HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Council Office J 4 . . ~L\;<~~~t~s (714) 796-68'" - t IECBVEO-CI1 Y ClERt< ~ 18 SEP 14 AlO :14 CIs [ -tls1il.. .. \1\% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t' . l \~ \~~'a September 13, 1988 ('JI!"''''! f I:. " So Ie /-./J /oj ()/ S/{1()/ t' C ~ I) :> t.. ..\~"O\~O I () I C}- fj I b / 4 g~) Of S~t" &~:~ff."'t C\1~U\\.O\NG .... To the City Council of San Bernardino: v This letter is to respectfully appeal a motion to demolish or rehab. a property located at 125 E. 9th St., San Bernardino. My client purchased this property with the intent to build new multiple family housing. However at the time he closed escrow, a mortorium was in effect while th~ General Plan was being revised. Then, also the partner that he arranged to assist him in building out the property left the area. Since he is an investor and not a builder/developer, he has been actively seeking other options for this property. He has kept one unit rented so that there would be someone on the property to help prevent vandalism and waste. . At the time he closed escrow, a lien was paid to the City of San Bernardino for cleaning up the junk cars and weeds on the property. However, I noted recently that the same cars are still there despite the fact that the city was paid to have them removed. Also, I note that now the city has placed charges to my client for boarding the property when in fact this has never been done. I would respectfully request that these charges be removed. This particular owner is not a slumlord and it is not his intent to maintain these units in this condition. However, in light of the fact that the property , has been in this condition for many years and many legal difficulties with the previous owners and finally a lengthy probat~Sbdt Mt ~~~current owner bought the property. .~~O .NU4Q'-.o.3a~ .. 11175 Mountain View, Suite 8, Lorna Linda, California 92354 /0 ~R~~~~~r (714) 796-6" -2- I would appeal for an appropriate time period to allow plans to be drawn in conformity with the zoning and General Plan and those plans to be approved so that a construction loan could be obtained. Then, as follows the course of development, the older buildings could be removed. Thank you for your consideration and courtesy. Sincerely, ~ ., \ '-rr1~1A !, Marla W1rsz VU Broker , 11175 Mountain View, Suite B, Loma Linda. California 92354 RECEIVED-ell Y CLERIC REC'D.-ADMIN. OFf. 1988 SEP 15 PM 4: 2.. September 13, 1988 18 SfP 15 P3 :10 San Bernardino City Clerk: This letter is to appeal the decision of September 2, 1988 which was that I would be required to demolish my property located at 125 E. 9th St., San Bernardino. I have a tenant in one of the units until such time as I will build out the property with new multiple family housing. Thank you for your consideration of my request. SinC,erelY, . F ~'1t.