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7 8 9 10 11 - ("I -' .~,",' 4,. - o o o ~ '-- .,... 4 ORJ>qA.J'aa~R '" , 'j "" ,-', .'-.,",' -. " ' '-. .m QRDI1lAiOll .~ A PERIll! ]'OR AD '.~ ~t. , , . -. ' -", .'-,. ; - -:'~>, ' >-';,:; <' ," - < ,,- ,.>.: . _ ..:.: . _, ': : ,: ' ' ,,! -. -; . ".-.',~' ,',- . 'Ii( \.:', >-/ .",lIt.1IC~_llOBX ORa.. ,1JOD ,OB.tBmi'~ .~" "/';;-;"~" e' '::, ~ ' ,,",",;, :~ ~i '.'~ .......:.: .- ".' ";-".' , , :. " ""',' ';" - " -,"".:- ',' . ~:t TY OF SAI" DmrADDlO .um IROVIDIR RtT.l:aIlS..A:ND mI- __ J,', ',' u ,. . ' ,,,,::', " " ". " , ,<lJ}LA.!lOI'S TO Ell' t~ :BY ~~e3!1'S .,~HW30R, O~RPORATlaIS , , -: '.- ~ ': :_, "" ' . ,': . " " , ' . INSTALLnrG . ~8G t WIRING OR ~JP ~'+'DJG U", _ . . '_" .1.,. ':, >. <>, . ";', ,. . . - ~.- ," , p~ lJI!ltl1IilUG~' 'WIRES, CommC'.fIOltS Cl)1;~'.PAJtA.;~ . I, 5 6 , . SAID CITY . , TI:!e ][llJ"or aDl a.. ~U13!lQ. ot t~Oit~,~. SAn ]leI'" .~1%J,Q .40,' ordain a8tol1ow8 : ' . \,' Section I. The City Electr:LciaJ,l.Sh:alJ. :bave . . ...-. . .. '.. ;,. '. -- of the instJJ,1.1at10n of all eJ.ectric wiring.coIUl. ,1:tion8, Qil~1It1O e. I. tixture. OJ' "ppu&t~ . in' or a'bout ,a D7 b1Iii~ . . ~ . t,,,,.. . ~. .... """ ~1' _ ~ ).~:;t" ." ": - - ...-t_ 1d:tlUn ~h. ei~y of .~. ~.rM~1'10.* '.' '. ,_ ' ;:~~/:;',/..f.It...:.'" ...:.:.~" ..' '.' . .'. ......'.. ."'..' " . .8....1)JI' II. It ..ball. be ~ ,t~~,. &ny;'peJ>~6n,fl_ ;.' , - ;,:,'-k'. ~-'1'('~ '">~):',~" J,~y, _ _ _ ,'_ ';,-' '~- ; _ ,,' _ >~ ;0<'< I -' '> ,,:,;:~,:- ,'_"': :'_": ,'~ \'__:>/' ,':',':-,'-~, ~~~' ~;,. _' ::f~'-~<-. '~'_"""' _:',' . ',;:~ i_,,_~, _:- ~.J$."*,t11. t oplp.". or1nJStaU '.'~.j':".i~.t ~.~-~ . ,.."'~ ,: ....".:...:.. . .' ';. ....... ,.,'" . ".!'; "'/, .'. " · ing.pparatua or fixtures f'ort~...... of'elit'cttllicSi.t;y . 19 20 21 " ... or to make any aJ.teratlona or ~..s in or addi tioD ", ,. </ -. to any wiring ,apparatt18 or fixtures for noli use without - . . first Jlotifying the Oi ty' E1ectr1c1an in wri.ting and obtain . 22 1q . from him a wri tteB permit to do ~h work. Bush ~-- -- - -. 23 permi tsha11 state the k1mdof work to be 4.()ne and sha1:1 " ,n 24 cover'oDJ.y the kind, otW9rk, 8 0 designated .Said per" 25 32 .mit .:t.te ~4I location by' str,et and number. .;,....e. ~: shall be ,r,\1:~.;'~) :,_,,?'!~' ;~';"),'~:~-,j:~~}<- ' '.' ~ f '.. :~:"J'f&rli~- t , " : . , ,', ' ,_ _ , . : _-~_-: -'t/. ,',' _'; "",-"i:', ,; " ':': :';:i,. "'"", - , ' -', ~ or fisture covered biT .~*-m1t ..un.. ,tl~d on 1n",eoti,C)D '- -,';~.-".",,'< ,,,,'" -' -: .~~, ,j ,'; ,- '.-"" ,',:",' .,' -', '- . ",->~~:'"~ to cibfo",te.the rUl~s~4rei~~~~.. p+-.ov1ded./ by t?': ord.i~c$ t).e' 01t,. Electrto1an $b.a\il:i~. a finaJ:. '. 1 2 3 4 5 6 )~ 8 9 10 v 11 12 13 14 c .- z ] .... oS 15 ~j:;j ~....~.,~. . 0 16 lQ=~ :! I :17: 0441111 : ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "29 30 31 32 c o (";" - ... o ., ce.1"tif'ioate. of. in~})ecti~J1 . oe:rti,fying' that Buohwir.ing t apparatllaor fwtures - bave been inspeoted a.ndi' ~o~.;_ , . ". .' .... ._- .'. ! . . .... . \.~:'.' oomply wi ththe" te-.solf' this ordinance , bv.t noaucl1" . '<' -c,C:. .."