HomeMy WebLinkAbout3121 I 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 26 2 7 28 29 10 31 -32 01MINANUM --------------------- N ORDINANCE, FSTA,13 LISHING 7-7, (11103 OF NINTH STREET FROV THR RA92T SFOX OF *As SITRRV TO THE WEST SIDE OF *1 9 jTRFFT IN TL!';.F CITY ('j%P IV, BUNARDINO. r The Mayor and Common loInc il of the CitY Pf San Bernardino$ do ordain as follows: SectionI: ne made of Ninth Street frcm the East side of "A' Street to a vest w;Jde of "I" Street, is hereby established as follo*sj usin,,-!, bench mark on the Soutb-west corner of water table of Katz Building oii Third Street, elevation 1044,5. Elevation of the"Anters5GtiOn Of the center lines of *A* and Ninth altjreets 1071.0 feet . Elevation of t'-o intersection of the centeri lines of "B" and Ninth Streets 1071.4 feet. Elevation of a -point in center line of Ninth :street four hundred feet lost of west line of *B* Stx-'--et 1071.6 Feet. Elevation of the intersection of the center li 73-3 lines of "C" acid 'ninth streets 1071--.-& feet. 1�levation of the intersection of the center lines of and, Ninth Streets 1078.2 feet. Elevation of 'oho intersection of the center lines of "E' said Ninth Streets 1081.0 feet. I Elevation of the intersection of the center line of "F" haid Ninth Streets 10q.2 feet. Elevation of the inter -section Of the center Nines uff "G" and Ninth Streets 10&$-6 feet. Elevation of the intersection of the center lines of "H" and Ninth Streets 1093.6 f,.'et. Elevation of the intersection of the center lines of *1* and Ninth Streets 1099.2 feet. 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 I') 13 14 ` :, z� 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 2; 26 2 7 28 29 31 32 The. elevation o-IC 41-',he points 'herein rw-med / above the datum line of letels fixed by Ordinance N3. 20', shall be 'S S' follows: "j U At the South vest ka,or-oor cf "A" and S Iinth treets 1070.9 feet; al uo north -wear, corner 1071.2 feet ; at the south-east corner) 1070.9 feet; at the North-east. comer 1071.2 feet. At the soutb-iaest corner A "B* and Ninth Streets 1071.2 feet; at the north -great corner , 1071.6 feet; at the viouth-sast, corner 1071.2 feet, at the north-e,'4ot comer 1071.6 feat. At a point on ties. south line of Ninth street, four hundred feet west of tie --rest Line of *B" Street 1071.6 feet; at i point on tihs north line of Ninth Street, four hundred feet '&:13t of -vest line of OBN Street, 1071.6 feet.4 At the 4vaT-tIt-westj corner of "C ,:4nd ninth Streets 107Z.1 feet; at -".1he curner 1073.5 feet; "072.3 feet; 'vbe north-east tho tjouuh­a,-,�8t r. L corner 1073.2 fdat. At tho 6outh-voat cor..,or of "D" and Niw�h Streets 1-) 1073.4 feet; at 078.0 feet; �'jt tlia Ti,�ir t3h �.) %4 t .1 �L r. 01he iaouth-ea.3t coraer 1077.7 fe-t; at the North-east corner, 1070.1 fec,40-0 1080.7 feet; at the north -;vest o-M3er 1081.1 feet; at 'Alw-is Boutboast cormr 1080.4 feet.; at tho north -oast Corner 1080.8 feeL. At', '.-he zQuth--,,v:;o`j cirntr of "F" and Ninth streets 1087.0 feet; at the corner 1037.4 feet; at the south-east corner, 1086.7 feet; at the north-east PA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 191 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10 M 32 17 � corner feet. At �,ri je. 6- o u -,4 U- S t 3 . c., or t� f �,Eia %Tiath streat3 the ID(S6,4 f eet; ut i0a8-8 fe t; t carrier nor �h meast corner • At !,khe cf "HI xnd Ninth street$, 1093.4 feet; Lit the comer of 1093.8 feet; ;.4t the sQu,U4-east corner vS, VD93.1 ffect; -All, norO-aazt comer,, 1093.5 feot. A -Je 4wltb-llveat c.--ricr of "I* and ­ia-Ui Strests 9 4 I CV) 0 f We e t nla- Conaer 10 9. feet; t the �uth-eurt c-oxmar 10'3-.7 fc,-,t; at 109.-.1 fect. knIj flh^ ­--raio f id 'Straot between the po fixod d' Oc-, by -M-3 .�)rdi-a-caicel zl,�Lll be of unifom ascent or deacont, as Obovm by tie trade map made by the City Fn6ineer -zLrid in lilo lin $hIG, 01�Yiae, The curbfs along eachlof said Ninth street be ten ind.,tu hijior this avaraeo of the gutter grades. - Section 11. All O'rdinanceu or pieus ,)f Ordinanom in can- edict berewith are hereby repi.filad. Section III- This O)rdlnanoe. zit-mll tako effect and be in force from, ;vi-id after thirty Up after it"a puzaage ktud upprov Seat -Lon IV- The `%,�,Ivli ulirall cezrtif LY t1le Pa8sage of br�limw.ce ,.,mJ ll-,o be v-Abliabod three consecutive days in she 71-iily Ti;-,aes ladex 4 6 9 to 1.1 12 13 14 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 21") 24 21) 26 27 28 29 lo 31 32 T '41 c, e:rl -1 1 fy that the f or"%An6 Ordim=-o was uli duly adopted by tlte of e t1l P OCI 'Cjt; c,f v"rzi Berriardinc)2 f held 0r t.i e ---------- of eptember, 1905, by the f 011owir's vote. Ay es tic". p-)raved th' f Sapttnber,, 19056 k�- mar, f 0 C"ity off Un Bernardino.