-C4?' Solomon Saddi m ~\;. ~~~\1 % Uu ~ \ (\ ,~tO~ st . ..\""'O\~O ..., 0\"" ~.., f S~\... v S~,c: I 1 C\:t'" 0 f'\,....,G to \)u,.\.,.".n ~ITY OF SAN BEF\. ~ARDINO - MEMORANDUI\. From BBC CLERK To CITY CLERK Subject RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF September 2, 1988 Approved ~~ ADDRESS: 125 East 9th Street Date Sept 16, .1988 Date Cf -/~ -a: Pursuant to Title 15.28, transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1241 of findings from the Board of Building Commissioners. Mark I. Sutton, Clerk Board of Building Commissioners attachments ... ~". - - - ... ... - - - - .-. _ . .... ....:a ..,.....',. .' ;~. M I ill, 0 - , '0 (") - ... :lit : ~ .....,. (") 'A r- ~ i , 8. B. C. RESOLUTION NO. 1241 RgPORT NO. 3134 RESOLUTION Of THE BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONER~ OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE ABATEMENT OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE. WHEREAS, pursuant to San Bernardino Municipal Code, Title 15, Chapter 15.28, the Building Official has posted a building(s) or premises located at 125 E. 9th Street San Bernardino, California, with a "Notice to Abate Nuisance", and has notified the person or persons having an interest in said property that the said building(s) or premises constitute a public nuisance, and has prepared a declaration of postin, and mailing or the notice, a copy of which is on file in these proceedings; and , . I . WHEREAS, pursuant to said San Bernardino r1unicipal Code, the Building Official has served a "Notice of Hearing Before the Board of Building Commissioners of the City of San 5p.rn3rdino", Lelating to abatement of said nuisance, to the person or persons I having an interest in said property, and has prepared a declaration of mailing of the notice, a copy of which is on file in these proce~ings; and I ~iEREAS, a hearing was held to receive and consider all relevant evidence, objections or protests on September 2. 19 88 and , W8EREAS, the Board of Buildin~ Sommissioners heard the testimony and examined the evidence offered by the parties relative to such alleged public nuisance, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF BUILDING 1 I .1 I. . 1 I COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDIN~ AS FOLLOWS: 2 SECTION 1. Based upon the evidence submitted, it is found 3 and determined that the building(s) or pre~ises located at I 4 125 E. 9th Street , San Bernardino, California, 5 constitute a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in Exhibit 6 "A", attached hereto and incorporated here~n by reference as 7 though fully set forth at length as the fi~dings of fact of the I 8 Board. 