HomeMy WebLinkAbout388 ._,....>._-0 :;"'::i.::il;:j,, '~<...,.\..'.-:.~-ti;,,".:: ,.;.-''';ow''lil'l''........"..-'';..,..... :,.'~ " 5 10 11 12 13 14 '-' ol z 'E ... ....jl:.g 15 :;::..;:: H " <IJ"U .. . 16 . 0 w ~.5 z'8 ::q III " 17 o <: ~ ~ ~ H<<iPl <<i <: 18 ~ " <IJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H P.,,,,f. 29 30 31 32 -=~--._, I"" ....., t I ... .. 1 ORDINANCE "O~ . ') .., -" .) AN aBbINANCE FIXING THE RATE .AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX FOR Tlm CURRl!:lrr ]'IBCAL YEAR UPON AIJ., PROPERTY + 6 , WIT:H:m THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDIlro AND THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR TIm PURPOSE OF MAI1-TTAINIJliG TEE MUlITCIPAL GOVERNl&ENT OF SAID CITY AlID HAI}TTAIN'ING THE HIGH SCHOOL .AND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS .IND PAYING THE PRnWIPAL AND INTEREST DUE UPON THE HUBBARD WATER BOlIDS, THE ANTIL WATER :BONm, THE OLD WATER BONDS AND THE STREET IMPROVEM],"'NT :BOlrn , DURING THE CUBREN'T FI SCAL 'YEAR. The Mayor and Common Council ot the City of San Ber- nardino do ordain a. tollo.... : SectioD I. There i. hereby leTied tor the pre.ent ti_~l ... , year J on all property within tm corporate limit. ot the City at San Bernardino, a property tax of $E:'----, upon each one h<<D4re. dollars o~ the a.sessed va1uatioD of such proper~ , as .s.eBsed by the county AsseBsor and returned by the County Auditor , and the tax so levied ~ to be collected, is hereby appropri~ted as tallows : 7 8 9 General lund , . ..(~~ ............................ ,.J Street fund.................. ... ....... ...~ lJ Ll brary tUllCl ............................ $, I , 'f"':' Gr~r school ~und ....................$.2 Pa~~ impreTe.ment fund ..................$,/~ '\ Section II . There is also hereby leY1ed//for the _ present . ~iso~ year, on all property within th.e oorporate limit IS of ~ " City of san. Bernardi.... a lIpec1~ properly . tax o~ ~ cent. upon e&Oh ene hundred . dollars of the assessed valuat~oD of such property, a. ,",-"'" i '..'iF --,-" I ..t-f.ij'jIi;li\liii~~~I""!<A"'~"".#'i~~,..)....''''''''i,,;'~ i^.,:.l,;MI;~~''',..".,'.o.__I...,'. , -, ,. ..;... >1-101'1';;"''; ;~",Fi'FI .iI,.m~~.lw~....llIlI1...lj,.;..; ".,,;~-..jlill.", "";'!1o!i, .'"t.lf" 'i.tfI"" '-':'.-.-.,;.4--11" f..CI .~ z ~ ... H~.s 15 ~j~ <IJ,..U "'1 . 16 . 0 r.a~:B z ... :I< ",." 17 o <l ;l, ,.. ... ~~;11 < <l 18 PI: " rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 o - , 1 2 a......d by the county A.....or and returned by the county 3 Auditor, aDd the tax .0'1.vied and to b. collected is 4 hereby appreprlate4 a. :t'ollo.. : 5 HUbbard. Water bond tund ............ .$,J,1-' 6 Anti1 ...a t.r bond fund ........................t" 0 7 and the' tax .0 1.vied and to be co11.ct'.. shall b. and 8 i. hereby ..t apart and apprepriated tor the special purpo.. 9 ot paying the principal and interelt on tl e HUbbard Water 10 bond. ani 1h e Antil wa'ter bond... clu. or to b.com. dU., 11 .t to accru. duriDg the pre ..nt ti.ca1 ,._r . 12 . S.ction III. Ther. i. al.. hereby levied tor 13 the pr...nt :t'illCal y.ar , .n all property with1. the 14 11mi t. ,t tJa San B.rnardino Ci ty School Di.tric t a .p.cial property tal[ o:t' . .4'; upon each one hUDdr.4 dollar. ot the a....sed valuation o:t' suCh property as ass.ssed by 1h. county ......or and returned by tm county AU41ttr, mdthe tax .0 levied and 18 be collected shIJ. be and is hereby set apart and app~prlated tor .~ tba sp.cial pllrpos. o:t' maintaining the san Bernardino City High School J du~ the pre...t ti.cal year . Section Iv. There i. al.O her.by levied tor the present fiaoal. y.ar,. / on all prop.rt;, wi thin the san Bernardino . City .cheo1 di.trict, out.id. ot the corporat. l~ts o:t' the City of San Bernardino t a property tax of . 