HomeMy WebLinkAbout3472 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 is 16 z Z: 17 is 19 -0 24 25 27 28 -19 30 31 32 OE-DINANCE NO. AN OMINJA^dCF ESTABLISHING A FIRE DF-PAET",,T,,NT 71ITHIN THE CITY OF MI' BF-RN-1R�IND 7,FESCEDING THE, )UTI KS OF THE OFFICERS Ti-ERFOF The �4ayor and Common Cou--acil of the C.Lt.v of San Bernardino , do ordain as follows: Section I. There is hereby established in the City of San Be nardino a fire de,,,,)ar-U�nent to consist u., Tar, members , exclusive oi 13he A-1 A and such dir-,iers as the common, council shall from time to time deem necessary • Section II. The Chief of the fire department and.. all drivers wrid mere ioera shill be ap,)ointed G;, the �.ra-yor RXA sul)ie,(,-t to the confirmation of the COMIOn council Section III. The uMcers of such fire de-partm-ent corisist of 11-,he chief , assis-tant chief and such '11-rivers , foremen and policemen as the, mayor and common noimnil shall from time to time deem- necewWy - C4t�r of Section ITS'.t-V, e . The fire department of - L ) San Bernardtino, all pro.1perty and paraphernalia of belon�gi-ng to said Depart- Uhe city of San Bernardino rinent , and tre fire, alarm system, shail be under the cut trol J manaoeiment and direction of the chief of the fire department and he s1nall bLt all times be responsible therefor All of ficers and members of said department be subject to and shall obey the orders aad directions of the oillief of said fire department and shall obey U all rul-,�a arld re--7 l,,-,,tium3 shall ffC)M tiffle to time be -p re s c r i ed by the fj, y-,i. of F i (- e C wlr, i � s i J -ne said officers and members shall wear while ci-). 6'Lity P. 2 such uniform as shall he, nrescribed by the chief of said 3 department The chief shall inquire into the cause of every 4 fire occurring limits of the City within the corporate of San Bernardino and shall keep a record thereof 6 he shall aid in the inforce,'fient of all fire Ordinances 7 Of the city and report any violation thereof and shall do and nerform such other acts and things as -are, frc'­,I 91 time to time required of him by the Board of Fire 10 Coffnissioners ) or the maygr and co.mnf--L0--rI council. 11 The cheif of the of the fire department shall, 121 13 at least once each month i nspect the city for the 14 purpose of ascertaining whether the fire ordinances are beir violated , and wheth,�r there exists any 15 rubbish or co -become material likely tcombustible 16 '7 ignited and causeand. fqaM, )ose he shall. �)r that pur,( buildi p re m i s es rC Lj to enter any lot have auth 0 t i ' V is or structure within said City I andif upon such -9 inspection said- chief O:f�- ftlax. finds any fire , ordinance being violated be shall iim-ediately report the same to the Board of fire com.isBioners if he finds any rubbish vr combustible material likely to become ignited and cause fire , he shall immedia� e- 24 ly notify the oimer of occupant Of any such lot, 25 premises , building or struct,,�re . on or in which 261 is situated to immediately remove k1til s ucII the same If 27 rubbish or combustible material ,,and. if such otivner or 28 jo occupant fails to remove such rubbish or cotnibustibie -9 material within 4--Iwo days afte - receiving such notice 30 the Chief of said fire department shallcause t�,e sa-ae 31 to be removed and the expense incurred in the re- 32 thereof shall be a charE;e against the ov,,ner or -er occupant of said premises , and if the swTie is not paid upon demand said chief shall institute suit in 3 , the name of the (ity of San Bernardino , to collect the 4 -L same together with a penalty of $10.00 and when 5 collected to be paid. into the general fund of the C3 611 Section V The chief of the fire department shall 7 rive a. bond to the city of San Bernardino in the sum Of for the faithful discharge of duties One Thousand -Dollars A of such office. 10 r Section VI. The AcIsistant dhief f the fie de:B,—rtment 11 shall attend all fires and assist the chief in his 12 duties on all occassions , and in case of the absence or 13 inability of the chief to act, adiistan� chief 14 shall have control of the department IS I respects perform the duties of the chief 1-6 Section VII. The chief of the 'Lire department shall 171 the best of his ability preserve order at all fires and shall whenever proper or necessary , call upon the 19 chief police or any other peace officer to 20 -preserve order and to make arrests and to -orevent interference with his orders or with the members of the I. 231 department Section_ VIII. No liability shall be incUrred by toe 24 leity of San Bernardino on account of the fire department, , 415 except such as shall be inci;rred or a-)T)roved by the 2) 6 mayor and coffiion council Section IX. The fire department shallelect one of 28 -)g 14i and one as treasiirer wh o tiEe:j--r vrembers as secretary , j shall, be officially known as the Vecrotary axed as the 31 i treasurer respectively of the fire department o f the , 3 2 City 6f San Bernardino 1E 21 31 I 10 11 12 13 14 1t 2( 21 �y 2t 2 2( Section X. Two members of the fire department shall be appointed �� � t'_r�e chief , and clothed With the authority of a policerlan while on c�.uty r•nir-6 from an,r fires or engaged in going to and retu at t;be of any fire , to preserve order and to make arrests for t'_r�.e purpose of enforcing the re ula.t« ions and ordinances of the (i ty of San Bernardino Section XI. Any person interferring ttith the chief of the fire department , his assistant , or any driver or fireman while in the lawful performance 6f his dut,*es , or ,,,,ho ref uses or neglects to obey lawful orc+e�r o; �req rem .nts of t?