9 SECTION 2. The owner(s) is hereby directed to commence the 10 abatement of the public nuisance by obtaining the necessary 11 demolition and/or building permits within ten (10) days after the 12 date of posting of a copy of this ResolutibnO in a conspicuous 13 place or. said building(s) or premises. The abatement must be 14 completed within th i rty (30) I days th1ereafter. 15 SECTIO~ 3. In the event the public nuisance is not abated o I ]6 within the prescribed period of time, the building(s) or premises 17 shall be razed, demolished, removed, repa~red or rehabilitated by 18 the City of San Bernardino, or by a person or persons authorized 19 by the Building Official, and the expense .thereof made a lien on 20 the lot or parcel of land upon which the public nuisance is 21 Ioca ted . 22 SECTION 4. Any person aggrieved by this order may, with:n 23 f i f tee n (1 5) day s aft e r Sept 16, 1988 , appeal to the 24 Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement 25 of the order appealed from, the specific grounds of appeal and 26 the relief or action sought from the Common Council. 27 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ~esolution was duly 28 adopted by the30ard of Building Commissioners at a 2 .. 1 regu I ar meeting thereof, held on the 2nd , 19~, by the following vote, to wit: September 2 day of 8 Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 9 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 2nd 10 day of September 3 4 5 6 i 11 12 13 AYES: Commissioners Miller, lord, Pollock, Heil, Westwood, ; Ponder, Gonzales and Flores NAYS: ABSENT: None Commissioner Hunt ", Approved as to 14 l~ 15~0, form and legal content. 16 l\::;::;J.::H.C1LlL. GiLJ t\LLU...."-." ~ Deputy City Attorney 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 ~~::. ~jt,.I't"..)- ::~Iv"'''' '.~ ... ., ..'~'I$ .rV~'. I ~.w ~l~~'-. ,__ I~...,:":l,,"''' REPORT NO. (3\'3~ ~ ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINQ DEPARTMENT OF aUI~INO AND SAFETY 300 No~th 0 St~..t SAN BERNARDINO, CA..241S EXHIBIT "A" An insp.ction ~.s m.d. of the b.lo~ m.ntioned st~uctu~.(s) .nd/o~ p~.mises, .nd substand.~d conditions ~hich sh.l~ includ. but not b. limited to the 'ollo~ing, ~.~. obse~ved. Th. o~ne~/s ~.~. s.nt a c.~tifi.d ..iling of th.s. condi- tt ons. Th. ~ecommendation is fo~ abat.m.nt of the st~uctu~e(s) and/o~ p~.mis.s. and/o~ an o~d.~ to vacate the p~e.i.e. Total cost. incu~~.d ....... ...$..Icmc,", o. ~Ac:ld i ~.;:). -;:D.di b.ni b'A~D OWNER .... .-.p. O"ClH ....... ... ADDRESS"c...c.. ~A""_^ -:t>L. ... -~C'CJ. 'A"&oJ.. c.c.-.. q....