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'85 DEe 13 P 3 :02
TO: John Matzer,' Jt.," City Adininistrator
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SUBJECT: Analysis of Appraisal Process
December 6, 19B5
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Division of the Public Works Department, give you my comments .
concerning the City of San Bernardino's appraisal process,
The Real Property Division will inform you of the present
system in their response.
In a telephone survey by Lou Little and myself Victorville,
..Onhd9~. ,J;>oIllOIl.a,.., .~lm ,pi~gl),. ,~olt01l, ,Fo.n~ana,. ,.aial.to., ..R-.d"",,,
lands, and City of Riverside, several questions were asked:
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1. Do you use one or two appraisers?
2. Under what conditions?
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3. What is the selection ~roces~?
4. Do you require a full appraisal?
5.. .~V'aluat).on .Let\:e,rs?
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7. .Do you have a written or formal policy?
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None of the Cities that we spoke to had a written or a formal
policy. None of the Cities recommended a formal policy set
in .concrete. . They all felt, 'without exception,.. that the
system should be informal and above all completely flexible.
'. .
. "
'. Most of . the" time in the'Ctt.iI~s s'urVeyell, 'eithe( one' appraill~r:
... '. ,"or the"s'taff .tallting ..withknowledgeable. .'Teal ',';est~te agents'" .
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." .' INTBR'6FFICEMEMORANDUtl:" 85'i ~::.'t;o i"
-Analy~irof Appraisal Process
..De.cember.6, 1985..
Page :2
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handled all the small transactions and parcels. Use of more
than one appraiser occurred when RDA,' fede'ral or' state
governments were involved or when litigation was expected.
...., .., .,....,. ........... ''hie' '1 appr'6'i'se'i's.' .wetEi.".die6't'Eid.'on'.....c!ir{'.." ltvranab'll'iey.....ba:~tsr
although most cities had one or two appraisers who were used
more frequently than others. In all cases, more time was
allowed for the process which gave more appraisers a chance
. .to do. .City work if. .theywanted it:. I.t..would appear that .we.
'.seem' to ,always < be'in..a hurry andmust.sbop in'8 ,. "..seHers"
market. for 'appraisers.' Most of . theln are. booked months in
. '.Fuli'..app.ia1~ais.'-:ate ..us~d'when<m>A/"(~d.edil';or..state' ~'ovehi:::'- .
menta are involved or when litigation is expected. Always on
very large projects or parcels. Smaller projects and/or
parcels sometimes cannot support the higher costs associated
with full appraisals. Used 60-70% of the time.
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Evaluation letters are utilized on smaller projects and/or
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MAl <.are used, again, whem it. is an RDA, fe'deral '0):: . state
funded project and in all cases where litigation is expected
(such as condemnation cases).. .
",', ~,.
I would' not:' recolnmend a formalappraisal'p61lcy." Instead, I
would recommend that the Department Head (Director of Public
Works) be .held responsible for the process use'd. Further,'
tha.t~acb matt;erplpce.;l upon ~1.l.e.Gi t:i . Council ,agenda.pll,Ve. the
following basic components: .
"1;' -' Lo'c'atlohrnap,
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2. Staff I s recommended pr ice,
.. j. ..' "n"appraiser "I:isli!a' ..::'~' fh'e 'ihe'Ebod 'bseB '. . to"'seleH; the"
price and the reason that a full appraisal is being done
or not done; and that the apprais' is placed on top of
the price requested for the par
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-.10111; Mf\l 7[1; , .11:.
CHI. Admin.istratyr
ROCII: c. IIAI:fl(,I:AI'I', .Iii,.. (,1
,F,rorn.. P~q ljc ,J~rksIP~.Y.JnYi neeI .
Date December 12, 1 gp'~)
file No. 15.05 - G~n.
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Subject Procedures for Obtaining Appraisers
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below, as requested by your memo of 12-6-85.
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. "Appraisa);; are neeqed for? 'bas'i e; coijcliti'Qiis;' . . 'S'a Ie o:dh'y~Qwnedpro perty"
and purchase o.f .property by the City for .public.purposes....An appr.aisal 'is
needed whenever we . purchase property, due to the nee;essity to present a
substantiated offer to the property owner. However, whenever .we ?ell a
. ....pa>f'cel.of City 'property,.t-ne .pri ce 4S'set.thr'~~hthe bi<ldi1'ig'protess.""
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City parcels are generally sold without an appraisal or letter of evaluation.
Parcels with a value less than $2,000 are sold through an informal bidding
p~ocess, while those in excess of this value are required by legislation to
be sold by a formal bidding process. A letter of evaluation is normally
obtained for parcels which are not clearly over or under this amount.
",,' 'Whel\8n 'a'pp'l'iI ;~1", S'll~ed~ 'fbrpilrC'tli\'Se 'Ii'f 'prO'perfy;' t'~ques'ff'fOr'pr6po'm s'
. are sent to 3 1:,0..6 appraisers.. An apPraiser is selected Eln the basis pf
quoled price and t'ime req'uired to complete the appraisal ~ . '.
.-;.,',.:.t.-'. ."'.,'
A review appraiser is used for parcels acquired with Community Development
Block Grant Funds. The'appraiser selected is usually the one with the
lDwest quoted price, with the review apprai~er the second. This process
. is mandated by HUD.
The cities of Colton, .Fontana, Rialto and Redlands were contacted to deter-
mine their process for selecting an appraiser. All 4 stated they just call
cnl'appraiserand enter' irito an agreement for the quoted pricE!:' "One city 'us'es
a sin9le appraiser for all of their appraisal work.
. .' '. .
Selling costs are financed from the ~roceeds realized from the sale of a City
Pl.ease,advise .jfyou havi!:ilRY further questions.
Directo~'of Public Works/City Engineer
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. RealPrDperty En.gineer
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