HomeMy WebLinkAbout422 . 1 2 ,.. 3 4 , .... <1 10 11 12 13. 14 ~ .! ~ f 15 M_t :~() ~ . 16 .kg. = II 17 !l. e ,..;..M <c' l 18 ~ "l 19 29 21 Z2 23 "10 24 z.s 26 '1:1 .!t 1fJ 3t) 31 ~'.... :rz '. ...~~~,-) c ( "- /...... I '- ~ . erlt lJ.if'X,tli'Y'A: j IT e' E ;fttll '1-I 0 . .Al~i()FJ);t~,;~ll.:I!I)tG'1'.: RA.TE.MID ~:L":t'.tRO$TljJjf~.,~}/ , Tl,'ur J?OR TID..... .~: .... OURRE1~T .,~, ISCAL Th.:'AE U1i,JUlt A'!J.~....... ...QOPP]}]}RT!.'".' ''W:IT.. ~.'.' , THE CITyeF' SA1T')E:ror~mo ..A.NJ). 'T.SJfrl.~:rJ!l9~'(': SClIOOL DISTRICT :"OR '2::i:lli PUP.POSE OF MAnT'TAIlfI1m TltE jUN- ~~~~~~,~G~~mOO~TT" OF I S;I~ S~;! ~~-7;4nT~~~I~:~TnTE.E _;_ "T.."..,'-'- ,J. sC_.OOLS LX 8,d.L" ~_ IS.l._c.LC _ -._"' PA~ l\jLi ......- PRI-, ~~ JJ,~.;o( : T'O; J1i~~)J L~UPOfT TliBl IW'B- BARD WA~ 'J llATElr'J301ms- 'J,'.tm OIJ) WATER ' ,J30~fDS nlID" T... ~S , imlTT '130:tD D~ ~1];' C~TT :'I3CluJ l'EAR. .. ... The lIayor and Common Council of the City of San J3el~n,rdin :,.~ do ordain ~s follows: ,. 'r4" .~..~ t',' Section 1. There ,is hereby levied for the present fis- cal year 'on all prop,srty, wi thin the corporate lirni ts of the City of San Bernardino, a property. tax of $1.35, upon each , {, 1--"" one hundred dollp.rs of the assessed valua ti on of such pro.- perty, as a.sse,ssed by the County Assess or and returned by .. "" '" tb:::; C ~unty Audit~r, and the. tc3X s~, levied and to 1)e" callcc,ted, is he~i:~epyappropriated 0-S follows: \';,':,~ - ":j"' , )>:J.~f}:"_.:'.'I.';- ~ . '., General fund........ ..$ ';'" ~.~ .375 . .335 .117 J .21 .107 . '" ~ . '.' If Street fund........... Library .fund. . . . .. . . . . ',t G ran1I.1e r scl;to 01 fund... ':1 !.. .,J!'_ Park iInprovemen t fund. Section 2. The;re is also llel~l)y levied for '':,he pl~esent :Ciscal year, on all prorJerty vvitllin the corpcrate limits of ti.le: C i t:l . of San J3e rn.s.rdin 0 , as the said Ci ty exi sted on the ls ;"I, .~c .. d,v '''.,j thirt:[ five ~,cel1ts ~-.'J a s:pecialllreper~y taB: of 1; ,,~; <'~f ':!~r:,}-.~~~~'~r'?' "," '7 "':; each one hundred follc:trs oithe assessed. , " upon ...;"-;" such property t C)-s assessed ,bY the C ountjr'.s,ses~. '.' \''-':; .,' i':I,\,~: 1'1 ;<'ni'i\!~tlj,Q:i by the C O'i..mty .Audi or ,and the tax so levied ','1 '; '.' . .. lected is her'~by approprie.ted as follows: H'..',b bard We., t 8 r bond ftlnd~~ .186 Antil water bond f1...Uld .065, and the. .ta.x,,~~ levied a.nd to be c ollec~ted 91+p.l:t be. all~ I',",: ~ II II1II8 n~11111 rill! I (lIlf'iS!ldI"i' r..""""'r filet\;. ~ ----.-. - -~....---- '._ A._ ~'jf.6~Y' :~i:t:,~pas:~:t and. ;a.pp~iLat,e'C;1.,fQr"the'.. apec i2.:L PUI'l) C38 t1IW~'~ng;.the1~~\~th.,~,,~il. A~ st~~.t:."J~~!