HomeMy WebLinkAbout3171 7 N 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - 1 16 17 1' 18 19 20 21 23 24 �1 I11T / Nf 7 aN Oi`'�I?�� 1'�V',.-1i1i N', 1A TI IN"i .I IRk"l1 )E I-013 HE PyS'1' ?J': ^TON, "." I'.��T "'1_f�'dC OPI, ATION Or A"v +LE�CTI'RIC CO STRr�+I RAIij 71F,Oh") ON ""HIRD) S`L'r?�'�"1�• T l 8 a-v- or a"I �. C aril: ii ry r l r; ;' 1 •; ' t I e '� 1 t vl per- andino, do ofdaln 'aS Sollo s: �2cti0n T. A is hereby �r�,ntpd to ! . )enman, Jr, to con3tr Uc n1J'Jl � n AG%a t;lt'a In Si j iv or dcilble tract ele:; ric str. e ,t railr'vad tar �Jh terr.SI ui i'crty--nine -years over t_ e route and upon and ;lord the utree+. and portions of sere- ts in :�jid City, described �;� f'ol to-vrs: l:otiril it i► at, ;oint ao i1e'Ar as pr'act i Gable 1in t_ n. 'iiM le nt TIh i i-d tre `t on 7,-l. %V e,3 -11-1 1 i ri m 0 fn � a elt tl.7ence rut-mirew es uior,6 c-Batter c;f TLI -4 d +tr`.'s t to a la't aboutthree, `�, ed t �00) fe_�tit1r Vrvia: ; poii� ar�ouu h gin, r� s thence in a north-e—a,uteriv by clAY'Ve o t c norttii side of Tc ird Greet tIo a point abUut `�hr,eo h, drod (300) ff,,t f' 'Tat, T t,A. yi,. h i ve e ; i-'r:a cc dnf1%ecti shut i-eea,St at a Slw�lt anUlo tv r`l property line ; ul>in crossir�SSecond Street at aa, point aoo-lit onf, hundred ,and t, enty �20 fect rc5t oi' ?'ate ri,ct v :nue ; U13o crossizff .he ''�est ones -hales od IT,a+—rman , venue -it ;a, s:light anglA in southerly direction near Cardiff strvet• Tn ether ith tt1v, rivht ;a erect and rn_t,irit=aia al xiAces:�ary poles � - -1res , ,nJ to construct and rn=ain- tain all necessary and c onv eni L_it s �r ,tc=: vs , turnouts, c uv cs, conaectlnns at street intersections =aid all other applianceq str?x.,turos _:grid �tttacnrne nts +h it rnmr bp; necessary or cvn- Fr�ierit iri ccnutrtix_� U)'r�tin yin railroad. 1 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Secticrl II: 71-jut t'ic5 terns wa.-I 'conditions 'aeon "diich s id franchise, is gn-anted are a3 follcWS, to A t: Fist: That the trjc+ cf' s:jid railroad be placed. as dearly a* pousible in the -middl9 of tr;e strt on which said track is laid. SAcand: Th' tt t:rla faro for any diut.ance U over said road or its branc11_;N in said vi ty, one way , s:�1a.11 not exceed ride cents f'or. a,ny one pa"asen er. Third: Tbat t-he "ra,ntP: 3 of said f ranch iae, and hi3 assigns, sb;i11 oa;r to t:�e "ity of S<n 4r iLrdina tsr;o per ce tat of the C:,,-rQ6s axl Ull receipts of t �; pt_rsun, paMtncr- Si''ip Gr cor r)ura,tion t0 '.`41C1om th fra, l.Chi;3 3 is awarded , wr - .. r v�F'! r.. + 1.Y G L)e lam, Ei.l.l t au ✓ 11'16 i rum l to L:i6 , Jl�... t u i� rl or .1.1 0s14. lei shall be paid : or the :1'irat five years sueeeedi-a tile date L� �he. fr�uacilise , ��. �� „I �t r such be 11'J--k u Ie=�,Y1:iU ,ily ::i,iA --n t�i• Ovei'lt 3UG11 i t,ji'',19fiti iaa not M: (11 , said fr 1c'rlia^ sh-11 be forfeited provided fur- thPr , tr,'t if the franchise bA .a rene;r�1 of a ri rlt airea,d * in existence , t_1payerr�t cY 3<iid percentof dross re- CQpit i bE�;1n t G21C f°.. I`,.i Ca3e ti:lf: fraaCr1134 urc+L'1t-,`A shall be ;in .3-&ten ion of wa existIn.7, sys te;'tl of 3+ure('t railroad , th^n t'ne jros:3 receipts akiul.l bra estim--ited ' b: one -half of the yorol;ort on Co ' the ,oIV41 eipts of f said extension bears to the total f1iiea1`;e of the °rho!5 system;n, 3.lid F3stir:;-te all be cozzclusive as to the arnount of ttie Srosz3 receipts of s yid extension. �Ctlrt�l That „ork + o c cnstruct he s<a,i d r wi lroad ,hall be commenced in food faith within not more then threo, �r►o nt?1N from the �7rantin_ of such f ranchise and if nut so ccm- menoed V;ltr11t2 t?iG aciiCi tizii , 6:ziJ irBuac.rui,3a ;3"1 dl l be T E'd �f Orflt2dhll OnCtd 'ritilln 11Gt r 1I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 1� 13 -_g 1 6 