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- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21' 27 28 29 .... 30 31 32 :; !l\' . " <, .. . - , \ .... o o OlUJ:o.l~~:BllIIBImA/;1 ~.,. '" ..~ AN OBDIliUOE PROVn>ntC; FOR TEE ~~ ~JIIt!JJ.... ._' _ ".. . _', '.- " - ,. '~'_ ,...c.1~~~ . .... .... .',:i:.' ,/. T.AUnlG:. ~],.LtGDS.Q1)'~ ALOlfG .AJID t)PaI.llflttmETS ~'",~,.""" ~.",:;~~.';:i~ ~;. '. .~ PRb~~tT~; THE.a ":,' ~,.!<. .' ., ..~.n "-. . , .:GIte s Oll B.A.RRIEBS ANDTBE :DRIVING DfA:N'D UP .:,' .. O!f ;,~_ . '.R1ep"i>r and .Ocqmno.'Co'uo11 o't t:be C~ty'ofiS&1t. . I Bernardino dOi'orc1aAn b: follow., : .~" Section I. 'EYe1'1','"reOll. cu.;t"1Dg, .p~. _ . '", ' '_ ~ ,.'__" . __ "" --- *,,-.,- flit :1.,_". ortear~ 1JP .~ of ~b$P1lbl1c.treet. .... .c....... . .. ',' . -. . .--'" . ,-' . . -'J w1,t)d.Jl" the 8i ty of San. 1!e~rd."o eMU at all. times keep ariA malsm.1JJ pro)er barri.. _ lights. and _~g 8ig~..-.n4. . " " -. ^ si~ end'ficient to guard the pub1.ic a.n4them of' the , cen41tloa of :tlI::Ex:. 'such streets' .. . , - ~ > -"''', ' ., Section,II. .opersoJl ',..lliJllJ d.tIJ.O.~t .._terl~} "r '\to; ..... '.," ' . n.bsta.nce or ~ti1rg 1Jl any of. the :Ptlb1.:lcsthet./ .,'1 the . ~ . City of san :Bernardino 'which '-11 in anywa7 Ite1'erit . '. , i. ' or' ~de tb8 free use .~ tlle .t~~:.t.without -main- - ......, ,... -" .., - \ taining at ~l. time~ thereon, or wi t~ reaS~nab:Le' distance thereto tprop~r barriers,' and signals sufficient to ~ - -" warn a.n4 guard.the . pub1 lC) of the presence of sl1ch' . , .. . . . - ~ . ma.teria]. t sllbetanceo:r- th1J2S · . . ..,., '.'.., ,.,.~ -I; -: ._, .' '.' .. ":.i .'. Sect1!ln III. x.p..alIOaaes'__,'-, ..bst~e G;rtltlna 'ms b eP"'''..f.''. c".':' . . ..;;. . .' '. ... " ,;:~:r~:,.; ,:,~;i}'; ,;.;j,'- :.t:r~.t J.i:'~ oit of an :a...H't'."i: :1,'" <.". "',~Y,)"'. ' .'. y ,8, j".,:':', .\t..; >, ~,,{ ~e,~p~,..t 8 or :lJD.>>e4ea ~he' tt.. -~;~' street '. .....~.u~ aii~c;s;.wh.H:~,ii1~jc... sald ~:I.t; 1. S being opened, ",0111 VI or :_1"....; "" ~ .-: - ,-" ,- . 1"8'4 light s eha.llbe ma~t~.d.ur.ng th."ghtt~ ,f'i_ , ':1 . .' oat :b&lf hour 'atter -n..~t to o...ha.1f hour before,:,,; ._ rl~., of tl'le following da:J'" . in ..ell . manner that. the " 1 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~ . 14 . :lC 1i .....