HomeMy WebLinkAbout409 OllDDlAJlllJI IIO.~ -' AJl ORDDlANCI .TA'BLISHIliG THI GlW>Z OJ' G STRD'l' JlROK TKI 8OU'l'B 8mB OJ' JlIRST SfJdllft TO THlI BORTH :BOUlfDAHY O:r TO CITY. '\. The Kayor and Oommon Counoil o~ the Oity of San Bernar- dino do ordain as ~ollowe: Section 11 !hat the grade o~ (J Street ~rom the south side of ~ir.t Street to the north boundary of the City il hereby eltab111hed in aooordance with the following eleva- tionl and grade.. At the louthwelt corner of G Street and Jl1rlt atreet the grade shall be 1041.1. At the northweet c orner of (I. Street and Jlint street the grade lhall be 1041.5. At the loutheast corner of G Street and J'int street the grade Ihall be 1040.8. At the northeast corner of G street and Y1rlt Street the grade ahall be 1041.2. At the louthwelt corner of . atreet and Seoond Street the grade .hall be 1044.7. At the northweet corner of G Street and Second Street the grade ehall be 1045.1. At the southeast corner of G street and Second street the grade ahall be 1044.4. At the northeaet corner of G Street and Second Street the grade shall be 1044.8. At the southwest corner of G Street and Third Street the grade shall be 1052.5. At the northweet co mer of G Street and Third street -1- the grade shall be ~'52.9. At the southeast corner of "Stre.t and !bird Street the grade shall be 1052.~. At the northeast co~er of G Street and Third Street the grade shall be 1052.6. At the south.eat corner of G 8treet and Court Street the grade shall be 1055.6. At the northwe.t corner of G Street and Court Street the grade ahall be 1055.9. At the southeast corner of G Street and Court Street the grade ahall be 1055.3. At the northeast corner of G street and Court Street the grade shall be ~055.6. At the southwest corner of G street and Yourth Street the grade shall be 1058.3. At the northweet corner of G Street and 70urth Street the grade shall be 1058.7. At the loutheaet corner of G street and Yourth Street the grade shall be 1058.0. At the northeaet corner of G Street and ~ourth street the grade shall be 1058.4. At the 80uthwest corner of G Street and Yifth Street the grade ,hall be 1064.5. At the northwest corner of G street and Yitth 8treet the grade shall be 1064.9. At the southeast corner of G street and Yifth street the grade shall be 1064.2. At the northeast corner of G street and Fifth Street the grade shall be 1064.6. At the southwest corner of G street and Spruce Street the grade aha11 be 1067.9. At the northweet corner of G street and Spruce Street -2.. the grade shall be 1068.1. At the southwest corner of G street and Stxth street the grade shall be 1071.1. At the northwest corner of G street and Stxth street the grade shall be 1071.9. At the southeast corner of G street and Sixth street the grade shall be 1071.2. At the northeaet corner of G street and Sixth Street the grade shall be 1071.6. At the southwest corner of G street and Beventh Street the grade shall be 1077.5. At the northwest corner of G Street and Seventh Street the grade .hall be 1077.9. At the southeast corner of G street and Seventh street the grade shall be 1077.2. At the northeast corner of G street and Seventh street the grade shall be 1077.6. At the southwest corner of G street and Eighth Street the grade Ihall be 1082.5. At the northwelt corner of G street and Eighth street the grade Ihall be 1082.9. At the loutheast corner of G stre*t and .ighth street the grade shall be 1082.2. At the northeast corner of G Street and Eighth 8treet the grade shall be 1082.6. At the louthwest corner of G street and Ninth Street the grade shall be 1088.4. At the northwest corner of G street a.nd Ninth Street the grade shall be 1088.8. At the southeaet corner of G street a.nd Ninth Street the grade shall be 1088.1. -3.. At the northeast corner of G street and Ninth street the grade lhall be 1088.5. At the louthweat corner of G street and Tenth street the grade shall be 1097.6. At the northweat corner of G Street and Tenth Street the grade shall be 1098.0. At the southeast corner of G Street and Tenth street the grade ahall be 1097.3. At the northeaat corner of G street and Tenth street the grade ahal1 be 1097.7. At the loutheaat