., .,... ..... '. ,.1 .' . .' ..' '.. ....- . .. o.~1I1(u':tie 'sb:a.tJbeg~t~d. 'unt1J. ..sUd4 ,,.u.1..t is - ........ ",,: . ,-', , .'! .'. ".' . ..\.: .;~...: ... m.a.e "'to ooDfozS't'o laid lnJ.esand regt11&iioDS prelilcrlbecl , i . , herein . ItlJ,hlJ.l.be unl~ for &n1person t firm or ,___ I .__ ^. corporation to 1188 any. ~J.ect:r'1c current In or througll i , ' ,,-. anY' wiring. aPPlirratus or fixtux-ea in an~ bu1ld1.ng until ! , the ...ahall havel been inspect.ct and approvedbyileCity Electric~n .and the ce~tif'ic;..t~ he:r41nbef'ore provi4ed , for 'sh1a.J.1 have been is.ued therefor · / ...J I, , ' It shall be unla..1f~uJ. for a1\1 persontt~rrm or cOl",Por- atlo11 ftlJS;ll*ingelec,rlc current'for ilght ,heft'" or PQW'8:t ,to c onneeth:is. their' .~r its dist~ib'-;'t1~.&$ te. ~d"':~' _ ' , _,", : _ '_ :," ~ ," ,~, _ _ , .. .<oiot .-!, -.,.."...,- ";'.:1thanYlut~3.ation cl>r wl:s:-1na'...1~~t~ ,C)~:~~~..., ",.':"'~'. ,',-"-' I., '_, ';""-',~ ':.~- '_ . t _ e, 'f'llI ,_," ,:"';"::;':\',,,!."":---"',' _ ,_' ,-, ,';" ";':" '<'-' :-:/~~:-:,"~'\::i",,~"-::',;,",7;~' . in any bu1141ng wi tho_t ;haTing flr1t;'.."re,\.e4,~~tt.;, '. , J ' ". " .,-:,., peIW1sai on from. theCitt Electric;ian; to f'~ah "curre_ii!l " t"" ;08uch wiring, appa.tatus or f~u.res. SUQh I>ermisslon , ,.. sh.~l begiv..by the : City .EJ.ectrician on demand a.t av (' time after tba c8'rtifioate provided for in this section ; ....,. ha..been iaauedfor the wiring t appara'lu .# or:f'iZture8 ,- to to be connected ~ The City lllilt:dtr~cll.n -1 aJieO t b..fore 8uch ~'$rttf:~ :'''.. . .. I' , .. . ~.t~,~.'. issued,' g,iie ,. ~P.ril1T permisaloa t~ furniah :,-. .-,' .1,,:' " j ".' "" . ~" ,,",L :..... . ....., I -: ~,,-_:- . -,:.: " . " _ - -,' ".,. , Or u. electrio current I 'th:r'oql.7Wi$Il,.~~ , _ !. - . '- " '- -.',:, - ,.: ;_r .', ,; -'.' ':-, " - j , ~.;.~~e~ . for a..per~.d. .ot(;'i,'J~:.:tiitt~et1'"""'Y.8 · If:'~hh18 opin1 OIl i suc~ Wi:H.~ ,.:'.i:~_&_!J()r -,,' , -- I , " '" ':" ,.;- , ,...., _ . t~tlU"&aar$ inauqh co~di tt OIl: 'tha:t cttr~t...,''''''1ar , .:' , ~".-: '-'. "_ ' I ; , : ' ' ': ':-, ~',' '-~ , ,:_~l,,~,.~::. ':_;. :,' __":'_, '" ';. ' _' I. -:+0":",:_ ,_ ,,' _ " ,: -"", '--':":>~ .~~.... therei., Ud jthere ..ta an.. urgent.ll....Jt~rt(~' I . ~'_ . 4..; , ! r- . .. " , 1I'w;lJ, U 88 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ o ~ - o o . -t..i ---:; I OJ S~o~ioIlJN.The rules and regu1a.tlon'. of the liatlonaI BOal~ ot'-:rire Und.e:rw1t,1ter._,as embo4i~d .~..iJ;J. ~.~,..)T~t1~ J - ..:. ... ...' .' . ...- '.'f.~ /i''- El~~J~~~,"i<~'o~. Jf ife li4~"" 'Of;' t$.O't~'\',:,whi.ij.; ..~ h.~t,~~"~JO .~4 ~ ~pil't ~;'~t'~ . ~.~~.~J: "d()Pt~<<< a.'th~ rtiJ.es and reguJ.ationat: gOT~~the ill.. , - st&11ation of electric wiring, apparatus and ttxture, '"" ". in bull-dings ~, except lnthe particu~a.rs hereln provld.a. -'." ---" - --. - 9 for t a coPY' of whiall ~Et$ and regulations are on file 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 .21 '1"'l . - - - - ," in the office of the Ciit Clerk; and that allel.ectric lfiril}$ t apparatus' and futures goverened bY' this ordi.