~!;ia1~1I1'~b bp,rd 11'oriGlsl..;anii ,the Ant f~;Wa;'te fl. ...~thA'd,\le,:;~j}~I~~; '. cw c"rue:J during thEf.',. p:re sen t.. f i S()~'!:J..' ye-I'l.r.' ,) / S.eo tio11' ,~t.:," ,_Tft~,~4"'~!?c:,,:,~~~,i:-'~~1~.~~~-}-~~;i.~~.f!pr~.lle present. L ",.-,. .', :::" ,:,,;,,:,,~>''''':<>,',,<,;,',,'''_j:r.,' '.' _";_',j,':'-,r,, :f::Ldcal:y'ea111', ,Oll:t'J.J:t p;i"Ope'!"ff,;ll;1'1i~iM"~e"i~a.n",~e.tn€t]"(:}:in 0 Gi ty s:el'foQ;L !:di S'~mnt~ (outside.of the '0 drporate', liroit.::3 of the C i t:,r of Sarii ~J.ir.ra;1rdulq ;'llt1p;i!1:PIH),rty tax (j't 41>, .2:k:on,each ,olte hundred doll-'l"sof,the a.6se'B~'l vaiuatic:Jn as assasse-aby the, County , Assessor and returned by:;t~~;;Ool.u-ttSt:,,:.A.uditor,andjthe!>tax $0 levi'ed aha. to be edllectediB 1iei'el;),Y;:~p.ropr1a;Ge<i for -Ghe pur- pose of"nia':i.nta'i"ning +heGra..m.rner schools' witliin':Satd distric't d.u:r'fWg'~~: ('r' res ell't i:i. s 0 ~ji :sfe a r. Be'ct-t\~n 4'. o"'1'11e,re: 'f'tf .a:lso-'[lOr@1>y 'lev:i~d f'o:d thH:cp-re,ent fisc3:1ye '';1'" 'oil all pioperty,Wi'th.in ;:.t1iec'or-p orate limits:O:E. the ('-it,y "6f,tS~rt.J3$,rmt?d:tDo-j-a;$tM':SaJd,:eity; ~:x:.is,ted<:):n .th~.:...first. da;y of' ..lJ'ul;y;,-,r1909, ';ll. s:pGc,i.alpropertytu:."o.f _$ .185'UtPQn . ' e'lichone,:bu.ncir~d. <lo'11ars_~of' .tne,asaeseaA. vaIua ti 011 of such propert;9: ~.' a:~ ~asess-e.a ',by the e~Qu.necrJAs.sesi3or cwd returIl~Q. by". the:C01J.ntyAuditor" and thet:,.x' so levied and to be colleqtedi $hall 'be and is h(:;reby set apart and approI'ti~ted for th~ jpeciaJ:: purpose of paying the principa:L.q.n<t irrltere@t,onxthe , ''I'' Street Improvement Bond cLue and. to bee ome.due or to aoc\'tre dur1:ng th.epresent ;fi.s:eal year. ~ BfJt1tl gn ~. ThEiJre c.:ts Oilsa-heate'by'}.&yia,d:'for the present flsC8~i year ort altl property w~thint,heliin:L t:? 0; t~iat';llO:t't,i~on 'Of the citj<i ofn~8an":ae~ardino, knOWll~S a.nliea.ll~d'.itb.&.(' Oi tyof(: San :BeI':ae.rdino, a.ndbe ing alJ. tha:tJ pctt'tion of "!;~~~'~}~ City'of' San Berriii1"din6 as ().ppeara upon tiLe .map ofth~:,~i~ '61 San Bernard1n;oo:frecoTQ. in, the olf',fieec,~1f;t.he C,ctJ.nt;y eeider OfS~Ul: :Berl1t':l.rdino C 01).:<1-::'y t}l~:r~ 01'-* a speciatl" pDope rty t:ctX in,)J3;ocOk '1'df'~~1S, tH:J.g,~! O'f! ofk.'t'),~:~.~ ~'~r ..::.v,.....t< f::" , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ j 15 .Sa -t! ~5f 16 = II 17 ~ei ~~' .. Cl 18 III ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :29 30 31 ~ ,dre.~'Ldollars 'o:fthe :~,;lIse,:8sedva:Luation :f such IJJ:,o-'rty, ,,~~-, . a8:i!lessedby~!tl~r',C o~t;r'i A~$e.e.':Q~.