corner of G Street and Haneon street the grade aball be 1100.1. At the northeaet corner of G street and Raneon street the grade ehall be 1100.3. At the southwest corner of G street and Xleventh Street the grade shall be 1103.1. At the nortbweat corner of G street and Eleventh street the grade shall be 1103.5. At the southeast corner of G street and Taft street the grade shall be 1102.7. At the northeast corner of G Street and Taft Itreet the grade shall be 1103.0. At the southweet corner of G Street and Powell Street the grade ahall be 1105.3. At the northwest corner of G street and Powell Street the grade shall be 1105.7. At the southwest corner of G Street and Baee Line street the grade shall be 1107.5. At the northwest corner of G Street and Base Line Street the grade ehall be 1107.9. At the south.ast corner of G Street and Baee Line Street the gra.. shall be 1107.0. -4- At the northeast corner of G street and Base Line street the grade shall be 1107.4. At a point on the east line of G street 673 feet north of the north line of Base Line Street the grade shall be 1113.3 . At a point on the west line of G street 673 feet north of the north line of Base Line street the grade shall be 1113.3. At a point on the east line of G street 973 feet north of the north line of Base Line street the grade shall be 1118.6. At a point .n the west side of G Street 973 feet north of the north line of Base Line street the grade shall be 1119.1. At the southeast corner of G Street and Williams Street the grade shall be 1122.0. At the intersection ot the west line ot G street with the produoed south line of Williams Street the grade shall be l~.5. At the northeast corner of G Street and Williams Street the grade shall be 1122.5. At the intereection of the west line of G Street with the prOduced north line of Williams Street the grade shall be 1122.0. At the southeast corner of G street and Grey Street the grade shall be 1125.5. At the intersection of the weet line of G Street with the produced south line of Grey Street the grade shall be ~~5.0 . At the northeast corner of G street and Grey Street the grade shall be 1125.9. At the intersection of the west line of G Street with the produced north line of Grey street the grade shall be 1125.4. At the southeast corner of G Street and Evans street, -1- the grade shall be 1128.2. At the intersection of the west line of G Street with the produced south line of ~vans Street *be grade shall be 1127.7. At the northeast corner of G street and Evan. street the grade shall be 1128.6. At the intersection of the west line of G street with the produced north line of ~vans street the grade shall be 1128.1. At the southeast corner of G street and Northern 8treet the grade shall be 1131.1. At the intersection of the west line of G Street with the produced south line of Northern street, the grade shall be 1130.6. At the northeast corner of G street and Northern street, the grade shall be 1131.6. At the intersection of the west line of G street with the produced North line of Northern street the grade shall .~ be 1131.1. And at all pointe between said designated points, the grade shall be and is hereby eetablished sO as to conform to a straight line between said designated points. All elevations reter to the top of the curb, are in feet and are above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below City ~enoh Mark as established by Ordinance No. 328 of the City of San Bernardino. ..,.,.. ~.:iI . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are her~1Jy repealed. UftIOJL III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its paesage and approval. Section IV. The City Clerk ehall oertify to the paeeage of thia Ordinance and ca.use the same to be pUbliehed for thrtJe oonsecutive day! in The livening Index. I hereby ce"ctif'y that the foregoing Ordinance wae duly paeeed and adopted by the Mayor and Oommon Oouncil of the Oi t:! of San Berna.rdino at a regular meet ing thereof, held on , 1909, by the following vote: AY88~~~\~~(- Noes ~"____----~._-_._-_.. ---.-... - ( City Olerk. Approved thil ~.__d~~ oi<Yv"V1}-'l.A~ ~ _, 1909. ~-, r!Jj;ttruL ---- Mayor of the g~ of' 8an Bernardino.