- .. ,-,'" - - ,- -, ance shall be made to coDt"Ol'la to sa14 Code andthis -. .lJ... - ." . . . .... ~.. - . .."~o"+naace provided that aI\YadditioDal ruJ.e.s ,and ~".'. '" 7" .... . -,-- %tfitgula.tiontS hereattera<lopted bY' -.id l1'ationaJ.Board. ot . .' . Ji'ireUnderwriters sha.l.lgo,-em and cODtro~ in such ele ~!* Jlir~~.,tr';"alld'l!~e~t~ti~ of. a e01'7 therec9t i~.the(t fice of' saidilty. aie:t'k . ... 1-' ~ ~ ~ " ' '.. ..... <.> . ......~ Section V., When any ,1edt:riea.l.l:QJJtl/l.l!j",<lioa'.- ~ ready for 1nspeotion an a)pl.lca~ion for inspcctioll thereof mu..t be made OD b1aD.1t. f;mished. bY' th~ 01 ty'Electricim t .. -- ' . and must befll.ed in his office . Inspection 1d1l. be . ' ..- 22 made wi. thinfort7-eight hours (SU1:a4aY's nand , 23 h'~:f.clays .. not included) after 'filing of. .a1lap,lt~at~.. 24 Thl. a.pp11cat1oa b).a.nk must be f1l.led out i. full. 25 :\ J '~:"-' 28 29 30 31 32 ,,- ., giTing pe:tmltJil_e)t,~8 of O,WDer' andelectr1ca.1. .----.., ..... ..' ,-- and 100a1;1011 by street and JJIJIIIILl>e~ of , contra.to~ .J .. \:; ,., :work to be inspeoted . d',;:. . ~<~.': ' ~~;'- ;;;:' , . "> ., ': ,~'" '." ; A'41ag~am of the .wir1rigm~8t be dr_ ontlJ;e..&'Jlic..~i~~Ff:; and said dl.~xn,U8t havethenvmber of ,,' ~ ..... . ...... at each' outl.t " ." ~ . 1J1u.~:.h._ .,.re -.... light. :raa;r~e~ a1Bes d.4.fi.'t~C"'r; [,." ' ,;v' : ;:_,~.,<?<1,.:;"J}f~;_:{:-1:~'; I':,' loea'tifon..r aJ! "1~~ ~tj..mu ;ad.. rd~~~~!1 ,?:;I and as nearly as possible the maImer i11 which all Wi~.' ;. :'_i< 1 2. 3, 4 5 6 7 8 e .~ z f ....02 ~j;; ,(/) " (J '.' "10 ~'I~ .,:;!i ,:;$14 ' '-ill it i:&l (/) - , . ~. - n ... , .~ . , o o o ~~ 1'~ " are :lnJI~l.e4,.: ,~.r,~jirns;a.il;;t'f;i1 .Ot more 'tball ri~7 16 c~.e:power.:J.am.p. ,. or their e'111:..11_-& , i1.~ a~.lIp'.c itf.c4;'~~; of eJ..ctri~ - :itiirig"Dtlist "''QAt :f'ile~.fthth,e C1";:~f)ctrio~ to~ aJproYaa '~i~re the' :: I:,' . , work i~ begun . 'trc .. No certit~c.te wi.J.J. be- i'saue,d on~inY,W'ork. ml.8ll1' the whole,thereot palll been d11],y in.pe:ote~.' Dor abalol.1 'cur.. f . , _1 ","", -- {l';ft "',R"';,.~ 9 rent be ~ed in any such work. 10 -. - When any addition or change i8;made 1nwork .pon W':Q.ich'the 'certificate baa been Ussued a sepa$te;t)e~t' ,. 11 ' . '/,.. ,..~. , and. ceJ:'ti!icat~ sha.l1 be obtain~d for the 's8m;'tJ': .Atie;~' 12 hav1l1g,rece1ved, from 'the, OityElectrlQ1aa:notices' of 13 .. , _. corre.ctioq, to .be made on any 1nst~llat.i()at the. per~ 14, _.., . .,'" .. 80n t firm or corporatioDreo.i'l"~ng. BUQh not:1c..mu~' uke 15 ~ --..... neh corrections as~y :beneces..:"Yin a re...,aab,3,e t1lD.ef 16: ,,'. . .c ' ,",". " .... .'. ..1, , ,," "" i ...~~~r.6t1io~' 08 ~WQrk 'bieing concealed' tm.~'be..d.e,flit on6. tt'::,,-,~ ;'~,~~"',,cc' ~_.' . ..... 'd, , , ""'.... ." __" " i: anaiatich corrections reported , a.s no c.,rtl:f'icate -'11:1;,.;,._ ' 18 . ",', .. ,-I " '. ,..,'~' ..., '.. '.. ", 1 s8u~d on work not passed upo.. Architeots" and bui1deX'8 i i ! .. !' ".. ., -. .- ."