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o n D I " ./1. t: c];; ~r o. ~*__ - .. .. - (0., - .. ., k cl'dlL<.WC:: e :2"GD.:JJ..l2JLiI"ig c,lle 2;.L'L~\le of :Plfth street f:com 1.I7~. Ve.'.:non AveLdd ,,,) "Ill S't .::~.:<, .~n the City of San Be.::.:na.:cdino. 'I.,e l::a~c<:..' a,ncl CUr;J.lOL Council c1' ~he Cit.y of San Bernardino do o~d~ln ac follQw~: SECTION I. n ..l..:. ::; "''''',-''' 'i ,-J (") G- (".......~~.... o i' ~l(1.L ~~) 0I"f',j(;;~ i'I"OY~l . Vernon Avenue to "I" s -;~ :L~ r; :'; .J\.,I . -. ~ .i.,:'; f~e i:" f: ~) j' :0 , ~ -:. .~ J'~' ~." -:..-,_ "f'J:-c!d i.;, ;:~ceoi'd:).nce wi tlL the fo11ovvlng r;~l(:;VLttlO~lS ~io':_l:j. .~;:. f;: ~"" A-':~ C,:1~8 ~)O'.~th_i)".si, (CrEel' of the lr'ltersect ion of ut. Vernon ,. J'~\r(~n~lf; l-~':"d. J~lI"PGJl ~)tI'~3e":, ~:.Jl~'.: e::,:<:tcle el'lCll.t .oe 1099.1 j at tIle JJorth- ~:~ eJ,2 T, \ . "fo < E-3". ~j J. -.Il: ...L.l':~..jt~;:_t2 C'~.Jl:':" of Eai~ At. Vernon Avenue and }f i .~- ~~il ~'3 '.) :C~ ; :z..~ ~~~ '.JJ ... e .~_~(i (1 e L: J.;;":.. --:L .~. L' --~ lO 'j 9 . j . A.O~ .~_(l.~J 1-Tc";:.~,,tJ:l-'.~t8~t CO',.'rldi." l"Ji'" t,l::_e In.tdl"tsectioYl of"' GaI'll.el" S.;.,::.>:e" 2~~ld F_dtiL :~t.C'3(~1,~~~2 cr~"de el:Lu,11 be 1092.9 i at. ",-,he Uorth- ejlU;G COL'neT 0-,- ""id.:: -l.. ",;).,';;'.oC ~..L()H ln' SC<.J..Q Garner street. c.:,nd ]J1ifth ~) 'L .C t3 t.~ .~ :.~.; de :,(:,'.11 i} U 10,)~:. c) . t:. " j.u "~~.te ;3o~)tj...--..:~.:s t. f '.. rl8J.' o:f '~}l(: ..l.ntersectlon oi' Halllilton {.).t :te e ~~ ':;Jl1d 1;' ~L I~'~ll S C i:e c; t :~.J.!..;8 ;~:r"~~d.e ~} j.r~ 11 l)e 10 ~ 2.6 . A.Jc 0 :.le ~3 0 J i~l.~ - ~/:. f2 --~ (<','t:)' (,I:::.J:Le iccersection of' sa...(l J.Iu.~ "L_L '.: c,;- J ~) ~C:c~:'~ l~"L CL;:'( (1 III J..~. ~.~~ ~,3'~ 1"0 \.~ -~ -~.:'.i.e ~.~ l~;:tli.e f!11f~ 11 be 1092.4. A.. ,~) ~) L) ~), L] J- ~~ .' . ~) ,.' 1'.:: (,:~_ "'-j ".~e IJ1teJ:,section 0:1:' ilL" street ~.i! L u.. r~~. L- ).'-: . ,.'", '.' ',.J t. i~ \.:. ~;,'[L;::..l. l. .Ill 102'7. 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