HomeMy WebLinkAbout204OFLDI NANC Ra NO. 204.
Concerning the Health Officer and Board of Health of the City of
San Bernardino, and Providing Certain Sanitary Regulations.
Section 1. The board of health shall nominate a suitable person as
health officer and the board of city trustees may in its discretion ,
either reject :such nomination or declare such person duly elected as
health officer of the city of San Bernardino .
Sec. ?. The health officer shall be the executive: officer of the
board of health. It shall be the duty of the health officer, under the
direction of and control of the board of health, to enforce all lags,
ordinances, and regulations. relatirr� to causes of sickness, imisances
and smarcesof filth existing; within said city.
Sec. 3. The health officer shall receive $35.00 per month as full
compensation for all ilia services as such officer,
Sec. 4. The health officer shall keep a record of all births,
deaths and interments assuring in the city. He must keep in his office
a beak
in which
an entry of all
collected by hits, the
what paid, paid
tees collected by
him into the city treasury to the credit of the general fbnd.
Sec. 5. The health officer shall , on or before the first Monday in
each month, file with the city clerk a monthly statement of all
services performed by hire in his official capacity during the preceding
r.,ionth or time; all fees collected by him , the amount thereof, by whom
and for what purpose patid, and an account of all money paid out by him
in his official capacity. Said report :hall be accompanied by a re-
ceipt of the treasurer of all fees collected by him.
oec. b. :rhenever it shall be cer#ti f ied to the board o f health by
the health officer that any building or part thereof iiI unfit for hit -
man habitation by reason of its being so infected with disease as likely
to cause sickness among the occupants, and by reason of its want or re-
pair has become dangerous to life, said health officer may issue an or-
44AaAet der , with the approval of the board of health, and cause the
same to be fixed or posted conspiouously upon the buildiiY; or part there-
of , and to be served personally on the owner, agent, lessee or occupant,
if he can be found in this State, requirirks; all persons therein to vacate
such buildirV, within ten days from the posting of such notice or ser-
vice thereof. ;itch building or part thereof within ten days thereafter
shall be vacated, or within such shorter time not lens than twenty -.four
hours as in said notice may be specified.
Sec. 7. 'Me health officer may under the direction of the Board of
Health . remove any person who is not a resident of the city, and who in
known to be infected with any daR erous, contaig-ous or infectious di-
sease, to the peat house, when shall action shall be deamed necessary
to prevent the spread of such disease, and when such removal can be made
without danger to the life of such person.
Sec. 8. Vihenever a nuisance endangering, in the opinion of the
health officer, the public kealth may be ascertained to exist an arty
premises, or in any house, or other place, in said city,
, he shall noify
writing any person or
persons owning or having
of or acting
agent of such premises
house or other place, to
or remove such
nuisances within a reasonable time, to be stated in such notice.
Upon the neglect of any owner or occuptint or airy gent or
other persons haviiy; control of such house, or orther place within said
city. to opmply with such votive, the health officer may abate such
nuisance , and the owner agent or occtzptwj� or other person having con-
trol of such house or place, in addition to the penalty provided by this
ordinance, shall be liable to said city for the costs of such abatement
to be recovered in a civil action in any court of competant jurisdiction
in said City.
Sec. 9. It shall be thO duty of the health officer when necessary
to secure the public health, to enter upon the premises or in the house
or other place of any person withinsaid city, to ascertain any nuisance
that may there exist; to inspect drains, vaults, cellars, cesspools,
water c:looets, privies, or the sewers or the yards of such premises;
to examine into their condi.tioh and when satisfied that apartments used
for lodging or other purposes are improperly constnncted, or liable from
overcrowding or :filth to become dangerouo to the public health, or dis-
seminate contagious or infectious diseajeo, or are not propvrly� Frith
privies , water closets, or sewer, drains or cesspools properly tapped,
die shall nerve a written notice upon the owner, or other person in
charge of .3uch premises, to remove the nuisance therein named, and if
such owner or other person in charge neglect to obey such n6tiee , said
officer may put the same in proper order at the expense of the ownwr or
other person in charge thereof.
;sec. I0. 'ra,-.@never r3 case of ornallpox or cholera or other infe-
citou3 disease shall e.:ist in the house or tenement, and it ahall be,
deemed ex inexpediennt, to remove the person or persons so affected to the
proper 1no3pital, it .,hell be the duty of tdie health officer to require
shall persons to be kept closely conf'yned to their respective dwellings
or places of abode, and shall immediately cause to be erected in a cola
spicuous place in front of such dwelling or place of a bade, a yellow
fL< or other ,3uitable notice 3etting forth the fact; and it ,iha? l be
unlawful for the occupants thereof, or any ether person to remove such
flag or notice so long as in the opinion of the health officer the Sane
aught to remain on said premises.