- n drawing plans BhouJ.d 'make pro#1sion for ne.cessary , . ,~ " - " ~', . . Chann.ling and pocketing of bul1di~s tor eleotric ." ~ .... .. '~~::~r :.:: ~r:kt:::=::-- r::: O:t 16- ~ - . - . ''''' ,.. ,.., · .. Botltl0l'8t:ban three poin1:s of 4.1." , , rlbut10n win 'bea11Wed in any 'basement. , . . ~. " Out-tuts - ".... ",rP~i.t. ofdi."~llQ.~i.&. __t haV4t ~~b:L.prot.ctj,._'", -"--. ~ - ,-' !,~ -.. -,' ". .,d~pl~ . .7!1:' ':;~~~;~'~'~', ~~::, ~~.,' ~"_,~:~ -.. ~>,:> -' ..., ,.,'. .'l:o~ .f'l&'f; or 4we,11~g p'laoe ,ha111:>,e pro.". 28 ,." ,..,', , , 1'\ ided wi th an lJ1d.epead.ent feed and aenice awi tch.AJ.l ' wt~Cl1'8 ,o1t'toU:t'~ir,8t lJu..ta~:a,.tIOJ1. of fu.a o~ '.',' " ..or: '" ,r::-',," ,'_'~:-- /~ ','.," : .: ':'" _,~__ ''''. ~_,'-," '. \ , lete.-.._''i'l!.' .......t...,. io~,. and al1 oonnection.!" 31 .. , , 'flit -.,.... -"" _. he wire neeeasau for plaoing meter must be furnished b7 32 hecantract-ot" . 2 3 4 'S ~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 1!l '" : :z; '8 ... ..e 15 ~j:; rc..CJ ~ : g 16 = 11' . ,.~ I'M 17, :! 18 19 '\ I 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 . 32 ,. (l - o o o . 1 t'\iPuts must b.p~c edin .. . ~":1J1" a.ecesslblep1a.ce , .::., '..... :, ,,',_',~ ~~ ___,' ~~. :'""""__" '. .. f"ll, IrCl.1llp~4;Ge~ ...11>le. Where alterations or additi,ona are ,'- --.- . ." , ~ ,madeino1cl iutallat:lons approva1 for the use ot'~ old . _, ' ' _ " .< _ 'i ~ ' " " " - , '; i . . .: ,.,....~ "~"___"-_".,',' ,'_~.'~ '__"_~' ""',";", ,-.. . '_'" ~-. :-,,~,:..~,:, '. ,~.': 1"'<--- :mate:r;i.a.3.e 2nUs~b,~I.o~te,.1J1ed f~theOityEJ.ect:;1.ian :. _, .",':._'.."; ,',l - .;" :'~'., ',,: ~.\:': \ ,...',':' }~ ,: ' . " -', N". - ...,." -,' .....- betoreJaune cbb'e'..e4..ltew or ad4itlonalwork sllall not t .' . '.' -- beattaehed to a.tl7 existing installa.tion without a writteA,. , permi.sion fi.om the Oi V 1rAectrician ~ . . . . ,... ..' . ,.t. '., section 6. If the OityElectr1c1a. '8haJ.1 find aQY 6 7 8 I p~t of &n:ye1.ectr:t.&1..qu.ipm.en t . . ..~ '.r in or about any bul1d.- "_.. , ing '-r,',J __ _ - in the Cit;y'o~'_1SeJ!'''FdiDO to be .. d~erou" to 1ife or property the 8&,1d e1eotrlc1aaor ,insp.tor . shaJ.J. baTe h. '. ',. ~ ,_, . _ ~ ._, '1 -~'(. . ~ the right an~ powe.r to dl"o~.ct, sl1Ch e1ectr1caJ. ~ ..._ _." . ..., _. ,..d' no' . eq111,..nt from its .ouree of s~pp1;F and it shall be the ~~ dutY.-~'ot i~ City Electriciaa t,o 'notifY th.e~ O1mer ,tenant or'oocupantof th$ bul1diDg of sUch eJ.~c~f1ciit .qUip. '\c, , . ,...,:';tlt-'-;,!'-t~~.~tI.1sna1'~he ,'!~~".*~;" ~isc:!~.';~j/, " .., '9;- '. -, '-'. ."~,..,..., ..' "'-~'.'~'-il'"' >- , -.,,.. t,o'biY.,"~_ '~f'.'. in sai4 .qG.t.,.t,re1*l",:;';.l~: '. l .... _,_ ...0-.. , .. ..,~.,; a reaaonab1e time f not exceeding ten days from tlhe ... date of notice . and not to use electr1ca.J. current in sneh ... - d.an8e1:'ous equipment unti1 the same is repai;>ed and , - -". .,~ .--- - tnade, safe to the satisfaction 01' the 01 ty EJ.ectrlcia.n . . \ " N The 01 ty :nec'rie1~ ab.a.1J. a180be autl1orlaecl, to' give .- . l' -- . written notice to a.zJ1' per SOD t firm. or coJ:iporatioD ing e1ectric c\U'~., ~oan7 .;ch- ~~erous equi~nt to . ,-, . j ....