HomeMy WebLinkAbout3051 9 10 11 12 13 1 1) 20 21 ,, ,4 25 20 27 28 29 3t� 31 32 jl)71,tA.1CF 1................ A l ORDPN11t ICIE PRO TD C FOR TF.E i;�{�3�1T���.�'TO1�; AT1D Cfi��1�(�E;; FOR `J'Hi+ SUPPLYTTIG OF ET,E TPICTTY FOR LT(:FTj ,*,j A',J) 1 TiJ,::T dfi`T'TI G Piik- POSES TO TNT+a JN1-jAi)'1T TOTS OF' TFF CTri'Y OF nor 'F:R1v :R.�,TT10 i`1:) PjF'Ph'A?.7i';U Ol'�TP1A.jJ 251. The `Iayor eir ct Coz.iwii Council of the Cit . of San 'Bernar- dino %ino do ord,zin Cas follows: Section 1- Tl;e .avor an(! Corgi ion Council of the City of' P San Rem rdino shall annually at a 1-66111clr lilee'i;in6 on or ►)efore the 15tTr 614 of Au ast of each year, i'ix ana, establish by ordinance th.e price and rites to be by arltr person, coml�<nT%, association or corparatian 1;'ar sul�plyi ­. Al flzrnisi:- in{; electricity to the of the Cil;;/ of Sari ern. r- lino far liL:litirca.icpul- cses. :'ec+�ior: - That the said rates wid when so fixed and established., is provided in Section 1 hereof, shall be :Ln force and effect for a period oi cno � ear, cor't'.,iericin4; an the 1st da7r of September followinG to tr.e 31st car of Aucust 01 tl.e succeedii� 1, ear. Section 3- Tn fixin; and estab1ishin6_ such rates ml( charges. said 4.-k or ;ik Comm .ion Council shall, as near as r!;.T be, so adjust such rates and ch,=LrCes that the net annual receipts an(, profits thereof to the sriid persons, cor,-parries , associations or cor)ora,nions so furisl1i1-g such electricity to such 7Y'l!i�bitci]:ts, shall lie a lair and roasor_able nraiit upon the CtImount of the invc;ste(i irr, the pleait and system, of such persc;a?s, CcirCp� r1ieS , k ssocia tuns or c_'•al�?C,rF - tia11s, �vi`1iCh said proi'it slu;?.I not „e Less than ix per cent 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 ,1 2 21 24 26 27 2S 29 3o 311 321 uS)oY? a fair 2Yld ?"Fc, oYic'�Ule o'c.11 atioY) Gssuct"i plp o �M,Jlc 1-*S1Jei , 1)rovlCi 3( Ott"Ft in m -t,eS anCi ciiar�;es the 1T'' coTiie (E?'�VEi bJr 5iiC11 EY'SGnS, Coi?i��c;YlieS, cS o(:ic7;i0i).5 Cr C;or:orations frodr, the sale of electr:(c:itr; for LIo vver a n(i outer pur:oses st.al1 be coY?sicerEd in 1'iXiY �Yi(i �,s tai)lisl:iY: sac;i. rates cund (J-,a- r6es . Section �- .j 7 ia.n61 all persons, co lmanies, asSOCIC JI011s or corporations furnisiiiyk electric it,T for li"I,IinL; alAt illitzriinatine purposes to the in1-iabi ;ants of the City of Sets: Bernardino, shall sell aY)cj supply to such inih abitants electrici i Or such i:i:7" .oSeS ; at rates riot/ eXC eEU Ij1 e 85tab1151.eCi rc fif S fixed and reCula ted in the '1ianner as 'herein provided. section 5- 0rdinarice j,17o . 251 of the Ci 1, of San �erna•- dino and all oti:er or(iinances in conflict iterc; �i uh ar. o 1ierel)y repeulea. Sec J�_on c�- This ominpneesl,.all take effect an(L be in force its from and . ter its adoption anc, approval and rublicat.:ion as t)erein provided. section 7- The City Clerk sl.all certify to the yassa� e of this ordinance and cause the saitie to be printed ank pub- lished Iliree consecutive days in ti).e wily Tii,ies Inciex. I hereby certify t1i<,t; the i'or(;oil; or��inaiice was introduced on �;IiB 5rC� Ca , of Jul-; , 190.5, and was 1jGifisP,C< by the -ayur and Con.,,.,ion Council of tiie City of San Seri?arctino of at an c(Ci j ourned recular itiee-r in ; sf� Ck r-;a' or sjn(a Coi :iliun Cuiincil he 1 G on the .... I U ...... de,;,% of Jul;, , 1905, by the s'ollowin vo -u 1 J 4 J 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 1-� to = 17 19 20 1 22 3 ,4 25 26 27 28 29 30 ;1 32 Ades-...... . oes.. 0 ....... �• ............................... Cit-.17 Clerk. Aroved tr;is ....�.�... pp ... aiav of July, 1905. ......................................... Timor of the City oi' Sanerr!amirlu.