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0 17RD I Ii < C�` -,I N 0 . �i 0 AN 0-D'I)INA.-ACE PUIULAMNG T_L' BJ,')11j]-'S"8 01-P 11jt.J��"D'IN'G CITY J_r' lkIjk ki: ta r'-'OR M', ISS�TE11M,7; oil' LLUIBING Aid) 11j;i 4211', Sj !!.'I C T I ON, 017 _4A 0 T Ids :'i' T J!'J c1c, ai� :L'�: Colu�oll co".0ci ! of t.- f 0"" U"'a il) o.- 7 2ecticll 1. .:0 cox'j,,orutioij ,i-, i,i I - a - Oli" oll tn-"" i)"i z; il 0 of piu'iduilq'r within !LO cit.,"' of Sain vitrio ut a _11co'1icc, ;_-(, tc", do a j)1!(_)Vd0O,A 'Iii ti-iio ozdj.!uico. e3c t a C) n » . A.--J,,! 1101!sI011,i'7, ciation,ar corporatiori t,C) 7 or C)]� 3U'11:1031L '011' vliti;in CitY Of Sail u uj)plicution lo 1"01:L1:!01" 11='uncil 01, tfo City cu, Sail Dei)amdino iox 'a,,l state tie i,aiienur..ias w- ti-a pe:L 0:'L 0j2 Pe 1110 01 "S I 1� C)tl401' 6i.0finuto dox'CIATA.'On Of t:O PlaCe ill WhiCi_ tj10 0UL-,ilt0S8 is t-' 'OE-) Co'*�(_' Cte' ">aid bo U6 1':L-ecL wiL,;Ii tio City �'�_Lesiiai0, l '0 t.IL- peo -al u-""" 01Zkand , 0.00 exooutod loy t1-Io 1G'�'.`'.iit S"-; r ot i e 0 320 s I (L O�Ll', Q' 11101) `u aTio lu, 0 1 r 1'r 1-P 1"-, uf t o C ouij V/ of San la rd ill o t a t e. oi' C a -I. i1i orl-i i a p or 'ov a ,,i,,.,L--�ot y C, JI i):vevou by 'U 1, 1-1 ayor coiiult iofloct t !-ia t if a I ic erLc 0 1 .1.1 ",rant e(t no aypl iot ,j iit t,,i pa-Y all 1'oos chaTE;es horeill 1jrQvidOCL I'Orpal'ld Will il") all -roo-pocts olbay a] 1 Of 'W*j",,e tel�,is and conditio-Ins of ti'lis ordiriance. -vor any application is i",ade for a lico-,ico to en��',a, e in, oz Oct 101 �' '3 . Ai,eia 1 1. cara!Nr 0:l t ilco ollssi.".,,ess of T)lunibing, as i)rumiaod in Section 2 Coj_,,Tjo-,i 0(.-)3r_- ncil,at their noxt elp_zluz i.ceting snallif tlee appli0 unt b,,-_' co'pl:tent, to ply til") "ai..o and said iicfLlllco sha.-I Ll xoi'-lain in foTco 1'cr a 1-i01dofL of oiio vI.-'ar i'roai-,d_ u!'i;0 atiio date 1'-1c)22o(bf. ')(31!sull or ".Ozsorls oul'xyi t)Ai,COiiuuct a u, li i 1p , co�rs-�'Xuct_f 1-1 ' 'jLizili", Iwo o.!,OIML etl"o i as .1,,z 1tOr otho:vTi_,- U11Y Plu.: OX 1-1ZA11i"Lliny Co�luition oi' al _�Io' - 0 0 ol iY tc!o lii'Ats "'f tf"O City of Siil Co, -ply to t_L, 1 , piui.! gr I - L i usp",c',ex u" said City for a so, to do,,,afo:ifo ar:,- of �,;,iJ(l I VrC,:U i b- 0, � e -, �i, � t j i Ll e- , - _bO L.. .0 - 001 L I a."d no V1 r,_1 SELZI 'Coo is.,.;uod a rjO_ e 1;3?o-,fjo.,:;ed 'work to be d0no acc- Oruance -vT-_!Lti. t1. Z-Jiau; a"id at" 01j,"; Sol, foxt-i'l alla yfilore a mli.ltdiiig P01,1At iu i,,,Sued Until after the 011alding 1i' `Uted. 2(30tiol" 5. 