- c..eto 8UP, QUrre,llt to such equipment unti1 tl.1$ '. '.^< ' ... ",. " . '. .' ,4eJ'!.~.,<",'i, aSi.e4. ~>..!1\ perA~ 'J 'tt_.;,~'o~ . '.>~',_'.' ,':: .t. ..... \, i";, 'C ..... '~'."c. .,~' ';, - .... :r,.t:..,; ." t;.J.~. ..1_ t1otl~led;to re-qo.ept".t_,.ame. ., ; ~ - ";~.-: '~_..- 1, '1~," .,' -:, ~,-., ,_,J " '\,~ '-:: ~'..,r-:~ , ,!. per.on ,firm or corporati'OD fal11ng or refusing to ._,~~ _ . c~ _'" ~. _.. ,-, 0 . .1'. 0.1, 'c~17 with &ny-nottc".. from the Qit;y E1eetr!c1an glTetj. un4er-' t'b,e,ro.,.i.ioDS of "this $tlotio. lSbaJ.l b~g~1tyot , . a vio1ati6n oithia o1-d1nance and puJ11sl18.ble i'accor4.lD8.' , '.[tf t C wi th a_11 . \' 1 2 3 4~ ::~ ,~ 5 6 7 o o o . o nO'ti.oeshaJ.l be a sep...rate viO'iatiO'n O'f this ordinance . ' Section VII. The City Electri~ian' shal.l. cha.rge and co:lleot from the person t f.irm 0'1' carparatian to' whom. any pe:r:mj. t fO'rdoing anY' electric'1 work i_, i_suecl under the terms of >this O'rdi11ance: the foll.owing tees, ; to' \'fit: Far is 6uingpeJ:'II1i t .0........ ..... . .... .... .'. . . .. .50 8 9 10 11 12 For eaclloutJ.et at which current is c_. FO'r each O'utlet at which current is contr()led 0'1' used f9r aver :faur lights .00. . . .05 13 trol.ea. a ruae4 fO'r O'ver fO'ur lights ... . . 0 . . . . . .1.0 .. ~ ',14 FO'r each arc lap .. 0 00 0 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 50 r.!l CI ~:'-,i ... ~S! 15 . if; ~;; :,", (/)~~ , 1>2'1o<4Q1,6 fill ' 'li\ . , ::ca. ' p. to:; . 17. .to ...7'.. " <I " ,. ~ ,(/) 18' WHEN wiring is far mO'tors . -i . ;.Fo,r'mb,:~of.., :J.h4p 0'1' lese .... ....~..... .... . c..... .50 ,-,<;,:(<,:,!. /v,:+_:.:..r't~,,~1>'~~,:,:~,,~,-~, '. __ _ ~...,... -- ,- ., .', J'oti'llto'ot.'Q:t" !D.dretmm on~"a.n:d,*()ti~:t."'hin .'.,,';_,,~, ';_','" r, .- " ~-- '-'.:;~r'; -':">,'~-::.':::':i"!'C ~; '~L~:'j,-) . eight horse PO'wer ....... ...0 .f}"'.. .....~.:. . . . .1;.50 J " , \ . 19 For motors of more tllan eight R-,p ./............ 2.00 20 For switches and fixtures in bu11di~ , 21 22 23 24 25 ,26 27 28 29 30 31 . ~'32 ~--( ,Ft - ~ the, wiring of which a:.al~.tl.d7 been' 1nfErJlectet!,'.,. , . . theteeshal.l. b€:1, for e61.,~h ...itc~ .. ........ ......-.. ..C!1J For each' fixtures having faur :lights, ar under 05 -. For each having more than tour lights , . '. .' ~ .... , .: ....}-~:r'<,_,-.:..,_.>~-'.~ Far in spec~lC>>l1\f?~ an.>e)i'jJ5~rlcaJ.!app.ratu.!. for which. .!'.lO~~,.~.!,.~~.,~.p~~rihed, .~ ;~:~e'~:c. trl'''~~.>.r~t':~;:: 't~; a.ctwUJ.y . consmnbsc.{fn ':QI,alt~ngth., ins;>e:cc'tl ;:- '.:; ,';' :". ~::"', .' . . . -. . ... .; .10 any. pa.rt thereof are neces~ary _. .0 'tlien mQre ,'than }; ___::'::",;,>,~d:,_" -',le,: _ '4' onela.p~ot1o;D' of . any ..~ , . additi,ona+ .. iDSpec"o hour or traetfon thereot one dollar ther~on. 6 r' '\ f,~i~;:,.~.;~ . "~I . " .', ,- -" - .~< "'1 o .~ z e .....~ 15 iJj:;j fI.l lo.t) 'iH ~; "ilhiii 18 p,;;cI .;'.;' i 1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 ,23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . o o . o SeotionVIII. YQlere wires are run in ~o.OJIl t each wire must be "epara1:e17 ellCased t de~cep' . ...J.