HomeMy WebLinkAbout2991 ORT)I i 1,E 'IC). 20' . J 28-15-1, of t?le :,ity of an 13nr,�::ixdino, 5 providing for the I censi;�g, ;f' Nusinpss, trades, etc. , in 1�i3 6 City of San Bernardino. The Board of Trustees of the �it� of an Ber:n,.trdino, do s ordain as follow : - 9 Sec. 1. - subdly i3ion 1 �, f .~ectioll 2 UI �3.tid Ord z(1:l"1c,.,, is 10 hereby amended to read as follo�vs:- 11 "l.Yor t.e busing ss of bankin,-, per month. 0-00. 12 Sec. 2;- Sai? i:3ion 10 0 7oction f' of id Ordil lie, 13 is 'hereby wrienraed to r,�d zs fuIiovs: - 14 "10, ior ever v peddler of goods, wares or ;-erc-h.w,dise, 1 per day $5.00" Sec. 3: Subdivisioni P of 9ectloX3 of said Ordina',:;s, 17 .s hw. a b y w',ieed to road as follo: a: - "1?. "Jor every cigar or tobacco store, or place .ihera ,.ny ly such articles are sold, per Month $2.00" 20 Sec, }:- Subdivisio 15 of 'a-; ion 2 of ,--,Jz Ordin::��ca, is 21 nerebly wnended to read .as follows: - "1.7• 1',)r every -A 8ylt, v'tily �33vr, yr solLe�tUr �'�+ii_� Ur - dory for ;pai Airig, reto;uchi or 23 24 onl,ir�inS photographs or pictures, of °an.y and ill aeZcri,�tion -) ind for every ,person sellinS coupons or contc----,cto� for the 2l) // Zvi �g oI any picture taken, ;�--J- .�, v ii:�.r�;ed, r e'v `:' cil�� or i'. iJJ.led J 27 per month $60.0,10 l[l Sec. 5: - Subdivision 16 of Section 2 of said Ordl:l� nc�, 9 is i c reby wnended to road :as fol lo:vs : - '10 For every agent, solicitorlcaxnvasser , �1 person taking orders for goods, .vares or or 32 selling contracts for goods, wares or ; ercAh-indisa, or se LlirG -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 2 ; 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 contracts under or co-rLiply bTjr which the purchaser, upon ing uith i the condi-tAoris thereof, beco-r:--s entitled to receive goods, ware~ or .n.-rcha-ndise, not order iae Plo"ded for, per month � 60.00. "ec, 6:- Subdivision 17 of Cection 2 of said ordinance, is h(,r,-,by xm-lnt3�,d to rnad as follorqa:- "17, For elier�i vender of Y,.iedicinesf upon any vacant lot$ street or other place, Oxcelpt at a fix-ld pike of b-I.!S*irIf,1;3-i, d-;-LY $Z5.00" Sec. 7:- 9,,.bdivision 31 of Section 2 of said Ordinance, is . hereby amended to read as follox3:- "31. For every akativ,- rink, per Month �25.0j" ; Sec. 8:- Slibdivis ion 4,53 of 7,ection 2 of Said Ordiflwice; & .3 Ihereb,7 amended to r.,,,ad ;is follows:- '64. i'or every person selling goods, wares or merchandise, at auction, not ot*her,.r!ise Therein provided for per a.-miim payable in advance, -)co.;idin-- ho'lvever, this shall not z�pply to P"rsors clelling at aulction undor a decree of ;court. Sec. 9:- Section 2 of :3--.Iid Ordinance is hereby wnaefided by adding a new subdivision thereto, to be -Lno;in as subdivision Mich said subdivision 3-�ali read as follo,,Vs: *For evorIr Person enraged in Ih- busiriesot of collecting or deliverin> Laundry, or running or driving a %agon for the pwr- Pose of collecting or delivtring la,nidry �or any l.-.Iu-ndrJ, not requirFd to pay a license under the or,,iinance of' t � -he amity of San Bernardino, per month $15.00." �-� 11 ;j See. 10:- '3ubaiii�iion 63 of clion 2 of said Ordinance, is hereby to r,.a,-1 a.-r3 folio,,vs:- a -A 33- For every 6hooting b--tilarjy, permontuh, $2.00. it Sec. li:- Subdivision 27 V,IL' n eotion 2 uf said Ordinalice is hereby amended to read ;�z follo; s:- "27 For every pawn broker --stablislime-it, or place where lo:�xiz are --,.a,de on colatxul ze-.,,�ity,or any Ifind, per mop' 3 4 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 I s 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 --14 25, 26 27 28 32 $.,-,, . 00. U 12: -4 v i , ew jul-idivisian is :hereby ad -led to lec,.�ion 2 of stiid Ordimnce, o,l-ich sz,&j suudj,.viaio-,j s!bajl be xno,.,-n �-w 3,,bdivisioll 59, and zr,ail be real as follovm:- `;<,Very pordon wri busla-vas Qi' seliin6 or r :ads cr vul-ca a olAer than at a per.mtzientiy 33- t-iblished ).orl fixed, pi,.tcc, jl` bu-3i-cl-1133, shall P. a lic-n6a of $30.00 per !cionth. o r n - v i z Ilict vith t"-)i3 Onlin-mce -t-- .sec. Izi This rd i s ?-a I I e t + i 4L of NOvm0,-,r I ,� 0/,i . kj, eS 4 -3- ,57it of. UF e Boar o f of the Ck.1 .ity -L of 3--An Be.--c a" i no t.i