HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1338 Adopted: November 15, 2010 Effective: December 16, 2010 2 ORDINANCE NO. MC-1338 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 19.06.020 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TABLE 06.01 AND SECTION 19.06.030(2)(H) TO PERMIT DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS IN A SPECIFIED AREA OF THE CR-2, COMMERCIAL RE(;IONAL DOWNTOWN LAND USE DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO APPROV AL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. ] 4 5 6 The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: 7 SECTION 1. San Bernardino Municipal Code (Development Code) Section 19.06.020, Table 06.01, Commercial Districts List of Permitted Uses, and Section 19.06.030(2)(H), Drive Thru Restaurant Standards are hereby amended to permit drive-thru restaurants in the CR-2, Commercial Regional Downtown land use district, only on sites located within the Freeway Corridor Overlay District which also have frontage on 5th Street, pursuant to Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. 8 9 10 II 12 13 SECTION 2. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act: The Mayor and Common Council tinds that this Ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061 (b )(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in a significant physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. \4 15 \6 17 18 SECTION 3. Severability: If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, or clause or phrase in this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The Mayor and Common Council hereby declares that it would have adopted each section irrespective of the fact that anyone or more subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional, invalid. or i ncffecti ve. \9 20 2\ 22 23 24 25 /1/ 26 //1 27 2X MC-1338 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 19.06.020 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TABLE 06.01 AND SECTION 19.06.030(2)(H) TO PERMIT DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS IN A SPECIFIED AREA OF THE CR-2, COMMERCIAL REGIONAL DOWNTOWN LAND USE DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. 3 4 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the City of San Bernardino at a joint regular meeting thereof, held on the 15th day of November , 20 I 0, by the following vote, to wit: 6 17 Q,~ ,h. ~--A- Racllet Clark, City Clerk The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this \l. '(~ day of November ,2010. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Approved as to form: 24 25 JAMES F. PENMAN C Attorney 2 27 28 2 MC-1338 [I) UN U [I) U- U :: U a: "1' U a:<') U a:N U a:_ U r.;lo.. U~ r.;l<') U 00 ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'" o ~ 00 ~ ...;;l 00 ~ u Q2 ~ 00 ~ ~ ...;;l -< ~ u a:: ~ :?1 :?1 o u r.;lN U r.;lV"l U;::; ON U 0_ U z U . ~ = ~ = ~ ...;;l = -< ~ u u u u uu u u u u UUU uu >- f- :; ~ U <( [JJ (J) :;) o z <( ....J Q) :c oil ~Q) 5"'~;S N :';'5..9. ~ a.s-;;B "1' ] .~ '0 ~ ~ - \C) ~ ~ ~ "- N "00 Q) 5 - ~ '> ..c:: a.:.- - .- o.~ s:: .... ';;' U ~ a.~ ~ g 0 ~ ~-501lUl~ a::<Il ..... :E.5 . = ~ .~ ~ ~ ~.2J ;j >. ~ :;) $J ..9 ~ .D. g .u "0 C o.u Q) ~ ~ = Q) Q) ~ ~ "0 .- 0. ..... ~ ~._..... ;j 0';:: ;j OIl .- .2 - Q) - <Il.... U 5 ~<Il:-=<Ilg Q)8 u. :.:: u ;j.- ~ 0 <Il 0 ~ 5.D$"O ~ 0(J)"Q) eo . ~ Ul Q).- :r:: Ul - 0 ....J "0 ~ 3.~ .~ 0Il.3 ~ <Il 0 "0 o - ~ e .- 5 .- ~ ~ a:: Q) ....J .~ ~ "0 ~ .. :,;, E ~ ~ Q) ] c~OIl~Q)Sa~~>OiJ~ .- e 5 ~ <Il ',. 0 .... :r::o oJ.5 ~ "0 .0. <Il ;j ~ ct:l ..... ..... (J) Ul ~ g ~]e]~ . . . . . . ct:lUu _<O=O-N<')"1'V"l\c) U EXHIBIT A o o ouo o o U ouou o U 0 1.;1 ouo ouou o ;n -- r- oo 0-, o ouou ouou U l:~ Q) loo . - >. [1)- C ... 0 Ino c- o..l. Q)"O ~~ - C Q) o ~ '::....J -So Oi] - .- u 0. .- <Il .:: 0 .~ :r:: Q C >.~ ..!~ loo Q) ~.D o g loo C o Q) "C > Oi: <( loo Q) o 0 U ~ >.u CII Q) ~ 8: Q) .- tf- '- 0 Q)::; .c C - Q) C U .- = .= "'''0 Q) = of -0 ~~ 00 loo- Q....!., C'- o 0 >...c - .... C ;j o~ ouou o 0 o 0 o 0 -g .'5 <2~.D "'0 .~ ai rn Q) e "0 0. a Q);j 0 o.....u ..c Q) 0. C (J) 1-0 cu...... o..s '" '5 Q) l::: .~ 5 i:: 0.';:: 0 ~ .... .E; ~ {J') ..cO~ 0. <Il~ U C ..0 ] <Il'- 0 Q) 0Il..c -..c <Il5(J)'" . C~C;jo Q)f-Q) ~Q) <Il.9 "0 ~o -5 gp b .