-, between_: one. set of threewa-r switches . .-" runn:l.ng on wires , I . . . - ", All ,~a.b~et boa~ IJlJ;t5t baT, ',e,' oP,'.e'~~.;~ ()J1 back and ,-,- -,".' -:""<'...,'<. ,,'" .. , "" be.,i.'e-.cll.~y. iede~s1bl~ for rePtLi~. t.~r.td.t1i1S ',wi:LJ.be' ~' . , -- . !"'IiI required where Sechrist sw1 tches are used , or where . c onnec t10ns are made in back - . Two or more Sechrist _..- ..... ,--, sw1 tehes used OD same board 0 r box must be on saIlle si<l:. of main c 1 rcq1t ~ Knobs must be placed to take strain of '*fres from ,. bushing and wl1~ be required under headers of partitions . and under and above plates and beams at floors . -- All wires must have supports everyf'our.and'one- half feet alongfla. t .Ul"f'ace of' concealed. 'work. and s1x feet 011 tRee a.t lea.st four 'inches ..... i:rdl<helght for I' "I ope;o. w()rk .. ;....,,, , , '.:, .:;\:~_>., "" ,,',," , " -" '.. ,'-;k,-,~<."',, ',-.; - '_"':'"'' : . -, ."*, '...... .~1.r than..,. ..ta ~.... ....11. be ": \.';:."0'0 "!,":, :;.,.:.-,' .:"',' '-'__ ,., :: .,.:-'....,.,:... . ,'f.,'!',.,,:, '_,', ': " .... ',', .., "t used t()r.~ 1'$~4ers tUuesB prbte~~~14l)Y'a.c.t'...ojt. . .." .. -.. I , In wiring flats, each flai "sliou1clbe protected - by spearate cut.out and service switches. Iron outlet boxeswi~l. be req.~~r~d .where1!,!ring . ,~ ...., ".. - . ,.. .. . is concealed in brick , concrete or stone""~m-. walls . Fle.x1ble or l.amp cord rill be ~pro'te.1 o.:Ltf'or ..- I, , . deslgna.ted1n'~., '.8 of -!he N~tlonal.:Boa.rd of _ ;a:~, :"'-.. ~~.J, J' ]'i 1"$ UJ1de~;rite~.I~. ," - -, - -, Cord'work on cel1illg., "iIl.111ot be:"ra,li~~.,~. .' - --> ,':-~,'-::':', -I: . >,:, ""~.)'~:':', .. ~'t..,,", "':':":,,:' ^"": ::~~..:. ,Oordend.s must be 100P$d~lJ.4'Jl~~,,,,,~,ped in :... *OMttes . w J.1J. Capp..'.st be t.,..:tea,d ~Il JIloul41ng with I sCrew. " -. P&:B be used on joint s " of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . o o o . . which ~s SUl)ject to a;ppro.al of 'in~pectl~n de~artment , andmust at be at least - ' three 'thicPtess~s. ,- ',-...- '.. /' ~:tf ~'~/\<~,1es.o~>lQ1~b.,-:i1+not beapprtft~d. ,;_ ',_,J:' " ',,"" _" , , '_ ''''.' _:;.~;~q.>,-;~t:~.~:~....:",,:.,_ :,".,,;::._',~.,.._'t ,-: _ _~. _~~ "~', _~,"; _.,' I ',t <'" '. .e~q~?lt,at ,e'I!,!.~f,,)TP. 14 a.nt.Jl'o.' ,.ra ,wires . ~1~"ir.. ,,~' ~"7' "_" ;--_:(;~ <:::)\:,:_r~ -:" :" _T' shotU.'4be ll..a,',':a.s JIltlch ~ po Bsib3-e a.nd be at least - a.s la.rge as t,e wires they tie and DO tie I , . ~.. should be 8 smaller thanlto. 12. 9 10 11 Wiremen must draw plans to oorrespondas nearly' as possible the sa;me . . to manner in which wires are instaJ.l.ed and 12 Depart:m.ent. to be filed wi th the Ekectric Light 13 Where two wires cross t~ey should be protected by ,. 14 some ,al'P~c)Tea tu.'bing a.t lea.istsix inches long. ,('{", 15 neB w1rei. pa.ss~through'beams, plates J haii~ers, etc 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 24 .25 26 27 28 32 ~ ~'~ 'merepla.steris liable to taL;!.l OD thenithey should be i . .......,J." ,'i' ..>,:j~:~;,-<'::-,'""-}-"-,;~:,_:_,,.,, .' l_.a:a'tiea..