HomeMy WebLinkAbout343Ordinance No:_)!__- .......... 2 An Or(li_,"LanCe ojt�Iblishing the Grade of I'D" Street 3 2 fror,,i the Cents Ba,..ie Line Strout in the Oity 4 of San BornarC­i.ino to the North line of said City. 5 6 The, :Mayor and Cori -;,ton Council of the 'City of San Bernardino 7 do ordain as 8 Section I. 9 The gra,,*. o of "D" Street froT the corner of Baso Li, e Street 10 to the N. line of said City of San Bornandino is hereby estab- 11 11shed as follo,,,,Ts using; bench i,,­rk on the south-west corner 12 of zter t<3,,ble of Katz Building on 3rd Strect, elevation 1.3 1044,5 foot. 14 Elevation of the intersection of the center lines of "DII Is Strect and Bao Line Strect, 1100.2 foot . 16 Elev_,,tion of the intersection of the center li�res of 13th 17 and "D" Strects, 1110.0 fcot* Is Elowiticii of a oint in the center line of I'D" Stroot, 19 500 fort North of tho North lino of 13th Strolotg 1118.4 feet. 20 Ei,-)vw.tion of -,.oint in th,,,-, cento---r line of "D" Str--.:,,t 1000 21 feet North of tho 114orth line, of 13th Stroc,,t, 1123.4 f�,at. 22 Elovlj.tion of A tint in the center line of I'D" Street, 23 14�iO foot North of the North line of 13th Stroot, 1129.6 feet. 24 Elevation of the ,-,c.int of intorsel-Iti . on of the center line 25 of "D" Strorl)t an,,-!. tho North line of the ;"lity of Sa-11 B-__-m.,,xr- 26 iino, 1136.0 feet. 27 Tho olov.-atim', of thc -,.oints heroin n,-,j.,I-.,iod',.abovo 'the 6,.tuz: 28 line of lovols fixed by Ordinance No. 26, shall be as folloi,19:- 29 At tho North -wont corner of "D" and Ba,Oo Line Stroct�_lq 30 1100.4 feet; ,,,t tho 21V7ort-Ii-eat corner, 1100.1 foot. 31 At the South ­.,.rest corner of the, int,-�rFioction of "D" Street 32 and l3th Stre-,t, 1109.3 foot; at the North--7,ost corner, 1110.2 I fact; at the rGnth-o� -t corner, 1109.8 foot; at the North- 2 oaq+ cornCT1 1110,2 feet. 3 At a yoint in the East line of "D" stroot 50o feet Vorth 4 of the North line of 13th Stroot 1118.3 feet; at a point Pi 5 the West line of "D" street 50o feet north of the north line 6 of 13th Most, 1119.3 feet. 7 At a ycint in tho Mot line of "D" Stroat, 1000 feat north 8 of thy; North line of 13th Stroot, 1123.3 feet; at a point in 9 the ToGt line Cf "?" Strcet, loon foot north of tho north line 10 of 13th Stroct, 1123,3 foot. 11 At 4 Dcint in the coat line of "D" StreOtq 1400 feat north 12 of the north line of 13th Stroct, 1129.5 foot; at a -cint in 13 the West line of ON Strect 1400 foot north of thInorth line 14 of 15th Streat, 1129.5 feet. is At the �cint of intar3oction of the AM line of "D" Straot 16 and thn north line of thi My of San Bernarrinc, 1130.0 fact; 17 ut th, :nint of intqonoetion of the west line of "D" Stroot is And the north lino of tho lit of San BornarAina, 1130.0 foot. 19 An! the Lrada 01 AM "D" Stroot bot7can the points fixed 20 by this Ordinance, ohall be of uniform ascent and loncent, 21 an who-m by thn gnn 1 Aap, mute by thn KtY Pnginoor, an! on 22 filo in his cffice. 23 Tho ourbo alowS oanh UZo of said "D" Stroot, shall be 24 ton inches hi2bor thon thn nvLvaje of the Yutter gradas. 25 sactinn H. 26 All Or,inances or nurts of ordinances in conflict herewith 27 aro hcrevitb TepiMd. 28 Faction 111. 29 This Ordinance Kali t.10 Moct ana be in force fron anC_ 30 t�irtj Asyn Mar its n.a2vgg anA ap"TOM. :31 Soction IV. 32 The City ClorX ohall certify to the nassago of MY Or- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 co-r' -,;ccu i V 0- d y S it t h -- D.."-ITJY TL'L� S-11',1TEX. I hereby cortifY thZA t.',q-- b t of the "ity of San y t i; t% -iold on the A f 1 by th- -,"olloV,Fin6r Vote: c) f 1906 1), V Cl S ito City, -r A 3 aved t h i ........ (A k 1906. "its -A,,�,,yor of th- of Sr''-n Bo-,n',',lrddno.