HomeMy WebLinkAboutR14-Redevelopment Agency - I \ R&C!VELOPIENT AOI!NCV'-IC:auEST FOR~/COUNCIL A~ION From: Glenda Saul, Executive Director ,...- L.,t: Redevelopment Agency Oate: December 10, 1985 Subject: HIGH GROUNDWATER PUMPING Synopsis of Previous Commiuion/Council action: 12-19-84 City Council approved in principal cost sharing for the high groundwater pumping program not to exceed $200,000. City Council authorized payment of $36,370.23 for pumping charges, with the understanding that the City would pay the bill but would be reimbursed by the Redevelopment Agency. 12-2-85 (COM1MlJNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION) "",1+ / --.,' ..'- . ," ;<:; Move approval to reimbu!.~en:y-o{ San Bernardino $36,370~ for incurred pumpin es, from tax increment revenues to be derived from C roject Area, when said funds have been received by the ess current existing obligations - taxing agency agreements and aside for low/moderate housing. Recommended motion: c A. B. Move approval of staff recommendations to reimburse the City of San Bernardino for its $200,000 share in the High Groundwater pumping program from future tax increment funds, as they flow, from the Tri City Project Area, less incurred liabilities. ( '"; ,.<' . ~ , .---/ c' C~~ '-~ .~~4/ Signature Glenda Saul ContBct person: YES Phone: 383-5081 3 Supporting datB attached: Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 236,370.23 TC Project: December 16, 1985 No edverse Impact on City: Date: 16~/C:T encil NotBs: Agenda Item NO.~- /"-1 CICr OF SAN BERNARDICb - REQUIQT FOR COUNCIL ACWON ~J- '- c c 75.0264 STAFF REPORT Last December the Council approved in principal cost sharing for the high groundwater pumping program not to exceed $200,000 and directed City staff to negotiate an agreement with San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Department. This month the Council directed the City Administrator to request that the Agency place an item on its December 16th agenda recommending methods for funding the $200,000 pumping costs plus an additional $36,370.23 for incurred pumping costs. Staffs recommendation is that costs for both ($200,000 + $36,370.23) be reimbursed to the City from access tax increment funds, as they flow, from the Tri City Project both Sub Area A & B. Excess tax increment, is that increment remaining after 20% set aside from low/moderate housing has been deducted, plus previously agreed sums for the various taxing districts. Projections indicate that reimbursement could start in year 87/88 and take approximately 5 years for full repayment. This does not take into account any reserves for negotiations for future development agreements or reimbursement to Nutech for regional improvements. As you will recall, our current agreement with Nutech provides that the Agency and Nutech will negotiate an agreement for reimbursement of these costs. l68G/SL 12-16-85 'C c c c . - o o <c- i'" _~ G..",I C I T Y 0 F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8512-408 TO: FROM: Glenda Saul, Executive Director - RDA Jr" City Administrato~ for High Ground Water ~Umping Program John Matzer, SUBJECT: Cost Sharing DATE: December 6, 1985 (6550) COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------- At the last Council Meeting, City Council requested that I provide you with the minutes from a Council Meeting held on December 20, 1984 at which a motion was adopted that the City approve in principle cost sharing for the high ground water pumping program at a cost not to exceed $200,000. Attached are the minutes from the December 20th meeting, City Council requested that you place on your agenda for December 16th this matter including a recommendation from you as to how the Agency would finance the $200,000. At the Council Meeting on December 2nd, City Council author- ized