~ 15 .j~' ,If. ~ 't 16 ~1j 1II'C ~!j 17 ~.ol .ol ; 18 ~ I/J 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , Ie' " - o 0 o o ~ . eff.cts~eJ.yl~~ warD such street or presence , ... the Pllb1.1 C "of 'the 8~ wil1 contitiOD of of such materiaJ.,.. -,,' sUDS tance or th!:Qg . ,,", ,for t:iJ.ypersonto t:'"~':?;',.....,;;",.: :'..~-,.". ".._~.._.. .. ~".:, _ _ talCe " j' <.of DIf,rr1.er of," fPl7 Jd,nd -'i':p~i"e4:".CJ.,~i, Ptab~ ;t~etf'or allY, bf the ~ . -- _ --- ,'...-' poses aforesaid . , " Section v. .0 ~~r.!Jl 't wt~:b.o".t p,~t~.t'oa. drlTe in ordupon,~.a .t;e~t'd~;i1ig---th.~ tllue" when '~8uch-' '''s'treet '18~tM.li.ng' ~prov.d " when' d~~ in or 8~1l2g in 'or g.."ill i.>,':'.y , '" . "::~.1",_ or 1ntere1'e:re with any of the lJ,r1~ro'9'eme.t8t:he. under , course of construction . \ Section' VI. Any perSOIl "f'iolat'~ anY'o'(t. $fii:s.'Of ~kI..':ordi"Et . .i.~irJ l'b;~".d.~ty \. ':>" "q , ' :~" , ~' ' ':;-', .' .~;'~ . ':; l;', ~' .; . ~:~ ,."",,: ::," --, '-, ~,'-, -'" '. --' - -' ': ' '- -," '-- - ',~ - ...~.... !, :, -- , ' . -": -- - ." '--^ " ...~/li.tI.4 ~ .pb c Gln"iet101l tlb.e~of'/;~~t:t b,.,I_l_~e" , ',," ..' . - ~ I - '. ' by.. rlaenot exceedinS$200.00 or by_~'l.omnent1nthe ;;c .~, '~ ,- .,,~ -,' -~'--~ .--~. -'.. . eity' Jail for a period Jlot..,eecU.J>>s 8~daY8 tor ." . ~.- by bOth lri%c;b. fine and iI!IIft,....t in tbe di<<terellon ot 'the I.i nOurt . v sect... -~I.. '.....Tl'.t1...ord.1nance shall t~e etfect andbe,l~.. "" -".- torce from &11daSter' thirty fAys &tU~ -It 8 pa_JIBS e.and ~P:P rna,1', ., .t !he Oi'tyele:dc8ha11 e.!tt~ " . ',' .; . ;",' ,f~;,;;;.:~~"-1:~.",~:' of th~ f'o,~.~.l8~3!'d1~e a.nc1.'o'.~.';tlf '~':'" :~-:,~;~?,;');~;,', '- , - ,. . . '< '.,,', '.~--.' for three O~~cl1tl'9'e days l:n the lIv'~" ........,. .. .,' _ '1 ......... . I h8reby certlt:r that~ thEi'iq;;;,.~.;--o~tt~~:~~.~tt_. aclopi2db,. tb.e _yor and 'ocmaon CoJimilJi" -~:the c.ity-'o:t':~ ~". ;an;.rn&!d1D!a.ttts )ll.et~held on t~~~dSy of · , i~9;bY the'iol~ow~ Tote ,tC):1t!tJ - ... '" .. - 0 . ~ 0 0 . 2 ~.~')-&..\~~AA~~~..~ 3 Oe8_.~ . -.' ... '\ 1 .. 10 \ ..' 11 ,. . 12 . ... ~.i'f'13 14 r.>> III z e .,.. .~.g 15 iiJ "'1 .iI...~ kl.l .. 16 lio . =.a 1Il'l:l ~i~ 17 ,4.ocl ~ -ol Il 18 III al rtJ 19 20 21 ~,; 22 - t.rego~ ()f.J'u17 t 1909. .~l'9f the City of / 27 28 29 30 <'l. 31 32