~~ CITY -::;>A~A _. "- . ~- q UD~ All such substanda~d buildings o~ p~..ises a~e he~eb. de- cla~ed to b. public nuisances and such nuisance. .hAIl be ab.ted b~ the ~epai~, ~e.ov.1 o~ d.-o1ition 0# .~ch ~n..#. buildings b~ the p~ope~ procedu~e. Pep.it. APe p.,uip.d ppio~ to sta~t1ng ~.pair or d..olition .ork. to dAte: S /5/:' <i, ;t.i:- DATE PREPARED ~,. A.~~.a.. TYPE BLDOIYIOLATION ADDRESS l;a S 4;.. ct4-1- b~. ASSESSOR'S NO. . '-It:::) - =- a I -.~ PHONE NO. DATE OF INSPECTION VIOLATIONS STRUCTURE-BUILnINQ 1. Open/vAcant buildingCUFC11. 41/11. 412] Secure .11 buildings to FHA stand.rds to prevent. unAuthoplzed entrance. Secu~. doo~s .nd .indows with ~ltted pl,.ood p.int... to m.tch hau.. ~i.. OpenAble ~indo.. .u.' _. p~ovided .ith ~uick releA.e .ec~.nis.. .hepe .ecupl_, sc~.ens a~e inst.ll.d on bed~oo. windo.... (UBe 1204U.' 2. Fi~. d....g.d st,.uci:u~.Cs1 specificall., CSB~ 1'.16.2401 Secure the nec.'sA~" p.~.it. And ~epAip ~ithin thi~tqC301 ..a.,s to building code. or de.ol1s~. 3. In.d.quate 'i~e equipm.ntCUHC ..901, p~o1:ection 10. 1001n, o~ fi~e-#i,.'ing UFC 10.301] P,.ovid. A' 1 .. 7..;;.... ~.~uir.~ ~~ C~Q., praaer .~ui;lm.n~. ~ir.-.x.~ngu~'fting s~s~.m' o~ '0 4. tn.d.~u.t. .li:sCUHC3.eOl. 10. 1001m.UBC~~.JJO~.UFC .~1:. 12: Addition.l el:':5 1ft." tI. r.~uir.d tQ b. in =am~li.nc. ~it~ building COd.s. s. In.d.~u.t. Faund.~ion-..9ging ~loors in CUHC~O. 1001~. d, J. jc, to UBe:.. 104d~~ound.~:.on o~ pl.rs mus": b. p~ovid.d. 6. 1n.d .qu.t. ~.lI s/v.~ti c.l sup p o~4;s in wAtch h.v. b..n w..k.n.d b~ d.t.~io~.tlon o~ oV.~lo.ding CUHC:l0. 100lc, d, h, J, 1. J must ~. r.p l.c.d o~ st~.ngt".n.d. 7. In.d.qu.t. c.iling h.ignt in CUHC:S. 'O~. UBC:'2. 12071 All ".01 t..ao l. .ncs s.~vic:. rOOlDS 5n.l1 ".v. 7~t. 6in. lailings. '.. . . ~.. . 8.. In.d.qu.t. ~oo. dim.nsions in CUHC:S. SO~, USC:'2- 1207J 9. In.d .qu.t. v.nt i l.tion/l igh t in CUHC~.S04. UBC12.120'1 All ".bit..aal. ~ooes sn.l1 ".v. .n .99~'9.t. ~indow .~.. 0' not 1.55 tn.n 1/10tn tn. '100~ .~.. o~ 10 sq,. tit. .."ic:l'I.v.~ is g~..t.~ .nd .nnOIl.n.bl. window .~.. of 1/2 tn. to~.l .~.. ~.~ui~.m.nt.~I.~"rooes .ust ".v.. .inimu~ of J sq. ft. O~ b. p~ovid.d ~itn ..en.nic.1 v.ntil.tion. _~~. 10. /11:" \ '......./' 12. 1:1. Xe~~op.~ us. of unitCVHC10. 10010J T~. us. 0' .. ~ust b. discontinu.d. S,.ok.ndoo,.s 0,. lIIindowsCUFCtl. 411/11. 41~ UBC1.-104dJ S.. nu.a.~ on. ~o,. ca~".ction. - - - In.d.qu.t. ,..tCl,.~ofin9CUHC10.1001kJ Al1:'ound.tion .nd .t~i= v.nts o~ openings aust b. cov.,..d .it~_1/4 inch ..SA sc,...."1"g. ,\;'~:i.' Illag.1 .ddition/subst.nd.~d .cc.ssa~q ~.bui1dings CUBC:~.J01. ~.J01] "dition 0' .ust con"o~1II to =od.s o~ It. d..alLsn.d.". 14. I,.ok.n/.issing .st.,.io,. siding/stucc:o on CUHClO. 