111 work be _110ject to irisjociolljul;:t i not ce!lT 0 0a ve, to +j-PlUl.lbi.jEl 'jjjQjpoctOY by t_-ie O,Vller Or UQIATUCtr,�Ir aoillE, such v,*(.,1!1-1,()r -1 aV i tj-,o same Wme,a.,: o'coll U..: sucla VTOZI: i,� A�l wor�' _u,,.,�+ be , L Ui: i .. � � 1) . - . -1 - 1 , u i left Uncuvo;Od ai-ld eel-violaclit Lj 4 Lo (_) ,� 1111til inspccted and t1jo TI-IS-i-CLO2. Said jn,,:.;,,,octi(-.,n shall Do i�.,iacto � ... " . C - after rotil'ioation has been i.'ocol\rc)d at tiie ofiice of said The pluj:i,_)jj,jgr 1:j1sj.-,,ccto2 :aay Ipply trio or si-,iohc, t st; aid a11.. necolssary tool," uL;si.,1 ance i'oi: 81-kCh t3l,31 8 "PaJ."ll 00 0 1)()Tson or paa�sono such re1j.;.ove or rej),air any doi�activo t..a-uo-,,iai (-)2f vvoi:k Whol-I 00 03:d0r0a t1`0 illr' )0 t' -'I C),I,ficox . 1:.jjy sOil,pipo,arain TATA),VfUluer lix"t"llae 'got, I o-Li)oamiso tllal.� in nccoj2dal,�Co up,ox fittil4,r or I.Iittil,,�,,o, luidtilso'CL or CuiiotxUctou with tileso opij�ion of iie Pluiabiig Of 00 or jocor.10 ouct, .,,c;Lofe.ctivo qua-11ty,siall upol; i.oticepeithax verbal or il ijjg,fro,,, tj.,E) Said 1-ilcopectorj)e r0rjc)vea o2° rapaixod in tale -witilin ti_,e ti:'I'lo JLixod by tlia. I.n0pocting, j1iic0rjL111C'fL It Shall L L CL 'S VTf1E)_,0 parson or 1jarsolls,to 002,ul)y or i:,,all-o ul, aly house lur bLil il work I'las !,)o0n aonotructe(J.,Unl�'18', "Une ovinez,agont or ',essec C#y said buil-diiiLr nave fir'st i -'CCl.,1_Cd L-1 fiiial coltii,i. 01 LAC" 01, accop, ance fzol-,l tl'o 11 1 " 11 ", k) il 1 0 T 11 j-jCt a perjIlit to ujily person o-2 )0c'iC11 v. pez'Solls to du ally plun"Ib-Ing or nousc , orkuitl saia 1�eIo!) Cl' Q I, C3 C1 :'_Cl iiave i,ogi--teroci. 111i,,, or tPd)ij! or ,jai -,es and adUTOSSCS J.11 U - , 0 3 r I be 1--la,pose In 0 ()1, "1 1 1"Opt 1, J_c,() of t,j�io J�o tO It wil r10+ I e c o o, :; a y t 0 b t L 1 '1 1 1 U D e 2 1; 1 i t - i a s. e, t i CO 11 0,q i 1,1 gr c,, p a i r t) a 1C, -j JL,) (11a i ;oilpv.,aste )r val't m-," ;hould all i7TP0jv"d_t0 CT Vent r be, Or oacL f.)T (10foctive paj%r �, at !,o a n a 2! e, or 00 made tilea2ciii as f,.,rovidod. So ct ion 7 . ljxce I) t viheotTlelR,` ;;., c71ea, b�,f I, r!0 i 11us'' house or building in or I.or whicil al)*,r ot.