HomeMy WebLinkAbout3320 ti 11 2' 3 � n 5 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 16 • z 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 271 28 29. AO 31 32 jL rI;i I I G rT i - "A"C' G V _�ill 2 1 1 0 CEE M 7" 1 ITT r!ijT1-, O"T DI CITY 0.'-' SA. 017" O�,T O'fl C �S 0 07 1 STABLES S 11) Ft!] T I 1�11ZT A1,10 C TPJT,,A:,i DAIRI111' S T 7," 11 C LFI, S 11K 7F. S 9 E L .,I__,,K 1HOUS7, LK T11he -',a7,,Or aiYl cl our,- of 1- 4 t of S, an i do ordain as -fo 1 -S U n I ("'s Ir 1 a I I be. mlavrf-_�l for �nv pe--son or 6ity 4 San Bernai-d-JiLao s to - rinL_- or reca,ive into the aPW person 0 for sale or to sell therein, or offer for sale any milk or obtadmd from the -board oflo -at first havia�,, c reaLl v4itho Health of the City of San bernardi-no , a permit 30 'L-.0 do as hereinafter provided. S6ction II :- Te o pfc)cjru any such pralit t _1 e therefor x1axii shail-I file •vritll the said stateniei,t s e. t 4' i n, *-.*, "orth his oard of 'Fealt.11 a wri U U v residence , t",-ie number of co,,:s o-,,hed by him, I the, 1latiiE and addves,,� of way and all. persons from ,Tihom he is purchasing or obtainin�failk, and the mzq ber of gallons of 1,11iik sold i-iourlyj as he can estui,­,laste the sa�rqee ; �_.,nd by him daily said statement with u certificate from a veterina-InT surgeon lw,,Jiully qualified to practice h.J. - profess ion the State Cal-'Ory,' ff .P U Ila issued within one mont, prior to U1 e date of such application , cert, fy- ice; that the Covv, or covis producin3c milk to be offered fc 4 sale are free from all disease wd that the -p.reiaizes On %,6ich th-_,co,,,;s are kept, are in a cleansandsanitary con _, -U i C ...,an( It. if such permit be grantd it- shall be .'Uhe, duty of notify 0 J.1 lu`,ie s aid Board of lder hereof to in .',ur' iting of any ch-ar,& 1a t h e nw-u-_ of addr.ess of t i G per- 4 S Uljl,, 1 y 01 , don 'or ­r,,-sons frrm -aham-he obtains his T , Ili 11k. 1 2 3 4 5 6I 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 191 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 t' d u1 Section - If it shall <zy�pear : �piece H ealth , upon c oi�� idefi nD suc (. appl ic; at:i un , uilat ttae state ments therein aiaia are true, a:lci that the applicwnt does not purpose ae11inr; or ofi'eri1­1�-3 "r rule any adulterate -ilk or creazu belo=.v t11e staildard , as hereinafter defin -d and prescribed') it shall be the dat;r of tale Board of "ealth to issue :ithout cost tc said appli(, , �er�iit , to brim -and receive into said City for ,Sale, ilk ajd craa�n k and tneri3n to to sell anc' offer for safe provided , ho,, ever tjjat sucli per:::it s,:�a.11 be :,rant ed only on the exloress condition that it sham_ be subj ect to suspension for w period not exceedi.Z ; six months by the said Board of Uea-th , in its c.scratian , upon proof, to the satisfaction of sail- 1L�oard of a X%ii- violation by the holder thereof , his servant , or went , of any of the provisions of this Ordinance , or any rule of the Board of health relating to the, inspection _and sanitary Conditions of dairies and milk depots or upon ?roof of violation by said holder of ,zany lave or' i:his State prow iJing against the adulteration of milk o- Crean ; and �rov i.diDd , Furth or , that no such permit shall_ be sus, en - ed until after a hearing; by said Board of Health in the rjiatt;er of tree suspension of sacra permit after fiva days notice in �writin 1ha.s been sery --d on the holder of such )ermit in "lie r-angler fr escri.bed for the servii2L; of. notice by "ecti.on IOII o the Coz.e of Civil Procedure of the State of r;a,lifornia , ��a�h' ' inotice shall state the rowid of loomplaint against such holder antl the timie and place .,.here such hearing shall take pl ace . Such per-Uit shall be ouod until the first r of January next a- ter the sa:-yie is grant ed previously revoked or suspended . ti 1 2 3 4 5� 6 71 81 9E 10 11 12 13 141 19 20 �1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section IV: - Each and every dairyman or propriator of a dairy , disposii-k{ of 'ilK or cream in this City , then i2lakiii application for a p errnit as hc,, eink�efo Y�e provided , shall present. to the President of the Board of Health a ce1 tificate of Wealth issued by a qualified physician ,of each and every employee of his dairy and that his wearing; apparel at al t times when employed a'k�cu such dairy shall be in a sanitary condition - Section V: - All dairies , cotrs, cow stables , .milk houses mil_ ves3els and vehicles s et�ler Lvithin the City of San Beraa_-dino, or not , frcr:i da'hich mils or cream is sole. , or offered for sale or is supplied for the purpose of being sold ithin the limits of said City , ands ll places aai1d vehicles Within said City in which milk or cretin is dold , Kept , carried , or conveyed , shall be subject at all times , to entry and i.aspection by the 1Tealth Officer , or soya-- one depute by him, :and it shall be the duty of all persons olornizJ or having charge of such dairies , covis cow st�abl3s, mils houses milk xm1xi vessels or vehicles to alloy such entrj and inspection ,md in case the uviner or person in charge' of a dairy , cow / cow stable , milk house , mile vesh;el , o • vehicle, withuut said City , front c�hich milk or cream is sold. , or ins ,:ppli �i to the holder of a pBIZTiit f'or the p�:rpa;e o' being solrjithin the limits of oa.id City J r'efvsEs ,Eexi ih ziii:ezx By ZY'21 � g. i x,lel�Tx to entry and inspection teen such holder shall upon r..otificat.Lun by the Health officer of such 't'efusal , im- rrE,diatel;t disc un.iYlue selling or ufi'erinz, for sale ary Milk or cream? furnished or suo0i't=d b77 such c-,:rei or 1?erson 1 ` so r•eftlsing . 2 ection VI: - It shall be unperson or l�er- 3 sons to have or offer f ur sale any milk frutn any c(%: 4 , 15 dars before or five days after parturition , sach ir-lilk shall be deemed unfit for use , in any )iiarner , and he 6 condemned by the :Dr'ol, e.• officer. 7 Sec tiun VII : g All persons sewlirI or offering for �Laie 9 milk or treat.► With in said City , or furnishin�; or supply-- 10 ing milk or cream to be sold therein,ahall allow saRI les 11 thereof to be taken by the Hea;th officer ur Milk 12 inspector at any time then deina Lded. 13 Section VIII: 14 It shall be unlavrf;,il for any person to o i5 furnish sell, offer -for° ~tale, 4.1 or have in his possession ;� A 16 , for the purpose of sellin6 , Y;ithin the City of Sin Bernardi a O F 17E+ any milk or cream teen 'tuft ar:y ick or disease;;- co54r, F. q °J - Ri is or any milk 7'F' 1 lc rj h .)-)n been mixedi i �h any milk taken f rOLI .r 19 -v � diseased � o,.+i o r an r (ji 1. k t o ?:111 C h ��,,t e r any s.�c,� or d�se�.� .d c , , - � ,{ N0 )reservaline or ol.ner foreign substaaice has been added . 21 Section IX: � 22 All. -wagons or vehicles used in cart yin-; or ,3 trasnportir6 milk o, crean, shall have the nzalne of the 24 oiJne r the nw.ie of the dairy , the marnb er of the -�'r agun , license and the lord " yindlk" , or the Nord "Crew L" , 25 , 26 or the words milk and cream painted thereon in plaid and legible English in letters ur figures not less than 27 , 28 tvvo inches higi1 Every dairjrr�a3.-i or products of 29 milk s�_al1 coil or rec uce t ,e heat thereu 'Uu a 30 temperatu-_e of nol, exceeding 60 degrees Fahrenheit 31 before the say e shall be put intu i,he closer. cans or ioarket- 32 ed. Zr 1 2 Every dealer in milk or crew. , who uses in his business 3 a .,agon cart �r other vehicle shall, during the part 4 , of Each year betv.