1001b.c,d.h, J' uaC:17.1707J must b. ~".lr.d o~ ,..,l.c .d. ~ " 15. ,,_/ " ... .. In.cI.qu.t._ d ac:a~CUBC:~. :3:30<4. UFC12. 12. 104J Inst.l1 n.w doo,..t t-o',,- 0,. ,..,.i,. .xisting dao,..ta ins~,...,_,:""._. 1~ =lo..s ~~op.~l~ a? if . lo=k i~ ~,..s."t tb.~ it_locks-:~9-~_ ..,.op.,.l". ~--'::"!-::'. 2 . -:-' .. :. ~ ,. ...../ :. -. ...... :- .. ~ ~\ 21. 22. Z3. ~\ ,. ~. \, ' --' #3134 10. e~ :omn.., . t,.uc ,:ur. un.aund cuse:.. 10~d. .. .o~. UHC:'O. 1001c:, eI, h, i, J. Ie. 1. J ~~.mav. C:!'limn." to ro~o': lion.. c~p ~t t~is paint .ncl ...1 pir.Dax or r.~.iro .t,.uc,:~,. .11" to CQcI.. ~~AL~-~~ri~~:=N 1 ,.. PQoI b.. st.gn.n,: ~.t.r in.d.qu.ce g.ce cSa~~'.4S. S~imming pool .c~ 24.100. H&S a,. ,..pl.c. .c:a,.c11ng to COd.s. in.d.qu.ca ~.nc. St.:. cQde Ti:l.l1C~C C~c1.7774J O".i". roep.i,.. Deb,.is/Jynk/in.dequ.te g."~.ge sto".g.CH..l:~ .nd S.nit.cion R.gul.ci~ns ii:1e ~ c!'l.p.2 ~~.0~.~~.024. Sa~Ca.21.0~ 8.21.0'0. 8.21.090. 8.24.020. 8.24.0~0 8.24. 040.8.24. O'OJ R.mov. d.o,.is/Junlc .nd ~,.oyide suit.bl. cont.i"."s ~i~!'l liels ~O,. ruaaish .nd g.,.tt.g .. .~, ".....~ 4-r;- \: :;....- Unl1c.ns.d/lnap.,..tiv. Y.hic:le V..r 1,....k. ~ic~ csa~ca.~~.010tl R.lIley.a,. sta,.. in. building. tns.cts-v.,.~in-.ni..l d,.oppingsCSa~C~.04. 1~O. 6.08.080. UHC10.1001b.d,k,lJ Ad.qu.t. m...u,..s must b. .t.k.n to .1i~in.te t~is condition in Uns.nit.,.q d".inba.,.~CUHC~.oOl, 10. lOOle,eI. J' 1. U8C2~.2~lokJ R.s..l a,. ro.pl.ce-dro.inbe.,.d b.ckspl.sft. :: Uns.nit.,.q ~lao,.cay.,.in9-~laa,.in9 in 1s . h..1t~ h.z.,.dCVBC1.1044. UHC:'O. lOOld. J. 1J. R.coye,. 0,. ,..se.1 p,.op.,.l". D..l1 in, 1.c ks hat -..te,.CUHC'. '0'. 10. leOl.. d. II] Ho~ ..~.,. of not 1.ss t~.n 120 de,,...s F. .ust b. ~,.aYid.d .0 ,.equired ~lu.Oing 'iztu,..s. il1.g.11" inst..11.d in: ,.th,.aa_ CtmC2. 2~ ,. '04-'0', UHC7. 701c, UlC2. 20:JJ ..t.,. h..te,. to. suit.o1e loc..tioft. _und.,. w...,. h..t.,. ...d,.oo_ R.lac... ,.,.ftli .. w...,. ~....,. 1..,.0,.,.19 Yen~edCU~20~.- '.'04. '.~oa. UBC2. 20:3. UHC7.701cJ Vents ~ft.ll eltend l~ iftc:S.,-.Oove _ft. paint o~ .Iit ~"Q. tft. "Qa~. All vent ~i,.s to~. s.cu,.... 26. Roo~ 1..king in ,ft. .,.... .boy. CUBel.104'4. 2.. 20:3. UHCo.601. 10. 100111.~. d.lI.: i..J.Ic.1J Re...i,. ,.aa"'. .. .- I '"-- e'en I e,t.L , --- .- :.:~c...:: 4:7. av.,.~u,ingCUBC1. 104d. UHC2. 202. 4.401, 7..70111. .-9. q01, to. 100ta.d... i.J.k. 1. NEC2..20~,.t.90.oJ Fused .1ec~ic.1 3 #3134 b~ane~ c~~e~its sna!! ~uses no~ :~ .Ic.ed -~ , ~ee.p ..ac:. IS. ~. ,~ovid'd ~i:~ non-:amp'~.Ql. l' ames ~O~ li9htl/20 amps t: 28. Missing .L.e~~i:ial c:~v.~s/~ixtures in CUSC~. ~04d. U~C2. 202n. 7. iO 1:' I T. 90 L 10. 1CO:'~. 4. II i. J. c.!" Ne:C2. 202ar~. 90.~l ~ll outl.:s and s~it:~es mus: have P~QP'~ c:=v.