\..:'.:lreturned by the C oun'is Au,dit"r, ane], the tax so levied and to be collected shall be and 1:s hereb:! set apart and appropri8,teci Ior spe'c hll purpo.se 01' pa:l,ing .the.,~;f:if1~~,12:~l. aJO,O,,; i n'!;,~:u~c,S't pn t}J.e, olel 'water 10 on.clsil0\Y <1tl:ecmdowing/i orth~t'may 15ee orne due or' I -<. . ~", \ d t'" t <P' 1 oW'1ng .o.r!'"ccrue . :uring ,ot,.e 'Presen J. lsca. year. <'~)\~1101}....6. ThELj}~~.~I::t~i;ebY levied$l1.'a~l be c ol.l~H~ted atthesame~ time aneL in the same manner as State 8.nd Count~: taxes and. 'when collected shall b.e pEdd to the treat;ure.~.of,the; City of San-:Bern:J,~4itl0. Sei.t~ on 1.. The respccti vo arG.cunts here,i1?-tof dra d..esig- ":"", :iJ.at:ild\,a:-s'bei,ng the amount of" tco...xes leveied on ee,ch one hundred doll:'rs of the assessed va.luati on of all property hereintofore referred tOh'~~Lf+~se'ssed ':by. tlJ,Q.. QOl,}:nty Assessor , ""\:--'''''~''''. .,.. , ..' ..' ... . . .. ~... .....CT.r:;~..: and returned by the County':A.:plditor, are hereby fixed as the respective rates of tax for ,the present fiscal year for tile purp6se'''lii:{~einto:fol~e'd.e'sIgn'i:\~~. .II }' ..:.... :':' ,/' , Secti on 8. Nothing ~n thi~,;,'b~<l~nan~e, (}}jl1t~~~~d. s.~l~:p'e '.' construed as levying or attempting tc levy an=;- tax uponahy property annexed to or tll8.t 1y;c ome a p:,..rt of saiCL Oi of Smlljern,:trcUno since -':he 1st e'La;','- o~., Jnly, 1909, excepting: only so fr'.r and for SUCJl -purpo::;.;es as it is within. t~).e pO\'lTe~ of said 110.:-01'. and Common C ounc il to tax any such property. Section 9, The Cit.y Clerk is hereby directE;ld to copy of tl1is Ordinance. irIli'ledi2,tely trans:rni t to the Oounty Section lO.It ,is here-bY found Ordinance is urgently l'e ('ulr2cL vation of the public peace heal~h City Clerk shall certify to (2 -3) vo '..:;e of the C Ol11Yn.on ~ 1 ') ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .. z .; ... ....~.;l 15 ~j:; oo..u .. . 16 . 0 rLl >< ;:l rIl .~ 2\'" :: ~ :; 17 Il.. .. e ,..1~~ -< ;:l 18 Pi\ 01 (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 '29 :;0 31 32 " -_._....--.._~.._---.- -..- f o:cc e . pub~ished for three consecutive an(l t.JleI'8upon an(1 thereafter it shall I roo:: C~31"ti tJ,1D.I t tIle VIJ.1 C 1e nl1..~;'ab O.r' r'I . ". v.ouncl.!_ the City of San J3ernssdino is fiye,,{ :t"01'(][; oinG Ordinance 1;V9,8 pa'.ssed and adopted b~:l a>,'two ::;Ji:O~ :~d c~i~ lowing vote, to wit: at ~. ts m.eeting , 1999, ,by ,.J .t~, ", _,'Me> ,AyeS~ ~:\\~ \~~~'.'~'i;'.'..'.'..'.'f;:/yo. .'.';;,;- ~~'~I t.,.." J' " Noes~ -', "~'::i~~ ~ Approved th~Y