Sec. 11. do person or persons, except the physician, clergyman or
undertaker, and these having; a written pormit from the health officer
shall enter or depart from any house where smallpox or cholera exists,
or while the corpse of any person who shall have died of such disease
remains within the house arr within 'ton oays thereafter, or until said
building and its contents shall have been disinfected or otherwise dis-
posed of to the satisfaction of the health. officer.
Sec. 12. then the cause of death of any deceased person is of a
contagiouo, infectious or pestilential disease , the body of such de-
ceased person mall be placed in charge of an undertaker, or other com-
petent person, Who ,3hall thoroughly disinfect the same before it shall
be placed in the coffin, casket or other receptacle for burial, and the
came shall not be taken to any church or other public place for any pur-
.�., At+
pose before burial., nor shall saidcetcoffin or receptacle be opened at any
time or for any purpose prior to such 'hii.rial, nor shall any person under
the age of twenty years act, as a pall -bearer at the funeral of such de-
ceased person.
Sec. 13. Whenever the death of any person shall be caused by small-
pox, varioloid, cholera, or other disease covered by section 10 of this
ordinance, the undertaker, or person acting an adch shall not allowed
the body of such deceased person to be taken to any 'nuildiry,,, public or
private , other than that upon the promises where such death occured, but
shall privately convey the same the the place of burial in some proper
cemetery, between the hours of five o'clock in the evening and seven
o'clock in the followiiy- morning, and bury the same therein without any
public funeral services whatever, unless it shall be otherwise directed
by the health officers.
See. 14. No privy, vault, cesspool or water closet shall be allowed
by the owner or other person in charge of the premises upon which the
same may be situated, to become foul or offensive, and when, in the opin-
ion of the health officer, any such privy, vault or closet or cesspool
shall need cleaning or disinfecting, it. shall be his duty to notif)r shch
owner or other person having control, to abate the same, by disinfecting
or cleaning, as in the judgement of said officer may be prudent.
Sec. 15. No butcher's offal or garbage nor any d ead animal, or any
putrid or offenoive, animal or vegetable inatter shall be allowed to re-
main upon the premises of any person, or be deposited on any street,
alley or vacant lot or into any ,standing, , or niriniry; water or excavation-.
but i3hall be promptly buried in scme suitable 1---lace where it will net be
offensive or dangerous to the health of persons pas sizy; by or living in
the immediate vicinity.
Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of every physician in the city 10, re-
port to the health officer every patient he may have laboring under
Asiatic cholera, dytheria, scarlet fever, sr.1allpox or other dangerous
contagious or infecit.ous disease, as Boon as he shall become satisfied
of the mture of the disease, and to report to the same ot."ficer every
case of death from shoh disease imvie%,Iiately after it shall have ocomrred.
.sec. 17. It :hall be the duty of every physician in this city to re -
pert in wriTing to the proper health officer, the name at every person
boarding, at his or her house whom he or khe shall have reason to believe
to be sick with scarlet, fever, dypht:heria, cholera, smallpox or other
contagious or infectiou3 diseases, and any death occurring at his or her
house from such disease.
See. 18. In cases of contagious or infectious diseases the follww-
flags shall be hung in some conspicuous place on the residence-.- Yellow
flag - Smallpox, cholera and yellow fever. Red flag- Dyphkeria and
scarlet, fever. Blue flag - Measles' whooping Cough, etc., Flags
:nest not be less than 12 X 14 inches.
Sec. 19. The board of health are hereby authorized by mid with the
consent of the board of trustees, to establish a post house or hospital
wheriever such action shall be deemed necessary, and provide the necerssar
supplies -thorefor,
See. 20. Any physiciw-i or other person neglecting or failing to coil
ply with the provi3ion;3 or requirements of this ordianoe, and miy phy-
sician, undertaker, or other person, interferring with or obotructing,
the board of health or health officer in the discharge of the duties im-
posed herein, or any person who shall violate any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall be punishable by fine not exceeding one hundred and
eighty dollars, and costs of Pv0secution, or by imprisonment in the city
jail of an Bernardino city for a period of not leso than ten (lays nor
more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the dis-
cretion of the court,
Sec. 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and
after the 21�)th. day of October. 1897.
Adppted this Nth. day of October, 1897.
J. B. Frith.
President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ban Bernardino.
Le -,are Alen,
City Clerk.
by the Board of HeUth of
City of Gati
at a meeting, of
said Board held on the 4th.
of October,
C. D. Dickey,
Dr. G. A. Rene,