• i�(�)ei)e.,naontly cioccj), a�l City senior whon such s'C"Y-1c)]. is cons-I.-I-lictou c ti..o stro A oi allay u,.:�cn 11-i-.ic,' pxopei:tY a1yutsiand in oui;o id no sowe-3-,, const-.mictoa on s t 2? e -, t or a 0 v said hou-s(3 or t,)ullding shall be comioctod wit'n a cos pool t(` bo colo1 _rctc,., I-.o tiio, sus is action cltfie PluiJCbing, Ino,�ootoz. Said coc¢,,Ijool to -Do. lociato ilt a :.i,lk tance of jIc)t 10. Os tall I-ivo Ioe�t any propoxty lineanci ilot Ios,: root avlay from ally civiol 1 ii Ig I aid shall navo a -troll ai icl I*i ri",'I c ov e,-.,° of 'Orl', c II: a not less tiiun eigiAeon JLnence0olow tI--o silxiouilding, mrface of tne g.,-eouj--,d a-.,-'t-,,L 'L s 01 id ow a I I, f i nuviover,tnat wi-iol"', a buildling i.,,. on t.ric of a lot oli 11-110 I'xuilt of 'uhicri io ai;otliex wjildii'gjtlw, ',,!ork cu, T,;-c O"Ald-Illf-, in Do connected witi-i I'lic,, worK (.,i' ttie Dulict:Llng j-,,i. tt,,.o fxo-t.. And it ohall i)-- -Lji:iulwful Vox ally persoli or perl,.,,oils to 1.?00 (): C)OCIjpy Ll,,,)r u I I I C) ouildii,,g in tIe, City oi,7 Sai, or for which house Clif arl'angol Ont., aj,,c co--l-- 1�1'ctcxi un!"'o" V i ig SI.I.Orl 1, a-L7rallg,cmeilt.s� cuilliectou'. with an accep"ea City c.owcu! v,,rio,.i sucl,, sc. 1 Z.3 0 011, otructod ol% ti)e street oa� alley upon whdch the prol),orty af)utis. cl ovoi!y cossi:�,,)o,,. sha.i-1 op, ve,-;�,o,,ithTour 'A I 1 1 - ,�I a na i,;,. �,,, , -- - - L ; be con,:IltlZuctcd tint purposo. or i)y such other 7.�eanu as 1,,,iay bo VI-' t!IC) Sactioll 9. A,- 1 soil alld waste pipos to LI I)Oillt ti-11:00 :L,(:)C)t OUL "."i(jo ()J' '-;.O 'NX-,Rx ciox wall. of ti,-J ouildLing shall i)o cul-A iron,i,,ot leo,,, than 'uwo iAvlcj!-Is C-.I,,;O oj, I.,ruto-I! closo"U's which shall not bo 10,80 thu],l Zu"..1' 108 ilit-0111ai CULUIetox aria z;I-Lall Joc, caT2.,ied undii-ini.shou in sizo up to L3.ix iiiciles abovo t.t,,o nig,.-iost poilitin tc.,o row: o,:r I'iro vmlls,ailu. Shall llo+u t--Ii.,-,,,:-,1a,,,,;. 