~tfour inches a..)....i;turfaC$. QfJ:1.~r,. _.~_,,,d',~ "',~i ~"(:" _,." ::' ':'!:,','._: ..,' triObsshouJ.d be p~aced' wl1$J;'8Ter ta)s m.,ade ,ea~f~ ,- ~',. .-. .... strain on wires . At all outlets a b,oard ot a.t least one inch in th:l.Dkness shouJ.d bep~ced to which to fasten fixtures . -- All lfir:tzlg iD 'aM attics . and :Like ope;a wo;rk "i -^.-- UJruld. run ~s nea.r ~arallel to the ,sides of the' building as poss#.b~e and taps should be ,'trim at riiht angle. '0 as' to~ake. t)le 1,8.." .ptructionposs1ble i.- ," ",- ) . Connectioils for si~e la:tnps should neVer. be . .. " J ~ , " - >>14ced ,:i~J:l two d,ifferentcireJd.ta. Circular 100m should never be used when it is .' ; P~.,!b+e to use bushing, or at aJ.l inpJ.a.ces I . .t' o.,1attl 1'8 . In caJ.cuJ.a.ting the safe carrying C~PliLCity and ,;.~; Q 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C> ol l!t e .;~'~ IS . ~.. tll...(,l fli ~i 16 : ="11 : ~~ I: 11 ~~. ' ~ if! III" '~..18 }9 20 o . O' o o , 1 2 3 4 5 "6 loas ;a.ll /lights. wi11 beconsia.ered as ~qulV'alent to .. ~."" . --. at ,.ea.st 16 cp'. c&~a(U. ty " and l!ne lossmuct not exceed -~ , .- .. - one per cent ~etw~c,Jl centres o'f distrintlon . ()nel7 ,~ne .. e,rd will be allowed in ea9h ro..tte. " Section IX. \. ltyterypersol1 , fir.m or 7 application for any per.mit to do ter.ms of this'ordinance . shall , at the time cation, fiJ.eWtth the Rity '" . Electrician.'; .'~ p1an 'or . . .J 0'. "'. statement showing the character of such work and sgall , : ~" , . ... - "-:: - ..;.- "" >",::,~,-,:,'>,~ the t 1me. deposu twi th said 0 i ty Electric fan the amotmto%"'.;;; ""'" . ...' ". ..... ,-"/ ~- ,'~'F. the permit t~e and of the fees for inspeotlon of all ~. , J wC?rk aho'fIDon sa.id p~_ or statement in a.ccord.~~~ with +:ff~:;~ -'-, the aboTe , ' achedu1e' . If any addutfons _,.,11 be IlL de to; suoh work, ,or any '-'" , ' ,. " . , 't; . inspe?tionot the same~11be~o.ess~rr ,the per~oll,' . :tl:$ft't'~ o'o~ ol'~tl on' ig ;l3.Dtn.e',~~~"~:i""iaJs.~i "Sllaii.\ ': ,;~';-' ,,~i :;" i :',-, . -' -, ", ' - .' i'.'., .' -::l' .'. ~,~";' . , :', _"."""~,-f'~'r..;,\;_ "'''~,:-':':'',''-_''''",-'' ," ~ .-_\ - ,"",,;1.,'...,'~"'"'''' pa7 the ef1iy1n.ectrioian the 1:nsl!ttot;t.olilfeellJ thei'ef"oi'i,. . "-'fI\ according t.o the aboTe scheduJ.e t ..i thin ten days S:!yer 21 ~'. person, fir.m or corp()ra.t:tOB S~ll .fail or' re- ...... . ~-., demand therefor by said Oi ty Electr:J.cian' ; and if said ~ 22 tuse"{:o paY' sa1cl fees wi thin said period of t. days " tlie , ' ''',;, - , -~ - -; '.-or' c23 city ~e9tr1~i~ *!ul11 Dottherea.fter, iS8ue" t08~cl1.lper$()J1., 2+ !. fir.m ()rcorporat1on any' permit tor the doing o'f:;'~y 25 electrical work until such fees are a paid. 26 2.7 28 29 30 31 32 . -.. .-- The Oi t,. Electrio,ianshall not i saue the Bieut':Uit.el{ all his fees ., .- ~...-".".~ :.... ... for . , bi~jeb._,.pa.+d. the" ait7~~et~~o~, ~l,.l'&~ ali1~'..<',~~:'~kii eel. .. .byhim lntofthe (atY~;...~t on the neJttlrl1s~~i. ... da3t &fterime recei t thereof and the' same shall be 9 .. 8 9 10. 11 o . o o o ... 