HomeMy WebLinkAbout335M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OR) IN ANC E NO • � .___ __._a __,._• AN ORDIQ-NCE PROHIBITING THE ERECTION AT -!)i- ANCE OF TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE POLES UPON THE PUBLIC STRE: TS1 a Z OF CEWAIN POWI ONS Or THE CITY OF SA 3 BE"&4A R- DINO. WHEREAS, certain persons and corporations have here- tofore erected and are now maintaining in the public streets WWIVys of the City of San Bernardino, certain poles for telegraph and telephone wires thereon and affixed thereto for the purpose of conducting and transmitting telephonic and telegraphic messages, and signals by electricity ; and V,7HEREAS, The 7-,,,T.ayor and Co-,Qirnon Council of the City of San Bernardino deem it expedient for the public good and for the safety of the ?people of said City that said poles and wires should be removed from th e public streets 01-07 of said City within the thickly inhabited portions thereof and that the erection of such poles in the fut:-.re within such portions be prohibited. NOW THF.1-�EFORE, The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section I: That ,�11 poles heretofore erected for i telephone , telegraph wires , ( except electric power and trolley wires) or for carrying or conducting wires for the puttpose of conducting or transmitting telephonic or telegraphic messa�-,,,es , sounds or signals by electricity, within the distract hereinafter described in Section III hereof , shall on or before the first day of June, 1907 be removed from the public streetsys of said City within ;he district described , and the keeping or maintain- ing thereafter in '17jo public streets a . within 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 131 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 said district of any pole or poles for telephone , tele- graph , or other purposes , ( except for electric light , power or trolley wire ) or any wire or ! ires upons or above the surface of the ground , for the purpose of conducting , carrying or transmitting tepephonic or telegraphic sounds, messages , or signals , shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor . Section 11: All telephom telegraph or other wires used for the purpose of condl:_ctin.g carrying; or transmitt- ing telephonic or telegraphic ressages sounds or sug- nals , along or over the public streets em i rs of the City of San Bernardino , within that pion of said City hereinafter described shall on or before the first day of June, 1907, be removed and placed under Bound in proper- ly insulated conduits constructed and built under the supervision_ of tr,e Superinl-endent of StReets of the City of San Bernardino, and to the satisfaction_ of the .1clayor and Cor:!- mon Council of saved City. Section III: That portion or district of said City which is affected by the provisions o{' this Or finance hereir_before referred to, is particularly described as fol- lmrs to wit: Comencing at the South-east corner of Lot Seven(7) of Blook Fourteen(14:) of the City of San Bernardino thence North along the East line of said Block Fourteen (1,;0 and along the East line of Block Nineteen(19) to the North -East corner of said Block Ninetween(19) thence .Test along; the North lines of said Block Nineteen (19) , Twenty(20) aryl. Twenty-one(21) to a point fifty (50) feet West of the North-east corner of Lot Seven(7) of sai 9 a I block Tv;enty-one(21) ; th etc a South to a point fifty 2 (50) feet West of the North --east corner of Lot Two 3 (2) of said Block twenty-one (21) ; thence Wiest to the 4 North-west corner of �d, Lot FourM of said Block 5 Twenty-one,(21) ; thence South o.nt; the Viest line of 6 said Lot, Four(4) to a point midway between the North 7 and South lines of said Lot Four(";'ta ; thence West 8 across 7" Street and along, the North lines of Lots 9 One(1) and Two(2) of Block Tvrenty-two(22) to the 10 North-x.-st corner of Lot Tivo(2) of said Block Twenty- 11 W,hence Two South to a point in the West line of Lot 12 give (5) of Block Eleven (11) midway between the 13 North and South lines of said Lot Five(5) thence East 14 to the South-west corner of Lot Five(5) of Block Twelve L W 15 (12) ; thence South to the So,zth-;vest corner bf Lot F :1 m 'O 16 Four(4) of said Block Twelve (12) ; thence East x s ad o Q a 17 to the point of geginnino , all according to the 18 official Map of said City of San Bernardino of record 19 in the of fic e of the County Recorder of Sa n Rerriardino 20 County, in Boak 7 of Maps , Page I , 21 Section ITT: Any person, firm or corpor#tion who 12 shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordi nanc e , 23 or fails to comply with the conditions hereof shall 24 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon c�jnviction 25 thereof shall be zU punished b p y a fine not exceeding 26 Three handred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment 27 for a period not exceeding three (3) months , or by 28 both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion, of 29 the Court. 30 Section V: The City Taiars'_==lal of the City of San Ber- 31 nardino is h--reby directed to deliver a copy of this 32 Ordinance to the Western Union,Tele,;ra;oh Co .. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 19 2a '' 1 22 22 24 25 2( 20 2f Z 3( Y X the Postal. Telegraph -Cable Co., the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Co., the Home Telephone and Telegraph Co., and all other persons or corporations maintaining poles or wires within the aforesaid district of the City of San Bernardino affected hereby , provided however, that the de- livery of such notice shall r,ot be deemed a condition pre- cedent to the taking affect of this Ordinance, or any pro- vision or requirement thereof. Section_ Iv: The Superintendent of Streets of the City of San Bernardino is hereby directed to issue no per- mits for tht rection of poles for telephone or telegraph wires within said district and to prevent the erection wi in said district xxi of any more oles to be used for carry ing or supporting of vrire for the conducting or trans- rrdtt.ing of electric messages , sounds or sigmals. Section VII: This Ordnance shall take effect and. be in force from and after thirty (30)day-s after its passage ar ar'n rov al. Sectuon VIIT: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be printed and published three(3) consecutive days in the Daily Times Index . I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the ?Fa.yor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino: , at its meeting held on the day of 19061 by the following vote. Noes: U_ City Cl erk 1906 Approv ed this day of , .