27 8 9 0 1 '2 'I more than two Pa"rs the',aftUr, ar_, if not so completed =rithin said tune, said franchise so granted shall be for- feited , nrovided that for. good cwuse 3. ouvmn, the ayor u a nan Cotgnc it of th n ,ity of San 6ernLr:d.ina , may, by resolution , extend the time for thereof not exceedinL7 three months. Fifth: /�rV! �3) T'rie railroad com— palay shall plank , pave or ma.c.adarnize the entire ler +'I of street used by taleir. .,racks, e rails :grid fo} two feet on each side - bhere f be+,;,teen th aaid betvveen t'he tracks , if tnc�r� be more than one wad keep tile t,Lnti,.r in repair , f lush xith the atrec t, �4fid vith Sood crossii�s. ad +:;r rij-ht is hereby reaer-qed Icy said City to order s,_zcv1 :«ork to ibe done at the sane time, and, in the manner , and of thn; sane m- ateria,ls , by assess - ,as a;��;r street iriprgtbe done, ;under general ;atitiicct , fur the i-n: )rovencant of any strut over, al on" and across which thy, ri"ht of said railraad In y be rraxited And the grantee of this franchise or his shall pay for such cork shall maklce the roadbed cc,-a- f'orm at all tines to the extablis.'hed �radP of the stre t . loll repairs and �r�din` sh,i L i be rna,de under the super- vision of the supe-rint ndent of Streets of staid City Siat'z That the tracks of said ra.ilruad shall not bs mare uhan five(.')) fQet wide within the rails; vid must h, a a space betwe,:in them sufficient to pillow the cars to Palo, each other freely , ii a double trace be iuid thereon; and said rand shall be constructed of "T" rails; mid the mutive power used in prupeilin< the cars u±' raid road small. beelectricity. 1. Sev enth : 2 Aii bridg�,es crossed by U:he tracks of such street railroad shall_ be ,widened to the full idtyh of the street un uvhich they =:ire situated , , d such bridges . her. so widened s1ha.11 be constructed to the full satisf'aotion of 6 the Superintendeat of Streets . The expense of widening such bridges to be borne by the purchaser of such fran- chise. Fith 9 Eighth : . That the r. i�- + is hereby reserved by t.ne 10 City of San Bernardinu to ,r-�dF3, sever, plank ,mac�de,�nize 11, and improve all or any of said streets , or ^+herwise im- 12 prove , al -:ter or reaair the streets and '_ni, h,Arays Such 'Tort 13 to be done so us to obQ-,tn)ct t-ho, railroad is little as }_•�- pGSSik'l� • Ninth: The Gra,riteo of raid s'raachise, or h i a assim s10 - _ = shall permit mail carriers in 'ihe e:n?loy of the United f - - 17 ! States rcvernfnent at all tires while in the act;::wl discharge of his d,zties, to : ride on the cars of said rail- . <1 road free of ch arse . 211 f Tenth fiIlat an`r neSl ect , failure, or refusal to coy ply ,vith any of the condi Aons of 3,tid frariehise shail thereupon immediately effect a forfeiture thereof , and the `+ I said City by its " yor �i.4.d Cc=,rlo:n Council , m..ay thereuLpon declare said fr ri�:ni �e rfoi f'eited, end may exclude said granted o r his assi,,ns frum farther use of the streets .26 27 of said City under said fra�ichise, which shall thereupon be and re -main null and void. Section III. -11) This Criin once slhal l Take effect and be 10 in force thirty days after its adoption and :.approval. 31 32 4 4 S h 7 8 9 11 121 13 14 _17I 19 _1 '2; 4 20 27 2S 29 .10 31 32 Section IV: The City Clerk sh. it certify to the passage of tills Ordi mice and cause the ;game to be printed and published three consecutive days in the Daily Times Index. I hPrebv certify that the fore�oinu Ordinance ;gas duly adopted by the Rlavor and Common Council of t},e 'amity of ran erns, dino, �t a regular meef,i► there^f hei.. on to �3day of Nove blorl 1905, by the f'ollovving vote: Ay es C Noes. 'o C ity rl I l :F Approved this � l 3,� d _� y of v'ove.mber, 1005. ":Ray or of the City of C.a.n Bernardino.