1 2 3 4 )7 the C1 ty- Tre~e,.. intl;1e.ienera1 tuD.d, . : . . ,"'-'1"-",.,,:-',.-: ". _~:~,',~,: _,_ . ,."__ ,"~ Section X.Itsjal3. be unl~-.tlU, fo~ any p.e:rsonto~e:r ,--.. or interfere wit,h the Clity>31ectrlcian ink'e d.:f..C))J.8.~se , '- , . :/ ' 5 ofl:1.ts dutl.$s'.l!1'idEtr 'thisorcl:lnanoe '. . 6 7 ~;-'~" -- \. - Sectlol! ..~. A11'pJ.&..:tngand oth~r P~.l~ work must be in. )lace on work to be concealed. b~~"" electric wi.ri.ng. is' inspected ,ap.d;r10 "su<;!t~~~,~ " .' '. .'.. .~:--.. ....,.. ....',.~\~.i.!1'.:t~!{';i ,considere4a.. c"",plete int118li~h piflll$l.~~h~~~~ - - 0-" ..:i: Uponma.king aninspect1onof any electrical - the inspector ~. - .. , shall leave's. notioe at tne 12 service sri tch or other suitab3.e place ,sts.tlPg' ~ 13 14 o .! z e ... ~.s 15 ~j:; fDEo() ~ i i 16 ~ll: 11:. ~1~ '; .~ ",. 18 '. , 19 20 ~ .~ the electrical work .has been inspected', 'and it"'~~~,";!i. ". '." . .' ..' ',..t unl~wtu3.1D lath, ~eal or in any manner. oOlloea1~:' eleo:trlcal ),l~ng" or Clrtherwork until t~ " ...- irispec ted . a.. herein 1".eqq4red. . f. -"~ .eets... .nli . i'l11 so nti~lil~~.".k~,~.*,b..', i i' i'" ~.... .... '.' '.. . . :i.),'i'"i'j.""', ,',>"i.';"".'~ to relil~,;f:rOm or lessen the' Jl'...Jtf.j.tt,.::':o~~ """-, ,'. ;"i~. ":~", 't- owing ,operating J controlling or insta:'Ll1ng' an~ ca.l ,.., ~~... equipment -.. . to.any 9ne.injured " for damage. ...... '.,.' , . 21 defect therei., nor shall, the city be held as ..~. '-.' . ., ...,... , 22 as_tIQ1ing any such liab111 t;y by reason of "'the '- -' ,'- :-,;' 23 insoect1oD a.uthorued herein or cce.rtiilce.~"'~~i' 24 hereunder . 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o .~ z Il ... . $l 15 ii:j.. ~'Eo () ~ 'f. ~; <I '18 19 20 21 22 '- 23 24 25 26 o o o ... , " .. o 1 2 -, ,. -- Sect!_ XI. Anyper.on t firm oroQrpQratl~ Who.~ do or'begi.()ra~'~~'t() 4. any ~+'$o~~~M'~'..*.t, '<. .'. .', ........ .... ......... )"'/<"!'" ... ..... .................. ....... ..... ...... ......... '. . <.>', .... ""'"r' ! ~X1 "orltcc.Bo....~:i~~jy t_,~.., ..~'. .':.:~:.::-~--~::~,~:-,.: ,~~_: ~,:,:, ~_-_:.._: _'~ '''' '<', ," ~- _ .::'~- _,:,"'-\':.._r.:',,~p~~:+,:::, ; ~,:,::.", c-' _,," ,",!,.,:,. " - - -. '" :::iJ- Cl'ttt tlr8t"giy,,~,.otic~ 1D'Irii 't1. ...." "': - - - ", ,','(f.!:::.: ani o.-talD1ag t a'po1"$1 t.for such owrk'<''. , , '- . -' - '. -j;~ '-;/~:\ prov14e4 shall bete,-cl upon conT1ction ~j~'" , ":./_,..t+_~d: exoeed1ng t!oo.()(f It'l.b)' (i&ye -; , or by .both'jJuch. fiJJi.7iiA;~p oret1Qiiof . 1h e~Court. , _, Sectiotl.XII ..' This o}'41lll\pc$ in f'crcefroii',and 'a.tter"~hi~td.a)". " 6 7 approtaJ.. Secti011XXll. The \ .pas.e.ge ot,1h~.~41nan~e ud. ". ~a.. . '4' i'>~!;;: "::,' : ..': . "ii...,; J?,; , '. ',,~.j:;;::ti,-ee 'o...o..taw- \Q.t, (,', " . i." .' ..' " ,';',.. '. I hereby certify: tha. t the for . . '.. . adop "d'bJi(tb.e,Jlato~an 4 O'OMmonO o~; Bern ard1110 at its meet~ held' on th~t! JtiJ.y , i909 , 1t7' ih-e 'following vo~e , . Aye~~~~~~~o Noes.~ I' .~ 28 29 30 31 h 1) .~ Y ..pp.r~'V'e , ::';;;: :"~.:, .," '~";"'::.i:~>,; .:<~;:):"~.~{~:," ';', ,". "':. of, Jt1l.1'" 1'09. ". ., tlJe '"' ';:,."