HomeMy WebLinkAbout327A-,i 4 'H'h,' AhA 140 F 'I'Il dJ L, TF "1101 AL' 'ARING PA I, I Jr � i �J' I�T_T IN �17 L-F CIT'S! � Jr'Jc" A`�2 "(Yfi,T -4 0 �G , 7 ? T E I "I -TI T ()Ti 0 7 3JIT T 9 D, 711 T TO EOPERTY L I FY L A �, O C - 12 13 I: `ec�iQj1 I of Or iftZ;Lrjc e _I�U. 411-)) 14 G t i i2. t a.L a u T"nt i -1, i o 6 ALL is -U-i U1 Z Ll 1 J I j u v ia. uf D CL JU 1'7 v dd. 1, u e disc u,..,.-�Ii.-Juati (-)n of 3 0. U1 U UU r, e s 19 T.:L.L u ect T ;,(jb Aaup the�L Au4u6l t c cLlcrete) K)U lain, .3-hui be erected c(,alst-ruct ed or pi -,,c d u _a-iy- -141 lot 3r -,3arcel ,oitd_n uf City u f B.-mar(iino 1 v 1,c a -f -16 i n,- ri the 0 c, um,.. ar - 26 , 2 7 11 `�ul.,L' --,uot corne.- T Li U ut e .0 of ',31uck F�:ur een 14 ui tree 19 i hence Nortd.�,i ,).a_ Lire. u ef 'LIU C1 1171 U ii.ie 30 E0 T ccK F,�-L�z_teea( i4) --k-la �� ij),i -uh `u6t iinc vI 31 -Uu said luck lldnetf-,en (1)) U!, &L-ld City ai 32 east C,�)r-_,,ier uf �aid e , L I � 21 31 4 6 71 9 1011) 13! 14 16 17 tTl 18 19 - 1 "o 03 24 �S 1 26 27 i OR p aluic bno Arm Zap A 3aid Qluc'-K iy) <' U iCl wlu4. Lao Nirth lines u! Blued lvenvV(20) ura 1wenty- Une(W) U! tak CILY A a POWL fifty(50% 15et Eadt A Lou urth-west Curer A Lut Su (7) ui iullucx kemy- one ; thence NuM to a puint fifty (50)"Aast uf tile lurth Ast curner A Luc Tnu( a) A wid Auck lme&y- une(tl) ; thence west alunV the Numn Me of Lots So Q) Taree (3) and Four( W A suia olucx Tweaty-une (21) to We Lrth 748t curaer uf unia Eut puar(n) A ouid Bluck T -,t , '� - u(7,, e <i ) ; Vence OUS UIUQ the W, line of said Lut Auxim) of said niucii I efity-o_,e(zi)F caa hundred fifty (150) feet ; thence, fir,. h lian of lots Ona(l) m Twu (1) A .duck tW22) u! ouid City 'Lo ajo m.,%h . 4(',6t c,raaf or ,id LU; siU ) -n) L2A swia haox Wenty.cou(;.uaca91,th u- L c� e west A i4 A 2vid Lut T,u(2) it Baid Max T enly- LYE W72) and aiu60 ",at Me of Qt Av nuck Fieven of n"id MY nu a point one hanarsd 101YOU) fevu 11 A mid Muck Fie`: en tkedwH F,aj A Tut Five(b) af 31,cK T elve (11) Cj, V, -u' PO-1 W of kp$ve V one 6 Ad t ,,ion e c e A er kae A Biuck Tvrive (A) "hirt0en W) A�a 2-'-Tteeii i t.y tu Ve puiot U. Ozinniag , ak accorlin 10 t a Ur AS U! suid City Uf Zscom in .U villas of 006 Sunq Tecordor A 90. 002"UfAnu cou"Iy in :'uok 7 at one thefauf . section IN lection X I said Orinance Nu. ni in h fe - UY 4 sm9ndnd to raus ab Iollows: 5 6 All "Urty wail. Oen U60d lar one aluq' 7 000dia"O 1�01 UC at iouut S&Iuun UU) iacnsa' 8 Voick for t v hassAent Y7 fwyn-utiun? a­0 _','Oiva (..L�) 9 inuhca thick Y02 ;�W Mal tuly ; w2an .60d ;U2 a t"U 10 story baildinj uil paxtj iail; Kai! V ut iwam,, II I mmnly(20- Annow thick Ar Qc baae.�nz or Wmation 121 sixteen (16) iauhso hick for lac 1ii zsj!"