the payment of $36,370.23 for pumping charges that have been incurred to date. This authorization was made with the understanding that the City would pay the bill but would be reimbursed from the Redevelopment Agency, JM/djn Attachment - c ~ECOMVENE KIITING c::> At ,h05 p..., Yhuraday, Dac..bet 20, 1"., tha Ad,ourned ..vular M..tlng of tbe ~yor and Coaaon Council of the City of aan "l'nat41hO reconvened 1n the "Ie .OOM, .;l.th Ploor, City Hall, JOO Worth -D- Itl'..t:, aan a.rnardino, California. o -- '- , lOLL CALL loll Call waa taken by the City <:lerk with the following beihg pr..ent: Mayor Holcoab; Council M..ber. ..i11y, Hernandez, Quial, Strickler; ..nlol' ...1atant City Attornay IrI99". <:Ity <:lerk <:lark. <:lty Aa.lnlatrator 8.ta.l'. Abaent: Council Me.bet. C..tanad., Marka, 'ra.ler. . GROUNDWATER PROILIH Mayor HOlcomb Introduced reco...ndation. r8glrdlng the need for cooperation betwe.n the vater 411trlctl .in the San Bernardino .ater baaln. COUNCIL MEHBERS MARKS AND FRAIlER ARRIVED At 3:06 p..., <:ouncll He.bera Huh ana Fruler arrived at the Council Heetlnv. MAYOR HOLCOKB LIFT At 3:10 p.... Hayor Holcomb left the <:ouncll Heetlng. Mr. Lou Pletcher, San Bernardino Valley Municipal / Water District, presented a draft propoaal dated December 17, 1984 regarding the high groundwater probl.., which Includea the following polnta: One go,1 of the SBVMWO High Groundwater Management Program is to develop and imple- ment plans which viII .ini.ize the threat to public health and aafety vhich re.ults from the continued exiatence of groundwater within 20-30 feet of the ground aurface within the Arteaian Zone of the Bunker Hill groundwater basin. c Another goal is to maximize water conserva- tion within the basin area. Currently, water i. loat to phreatophytes and ri.ing vater. Purther, there i. inaufficient room in the ba.in for .carry-over .torage" to capture native vater and atore it in the ba.in. A third goal i. to enhance the vater quali- ty within the baalna of the SBVHWD by re- .oving water of poorer quality, apreading good quality water in other ba.in., and i.proving the aasi.ilative capacity of the Santa Ana River by redUCing riaing water from the pre..ure Zone. $BVMWD High Groun4water Management POlicy (Proposed): 1. Pump to the Santa Ana River - 8egin immediately a.sisting all agencies over- laying the Presaure Zone to develop a pro- gram of pumping water from exiating wells to the flood control channels in aufficient quantities to remove up to 40,000 acre feet of water in calendar year 1'85. 11 12/19/84 c r.4 _ c 02. Divert tnnoo.e91n i.edi.tely u- . aiating the vat. r..ding or plodue!ng a,eneie. to divelt vater vhieh would other- viae be I.ch.rted or a..d in the ..n ..r- n.rdino ...in to Yuc.ip., ai.lto/Colton, end the St.te W.ter Project fecilitie.. any vater diverted by thl. act ton would r.ault in a reduction in the ..ter th.t would have to be puaped to wa.te undel 1 above. :) c 3. Rtver.ide Pumping - eneour.,e tbe City of Riveraid. to uae ita full .ntitl..ent from the San Bernardino a..in and to .et a nominal plice for any water produced In ..c.a. of that .ntitle..nt und.r tbe ..iat- ing .'r....nt. for additional wat.r. any water produc.d by tbi. action would re.ult in a r.ductlon in tbe water that would have to be pumped to wa.t. under 1 above. t. pumpin9 to DW. - ae9in i..edietely to d.velop the environment.l i.p.ct lnforaa- tlon n.c....ry under CIQA for the w.ll. and pumping plant to tie .re..ute lone produc- tion into the St.te Water 'roject Santa Ana V.lley Pipeline. ~hi. project h.. . le.d tim. of up to aixt.en .ontb., ao it would not be .vailable for uae until 1981. c s. Benefiei.l Oae Stud i.. - Continue engi- neering .tudies with Chino Baain, Orange County, SAWPA, and the Department of Water aesourees to provide for the beneficial use of pUlDped or 4i verted water from these .ystems where possible. 