HomeMy WebLinkAbout410 ",,-;. ;:> h - I " ('0) I) 1 () 1 1 12 13 1 "~ " ~ /. - '" 1 .. -- <t :" -- 'J,; J() - 17 .. ~ 'I, h j \) _~u .? 1 -,) )~ _.,"l !l ~~~; II ,.._..._~_._.._~._..__..~...~.._~ -~~-,~---~.~....._._.-~"_.._--_.:-_-_.>..._~~'~--- I' ,! " II 'I i j .) II -t' i benefited i i tlw:::-eb:y' and to be assessed for the cost oi' the S8Z:1e , and i I I i I I , I I I ) :i and :;:'orrn requir(~d lJ:r la'jf , :],11d no objections -:0 said pro- I , il___________ p~se_~_._~~:_~~~_:_,?J:' . cha~~~es _ or ~~~::_~~_:~_~~_ns ...~.~_~~~d~ . .)~\ 2() I' .;/ ! I I! ~~~ I! Iii,! :2\) I .')() , I ! .q -. .~.=."",_ =S..~."'-" .."'.,~"',.;"".,~. .. OHr>I1TAlTCE lTO'. ~}_~___~_. AJ:T OTODTAlJCE CHAJJGDTG MID P.lJ-:B;STAJ3JJIm-IING TIm GHAD:E OF LI1TE OF E STRF.-JiiT TElTTH S TREli1T FROM THE I rAST I I I CElTTEE LI18 OJ? C I ; E STrrrmT };'B:o~\t ::;jilTT::=n JJIlTT; .11' BbSE LIllli ST~I~~T ?ROM TEt; VJES~C IJI1m O:b" C STrJ'i}<;'I' j'O S TRF."fiiT TO TI-lliX CJD~TliR LIlrE OF E S TF~tj~E~T T1r~ CJi:1TTI'iR LIl\r.E 01" TJiJUTlI STRJ~JGT TO r.2F~bj BASE Lnm STPJ'i:L';T and D S TP..1GT~~e'TI01I TIm . LIlT OJ? TIGII'l'lI S TPJGIDT TO ,:;:'}:;:r; CJLlTTTiR LIlE', O:b' BASE LHu; S TR[{i;T . I , I VnIT1lBAS , the jmyor cmd COl11.:mOl1 Council of the i City of San Bernardino t having hcretofo:'e , to wit, on I I the first day of Jvrarch , 1909 t pursuant to a petition 1 I signed by the persOns own1ng a majority of the land affrontr ptng upon tlmt portion of the street hereinafter referred tO~1 · said persons being the p% O'\omers of a maj ority of the pror I perty effected by the proposed change of grade hereinafter I made ,duly passed a resol~tion declaring their II i i i i ! I i I .. intention to change and re-estc;blish the grade of " EASE Line Street from the West line of C Street to the J east line of E street :tlm: ~enth Street from the center line of C Street to the center line of E Street E Street from the cente:c line of Tent}l Street to the center ]'in8 of nase Line Street and & r> Street Base Line Street , Te-nth street to the center Line ofl in -the City of San Berna2'.'clino ancl ! from the center line of describing ~ and establisJlinG the clistrict to be Ule Superintendent of streets - having caused notices of the passage of said pesolution of Intention to be .-,\. conspicuously posted wi thin s:dd distr'ict in the manner I :_________.______n._.. -,,0- 1 'I , \ , \1 + II I. 1\ I -"' I ': \ ,..., l) 11J 11 1: L!. 14- .. - 1.::;' ~ ~ 'L '.J H) n -- " 1 I :-:. - 1 .~; -f_ li) 2() 21 )) y' ~,) ~2:~ I 1 .. ..Ii II )-- ~, 2~ )( \ ~; -~( ) _~ 1 , ) .'\,.., -" .~---~"-~-~..-'-_..,_._--- _ ~_. ___~~__~.__ A__.~ _.~_._ .~__ __ __ __~_ __ ~___.....---_. ___._____u________......--- - having been fil~ with the Clerk of the Common C O;)J'lC it and it appearing that no costs or expenses ,-rill 1)8 made or incurred by the cllangin; of such gracles; now , Therefore , the 1Jeyor and CO:rrIL.1.on Cot~nc il of s8-ill City o~ ~n J3~rm.1,rd.ino do ordain asfo110';,[6 Section I. Tl1a t the grade of Base 1Jine Street from the West line of C Street to the ~ast line of E Street ; Tenth Street from the Center line of C street to the center line of E St:' eet ; E street f 110 III +"':.. (::J. U~.~ -.... Center line of Tenth street to the center Line of Base Line str")et and D Street from the Center line of Tenth Street to the center line of Base Line street is declared to be a~ the same is hereby changed and established , in conformity , wi tll said tesolution of Intention, as follows : __._. _.___._----,,--~...--<_.-----.<..---o-. __._<.,,_____~-.--~---.-.------.-----------~--.--------.--..----.. 1 , , i I I II Ii 4 II II ~" II \, (, Ii II I II .1< 1\ , " \' q !\ i' 10 Ii Ii I' I 11 I I I -) \ ~'..' 'I .... 1.) i-I /, !\ I '::: .' I, 'J, 1 () .- 1/ ! -' II <C '.' J:". \ l\ I J ' ! i .~t } I \ 21 I ) ) \ -~.~ \ _~f \. 1\ 2:~ II ,211 \ 'J': \ .c.I I )~' I __.l't I i I 2li i I ! ~ ._ _,' ._.,.,..__ .....___. ..._0" _....._'>._..,.,,_ .._n__'____w~. 1'"'-'-''''''''''''''''''' - Section II. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its -paSSCl.gc and a-pproval "by the rayor ~ -Ge....iffi6ft-o~il · Section III. The City Clerk sllall certify to the ado}Jtiol1 of the for-egoing ord.ir.:;J.nce and cause the srune to "be pu"blisl1ed for three consecutive days in the Evening Index . I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinc..nce was adopted by the ':a~'cl' 8.;,d Common Council Ob_ 1-' of San llernart;ino , 310 its meeting hele on the }~;;:-r~~.y of ~~"".,.,_. ~ 1909, by the ionoti n' vote: Ayes :L.J~'~I -- lTo~s ~~ ~"~"~Q...)-;'" .. ~ -,..~_. ( City Clerk. I hereby ~, , -.ffrz....(, -. -,----- LayoI' of the City of San :I3ernarc"Lino · a.ay of ~~\~::\_, ~ i _~o \ \ ..~ 1 \ I ., ! i --" ....__..._.~_"'.w._ ..,._.,.___ ..._~__._......_,._'_.--..___._._ .-"....__._.........._.....__ .~, .....--...-.-..-..___M_______........'.'u.....---------,~,-..-.~~'~.,----..-~---"~-~.~--.-'-