4 withdil eighti,oat of any 'viii)dow,a-JT shaft'o-1, opoliilv, of aily house c)--;, ' al"C' the Same snall. 00 illa!+ftOT rca',Ovod il' tlie ill."'i'L CZit CLO 4- 0 bU j Ip, .0 -;Ocd ,iecoscaxy. All' riraljl"" tall(:(. to 11-fic Otl: owv-, shall be first gTado votxified irm-j Utono pipc o-1, cluct ixol: zIcA i-s,- t-iIa-t four ii'cj es . I'toII"V"uI,o pills; - nj,ot ,o a law,,i IL a1 jv or +-,;,,,o feet cA: the oxto--lox wall ci, ally -buildinz; 1,eit1."O3 full wj Viod jApo co-,.-e I'Vithin tYvelve illchOs Of the .;Uxface of� 4 t, 1,10 grouncl througj:'d its etltii'o co-I'llse. Of 040[� U.'ilu OVC:Llf s"'Icti ri of cj If I Iji;,C MUSt be colAijl0tely and uliifc-'I'.-Ily filled 1,71th ti-lo test u-11'1 one i)azt of suna ancL every ti'Louxuuriay cloanc(i i'a,u,-,, 'IrIne to foxl;l al, ouIc;t:ructio,',, 11110 aiffcie. t s-otio..j 2I0,, + j c f tile 'oottoi,.i aid oicto.,, ,.-vitii a iaii o--,L, -,-,o4t; 1ccS t jiun a quai:'teio* an :L,'cr t0wa1:`d tile dt3?cot sc.'Tox c,x cos pool. Iii-le c �i !"'0 pox�''Ccl'uly j:u it si-lail not -')e COV02:06. c'x ui-L*ij it ai'id upprovoct uy t1jo Pluj,i,,iIjg lj)0jj00,t(,)7'. ('a"00 11. CL1.1oution kJiia,11, [)Y curves ox "Y" bends. i Section 10. -'Evoljr ','Tutox evoyy tr'ly ? 1� 1 -1 Of' wasii ta�aiis of vo.,�-,,oi of v0s.'.01,S �!itll IILI-10 d').ain pipe di-c.otly or S. 0,3j."U.i Lit C-iy olit iy uii�-'L 'ji'louLivoi-Y luzuppod LIIiCL V01-1ted. A.he ti?ap !,,iaocu a! ,-ca:v ti)-, a's L I jo & 1'(3 a.i,. i I I 110 0 U � a I " ;x t I)- tilal'i two :L';33t :L-1'ori tll© JL'ixt-,.I;.roI "O I-VOOL,011 Wa:311-t---ays shai]- i,)o txucted ox usod :Lilu-idc) of any Uil0iI-`�:' or All 'VIUL�j� 1) rays -i i.?.,e(- 'ct0c' Ox used inside of aiiy builu�+i!,gr siall i,)o oj' c0not:ZIL I L o, i.'a 2 1-10 ullion coupling O.L' u.,,Iy cA-o�'01!ip't *i. Oil 'I sod iiQX ii! CuiLoction 'p4- 1,0 j j, -L[Sj,' 'iTJOS 00alOU T.701%1. NO I!UD-00:e I-,'O!IlI0ctioi,s ;;ilail bc, -k;ood OX0 u Fl whel!�" t"I"10 I'ixtI,'LI!("- Uro �olu C.Ic),s,,-, tuoL,- et-artalict 11c)IL. OV02 two Zoot a-uul,:tPLI o,r: i. '�1:2ap i.,ay be usod to 1?()ceivto j)c4l.11 jjxtilrc),,j. 2o 'Ution '1L 1. All tawps to fixtule,", shal-I 00 and 0ii,ectivoly aim i4i)os 'vritiiiii a ru .,.I 'OCA "��'y into cle -'A.T"o; C.tius ()!' tI Olve :L t110 SiZO Of Oal10 to 00 Cd)Vornod loY tl'-;Ic J'Zoviu.lons of Sectio.