~s and al! .l.c~~i:~al ~i%t~~.s mus: ~e '~Q~.rl~ install'd and s.cu~.d ~= t~. lIuil::':1;. 29. In..deG.ua':. ~utl.'Cs in NECsee.210l ~~c:~ "a01':a01e ~oo~ must have 2 convi.nc:. ou-elei:s O~ :. outl.t and 1 light 'ixtu~.. B.th~oolfts must have 1 1ignt ~ix~~~, and GFI plug. ~o. . -- ".., r--.. r31./ '-/ El.e~~i:al s.rvic. is 1nad'G.uat. 'O~ .xi'1:~ng loads s.~ved tNECsee2~Ol A n._ s.~vic:. design.d to ,up~l~ a .inlmu~ of 60 amQe~. ~ wire s.~vie. 'o~ up to '.C'iv.] __0 wi~. ~~aneh c:i~euits c:apac:it9. i' Haz.~dous/ill.g.l ~i~in9 1n 6\... ~ \.....(, s- r" ,;c..~ i; ',-e CUSC1. 104d. 2.20~. UHC2.202. 4.401. 7.701b., 9.901. 10. 1001~.d... i. J. k. 1. Ne:C,202.~~~.6J ~us~ b. r.plac:.d. p~ope~l~ re~ai~.d o~ ~.moved to .lisin..t. haza~ds. ~C~~IC~--E~T!~Q ~ Illeg..l ~as beateresl and/o~ gas aDPliane.s in CtmC2.. 202. ,. '04la'08. UHC7. 701c:. UlIC2. 20~] All unvent.d' o~ aDen flam. ~as applianeel must be disconnected and__ ~elftov.d ,~o~ ~~.misel and the gas pi~.' c:aaped in a .,-~~ ..nn.~ that ~~.ven1:s r.c:onnection o~ tnese a~pli.nees. 33. InadeG.uate h...tC~~7. 701a1 An app~ov.d ".atin9 . sqstem sn..ll be 1nl~~11ed c:a~aal. of p~ovidin9 70 deg~..s F .ft~e. ,..~ aOave 'loo~ in all habit~Ole ~oa.,. 4_- 34. ...~. tn.~e~u..t./~isstng gas sbuto'~ .~fet~ valve connec<::.on~.t CUBC1. 104d.-, 20:3. ~:104~. S.'~6~0:3C~-.J. UPC:, 121~sJ An aa,~ov.~ ,ftU~ ."''''/valvel c~nnec<:iQn sn..l1 It. inst~ll.d ..;":.1n - an .4J..centl'acc:elsUtle location 'o~ ..11 gas -:., 'i~.~ ...,1 t..nc .,. 35. Co.bus.i~les a~e s.o~.d too nea~ beating .~"liance. in __ CUI"fCS. a06.2. 7. '70:3 704J R..ov. c:o.ouI~1111es. C:tecl lII..nu~ac<:u",~s s,eeii'i~clons. :-7'_':- 36. PLtm8!NO ~" ......: ....:.- ~....ing/~~olen/plug;.d s._.~ d~.ins in-. CUBC:'. 104d. ,20~. 4. 401. ,. 'OS. 10. 100Ua. d. J. 1.1; All 'istu~.s and a~plianc.s lIIUSt be p~~p.~l~ C:Qnn.c~ed-to I...,. lines and ..intaine4 in a s..nita~q condition. . 4 ;-. . ..; .', :' '.: .~.. . .... .' }.... .~ .. '. ., #3134 .. '0~/\ ../ L...leing-~T'oic.d phes-missing ~lu..ai.ng ';i%":~"'es in \:-..,~_ CUBCl.l04d. 2.20;. 4.401, ,. 'O~. 10. 100!.d. J. Ie. 1, J ,a.ll ~.~.T' pi~es .nd ';ix~uT'.t mut~ ~e ~,..,. a~ le.kt .nd m.in~.ined in . te",vi'..ol. .nd s.ni~."'~ ,=nditian. ~e. InaoeT'.tive~isting PT'.ssu,... tlmae"'.~UT'e ,..,1 i.,; v.lv. loT' ~a": W.~IT' s~t~lmCuac~. 104d, 2. ~O~, ~~C2.~02, 4,40l. 10. 100ld. ';.1, UpC10.I007, 1:1. 1~0~-1~061R.p l.c. v.lve. ~9. CT'ass CQnnec~.d ~lumbin9 ';ix~uT'eCsJ in CUPC1.102e&110, 6.608, 10. 100~l'IJ w..1:IT' inle~s lIIUS~ b. . ainimu. a'; l,tnc~ .OavI t~e l"im o~ ~fte ~essel seT'vicld. ' rnle~s 1n ~.tel" closet Cta1le~J t.nles lIIUS~ ~e equipped ~i~ft .opT'oved ANTI-SIPHON "evic.s ~it~ 1 inc~ cle.T'.nce .OavI tile avet"~la~ tube. ~9A. V.l"d spT'inkleT's ..us~ ~e rT'ee af CT'OSS cannec~ians wi~~ .,pl"oved v.cuum bl"e.kerCsJ inst.lled .