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r-3 ORDINA14"OR No. An Ordiy,ance establizh-Lnl-- the Grade of Third "treat J.rom .,e of "C10 East sie Street to a point 2 -,-ot '00 f eai�,t of 'Ile f ,A* Str(-act in I. -)he Cit", of Swi Bermes-dino. .0 The 11,,!,-Fiyor and Common Coizncil of tho 11ty of Swi Berm',rdino do ordain wo followz: The Gmde of Third "trot from t1lie east vide clf' *0* Str,;ct to IL - 0 V, I Point ti�vo hundred (200) feet cast of 1he oa-t side Of 'Al Street, is I-lereby eot,-,bli-hed as follows, uzia-- BencIl ,-'sari; on thu SJw,,-,t1rwoz;t corn©' of rL, _#" ijer table of ,.,-tz Bui1jin,r , on Third Street, elevation 1044.5 f;-et* Elevb4tliors of con -ter of TI.tird Stroo-t at intersect ion of Ra-t lino of 00, Struet 1036*1 feet. Elev,�tion of u, point in center, of Third Street 450 foot east of eazt lil.1c Of street. 1021.�'6. f t i 4 *15w and TI.)Lird U.L Aun of center li,-qcL of Elev on of intersect 4 1 1019.7 feet. Eleva'lion of a point in center of Third Strc.-C,, 1,30 fo(-A of the euit- line oll' IB"' Street 1018*0 footo Elowition of the intersection of 'U"iie ceater lines of 'A" ana Third Street; -I 1017.4 foot. Elevation V- a point in the center of Third S",,roet, $2.00 fce' oa.-t 4. of the, east line of wAw Street 102096 foo,10 U U , 1- L lie iutl-z- lin(-,� Of the (--Aevation of the points Iacre.h-i above I levels, fixed by Ordinance 'A.40. 26 editill be as 1`011019u: At th(-,, Southeast corner of 10" ind. Thdrd U Strootc, 106,5-9 feet; at 11,1,orwiiawst corner 1066,". foot. Elevation of a point on the Soutli lino of T7-lird Street, 450 feet east of the eb,st lino of *C" Street, 1102.1.4 feet*) at a point in the !,orth line of Third Strt.et-, 450 foot east of the 04:3,1.0 line wt, *1CI, Street, 100:1 ."1 feet. -I- A. At, the Southwest corner of *B"' and Third Stroets 1019.6 font; at the 'Northwest corner 1019.8 feet; at the Southeast corner 1019.4 �i feet; at the Kcrtheast corner 1019.6 foot. I �. W At a point in tale youth line of Th-Ird Street 130 feet east of 'ho e�lzt line of *A'I* Street 101I.0 foot; a point in the 34orth line of Ti-drd Street 1.30 feet/ taQt of the mist lino of "131 Strcet, 10VI.0 feat . e intersection of *1* and ThirdA' Qhe Southwe-t corner of ti Street 1017.4 f-jet; at the lliorth�ve.L corner, 1017.4 feet; at the �outh,evebt corner 1017.4 feet; tt the northeast corner 1017.4 foot. At a poiitin the South line of 'fhir(i Btxee�t 200 ft;tit e,,zt of the east lino of IIA' Street 1020.6 feet* at a point in the i,,iorth line of Ti.,drd Street, .00 feet east of the east 11no of *14* Strout 10420.3 fuet. And t-he FTade of said Third Street betmeon the po-knt.,fixed by this ordinance, be o_-':' ascent or descent, as shown on the 57ade map, maie by the .1 U City Fmg ineer and on file in his office. The curb -a alonlfeach side of said TZIaird Street shall be ten incises hip�ier than the averw.�,e jtter _T wades. S FICI T 10 N7, 11. All Ordinsaaces or parts of Ordinances in conflict heze,.vit'n are hereby repealed. S IM T -1 Oi'III. 7',-ds Ordinance shall take effect and `)e in force fro:�. and after t" I i �' days s I�t�-.r its passage and a- Ir "y _pproval SEMI Odd TV The City (Olerk shall ce-4-tilly to th,a of this Ordirance azd cause t.116 Ojarie to be publi,,;.ticd tierce conaecutlive days in 'U.10W Daily Index. I b2rebY_ certify that' thw foregoing-, ordinance Was duly adopted by the Mayor and, ,toip puqaCouncil of t�e I . City of "n Bernardino,, at a. re 01 ting day I ere held on -the, of 1 thereof, V* 805, by the folloWlng vote: Ayes- __ C. Cote, J. C. Wees, R. F. Garner, 8, H. -Carson, C. F. Riley.. Noes —None. HARRY ALXAj3QNj ApprQv,-e4 this W%7&Y '0