-, [3 JI a - U � " (,r air I)iT�os 21) )1 oc --1 -:�4cyi(lecI wI - 10ast two f'-et wx-+V 0 eaves of loot, c.)I, 13uoh opoll 011d cd' Vent or ai.0 !'.I,i pc not 'oo withil, soli ( lo) t'c:©t of oy ally J-iviiIgr 3'oo'm ii) aujacent 01: il ding ,mid toil feet, to ;-)0I rheZO t1le WiMICM 02' 0T)o7"jT'g living zoon, abovo a horizo,-,ftal line U aj.- O-V;Oni-11�g of voi�t 0- it l - i - - - . "i;, 00""tion 12. No bildil-j'shoot .,-,tcjl,eua:—jojj ki Li o 0 � 1 1) i , , " T 1,� j � o 1) t i I-, g oction 10. Tile, plu Ctor jj� ao 11, a,1.1 ,o Carryi'-Ig be c,--, . , - U - " u - 19 s 0 T 0, M t c - -I': -,- cteuyai1y Plur,'ibing or (,17,;aij- the 'junitaxy condition of any i--,ouse or kyLliidi -I Z c.L' id :,"Jity, , sl! ia -11 �'c s ha I -! be un -I awi`ul. I i oi :,,y W 322011 tu 0 I'Ll i 1 sam,e upon riotice .;Cs as ti,�.) uo vrriai2c- 'V(-TXL 11 111, i"j CoIstTuctioi: of vfolfk. r, t . i 4 0 t fe I c o c"' w� 3 lia i i Go 1�'L; 1 it c oz lvw)i ,,,I pxo-ou U!, U, 1 excopt thou, -lillioi-ic,-1 Uy a ta-lh iltilicr 1'tA I'DIs1""All fc'i-r J cl o S at S pi I't-I ia Pan clor;ots- (-,i: aj ot J o ""-'ts "y 012 1 i;'Y ta p tne *Oo'v'Tj is cu:L�Oct to t.:Io Ut.I�Oot 0- i+ itod. ill all 0,11-,_ U-!'l tank clooets. 80.i�'uo t-sal� I�0a ,ZI-iCIl -tUC'POt0014d. t fzha� it(jIIX�AUIO 11 'I two !'°'-ot -Ca!o".'; 'UI-Ie 11110t to tcio i,,,ot i'-,avo tzuj) zo-v )i:t 11-1)I "'--O V iu.orl !- it does not -ilj*'.'o t1,10 11-1ve-I 0 c Sol, t a�uo t o th C i I, ',`;rlci tv ol :u oal.j . Thil?(I - 1-11 0 oi 1 Pipes I>iid fi ''+u i I ig's i:. b""' --i .1 (0- ne, ,,, I t hTec ca, foua! :"to-1-1 ''0 cis --;c 2z'� 1 s -na 'i b e of c. a c, t i), o'- i , ui, t ill I , 0' Z c i 1 0' o t" ut �. 1! i n c 1 1c, s ; ti-i i:Lt � 0 n joun.i iv" -I � -Ic t Ij )y (:--0 )pnu!111," I hilt;. L L J I 2j) 0 a .1 'Ao.-i--.-, 0 �v- -,,a vo j. 4 il I 1!iccl U") zu1i ::'I"7'a 111) t 0 �ihd -�X J —'102 '-10 n-V vI't 'clithout cm,'I 0:., cap. voil+'s "oha'A' rollcivi tiLO of the zoc:� o'.- 11('1doni., AdOja:I(! sl-"ali 11"AL, 0"" + ` il,':', 111g,r1,; C, I I or tl--O roof :,]as b'010-4"' :L�0zlo'hod. 110112til. 1-10 Zixtuxc 1,y rjnV4jjg its olit1-t trap cu: a i ic s t cl 1 1 i x t'i i:! :3 o c 1) t a 3 0 t .11 -`]Xr 1 d i.v 0 C. t 0 CL o'% r r p 1. 