~ ..... ..... c ._ ~ ;;.. 1-0 <Il ~ 0. ~ = ~ 0 01: 0 :.::~~~<2"Ot2o-s ~.2~:CQ)~~0~ ti .~ 0 ~ ;s (J) = z ;;> Ul:C u ~ oUlfe I I s~..9gfl~fl~ C<Il<2-;;"O<Il;jCC :Q~c/)tt-.IU~-cd<<S C ~ Q)0Il 0 .-e- 1a U 3 3 .- .- u - ~ ~ ~ ~ iG.- .- ~ ~ +.;i ...._-- bJ)cn ton e Q) 0. - Q) .- Q) Q) .5 e .D~ ~ g 0 z a:: a:: - 0 Q) ~U5~a"":N"";oo:t o MC-1338 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - t 9.06 Section 19.06.030(2)(O)(Service Station Standards). Additionally, the cashier location shall provide direct visual access to the pump islands and the vehicles parked adjacent to the islands. 12. A bicycle rack shall be installed in a convenient location visible from the inside of the store. 13. Each convenience store shall provide a public restroom located within the store. 14. Public pay telephones provided on-site shall not be set up for incoming calls. Public telephones shall be featured with call out service only. 15. On-site video games may not be installed or operated on the premises. 16. A convenience store adjacent to any residentially designated district shall have a 6 foot high decorative masonry wall along property lines adjacent to such districts. 17. All parking, loading, circulation aisles, and pump island bay areas shall be constructed with (PCC) concrete. G. DAY CARE CENTERS Refer to Section 19.04.030(2)(B). H. DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS This Section contains standards for drive-thro restaurants as well as prohibition of same in specified land use districts. Drive-thru restaurants are subject to Conditional Use Permit review. 1. Establishments providing drive-thru facilities may be permitted in the CG-l, CG-2, CG-3, CG-4, CR-2 (on properties in the Freewav Corridor Overlav District with frontae:e on 5th Street on Iv) and CR-3 (south ofl-lO only and adjacent to Tippecanoe A venue between Hospitality Lane and 1-10 only) land use districts. MC lO98 7/5/01 2. Pedestrian walkways should not intersect the drive-thru drive aisles, but where they do, they shall have clear visibility, and they must be emphasized by enriched paving or striping. 3. Drive-thru aisles shall have a minimum 12 foot width on curves and a minimum 11 foot width on straight sections. 4. Drive-thru aisles shall provide sufficient stacking area behind menu board to accommodate a minimum of 6 cars. 11-95 MC-1338 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - 19.06 5. 6. All service areas, restrooms and ground mounted and roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Landscaping shall screen drive-thru or drive-in aisles from the public right of way and shall be used to minimize the visual impact of readerboard signs and directional signs. 7. Drive-thru aisles shall be constructed with (PCC) concrete. 8. Parking areas and the drive-thru aisle and structure shall be set back from the ultimate curb face a minimum of 25 feet. 9. Menu boards shall be a maximum of 30 square feet, with a maximum height of 7 feet, and shall face away from the street. Drive-thru restaurants within an integrated shopping center shall have an architectural style consistent with the theme established in the center. The architecture of any drive-thru restaurant must provide compatibility with surrounding uses in form, materials, colors, scale, etc. Structure plans shall have variation in depth and angle to create variety and interest in its basic form and silhouette. Articulation of structure surface shall be encouraged through the use of openings and recesses which create texture and shadow patterns. Structure entrances shall be well articulated and project a formal entrance through variation of architectural plane, pavement surface treatment, and landscape plaza. 10. 11. No drive-thru aisles shall exit directly onto a public right-of-way. DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT DRlVE.THRU AREAS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO 8E AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE MAIN STRUCTURE. ~ ~ c::==J SHARED ENTRY DRIVE. DRlVE-THRU LANE WITH I CAR (MIN) lACK-UP TO MENU BOARD. INDICATE DRIVE- THRU ENTRY SIGN --~ ~~ MENU BOARD SHALL FACE AWAY FROM THE STREET. MIN. 12' WIDTH ON CURVES USE LANDSCAPE TO SCREEN THE DAIVE.THRU AISLES FROM PUBLIC R.O.W. 11-96