(een the first clay of '-'Lay and the last 5 day of September have and keep upon such z.;vaE;on , cart ur 6 SC> ocher vehicle G covr.rin'� of caulvas ar other ir,at��ri ALU 7 , as to Prot C t the contents thereof fro'at the rays 8�� of the sL1n 9 v Section Y : iu It shall be unlatirful for L-my dairym,-m to 11 possession 7.ith feed to his milch caws orh�.ve in hims 1 p 12 intent to feed to such coy,.,s ) ony barbaU, , s^;ill f refLtise 13 cr other improper food , ro to sell or to offer for r d 14 sale to any dealer or o;:her resident of the City of San zea,15 a m Bernardino the milk or crewri from such cotiys ; nor shall fi 0 16 any such dealer knoviin;, y receive or sell any milk or x m a 17or cream produced from any such dairy , nor shall the milk 18 of cows -,hi ch may be kept in any place o heire t'ri e 19 water , ventilation , focd 4nd sL.-rraundaigs are not •,,thole-- 2d some and s u'if uc ,j.ent for the preservation of ' their h eal tr �1 - safe can__ition Laid c,holesomeness of t'ne-r rrilk or crearr: , 22 be sold or offered for sale i'aithin the lLmits of the 23 Cityy' of Sari T" ernard.in.o . 24 t3Ct4 or, XI : 25 The standard of milk , crearL , condensed 26 or evaporated rr.,ilk and condensed or evaporated 27 skim.:rled milk in and for the City of San Bernardino is 28 hereby defined and prescribed as fol:lotivs, to ti9 For ilx: 30 Total --1,11ilk solids ,12.5 per centum by Jr 31 Butter fat, per centtun by :refit. 32 Water , 87.5 per centum by M 1�2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 r�1 i I V ly 23 24 25 26 27 .)s -)9/-I 30 I 311 321 or :taring milk or cream. It shall be unlawful for any dealer in milk or cream or his his agents, to bottle , cause to be bottled or to be placed in jar s , cans , or other receptacles , any Dart of his milk or cream supply .yhile upon the delivery wagon , or at a ny other place than in the milk house. Aectiun XIII: Any Dairyman or dealer in milk , nor the servan or agent of .ny dairyman or dealer in milk, shall sell, exchange , or deliver , or have in cf.stody , or ;,�ossessiu ,with intent to sell , exchange , or deliver Wilk from which the creazri of any part thereof has been removed , unless the: sane be sold_ as skiinfied. milk , and in. a conspicicuous place above the center, upon the outside of every vessel , can or package from Which or in drhich sucl milk is sold or held for exchange or delivery , the v7ords " Skimmed 1 ilk" , are distinctly painted in letters not less than one Inch in length. Section XIV : The exista,nce , in the City Uf Sari Be, nardino , of an adulterated milk or cream , or of milk or cream beloiL the standard as hereinbefure defined ;end press 'bed is hereby declared a nuisance; and is ordered to be abated accordingly , _.nd the Health Officer it Inspectur , and all otner of `U_oe City of San Bernardino charted t1h e inspe c tiun of Milk are herb; authorized to remove the same 'pith all reasonable prompt- ness , provided that this Sectic)n shall no w,pply* to "kiim.rc^d ",dlk , =.hen sold as such under ttriprovisions - o' 1' L .his Ordinanc e.. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13� 19 '10 �1 I 12 u }3 34 a5 26 27 28 29 30 311 321 XV:- It shall be unia-i"iful fvr wiy persoa to use puny 'o6t1e , can ur o', er vessel deliveiar ; fr ti' iinG, or dY;$�-ra�rhing- x distributirj[; riilk or crea�:.i therein, unless ilrtiediately prior to auch use said bottle , can o r othl-r vessel has been ,.sashed clean in t°J rTih ,,"rater , with soda or soap , 1nd thorw4jily sterilized by boiling or steariing by iL;ea-rls of an appliance or joiant used exclusiv dy for that purpo�3e , and tuch applie-Tice or plant shall ;ti.e open at ail dines to the 'in- spection of the Health Officer , or any inspector desiLput ed by him. Secti un XVI : - It shall be uni-awful fur wtiy persun sick frith scarlet fever , diptheria, or Other cuntagioais disease , or -who has been kr,owin ;ly exposed to any such disease within a period of ten (10) days , to hundI , transport , deliver , mix, 1:==ork over or distribute milk or crearzh. , Oil to serve as a milker or rnilkmnan and it shall. be unl-�,ful for arty p e:,Oon knowin ly to use 6my battle , can or o rj er vessel iiz the sale, dlstrlbt/-lion or celiver�/or milk or crenrpi %,j Mehl has been handled by any person sick or infected --.-ith dipelceria or scarlet fever , or other contagious or in ectio-uz disease , unless such bottle , caner other vegge�j has been th ereaztier cleaned and sterilized , as hereinbefore provided. Section XVII: The o yor xmA faith the c onstent uf' the Curion Ccurieil shall appoint a veterinary sub;,eon for the ur•pose of issuir-;; the certificates herein provided for XX and it shall be the duty of s--kch veterinary surgeon to 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 i 11 12 13 1.91 20 :i 22 ,3 24 25 26 27 28 29 "I 311 321 to ex.:liiine at least once a month each daity from .Thich any milk is furnish or sold - ithin the Oity of San Ber- nardino , and if the sa ;.e are in a clean ,aid uanitary condition , said Veterinary Surgeon -hall iti.sue to the 0i+::ier or persc.'n in char` e of Bald dairy a certificate statin. ; such fact, wad it shall be nla:,.,'fui for any person to sell or furnish any l,.liik ; ithin the Cite of "an Bernardino un, „ss the d.<dry from t,,hich said milk is received , has been inspected as in this Section �%ro- vided and a sanitary certificate issued to the owner or person in charge thereof . Upon the issuance, of such l)z-mmit said. Veterinar SurLSeon ,hall file a duplicate thereof ,:ith the :-eaith Off "leer . It shall alsc be the a�.:.ty of said Veterinary Surgeon to report at the 5atiie time to the "ealth Officer o., sail City the presence of disease in any cove or co is from %-ThIch any milk is taken 'to be furnished or sold iithin the City of Son 2,ernardino Section XVIII: It small be the duty of the k±--alth Of_'icer to inspect and test the milk from each dam at Least t-ice a month and shall file :ith tree board of � ;I-ealth a certizicate oL such fact "ect oraylX. -Any person who sh -14 v: ol�:.te any of the provisions of Uhis Or;Xina,,ce , aiid any person vaho shall, frail to compltir with the requiraiients of this " I Or finance , shah_ be deemed guilty of sa mis�'�erneanor , and 11100n convicti un thereof shell be punished by a fine not exc�-ddirig $200.00 or by imprisoi'vent for a term not exceeding 100 days , or by both such fine anti iiq)rison- rent . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 _ 3 z F -�w15 cT 16 k m a y 17 w ,n 18 19 20 �1 _)2 43 N �1 4.� 26 27 )8 19 30 31 32 "ectiun �U : Al.L Ordinances and parts of Or­.inances in con- fiict herevfith are hereby relieaied . ryectiun XliI:� This 01-ainance shall take s,ffect and be in force from and af`:,E r thirty days after its: passac e and ajT)roval. Section 1r,Y.II : -» `the, Uity Clerk shall certify to the passage acid approval of t lis Ors: inance G:--id cause the �as�� Iwo be xublished fzr three c nsecutive days in The Fv eninG Index , . I hereby certify that the fure�oiri Ordinance was adopted by the; Pryor and Couuon Council of the City- of "m Bernardino w , at a re`;u1ear mr;c.,tinE; thereof helc� on the �`�'------da7T City Ap ;roved this 1--day of t 1 '06. vRayor of the City ui' San 3ernardinu.