11 Jj i ig I p I't I'l . jA11 SOLI 01 ',7U-"te 4'wV.o il01las cl- 1101'() ii u-1.ufiote2)I,;Ust C a P11 il°cln 10 oa t 0(1 -ido a! I (i out r i-L i-, t a ,,, c,r .cad. A -1. j.. -,Tast c. pi pos .1, m,, s tV, J i'£., Uiai.-,ietor '00 lead. Sixth. "Oforo fixt,u)1"c's al'a piacel:�i il., ("c''Inection "'fitil ti�"' -1'11111:'I��-Ilg- hous,' or-'-'oicl'� of t'-�ort J'rC),.: 004- 10t Of OT .10 o a �A 1 )OI-ImIlga; I t o iis Oclo'- sliall e hori-totically s-uJc,,d;tPo pil,je V..", 1, 'iv 1, eu, v, i t I i water 1 o 1], 1 Oct 1"Oint ii'7 the oistcl:. ".-"C)IOctiv"_, 'rApoo Lin(- ti""-i-L -fittiiir- 0'' theii, kinds. .-IUst oe -c)ijovod aiid :OII.-;jacod by oc.)unci Iatoziai; CO'Lelit C-1, t1or, -is L, t;vel,y pu2l, oi: tlic, "sliUll tl-.. 01'-' a,:;-J. ai'd '31?Z.111 1 be .-,-JI.%Joct to t.L'o, 1" SeVej-14,1J. I-'' CU,t ir A Il - I ip 'v o t ii C).r i 11 d, 0 C', I' a io-u� -L- 1 o othe,nrisc,shall Ue 11,zde vfitui-t Pig lead U,u na t.iil alICIL tjIor(,)-u,jJ-dy Eight!,. All, ve-tO, pipes, and th,,i--,, cit!-i'.a:u ca'st il'on ,z Irm." of st-I- "Ildal2cl 0J., oxti-a Izeuvy. 1, , it V I a.ri(_l OX t C3 11 + j oj,,,-j Do ', a-_,Ve 4 C L fixtul?('-stll� f cuot ne s, a-Zd Al: VO-L--tICal StUCII-, (,):e sail pipes Shall I)c i!,iTovi e(i V,.,it:,, a o-asL, t-2'a .1 "cl,eiv fort --le ut 't-�O, fo(-,,� tallcl '112c) -;II otcia-', !,�iucos, VII-J.02�0 tv�c ::,Lly it sh-i beo")O il) 0'1 -rccwa,�tek, Kcz atcl�aj. Ali ol (I.Jtiun ol'oic) -, ,Tc.1;.L bc-) LILJc 1,1+,�-: OXajichck; Lu,,t oencts; san-itary "T" -,f;UJIL n, f-I t oe useci oxc"("I't i-n stucils. All cloLil out:; ,,!)all be axtendo,. to out.,:it,i-o, o-I W"'.111 of, son�o coli-vorliplit point to T nth. All Ccilmection, i.ou(,L i,)ipdmg cloineu t,,,y wipee( col'irloctions `,01i PiPOS a; (,L 10,1d,U11d wfuugait ixe-l" pipe al;d 1 E-" s I U,� d t fie i r CI i rl:,L I iF ILI -,-LLi-- In o I., lj� L -joijit's arc ja°CTduj--�Oci ill a J caoe- 1: ").,2 c-f)Ijr-L, r �j i IC: f-:I 1AD U 1 0 a Cl 0 10 011""t 12011) 01 1-1;0 1s -u I., i I I a 1 pE) a 11,011 1 ',3S; WU,',II )IA+jy Oc J. -4, t I0 tWO iIIC, O o-1,o quartc)-I° iiici-I-es. no as, ld-vo�vu,t,(30- viauai !,'Ias ii j i i c jL', i- t,,Y . ut,. one. uilol-(j")t,",.ytc�-u ij-101-101r; I-Ixaj.) ai}c - -j ', c-, j v io r� c t.:.1 io,iioc ve,)I,t,-jI -:MO L, i p,ud�,lAp'O .a a��i i(,x,g tCU1-11-1;0I,,tcc..octino -iytUr0-S,OII3 1CL C.01JLIL j.4C!0; ti.,lujk two riot -,xceeciint, ,;i.x stvTO fuii t� ti-lar, ::,Ix t L" V!0lV(',',IV,r0 U11d onc,-nall' c I! eo ; f( ; 1, 1 IC.L Ti L '.'