~ 1..st six eol lnche~ .Oave ~urt"oundin9 gT'aund, ~nd he.ds serviced. ~ERAL t'- \ ~40. NeT TO BE OCCUPIED CU8C2.20~. ~.:!07, ~.~Ol-~O~J n~el11ng .~ s~.ll not be accupied un~il viol.tions noted .Oove' b.ve been COT',..ec~ed .nd .PPT'oved b~ . Building Inspec~ot" ';,..am ~he Citq a~ S.n ae,..n.,..dino Building .nd S.fe1:q D.p.l"~lIIent. .-. ~ '\ ~1. ~ lit Ce,..tific:.te o~ Occ:up.nc'l will ~e l"eq,uiT'ed to -,..eoc:cuPlI -' pt"op el"~q CUBC:::. 20:3, ~. 307. ~. ~Ol-'o:JJ. " - , .:. -..: ... 4:2. raaoT'ope,. occup.nC:IICUHC10.10010, UBC;' 20:3, :3. ~07, ,...~, ~Ol-,' _ .;;.. ~O:3J Occ:ug.nc:q is not .llowed in ttli~ building -'0"'. pOl"1:10n the,..eo';, ~ou must V.C.~I ~tle .l"'.. -~~ ........-.. (~ Nuis.nceCUSC:l.104d. UHC4.401J Tbis is .n .~~.c~ive h.z.~d ~.~e"'i.e"t.l ~o bu..ns. It ~u~t ,...,.i~.d. cl..ned u,. a,. ,.e.oved willi.c:t ...., p,.ave to ~e be lIt"ovid.d p,.o.ec~ion. i..ed i.~.1.,. ': -.. /Z" ",-,,; Fil". b.z.l"d in at" on ~,~ '. " . ,-;, -..-\ ,,-oJ ,,;: .'\ CUSc::.. 1044. 2.. 20:3. UHC2. 20~. :4. 401. S. SOl. __9. 901. 10. 1001c. d. J. Jr. 1. UFC2.201. :3.101J Ae.ove ~"e builIU.ng. ~.vic:.. .,p.l".~us. eq,uip.ent. ca.Oustib Ie ..ste, 0'" v.,et..ion wftic:~ c.n '.use aT' .ug..n~ tfte S'T'..4 '."d in~.n~:i.tll o~ -flir. or explosion. ..'. - - ' . 6'. _ . 415. F.Ultq ..tet"i.ls o~ CUSC::'.1044. 2.20:3. o~ cQn~~uc~10n must Building Code, .nd s..~. conditian, ..;~ const?vC1:1.an in UHCl0. 1001c.d.J' c, 1.J All ~~el"i.ls be .110~ed a,. .,poved bll the Uni'ol"m .deq,u.tell1 ..in~.i"ed in load :,.nd ... .- - - , .. :. ....fI ". .:~ .... . ~.:. . : - " '. , .. ~.. ~"Illeg..! c~ns~':'"uc~iQn ..."icn 1nsp.c~iQ"sCUSC~.~Ol-~O~J. ~ ^. , SUpp' ::"loI.ENT - \.: "" - ' ,-.. /"", \"" '. -' -. -. r:- (~~ 6' E) ~" -/ nts aft 17J134 . f ^ ~ ",..' ~_ ;.J ,":.....,. J . rn~d.~u.~. ~.i~~.n.ncf a~ CUSC~. t04ct. 2. 20:1. UHC2. 202~: 4. .a.c~. 10. 1001~. c. d. .. ,.. g. 1'1. i. J. le. 1. 1ft. n. o. UI"tC:'.1044. 2. 2C2~ UPC~0.2. NEC2.202.90.1. 90.4. 90.6. NFC2.201. ~. 10t: Rep.i~ .nd/or r,pl.c. ~uilding or por~iQ" ~l'Ier.o~. Smake de~ec~~rCs: r.~uir.dCUSC12. t210~. A.oJ rns~~ll smolee d.~.c:~~r~ .s r.~uired. UFC APP9IC. :.- Addr.ss re~uir.d on .11 buil~ings .nd/or .p~sC~~C:'O.2CS. SaI"tC:'2.32.0~OJ. App1~ .ddr.ss in~orm~tia".on building. re~ui.res, perftlli~s .n4 "" ( ..' *" /'. i~,:l _ 'o.J, .,....( ....... - ---.- - . tnsp.c~i.O" r.oor~ ~s given to: A propert~ a...ner. 9 san.ger. C t.".n~. o b, h.nd deliver~. e: 1'".,ul~r aail. F c.r~i~ied ...i1. 9/16/88 " . . -'. . . ..., ."- xx XX March 7, - .. ~.:;. ... - ~. ~ tq 88 -' /) i~ / I' '" /'..- . ~'. II, .. ,,,-.,- K I"speC~Q?-Si;".tv,? , " ..... . , - , ..-/ .