HomeMy WebLinkAbout424 .. " o R DIN A N 8 E I! J- :n o. ,/ _J An orclinane e establi Sh.Ii--': crf1.l1e oj,' Sevont:, :3treet from '/lest line 0 f A stl~eet to tho eHst lino of ::It. Vernon J'ivenue. T1H3 I,:ayor and (Jommon tJouncil of tl1:::; vi ty of tian lJernar,lino do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the e:rade of ~3event}1. :3treet from A street to x,:t. 'Vernon A'Tenue is !:c rob:,;, estaoli 311 cd. in accordance ivi tl, tho fOl1owinc elnvati Ons and grades. At the nortYwest COrnell' of Sove:n't]l ancl A street tlio grade shall be 1054.09 At t~i e soutJ:west eO!'TIer of' Seven tl' and A street s tIie c'rarie sll all be 1053.3 At the sout~,1,vest corner of ;2event}i Mil 13 ~)treets tl:e grad.e shall be 1056.7 At tho northwest corner of Savent aml:; stree:.s tLe gracIe shaJ"l be lC57~1 At tlu3 southeast corner o.F' :3eventll anJ,1~ streots tl:f~ [;r8(le shall be 1056.5 A t the n art :'.east corn 81' of ;~; even tL an d 8TFt t:/O: ., At the:; north curb lineai' :3e':rent: ,1 ..t5 stroetn ..L ~ ~ "ne :,:'1' ael (l B'i1all be IG56.9 feel; west of west line 01' 13 street tie grade sl1 alJ. be li:: 59.1. At t:LJ'J nort:twest corner ,)f 1')e8..r1 SLcJet and ['levent}1 :3troet 'l'S '<:"'1': ',1 "e - c <- ll._ slla11 be l06U.4;:; / JI At tile nortlleHs't; COl~:ner of Se-ren tl. and. I'eal~l stre. et s tli e crute shall be i2:a 1060.08 At the nort"iiwest corner of Seventh and C Street:3 tLe gra e sha1:. be lUC3.7 At t northeast corner of f:>cventh rod C StreetH t:rw grar.le shalJ.. ;)0 1C63.2 At tl1e sou t} '>,HSt e orner :if 3even tJJ and, C streets tic ["rnIe shall be 1063." At ...... v.l:O soutjiwest earner of Seve:nt': and " ~3treets the t'rade shall be 1063.3 At tJlo sautT'west corner of Sevsnt} and D streets the gra.de shall be 1065.1 At tne nortllYv'est earner of' ;:even tL, and D streets tJ:e grFule shall be lU65.5 At tIle sout1:epst eorner of ;-;ovent antI ") streets tb,8 grade whall be 1064.4 At the nortLenst cornor 0:;' ;)eventlJ a11.'1. D r1treets the gra/le slla11 be lC65.2 At the son t ':"we at corner of ::Je'TeYltL ancl 1" ,r<,,+reets Y,l,"i',P ~ 1" "'\ J U. ~ _ t;' d II e shall be lr'66. 5 At the nortlwest eorner of Se',r("!-.ct',i, an, d "'.', ,','~,'Jtr,"!e""",N,.", + ,"'\ ~ 1 . - . - - . . J ....ie E'rln snal, be 11266.9 At the southeast corn c,r (yf' :'] ev e:n t;, an.L " :~tr2. et:, tJ. c g'r['\(le shall be le: 66.2