! 0 1. V C) UA 1 1 i CI 1, XG 0 C i I C', 111 i 1 .1 c l�: C) -:! . .k Ifir+oo2lt; . ('11!ovi-i vcyi,iljol, huy;pOol! l!s,5101.) lint Oe Ies.tiian tv,o lriC .os pLtI1C= Ilot lem: t]ian tilroo, (Ibclvo ti'(-' i-I il; t syst e- i-i. ',-,a t e--L, c I o.,, ot s 'v�,I-,�el: 0 an on-- wat o j:, 0 1 o s --t c:,P i,i ())�jjod: : Oy S 10 �:i 0 1 s Val od- 11t"J I", j,.-- . 1',"0 Cl! 1-c--o 1('111.' L ol2c, t1l1u11 iottlf ikil.";' iift C A O1'0,ZAJ._ f io -1,, a a i nt a Ct nx C" ! r, d I OnT. al ra'_' I io-li: I tu -41, 2 11 root i'n 1 cl"!'t! hzA v a a C) t j 0 U S 01" Jt j )c "."huil kioo p"-Irp lal! to l,i +1 1 It 0 u-LOS t,� 1p]!OVC)I�t 0"_101� %TUuC_-" e`iftoeflt.�l. Ong "a C'I' (3 1 "A 1) C) (m 11 c 0 ou I t 11 a I w u. 1-31 t2 C) 2 a Conllocteu vrith "'I'ly k use �T 0 ss �y 1 vruton� ci t 2C t li-01.1 ouu"' O"uti copylect vdt.i, ai�v soil pij-;O Iwd"" 0 1)ij)O 102! O&WOZ, 011t, ".:-)u ii �J'Chay :''a U F whic t Cal"30 C)J: 'A OX 0 6'fJ aiM 'oacl� von AE)CL. ry ove", ("11 11-1 . Lv w2y w ZA T, C. 1 (3 1 G, Ot, x 71-17.73 itv a. tz % v v?, i i i'x- t na. o.' t ""o, ij2 j,•i.,Oc, :L v -o c-L j; t 1) 111 Llojec)lvahco V; (,: c� 'Do kc, pa!ivv -a A J_lc Stroct or U110Y "I.y j'a3't ('1' ti-O C.'aty vdiei!e a .,e'vrol: o_�i,_AS propexty L�buts. IdIlot eflth 1,11 i p11.11'1AI1& Cry hull"e cl-_Cuinuj�'c 'C"OUro.oc col!�_J_10 :ay bc Cy L as now vioi�lz anu cQii,,Aiructcu In confoi!f,,IIty v,Dt!. tric Te, (,.I I "i I-tt s 01, 1 'd Cl j1'Oi2;c1is .,1Iai_L. coilnoot ua! cAu.c>o u".: 2%1Y riouto C-111�ainugo A."'0I'y' wi'k;h Lki;y jfi'1[)1_i(" -�(11o of ".1cIS ol!dli1u!�cc. Conic"In"s t10 LLuliv t "';22c 0 J_ Y Tl'�ro t Y— lu 0 11 t j e 0 v a C) r a 1 t I -a ILI I oln' Z wl lou I CIL 0 Z t h 0 Lia 1-1 0 ally a,.ditio!-' the .-Cotoil' 'Iow p1uj:j)i,jg arc placou i,, pc a: 1 c 0 I'i, t u.:2c, tI xc) 1. 0 0 — 0 i I -I o:L, ox u!". -1 1('. -CUCJ b V ILJ. I si:011 b V-!17,-a ovex con in a,,.'). c-!