�e chief �01- all assistant 1 CLII net G Y � nT r� u�i15r�■r��■..i Section XII. The aisles and passage ways in builr�� ings used for public a.ssembla;-es shall. be kept free frcrr! camp stool:; , chairs , benches , sofas , and other obstructions duri.n,J any perfo-ymanee , service. , i exhibitions , lecture , c ons ert , ball or oth er public assemblage v�,hatever , and. the chief and assis - j d.el>arttnent sriaLl 'have;,rat, C i� i E; f o � ti. e fire 7' F free access to any buil`-CIL' during; such assembZc _;e , sere is s e�i lion_ , lecture , ball ner.Grm�.t�ce , , �ib or public assemblage . 1 2 3 4 J 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 3, 241 251 i 26 271 30 i _u 32 or Section_ XIII. No hay , straw , except in quantities repuired for ordinary burin ecis , shall � ,,e stored in any portion of the city finless enclosed and under secure cover ; provided , that this section may be suspended by a peiinit from the mayor and common council. Section XIV. No person shall. break , remove , or in*ure an.�,r of the wires , parts , a-arjaratuez , a.opurtenances of the fire alarm sTIrstem of said city or in any manner interfere with any of such wires , parts , appa.ratus , or appurtenances and no person or persons shall. place any vvire or wires within ,six feet of any wires used. or connected with the fire alarm system of said city. Section XV. No person or persons shall make , or cause to be made -,-- a.ny key or keys that vill lock or unlock any bo*Of the fire alAnn syster axed except under the re- gulation of the fi-re department. Section XVI. It is the duty*strictly enjoined upon each and every member of the police force of this city , to enforce , or cause to be enforced.., every provision of the ordinances of this city looking to protection a>,�ainst and preaenti of fires and accidents; and to cause to be prose- cuted in t1he proper courts each and. every violation thereof and any such officer who shall knocwinL7ly a,ndt wilfully neglect 40 refuse to dillic-ently prosecuted any person violating any of such provisions or ti;:ho ahallneglect or re- fuse to diligently investigate any aileged violation there- of -which may come to his kt�.orledge , is guilty of a mis� 6emeanor . Section_ XVII. All engines , hose , hook and ladder wa ons �,.nd all. movable apparatus belon�in3 to the fire deT) artment , and the chief of the fire department shall 1 e 'nave the paramount right of way throw all, street s, 2 alleys places and courts in the (itV of San Bernardin 3 , when goin to or from any fire , and all persons must 4 give the fire department and. every part thereof the unobstructed use of the street , either goin.6 to 6 or returning; from any fire , or while engaged at any 7 fire . 8 Upon the sound.irk),, of any alann of -fire.) al-1 9 persons a! d all vehicles and animals occupying the ' 10 street shall immediately take and be removed to the 11 side of the street and stop anal wait until the 12 fire department shall have passed before proceeding. 13 Upon the soundin; of any alarm of fire all ` 14 atreet cars shall immediately stop until the Tire department shall htive passed said car or until the con- 16 �uctor shall. have determined that such fire department Oz 17 will not be discommoded in any way by the moving of 1 � 18 'i. said cars . 19 MIT. It shall be the duty of the respective ?o drivers of the San Pernardino ire department to 21 answer all alarms nronPtly , to properly care for I )� all horses wagons and harness , and all other ?3 , material belon-;ing to the fire department , gnat may 24 be entrusted to them and to perform such other duties , cis shall be required of them by the chief of the depart �6 ment . 27 j ')ection XIX. There shall also be appointed an elects 28 ricia,n in the mme manner as the other officers herein- � 29 ! before mentioned ale ap-pointed , whose duty it, shall 3011 be to care, for and keep in repair the fire aLxp Ji 31° alarm system and perform such other duties as are re}ui od 32 fire r of him by trP chief of the ale-.Iartroent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 i 22, 23 a 24 i 25 s 26 s y7 I ,9 30 a 31 32 Section XX. No person shall wilfully or negligently injure or damage any house or place for the housing or protection of any machinery or apparatus of the fire dena: -trrent of said city , nor injure any fire engine , hose cart , carriage vehicle , or apparatus of said fire department. Section XXI. No person , except members of the fire depai*r.-ent , or police departxrient shall be or ride upon any fire engine , hose cart , or vehicle of the fire department while the same is going to or coming from , or while at any fire . Section XXII . ' o person shall give any false alarm of fire by means of signal or otherwise , nor break , injure or disconnect the signal wires or other apparatus adopted or used by the City of San Bernardino in giving fire signals or alarms of fire . Section XXIII. No person shall drive , run propell , haul or move or cause to be driven , run , propelled hauled or moved any horse , cart , wagon , automobile , vehicle or other thing on or over any fire hose while in use . Section XXIV. No person except by permission and anlmr of the fire department shall enter any burn.i.n bui l _ J r� ; anolx�ma.cixixxVcxx x�r��br�:x.xzf after the fire departmerit has arrived at such buildin ; and when it is so w dered by to e chief of the fire department all peraons :rust move to a distance of not less than fifty feet from ;such building; , and to a distance of not less than twenty-f'iVe feet from any apparatus of the fire department while goin,E to or returning frrom any fire , or while xx 1 2 follovdn,7, vote. 3 Iyes. 4 Noes. 6 City Clerk 7 The foregoing, Or is here Aporoved this da,'T of 1,)Oj 8 9 1-0 )rtavor of 15'Oe Ci+y of San Bernard-ipo. 11 12 13 14 16 1,71 1811 jq,i 20 2 3) 2) 6 27► fE 30 31 321 i i