6. State Water projeet Inergy - Request State Water projeet electrical energy be made available for the veil. and pumps for all of these plan. which vill h.lp allevi- ,te the high groundwater probl.m. 7. Legal Actions - Authorize Special Coun- .el Martin McDonough and Water.a.ter James C. Hanson to work with the l.gal counsels of other watet _geneie. to re.ove the legal i.pediments to the propo.ed pl.ns for re- ,olving the High Groundwater proble~s. 8. Pinaneial Support - a. ..que.t funding for energy and capital improve.ent. from agenei.. overlaying the Pre..ure lone. b. Evaluate feasibility of an A.......nt Di.- ttict. e. Develop a program of economie incentives for the water producers vithin the Di.trict area which cooperate with SBVHWD in the neees.ary vater ..nagement programs to alleviate the High Groundwater problems. Mr. Lou Pletcher, San Bernardino valley Municipal Watet District, answered questions in detail regarding the propo..l. Mr. Randy Van Gelder, Manager of Administrative Ser- vices, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, answered questions regarding the artesian water problem. 12 12/19/84 c c c c 1 - - c o MUO. IITUUIO 0 ~ . at '125 p.... Mayor MOlcoab cetyrnea to the Council ....tI"'. ' Mr. Lou rletcber, .an aernar41no Vall.y Municipal ..t.r DI.trlet, ..pl.ln.d bow tbe Cltf of 11..r.ld. b.. "nefltted fro. tb. rl.lng ,round..t.r. COUICIL MIIIBI' HI.IAIDII LIFT At 3.50 p.a., Council M..ber "ernantl.. left t.he Counell ..eetlng. SIIIOR ASSISTAMT CITY ATTORIIY IRIGGS LIFT At ),50 Senior A..I.tent Cltf Attornef Irlgg. left the Council Meeting. COUlClL IIIMBER QUIlL LIFT At ),52 p.... Council Me.ber Qulel l.ft the Council M..tlng. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY PINTON ARRIVED At ),54 p.... Deputy Cltf Attornef P.nton errlv.d et the Council ..eetlng. Mayor Holcomb .poke regarding the l.gill.ture'a water lurvey "and Senator Ruben Ayala'. effortl toward the I reduction of the groundwater problem. He allo luggested V that the Council eontrlbute 50\ of the co.t of pumping of the buln. After dileu.sion, Council "ember Marka made a motion, aeconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the City of San Bernardino approve In principle coat v/ aharing for the h19h 9roundwater pu.ping program at . coat not to exc.ed $200,000 and direct .taff to negotiate an agree.ent with San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Dia- trlct which would be brought baet for epproval. Council Member Marka ..eSe a .otion, .econded by Council Member Reilly and unanimoualy carried, to author- iEe the Mayor, in conjunction and in cooperation "ith the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Di.trict, to nego- tiate with all other partie. who would have a rea.anable ba.ia for coat aharing with this program .uch a. the County of San Bernardino and other aurrounding communities that benefit directly from the .ater .ervice_ and directly and indirectly from the development that occur. and the accumulation of ta. revenue. for public ..rvice.. Larry Rowe, General Maneger of the Ba.t Valley Water I Diatrict, re.d . letter from Board pre.ident Glenn Light- foot e.pre..ing the wl11ingne.. of the laat Valley Water Diatrlct to cooperate towarda the reduction of the high groundwater in the San Bernardino ba.in. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING "he Adjourned aegular Me.ting of the Communi ty Development Commi..ionlR.development Agency "a. called to order by Chair.an Holcomb in the NIe Room, Sixth Ploor, City Hall, 300 lIorth -D- Street, San Bernardino, California. SENIOR ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY BRIGGS RETURNED At .:15 p.m. Senior A.aiatant City Attorney Briggs returned to the Council Meeting. 1) 12/19/84