HomeMy WebLinkAbout420 - . . )Q, , Q '"" o R D IJf A J::TC?JjJ N' 0 3 4 5 '"~}QRDmAf\(c:rg . D1llC~ING TlIE ..~+ '....... .AJi.b' 1HE~mGOJB:J:JmlS :t;tif<.URGJm. S'lJUIDS OR. :PASm .~()J3Jn AWtS1UTg TE:E :MAINTE}tANCE Olr.A.PI.ARIE8~L '. .'. .", ." . '.. ..... iN IJ,RGERlItT'l\ffi"'JRS: ,TILIUT TWO'S'.l'.um~G:aQ~ \ , TRE. CITY OF SMT BE:mlA1RDIU$~,i, ,,<II , .1. 6 TheM':a.~orand C o:anD.on . Council (!)f nardinci .,do o.~c:l.a.i:n.das f011o;ws,:'.' Sact~<:>h :1. 8aid May-oriarid. Q,pmtn,.Q):l' C.~Unc4,.a.; do h9~'byi d~t~rmi";e llJld declar~ thEt th~main~;~nce c~\iarie. . " the keep+%1g of bees in larger numbers thn.n two' sta!lds ';i,"; of San Berna:rd1ho ,hasbec ome and". 1'8: t,!l. .S .:z;.E ~"i .~.~ 15 , rn:'l ~;J :l\'tl t;l!li ~..~..E 14'~,,* -< ,Il ~ ' ~ , , , o,fS~ld C).'ty"and has become:' obstru.ction'b:d the free. use, of pFGpertyf;n said :" ',W, City, so a~ to interfere with a:nd prfjj'vent th~,comt'(,rtabJie . enj oyment.oI" life and 1)l:'.opeTty of a Qon~l.dera.lJle number -per~ot.s, residents of~aidCity; a..nfj,~ th~Iliai:ntenanc,e of. ;. ,~ ' , '~ IS' ,a:p:tarles andt...ite keeping ofbee8":':,~n lar~erll'~be~s t~n .J9 20 'siand!l or erwarms At any one place within sa;:ladity is l1;e'rEJb~ fel1nd,declaI;ed and de.terminedte be apubiis'nuisancu:i. 21) Section 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any per- 32 SEJct~ih~4. . This Ordinance shall ta.ke effect and be in ...ili: :' ':. "~!:~<~'i~~ , '. ' " ~... ,_' '_",_ ,r, "_ ,', - "," I .' j' 22 ~on, firm or corporation to keep or maintain an apiary ()r , 23 . ke~p or maintain more' them two stands or sWarms of bees at 24 a.njr 6rie place within the corporate limits of the 6ity of San Be:tnardino. 30 Sectfen3. Any p.erson,f1r$,0T .c...rporGiti<m 'll.P:Y 01: t~ellro'ri.~O)1S 01'lliis. OrdinllJloe ~4ai1.he de~~;'i !i; .g~d;'lty of m.tsd~e~or~n,.dl1p~n ~oliv.lc~ion th~I"eQt'.s, ~:::~~h,':~;~!f&" p~ishe'(ibY' a fihe.' not~4Q~~dillg(jne.H$d.J;ecl,J).:uanl":""1~~:)";';:";~' ~ . ...... . .,~~,~", ..... . <;:',: .......::(\[.1''' or by iniprlsonment not 'exceedihg thirty days or by bothS1l01b.dl . fi1'leand i~ir1:s()rone~t,in:~';~e di.se~tion of the./Court.. "{:f'i,ir' 26 27' . '.28 29 e> J',.. 31\ ".:; Ii,. "', 11 - - - .-" - o 0 " o o :'f,O'roefrom.~nc1~:e~;i~thi'rtY, d~ys arter-its -a.dbption and :,it -;:~ -,~ a.~i>icval. " \ Jf Section 5. The City mark of this, Ordinance and . cause the oonsecutive days in the The EvenIng its meeting ..... ,.'. 190.5i', " - 11 12 Ayes" , ,Noes:~ . t.!i .$ :z: e ... It:..s: ~j:; fIJ..U. '.'~ Ii rzl',g .a :I:1lI~ ~.~ e ..:l~~ < '.1:1 ilIi .,~ . " ' . I It,,i'.~ ap:j'ro:tEL,the .::' - , -,:-.~' '!...)k'.:4~.."" 1(:' ",: ',':'; >. : ;'. . ,"'I of . :;~"~~l~~ -.~.. ~2