� uad' 13 i o: 07 e (10) WOOM Oiag Af !he SSW"! atufy 14 fj2 U lArce stary �O!Ain" 6LClj 15 be at imat Wirty -six Q) incmu thick f uc LO tic mament uv Suddation sixtoca(M) iAoAe;, 17 thick for ohs firsz 6My aixtienjis) 00196 Sick for Qh- nouna atu,7 mad twelve ( 1 4 val,� 191 jy thick at xn ar thu Third Stirf. 201 - .All party wails 6hall c k1l 22 atone: op cuncrets 9huuln upsnOgb bv izwired in said WHIZ I they shbil aut exc eed wig. (b) f eet in 23 Nail Pav a a Wid arch S f Urmbd 1M .6 imat three _4 rullacka I and shall Nve avubis muden doors cover- 2S ed nith titinturother Me proof motul uad one ed,ts 26 I at each Wde ufthe LpardnSe shall alau 27 is is coverrd ans nut nUIT 0",&n 2S allowed in any mty tail fur each s tury. 29 30 31 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 a: 09 17 < 18 19 20 -� 1 '12 )3 24 45 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 If a corner u,dd To E. front o)r re, al, v' -a i cal-i J iil Qiate Ul- :Lf U e.C6 f l! 7 ()q_r U`_ -o-dred (i,,A) fei, t I Q - - -,"f i u U t c r Q s 6 a i. acid f(jull" ILIIICI�Ies u all <ielve i- -, i-ach oearin.-'s ,,,ju i i 6 C;, ur I at e. r lc.; r c 1- Q z four( �Y 10 _'4 a 4 i r ot �7�] I-, v e2i on dour ':_ql: Y, S u u 6 all -- -1 E,, S Fi- r ., ll.�P, '1L e i �­­t �rll =,.ouv e T 1 0 C. f .A I I ;3 6, r t i t I u --,1,3 1 -1 i 1 12 'Jf jCLk ' a i i i c) f -0, rot S!, or y Marti �d I b c �Pla,.3-ter­d L)d av e t -.!] o Immu of c 1-i diL i i la 6 ac sto 4 JridC­Ddo, ;hall I UG e ter cMuds y . it furriz:.9, i;6 xuled ,;n o.-Cick vials maces iis Che b e - t,q�,,! n 6 a; -,.i s 1-z- i i be ,Jto:��,,ed e.a.ch Ntuc-v :I.Tia ,Aeces of eLjual i i c. ka,-z s :3 1,u, _U'ieak t.;-le draft. The roof 6hal.l, be cover d wi-Qh j-fiztal 0�, _,71Titpl uspllluitum, covered vdth zvel, or -,.;ith so-r,,e fine .,,roof t pon otrin�-_,ers �o brick or I;tune z,,hall b.,,� 4;u . - u ppQr -d ue of --w)ud I and no stone ur iron otepis s ,11 L-e 6et upon I o d en cirri tic e, s, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 6 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -36 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section TTT: My pnr3uh vislatiM any Of the pruviaionz of t . bis Ordinance shill be BMW SuiltY Of misdaoaunor a 'onconxptiun of 3n,LI p;�Yhdbfin e in a sum not exccedip- or b! imprisonsPnt not ein Ped in�:--, �or by both ouch f ine i I tion of th c lourt. impri-sonment, in Be More 9ection T7, Thio OrAnance stall tQ0 Yfect vni " in for e fro and after thirty days after its arld app rov A - "ect! on 7. The City clerk shall wvtify to the pmage of this Ordinance and cqu3e to he published three consecutive days P the ;)Aly Times Index. 1 007 arrtify that the fore goin- '117 'o(Viinan,e wajuly ajopted b7 Q,p 'ayof cs-ndin rpaniatnOlqcil ot>pity ofUn i TentRZ t"Preof, held on the 1 of A061 by the followinS vote: N c e $-11) L c1tv 0 1 er" r ov A tb is of.Tanuary , 1906. Vayor of the diti of San Bernirdino.