2, -$ '" on each one hUJIdre. dollar. ot th e If as.e..ect valuation as assessed ~y the County As.essor and returned by the County Auditor and the tax so . levied and to be collected is hereby appropriated for the purpo.. of maintaining the Gr....r schools within said district during the pr.sent fieea1 year . Section V. There is also her.by 1.vied tor the 2 "'~,""ill U. _ '!II lffiwm;ll - ""-~II:l1Il1l'iII 'ft'i"''<i:~~:-lI"' .i"~l!li>'jj~,.......",.,,,~;,,,,,,; "~'~.",;'''':';';''~~Jii;,''"'~'''''' ;"'""-"~"o;j"'.~fIl"-~~~,;...."~..r",_'_""".',,,__,", " 01 Z 's '"' ~ ~ 15 :::"<0 <lJf<U . <OJ 0 16 r1l~~ 2\ ... :Ii ~ ~ 17 p, f< ... ,.<~~ -< .:: >>: ~ 18 >c",.i#~~._ o ~") -' ~ 1 ') ... present fiscal year on all property within the corporate 3 limit. ot the City ot San Bernardil.. a special property- 4 tax ot ~ c.nt. upon each one hundr.d dollar. at the a......d. valuatloa ot such prop.rty a. a...s..d by ,.. :'l the county ..eBsor and r.turned by the county Auditor , 6 and the tax .0 l.vi.d. and te be coll.cted shall be 8.Dd 7 i. her.by .et apart and apprepriat.d tor th.. sp.cial 8 purpo.. ot paying the principal and interest. on the .tr.et 9 im.prevement bond, 411. and to become du. or to accru. dur- 10 iug the pres.nt fl.oal. ~ar 11 . 12 Sec'lo. VI. Ther. i. al.. hereby 1.vied tor the pr.sent tjao&1. year on aJ.1 prop.rty w1t.h1D the 11.m1t. 13 14 ot that portion ot the City ot San B.rnardiae , DOwn aa and. calle. the 014 City of San B.rnardi_. and belag &11 that portio. or the City or san BerDard.:bl1 a. IF pear. upon the map of tl>> City ot san B.rnar41.o ot record in 1h. otfi. ot th. county Recorder ot san B.rnardino County lD 19 Book , of :u:ap. , page .n. ther..r , a .p.cial property 20 ?() ot the a......d valuation ot .uch prop.rty , a. a......d tax ot ..nt. upon each OD. hUJldr.4 dollar. 21 by * county A......r md returned by the coUllt.y Audi tor , a 22 and the tax .0 l.vied aDd te b. .oll.ct.. lIhall be md 23 24 i. h.r.by Ht atart and appropriat8ct tor the apecial purpo.. 25 of paying the principal and intere.t .n the old ....t.r . bo._ DOW due Uld .wlag or that lI&7 become cluo or. owlng or 26 27 accru. duriag the present ,i.cal year . Section VII. !he taxe. hereby lovi.. Shall bo 2H collected at the same timo and in the same.manner a. State 29 and county taxe. and whe coll.cted aha11 be pai4 to the 30 tr.uuror 01' the Oi ty of San Bernar4i... 31 32 .. 3 c) 1""""""". l - " 1 '") - 4 VIII. 'rIl. resp.cttTe amount. hereinbetore 4e81 gnated a. being the mount " tax.. leTied on each one hundred d.ollars fit the ......e4 Y&1.wtt,iOD of a11 pr.per~ herein" , ~) 5 6 betere referred to , a. a......4 by the county A..essor aDd 7 returmd by the county Au41'tor ,are hereby tixea a. the 8 reQ..ltYe rat.. ot tax tor the pr..ent ti..al year for 9 't.m purpo.. hereinbefore ..___i 4..il11&t.4 . 10 s.o tloD II. The C i1F Cl.rk i. hereby d1 reo ted. to 11 iJlme41ate17 tran81 t. to .. county Auc11'lor & certified .opy ot tht. Or__o 12 . 13 S.ot10. X. It i. hereby toUDCl and uelan4 'that 14 this orc1l. anoe i. urgent1y nqulna tor the imuJdiate ~ <II Z 'g pre.enatioD.t the pUblic p.ace , health ..d ...t.t7, _ct H ~ ~ 15 :S:...:i't; If) 8 U the City Cl.rk .ha11 certit,. to It. pas.ag. bya t.oMth1rd. . <l <5 16 (a~~ " :J: ~ ~ (2,S) ..t,o ot thl Co_on counci1 and. cau.. the ...-to be p" 8'" 17 ~ ~ ~ publi.hed. tor thr.e . DB .ou.ti Te da,.. 1a 'rIl. EYehg Ind.x , . ~ ~ 18 19 and 1h er.upo. aJ1d th.ratter 1 t lIhal1 'talc. .tt8Ot Ulcl. b. 1a tor.. . 20 21 I her.by c ."11'7 'Ulat the w!lele nuabl r fit the c_- ... COUDci1 ot t1ll city ot san BerDar41no i. tiTO, 111 d. . 22 that the tor.golng Qrcl DaDO. ... pa.~ aD4 adopted. by & 23 tft-th1r4. (2/S) Tot. ot .alel COJBOD Council at 1t. 24 ~ 25 ...t;iJIg. bald... tba" \ ~ of ~ . l1lO8, b;y the :te,:1:t."ilE Tot., te w1 t : ~: A;y..;.~...~IU)~~~-~ 0H \ ... .- - · ... Io..: ~ ~~~ .'- ~ij;t Cl.,. . ApproTed this ~~d.ay ot ~J !t08. 29 30 31 32 ~ - I L IV Wlilil Elll~~"Mi'ft 1 In llIi_"~]M '.'~ III .l.l"~'~~""WolHlif.;ijh..",.."...,,, "-'\~""':"~O!iI<'~-"~iIh;;~~_JIIIIlIIMlllf\llllllillrl1. 1 .1I1.~~i~!J,",~IH'~I~""I'<~M4~ ;""'I;iH,IH..l'HII"", i~,HI"