HomeMy WebLinkAbout313OR, TDTMNOF NO. 313. `R AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE C WE OF TENT11 4 STRP T FROM THF EAST SIDE,OF *PSTRIF''.T TO THE WEST SAS OF "I" Street. 6 The Mayor and CornonClouncil of the Cjity of 7 San Be mardino do o-,dain as follo�As: Section I: - The Grade of Tenth Street frors the 9 east + 4,' side of "A" Street. 0 Q,�e -,,, @3t side of "T" 10 Street is I-,,erebv established as follows: . using; bench 11 mark on South west cornei. of -Tater table of Katz Buillir, 12 on Third Stroet elevation 1044.5 feet. 13 , Plevation of intersection of the Center lines of 14 A and Tenth S'reets 1077.5 feet; Flet�,n of intersection of the center lines of vai 16 "B" Street and Tenth Stre-t. 1078.E feet 17 Elevation of intiraection of the Center line3 15 of "C" and Tenth St -rents 1079.-12 feo�t. 19 Elevation G f a point in center of Tenth Stroot. 20 two hundred fokot rest Pf xoot- line of *C" Street 10�79 21 feet . )? Elevation of intersection of center lines of 23 "Do Z ',-,And Tenth Streets 1083.9 Feet. 24 Elevation of intersection of center li—nes of "E" and Tenth Streets 1088.0 feet 26 El&,,-ution of intersection of Center lint-8 of 17 F" and Tenth Stroets 1092.0 feet ; _18 Elxiation of intersection of conter lines of 29 and Teritb Streets 10917.8 feet 30 31, 32 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 19 20 -)I 22 23 24 _15 26 27 28 29 30 32 Elevation of intersection of center lines of H and Tent;-, StreF.,ts 1101.0 feet. Flevatim of intersection of center lines of I and Tenth Streets 1105.4 Feet. Tlie Elevation of the points herein mane d, above the datu m line of levels, fixed by Ord nance 26 shall be as follows: At the south-west corner of A mad Tenth streets 1077.4 ; at the North-west corner , 1077.6 feet; at the south -cast comer , 1077.4 f-et; at the North -east corner 1077.6 feet . At the south-west corner of B alod Tenth Streets 1078.4 Feet; at the orth west corner , 1078.8 feet; at the south-east corner , 1078.4 feet; at, the north east corner 1078.8 feet. At tne so th we -it corner of 0 and Tenth Strut 1079.0 feet; at the north west Corner , 1079.4 feet; at the south-east corner 1079.0 feet; at the north- east corner . 1071�.4 feet. 4t a Point in the south line of Tenth street 0 A. IF two btmdred f¢,,et wristV. %' the 'Nest line of 0 Streot 1079.5 feet; at a point in the 3ortb ILle of Tenth street, . t1vr.! "hundred feet west of west line of C Street 1079.5 feet, At the South west Comor of T) and Tenth streets 1083. 7 feet; at the Nurt-h-,wrest comer. 1086.1 feet; at the south-east corner 108,3.4 feet at the North- east comor 1083.8 feet 1 2 At the Routh West oornor of "S and Tenth Str sets 4 1087.7 feet ; at the north wo-st corner 1088.1 feet; at 5 the south east corner 1087.8 feet. 6 At the south-.-,est corner of F and Tenth Streets 7 1091.8 feet ; at the nLrtl.­V-Vest corner 1092. 2 feet; (S at the south-east; corner , 1091.6 fe-t; at the North 9 east cot -nor 1091.9 feet; 10 At the south west corner of G and, Tenth Streets 11 1097.6 feet; at the north— peat corner . 1098.0 feet; at the s c):A +-Ib-east corner 1097.3 feet; at the northeast 12 corner . 1097.7 feet . 13 At the south-west corner of H and Tenth Streets 14 1100.8 fort; at the no-th wost corner 1101.2 feet at 15 the south easy corner 1100.5 foot; at the north east Io corner 1100.9 feet. 17 At the south 'goat corner of 110 and Tanth Streets is 1105.2 feet; at tIv north-west corner . 1105.6 feet; 19 -)o at the sOuVb-oast corner , 1104.9 feet; at the north- east corner 1106.3 f set. 21 And the grade of said Tenth Str,-st, between the 22 points fixed by this Ordinance , shall be of unifom as 2 cent or decent, as a'I'jcYv,,n by the g >rads map made by tho 24 Clty En--,--ineer and on file in phis o+ficq The curbs along each aide of said Tenth stress 26 shall be ten inches higher than the -averacze of the 27 gutter grades 28 Secti on II. 29 All Ordinances Or parts of Ordinances in 30 conflict arc hoArkaby repealed. 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -15 16 17 18 19 20 21 _12 2 3) 24 25 26 27 28 29 10 3 32 Section TIT. Tlii;3 Ordimince shaii take effect and be in force f ra am a il d a f or r '51n, i Ar t y days a f t 0 r its adoption arid approval "ad !A:3 h6rein provided Section TV. The City (].Ierk shall certify to the passage of tbis Ordinance and cuum the aw.,e to be printed and published three c(maecutive days in the ',).-,xily Times I-ndex. I hereby certify 1 hat the f or guing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Comon, Council of the City of Sar, Berm, noino a at -L reSular meeting, thereof hold on tbA 5tb. day of October, 19051 by the follo,,,ving vote. Yes Noes City r k Approved this 5 th —day of 0c_V0h-fr.-r. i905. Mayor of vie "i+Y of San Bernardino.