HomeMy WebLinkAbout320I 1 H 3 4 J 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 10 21 22 23 24 2� 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3 A^�I OF')T'�°3CF hFGUL1_TI`:3(TH�� �,,:,T�BLT`:!�'�,'�'?vT r�,."') �,:�IR?)- TFP,N-1CF 00'-DUBLIC LAUTNJRI"'S VU r15LIC Ik'ISH u0US1 �S , 1"ITHIN THE ;'Tl Y O ' SAN BERM4P)IN0. The T,i1,J� Gti r 'v U(IIOn '�'v' i1C 1 L (i 0 iJra it --to Sectic.r_ I. a - i 'n rIt shall be un1,,i fal j.'or• any firm, .ssoclat or corporation to establish,' , conduct or carry u�, a public ?-v.;nyry or pub1i.c wa.2h house, where clothes or other articles are cleansed for hire, withjht'ra ;_t portion Of the City of San Bernardino lyin_� and. being ,with tine foll.c in~ described boundaries, to wit: Comir.iPro iat the South -Fast corner of Block 14 of said City according to the official map thereof, of record in the office of the County Recorder of San Ber ^.ardino County; running thence Vest alor the Norte: fir_ of Seco nd T,rept to the Sou.tb-west corner of Black12 of s::1.id City thence North to the North Line of Third Street thence 'Vest UloiV; the forth line of Third S ^-E;t to tv,,.e ri.0Ut11--`•rest corner of B�Gck 2;z o%' said Cltd Whence North lob, the East line of "H" Sty.: t to the No rrth •--,retest corner of Bleck ity ; thence g alor, the ^cuth line of Ei�htr' Street to the North-e� corner of Block 51 of :.aid Cite; thence South along; iP'est line of "C" Street to point of beL-,lnriing; exce:160 the, same be con.ri;.xted ar carried on in a brick or in stone ITUildin . Section IT. It shall he unlawful for .ny person, firm, a isociatic'n , or corporation to establish , maintain, conduct or carry on a public laundry or public NN'J4house i 1 w 1 c� ot'�'e's or '; t,h r articles are cleansed for hire , 2 ,herE- f y,� Citr of San Bern irdino 4� �, the cor�;orate lirnit3 o� t 3 first havin 3 obtained from the Boar of HQalt}'. o 4 rfiit,hoa.t certificate that t'ne Lol"ce and ,r lsss a� 5 said City, a. eu-. .y,�,icr said business is to be cen�-�ucted, is "ficient y 6 drained a,16 that the business can ae con'y)m i and properly Gri at such pl�.ce v�ithout injury t,o t�.e ed �.r:�� carriE;d S sanitary condition of the r_eihborhood in which said 9 ituated; also a certific_te fro,(: the Build- .,�isn d l0 i!�;_, IrLslpector the .t the heatin_r appliances in said build- 11 ink condition, and that their -use is not vocd 12 danUerot.s to the surroundirZ. p.ruperty .from :fire. 1� ',ec t i c�nl I . 14 It Small be. t'ne duty of the Board of Health) and ]; the 'r3 ailciir,; Inspector, respe t:velyT , upon applicatia n ._ r ii _ _ Y public laundry or wall; houee,within the City of San Bprna.rdino, to inspect the r-)lace or premises at, or 19 orl rihich it is po,,Mosed todonduct and carry on such 20 bla.> ness or a.t or on 7,hich said t e i is beir.Z Qarri 21 on, and ascertain whether said premises are provided 22 ,roper drainage and sanitary appli inces , and {7sh-b+ e 23 tlic; Ordinances of tLlhc jlity of San Bernardino, respectin; '24 the construction of buildin6;6 and the; lz nixing tnerecf, CD 25 have; been co-:oli.ed -7vithm) &nd if in all reopects aai.d 26 premises are found sanitary and safe from fire, then to 27 issue to said applicant --i certificate as ±provided for in )8; >ectior_ II hereof. 29 Ho charge lt,hatsoever shall be rn.ade , collected or 30 received for the performer ncr: of any of the services re- 31 quired by the provisions of this Ordinance, in the in- 32 spection of the premises or the issuance of a certificate j 2 r 3 4 ,. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 D 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 as herein ,provided. SeC4' ' c 10 rson, firm, association or cur or�atic:n engaged in the laundry business in said City Shall permit a.ny person_ su ferirt� fruYr: an infectious Or contagiutis disease to lodge, sleep, or ,r,,ithin or upon the �rpmi.ses Used '�y him ,her or hip for the )urpcse of a public laundry or x, = sh hous e. Section V. An T person, firm) association., or cor- r�oraticn , est ablishin mintainin, conductin<; , or carryinS on the busines3 of a public laundry or wcc.sh house clothes or other articles are cleansed for hire, contrary to the provisions of this '')rdin-wice be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convistion M0.00 , or by impriso>irient fur not more. than sixty days , or by both such Fine and. i-trorisonment Section VI. The ",ity Clerk shall certify to the pas sa.,---;e of this `ordinance and cause the sarie to U,e -ublL had three conseative days in the Oaily Times Index. I hereby cer-tify that the forpnoi4g, Ordinance eras duly a:dupted by the IRa,yor and Co,2rnon Council of t'�e Citir of Sari Bernardino , at a regular meeting.; thereof , held on the �a day of '3p�r, 1905, by the folio mote: Yes t-,-, -,�+J ,c.A--- , C, CQ--f Ca--�-v o �c °utiv►u'v N o. City Clerk. Approved this _day of.'��.__., 1905• r VI, air of the itv of San Bern-irdi nn_