HomeMy WebLinkAbout387 13 14 " .;: Z ::: ... ....il=.-S 15 .. .- ~...l-;; rlJE<() .. - 16 . 0 ~ ~ ;:: ~;.a z ... ::r: .. m 17 o ::: p. E< ... ...l~~ -<: ::: 18 P<i m rJJ I \ c .~ 1 2 ORDIIlAHCE ~. .AN ORDIllANCE FIXING THE DCESSARY .AllOUNT OF KONEY TO "' .) 4 5 BE RAISED BY UXA'fIOJJ 0.. mE 'fAXAllLE PROPERTY OF THE CI TY 6 OF SAN BERNARDDiO AS A BEVDUB TO CARRY 011 THE VARIOUS 7 DEPAR'l'lfENTS OF THE JlUBIIPAL IIOVEBliJIENT OR CITY FOR THE 8 CURRENT DAR.A:ND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL .AlID INTEREST DUE A1:ID 9 COYING DUE UPOll THE BOJIDBD DmEB~SS OF SAID CITY. 10 The )l&7or aDel C.lmOD Council et t_ city .t San B.rBar- " 11 di.. 40 erdalD a8 ton..: 12 S.etloDI. The ..OWl" of __,. nee...ary t. be rat.... b:r tazatlo. ~o. the taxable prop.rty witbiD the corporate l1Jll1t. et the City ~ San Bernu41no u a reveDue t. c&r17 e. the ..r1ou. ".partment. of lIl:ch 1I1UD1c lpa1 corporat... 1.. tor 1h e currant t1.cal yetr ,net to exc~." the limit fixed by law, and to pay tk bonded indebt.dne.8 or other indebtl dn.s.. of such lBIlDiclpal oorporati.. or oity i. hereb;y . . 19 cl.terDline4 and tix.d a. rollo.. , te w1 t: 20 (a) The -.ount of mone,. ......&%'7 to be rai..cl tor the 21 general. tuBA i. hereby fixe. at $ . 22 (b) The amount of monoy Dece..ary to be rai.eel tor the 23 .treet :tund i. hereb:r :t~ed at t~~_. 24 (0) The amount of mon.,. nec...ary to be rat. ..a .to.". the 2S ....r flDl4 i. hereby 11 fixed at . 26 (4) The am.OUJlt ot .oney _ c...ary to be rai... tor tl>> 27 libra17 tiDd. i. hereby f'iDd at . . . J 2H (.), The UloUDt of _ney .ece..ary t. be, ra1..d tor the 29 park Dpr~Y.ment. f'ad i. hereby f'ixed a~. !J~ ~/"l ,~ 30 (t) The amount' of' uney nec...ar;r to be rat..a tor 31 the grammar .choo1 tund 1. hereby fixed at $ 7.~1 ~.~- . 32 Z (1) ,......""'"""-"'-~'..,-,........""r<""".,.,.c..,..__,_;.~.""'t>>0;:"'*,._jCi,;';;;';'~:'"'.';""~_"~'_"~"';_''"'"''''_<'<'''''''''''_'~-'<'''.;",.,'... I Kunicipa1 iJlproyement bond f''Citi4ahereby th.tl att . :L4,~.\~~. 4 _. · SectioD II. It 1. hereby f'oWld and. d.clar.d that this is an ordil'4ence tor the iJaediate pr..nation of the public peaoe t h.alth and sat.ty , and that thi. Is an .rgency mea sur. , 1 t being an 0 rdiDaDCe pro."lded by and puramant to SectioD 130 or that C1 ty Clarter aDd by Act of the ~_'"-''''t L.gis1ature ot the state ot Calif'o!' a , approy.cl Kelrch 27th , 18~t and. r.terr.d to 1n said ..ction by Its ti t1. , by the pron81ons ot wh1c:ti~ act thi. Or4 _DCe Jm.t take .tt.ct.-: beta 1'8 t:be 'b In , 1908 , in 0 m.r t" l.vy any.. 114 tax or municipal purpo... and without which ordiDaDce and tax .re w111 'be 1aauf't'lclent reyenu.. or tWl9 on hand to d.:tra7 the .JlP..... ot the -h.a1th d.part..nt or any oth.r 26 .par1aent ot the City . 27 SecticUl III. !his ord1n&nce Jlha11 be publish.d tor 2H three cODS.cutiY.days 1n the Evening Index 81d shall 29 aka effect 1mIIlediate 17 thereat'ter and the Oi ty Clerk sbal. ~ 30 cert1ty tp . its pas.age by a two-thirds 31 .-- 1 2 'l ~) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " ol z .;:: M 15 ....~.8 .oj .- ~H" rlJE<'J 16 .oj . . 0 ~~~ Z M p;: Ol ol 17 o I:l .... E< M H~&1 -<: I:l 18 ~ ol rIJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 i 1 c .. :> (g) Th. &JDOUIlt ot _n.y n.cessary to be ra.e4 for the high school f'UDd 1s her.by tixed at ..1J-~ J ~,.I ('f (h) 1'he amount at money necessary t. b. ra1... tor the Hubbard wat.r bond f'Wld is hereby tillS tixed at $, ft,:J./~. 'L,f..f (1) Th. _olUlt of 110"',. nee...ary to b. r~..4 for t'he ADtU be" f"wld 1s hereby fh.d at;. 3'" k.".. 9.7, '. ' . . (J) The amount of' DIOneY' 11.0.SS&17 to b. raised for the 014 wat.r bond fund 18 her.bY' tiDd &t.~ 41J()~ "I _. (k) ~e amount of money necessary to),e raised for the 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .g Z t: 15 ...il:.8 .oj .~ :::~" r/J~() 16 .. . . 0 ~~;g z ... :I1 0: os 17 o ;:l p., ~ ... ~~~ < <= 18 ~ os rJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 11.', r "UUunllflir.liJMl - I " c :) . (2/3) Tote of the Common COUDcil . I hereby certify that the whole d number of members of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardiu9 i8 five (5) and that the foregoing ordinance was acl"" opted ~10uncil. at ita lIl80ting he1d on th~ day of , 1908 t by the following Tot. .; Aye. ~~ O~~~-~ . ... ~/ Noe.:~ ~ /: ~~-~ ~t~rk . Apprond t~ day of ~'\f' 1908. Mayor of the City of san Bernardi". JW "l .. ~ ~.. Ji:.l'_', 411I. !lilt.. .. '-,' ''''''''~''''"""",,,,,,,,,,;;o_','~'''_'"lI!I>''-;'+I'I,'',,~_';_'''><'''l''_'''~_~__'_____''~'''''<"" '--"';'''''"~"'-',';,"c-i:;;''~'''';'-f''c",''-_H'''F~ I..... "...,...~";~~'l>rff.i0"...~..-,",,.,,_..,.;