HomeMy WebLinkAbout334I 21 3 4 5 6 7 131 4 15 16 rA 4 19 i 20 -)I 22 24 -)5 26 2 � 2 31 3 3 3 ORDINANCE N'O. .14 N, All 01"')INANCE ESTABLISHL'U L T RU,3 �A WITH RFyRF11CF, TO T1,17 CITY WATER '' INS kNO T11E JS WATER TT.-FRFFRO-M. The iMiayur and Comrflun Cu z-1cil of the Berw,Lrdino, do ordain as follOWss waL or ectionl: Any peraon takinrr or receiving g from any of the City water mains by means of service cow -,actions or otherwise shall be governed and controlled by the rules Rule All consumers of viater must keep their fixtures , Stop cocks and other apparatus service PiPess but not the service put .1 1, in arA owned by v e CiLy in good repair and free from leakage at their ovn expenoe r*ll be liable for all (Ia!Tla�es -,"hich Irtay Xgult and th ey _"Iill failure to coraply herewith. 1 result from their Rule IT: The superintendent I or any other authorized ofi'icer of the Board of Water Commissioners, shall be admitted at all re.sonable hours to all P;Xts uf the premise's suT)plied -with water to see that the re�Ulat ions are observed. Rule ITT: No one, except an authorized agent the Board of ater Comy1issioners & 3ijalj turn the water on or off from any building or premises. Rule IV: �w person shall tap any water main or in any mamer ,,batever meddle or interfere with any part of the water v.,orks or the City ,without the writ -Len permi-gaion the B,),:Lrd ol' Water CQwfnisaiuners Rule "v'*. Faucets at vrash basins water closets and urinals tw,-ast not be left running. 91 3 4 51 6 71 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 16 17 18 191 20 -)l 22 )3 '14 ,--)s 26 27 28 3 rsup;lied Buolied with ­.ater , Rul® VI: ;Io -Person or A i nt ill be al - by th e 7 nardino City Water -'0,ePartne ,� an Ber for wly other PurPOse thaxi t-out re- lo�,,ed to use tbe eater nortO tc) Vje Water De,,r)a,,tqent in ibe application for water$ without baving" firs t obtained the, consent of the Board of Water CoMissii oners , nor n any way supply water LO other persons or fgilies. Rule -VII: "ll faucets hose, sprinklers, nozzelz or other continuous streams at be shut Off rMP" 1J upon t'le alarm. of fire , the `;eater not to be turned on a6aiA until the fire is knovin to be extinguished. p.ule VIII: No per6un shall place on or &bout any r Ockt connected Nv'tb he pipes of the hydrant or stop c �, an -,(�raardino Water ,)epart,(:e-nt , any buildi% , -,,,a to xevent free access or other obstruction ,,z, - le IXLv. trrirg tiOn of acresproperty and alfalfa I Faith the consent of $.:the is. strictly prohibited g exce"t wi `''star far lawns and shrut Soard of "`cater CoTTT--.,iS,.Qioners bery may be used betwe.,,_,n such hours, a,-"j at 8�4ch times as are from time to tiTne desi,=,ated by the Board of e e used but in nA case shall wat b later Comnissioners p for such p I ses between the hours of and pule X: No consumer ter a any ere person Sh al a under any eirciastan-CE's twiny water from bif3 service is not PayIr*,_ upon any Other lot or pooperty for -''nigh 1"e tho rate or rates Prescribed by the Board of Water ComMiss- 31 ioners Rule XI: The Board of Water Comissioners do hereby 3 4 511 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 2 N 3 24 -)s 26 27 28 -)9LI 30 31 32 direct that no plunber or other pal-7son - shall be ai-luwed to make connection with the ,ity water mains or with WV fixture connecting therewith or to conaect pipes pipe or vdi3n they haVe been disconnected erdirection of the date 'Department , or to turnAon or off on any premises without permission Of the Superintendent of the City Water Department. When a permit has been issued by the Superintendent of the City Water Department for the extension of repairs of any pipe or fixture connected with, the City water mains I it shall be the duty of th: person to -ham such permit is issued , within Vventy-four(24) hours after the completiop of such extension or repairs 2 to report to the City Water Depar'.-ment the true cord tiara: of such pipes or fixtures , showing the faucets , standpipes , hydr-ants , bath -gibs, toilets , or fixtures connected with the City water service pipes. "i eection IT: A ny person or persons violating .anyof the foregoing rules and regulatiOb18 , car 'Violating any other rule or regulation promulgated, by the Board of 71rater Commissioners with reference to the water system of the City of San Bernardino , or the 111 taking or receiving water therefrom shall be deemed guilty of a i sh ed "W-ithereof shall be punished , mild emeanor and upon con- =1)o by a fine not exceeding red Dollars , or by 11 imprisonment not exceedilngtoller days or by both such fine and imprisonment I in the discretion of the C ourt . Section. III: This Ordinance is urgently required for the immed-t&te preservteLion of public health, and s . afety, and the City Clerk shall certify to its 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 m 15 16, wF° 17 v 18 19 20 ?1 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 2c 4 i A 31 3: at passage by a two-thirds ( 2/3) vote of the Common Cuun- ublished once a creek for c i f and cause the same to � be p three (3) consecutive days in the Daily Times Index, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take ef' fect and be in force s I hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the Common Cuiancil (}f t;jje-_City of San Bernardino' is five and that tl,,e forego.=19 Ordinance was adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Common Council at its meting held on the __1_tz__'day of July, 19061 by the following vote. eyes does: (� _ City C i erk. P.)prove d thi s day of July, 1906. '/X Mayor.