l' 'rt,' -~ ,-,. r" t~ -~,~;;*:,';;;- ~,. . , " c ~ ORDINANCE N~~ . All ORDINANCE ESTABOISHING THE GRADE OF n? VERlTOJl AVJflNUE , FROM ~ CENTER LINE OF -.llILL STBEET TO THE NORTH LID OF THIRD STREE'r IN THE CITY OF SAN' BERNARDIJrO. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San ~er" nardino do adain as follows , Section I: ~at the grade of Kt Ver'I.lon Avenue from the center line of M111 Sir eet to the ]forth line of Third Street is hereby established in accordance with the . following elevations and ~ ades : At the Northwwest conrer of the intersection of )[i11 Street and Mt vern~ Avenue , the gr~de sha11 be 1063,2. At the North-east corner of the "intersection of of said M111 Streetand Mt Vernon Avenue the grade shall be 1063.0 . J At the southwwest-j' corner of the' intersection of chesnut street and Mt Vernon Avenue, the grade shal1 be 1063,9 j At fhe NCJrth.....est corner of the intersection of sail. Chesnut Street and lit Vernon Avenue the grade shaJ.1 be 1064 ,1. At the south-west corner of the intersection of ~k street and lit Vernon Avenue the ~ ade sha11 be 1.0~4,'1 ; At the North-west corner of the intersection ~ said Oak Street and lit Vernon Avenue the grade shall be J.064.9 ; At the south-west corner of the intersection of pOp1ar street and Mt vernon Avenue , the ~ ade shall be 1 1 ') .... " ,) 4 '" :'l 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .g z c H~.s 15 .. .~ :s:...';; (/)"u .. . Ih . 0 (1l ~ .S z"8 ~ " ol 17 " <= ~ f:-o M ...~~ < <= 18 i>: ol (J) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 , ' o ~ l.065.7 j a At the North-west corner of the intersection or PopJ.a.r street and llt vernon Avenue the ~ ade sl1all be 1~ 65.9 feet i the iptersec~ion At the south-east c~rner of said Pop1ar street and llt Vernon Avenue the grade shall be 1065.7 i At the North~east comer of the intersection of said Poplar str eet and lLt Vernon Avenue the grade sha1l be 1065.9 j At the south-west corner of the intersection of Birch Sir eet and llt Vernon Avenue , the grade shall be l.066.6 .. J At the North-west corner of the iniB rsection d' said Birch street and said llt Vernon Avenue , the grade shall. be 1066.6 i At the South-east corner of tm intersection of said lIiroh street and Mt vernon Avenue , the f!T ade shall. be 1066.6 . a At the North-east corne}:' cL the intersection of said Birch Street and llt vernon Avenue the ~ ade sha1l be 1066.6 i At the South....est corner of the intersection of .._,~"SY Wal.nut street. and llt. Vernon Avenue the grade s)uLl.l..,; be, .1066.2 ; ,.~ '-' . . ,'- -. \..> , At the Nor~"West corner, or the intersection of said Wa1n~ Sir eet and:u:t . Vernon Avenue l\bbe ..s1'fde Shall. be 1066.0 j At the South-east corner of the 1DtIIzIMo'tlon of said .c' "al.n~ Street and :u:t Vernon Avenue the Irr~de' shall be 1066.0 ; At the North-east corner of 11:& the intersection of said Wa1nut Street and Kt Vernon Avenue the grade shall be 1065.8 j 2 _."""",1OI.....~_"""~'....~_'lolIiOI!l'. "_'~_:l--l.-..Uill.. -Ij,1l<J '1' ....'>Il'Ufl~H .11'""lI Irn _ j J~c':"' w ~"",>-"',:";:;""~i"~~.......... ..,BiIi,'r!lIIl'w(_', ".;!:.""--~~~ 1 2 " ,) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .~ z ;: .....iI:.8 15 .oj .~ il:..:." cI)"U '"' . 16 . 0 ~~~ ~ ~ 0:: " <<: 17 o ~ ~ ~ ;... ..:.~~ < ~ 18 ~ <<: If; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g 29 30 31 32 c :) At a point in the West line of yt Vernon Avenu~ 125 feet. North of the Nortl line of WaJ.nut S~ eet t '&a&~8Y the grade shall be~065.6 j At a point in the east line of yt Vernon Avenue 14'.5 feet North of the North line of Wa].nut Stt- eet the grade shall be 1065.6 ; At a point in the West lim of yt Vernon Avenue 300 feet Jlorth of the North line of Walnut street the grade shall be 1065.8 ; AAt a point in tlE East line of yt Vernon Avenue 322.5 feet north of the North line of Walnut Street J the I?; ade shall be 1065.8 ; At & the sou~-east CODEer of the intersection of Central and yt Vernon Avenues the grade shall be 1069.5 feet ; At the Nor1h ...east corner of the intersection of Pacific Sir eet and yt Vernon Avenue the f(; ade shall bel070.6 ; At the !lorth-west corner of the intersection at Pacific said E:'!-IIIIIIIt..~ Avenue and It Vernon ATenue the grade shall be 1071.0; At 'the south-east corner of the intersection of Bellevie. and Kt Vernon A-.enues the grade shall be 10'2.3 . '. At the North-~ast corner of the intersection of said BeJ.la view Avenue and lit vernon Avenue t the f grade shall be 1072.6 ./ . , 3 .: "~ftL 0" .'lh~" __,.~~ fm '...'.~ I - I l.'.....,,"t"__iolII~.'",.....""'.>.."jH;;~.,~"".~:.i,''"i'' "011' ,'j 1"',1-1"" "~;"'",,".''''''''''"''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''___'''~''''''';'''''''"'.,,,.,,,...