� :2 0, J. c (I in tliis, "'Ctloii 14. UIC, t'. o- 01-J 'GUL-Le 00 In ot' p 13ha I I I e zn it) ac 3f,.,lc.s '10, 1�,Xw A -A ci� s a (I no c; 10 . D x ;ZA avo t ^v1 vl-r aild j.,,,-, cult-l", t I U I �Ll i I LO, S c, v a,,l 1 t- I b SO u t I J C' i t 410 1� i i.X JAIX C' CA 1 j 3 OJ-1 t t 0 0_ tA "Y (T.:.Cis.,1", 1 e, or I L D T luCC, ifl, CI is v� i y S t j a 1,;(3 cui"1,.1011 at, 11.1. " � 1, 1, , F 111;1)00t(.?rIund shall noici. ic- dl' :12 L 1 1 11 11 -1' 0 1," Z C', L11)(I I'VIDU BliLtIl 00 0,11-itled to C-i-iarge an(i ry t-c fol, j -J-11"! pc"c t 1, 01 SC?N'IOX 001:1,octioll, 1,51, Xlca all I t no tutu l c,,cst of s,,c. o c C) ed 0 t 1,0, 1 o C, t 'D 2: 2 -1 0 - S LLL I I t.ia (.>li.0 c 0 11 t 01, tu ot a I c 0 L, t z providill,��,; tf�c 1'0_- lem.;tea Q"j - 0 0 1: o z ea c 1-i job i f i s, ,V o c t c 't, fcf, of 011f,' 1"03, C!'-"I t of totL" co"", E"IILII I)c 1%Ui6 to fox jxlcrU_-"(I all seviorstoitnez j,,,i,,-1v-,jto -,,j-.ail i.,,c laid witilil,I tiie p-,11.1A ic Ca uaid Cy lit. d r ue i,;aict :LC'I! ei-j'ar"'Od 'v"hozo -Loo a 110-:;.,c) I)NVOII` Of Mt, ,:i' San iiTc.,L-,,aT(dij(�. if�> 0) IV. J.'Lc i v �,,g 'D t2 0 2 ?, 1) c a 1. - a d 1) y t is o 12 c-,, i C)4 t 0 X 0 2 a- co'd,liots ;-OrelvAth; fuxt Lux, tout tLOY02do ?1U,T.n 1,",OOL WIN a nul A va no ;A I it c 1 0" Ej! vt 1 "City &Zord whereavol tac noonMY U�Vaul 1" &C MAW 30- ipa WOO an 10. ;a, perscm I, ozicso I Us woo no% I un,01 oulp-kut ton 7zo P�p2j 211 c_ violato,nacl out or vefUsu to 00M Y �Q thO r0quirT1011ton ()1 7, j c ), V " 11 an p nou.1 Da guilty UZ U Lis uomumpp; 11,1Z lonvOtho tPUY001 1IL11 jo "I �� � CIO 0Y a Ano m D& 1010 LUZ Ono 1vilced . Mavv,ur 0� 10"r1virpsyt -Y yot -, q tuan 111ty ouyo,oz Up Mtv zuO, 1_lz3 A�u "Qx'wMfTfT AD L:m VISO! Ric! 01 7 P GovZv; upo oVry QA10t10(a QHQUarO � in OPVt)—'AodayUJg00 in violation 01 ine pxoviviono CL vio jxulAahoc coal! 00 mminaloa a7 con 41z- n2v knociva,". U wall no ;" meale S in tdis vactior provdac.. 300110h 30. WAV DZU!"alwa 0.ull ta�o Mlaut Zrop t&rty 6OV7 nyj, anorno.. 3001im 01. 110 601 AM& owul ocktify to ina udo,tium Una ap"Moval 01 t1h'' 01ahjuse ona ouam Ono oune to ha PKAM anu Y 6110had thme 001w2cut1vo ly K tm waily Ti�nu f1:w ax. v vu, Lyn It" IXIALg ojUlvawo too anopted oy t �, Oo;-vi two of SaL 7 oj.vj 6j: �,04 Aw Lmtiao Loll on t �n AT at dny n, jugu St 130 , - uiry Misop,— City Oloik. L.L.Rurton, - - Myor.