~1..),;;;."'+<Olllil,."-'1 :IL~! ...._Ii 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .g z ;: ....il=.8 15 .. .- ~-<" (/)..u . "'i 0 16 (lJ ~.:: z"8 :r: .. oj 17 o " ~ E-; 1-0 '- " -<<;!< < " 18 1>l oj (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 I c ~ At the south-west corner of the intersection of Atlantic Sir eet and lLt yernon Avenue the ~ ade shall be l.0'13.5 . J At the North..est corner of the intersecti.on of said Atlantic Stl-eet. and lLt yernon Avenue the crade Shall. be l.0'13.8 feet j At the southwwest corner of the inteasection of Fjr st Street and Mt vernon Avenue the grade shaJ.l. be 10'15.~ :feet i z:k::x:k:)mxx At the North...est. corner of the in1B esect.ion of First S11' eet and Mt Vernon Avenue the gr ade shall. be 10'15.'1 i , At the South"'east corner of said ]lirst S11' eet / ~ and. said lLt Vernon Avenue the grade shall be l.075.1 t At file North-east corner of the ini2 rsection of said First street and Mt vernon Avenue , the grade shall be l.0'15.2 feet i At the south-west corner of the intersection ~ :Mt v ernon Avenue and King Street ~ the grade shall be 10'16.1 feet . t At the North..-est corner of the in. rsection of :u:t Vernon Avenue and Kirg Street the grade shall be T~~ l.0'16.9 j At the sou1h-east corner of the intersection ~ said Mt yernon Avenue and King Street. the gr ade shall. be 10'16.4 . , the intersection North-east corner of said llt Vernon ...venue At the and King Street the grade shall be 1076.6 ; At the South-west corner of the inter.ection of Second Street and Mt. vernon Avenue J the grade shall be 10'17.9 ) /i ;:. I /"1- \ . t 4 "..ll>1.~__"_.~~"-""",,,,,~~~,,,,~,'H,,;.o'_~::iii'>,~......'"'__"""''''~;'''''""",,,,,~,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,<,~,,,,,,,,,,,",1i;, 1l'~UI.~HlIl1.'.. Illllll. '_' I:.. 11' Irl'rl ~ .~~"':lf'~"',H,*; ;'~..f~'r'.:;:::-,.";;~; , \ c :) ( At the Northwwest corner of the intersection of Second Street and Mt . Vernon Avenue t the grade shall be 10'18.2 feet ; At ~e Sou~-east corner of the intersection of Second Street and Mt Vemon Avenlle J the grade shall be 10'1'7.9 i At the Norti1-e8st corner of the intersection af Second street and Mt Vernon Avenue , the grade shall be 10'18.2 . ) At the South-west comer of the intersection of'Mt. Vernon Avenue and West Broadway Street the grade shall be 1081.2 feet j At the No rtlilwwest corner of the intersection of Mt Vernon Avenue and west Broadway Street the grade shall be 1081.6 . ) At the south-west corner of the intersection of Third street and Mt Vernon Avenue the grade shall be 1084.'7 j At the North-west corner of the intersection of said Third Sir eet and Mt Vernon Avenue the grade shall be l&a*xx 1085.1 j At the South-east corner of the intersection of' said Third street and llt..,. vernon Avenue tbtg-ade sha11 be 1084.3 ; At the North-east cQmer of the intersection of said Third Street and Mt Vernon Avenue the grade shal1 be 1084.6 . And at all points between said designated points , the grade sha.ll be and is herebyx,:esta.b1ished so as to con- form to a straight 1ine drawn between said de8ignat~;, ;.". . points . 5 / ~,_":L:-~-- ,,,, 1 ') .., , ,) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 t:l .~ Z ::: .. ]5 H~.s :s:j~ <IJ"U .... - 16 . ' 0 (iI ~.s z'8 ~ ~ ~ 17 ~ ~ t-< ~ 8 ~ ~H ~ ::: 18 ~ oj <IJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 .I' ' . c 'i~'''' -..... ....I All elevations refer to the * top of the curb . are in fee~ and are upon a p1ane whiCh is 1044.5 below City datum plane as establiShed by Ordinance No. 26 . of the City of san Bernardino. Section II. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed · Section III. Thi s ordi nance shall take eff'ectt a.nd be in force from a.nd atter thirty days after its passag$ and approval . Section IY. The City Clelk shall cert ify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same 10 be publislHl ed for three consecutive days in The Even1rg Index. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly passed and a dopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of s~~no at a regular meeting thereof J heldon the , day of J 1908) by the following vote : Noes:~ ,~~ C' Clerk. . Approved this 11' ~ day of ~ 1908. Mayor of the Oi ty of san Bernardino. ,., ] ...t.. 11.. ."t. .l.-ILlnril' ,,,,,~~'''~~'''''''_'__'''''.'''''''>H,",,,,,,,;'_'~'''...~~'''~i!!'-'~~'''''''''''I;_",'H''''~li''-' "'''''' '".,."_X""':I,j..H1."""~.!...*."".(;,,,,,;,,,,,,;~,,,,,jW,"+. "-_.;-,,,. <,,( ,itt:~:t'l'~::'i-.)_' "_"""""",".,, i''''';''';'''"t'''i.I'''''''"'''IOiI\fli''''~' . - -~', ..,....- ....... ,..,-' (1';""",1 fl-~~ltl -"'".h,It'M.~-..~"1"'''''-'~;'';;