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Ct: Redevelopment Agency
Date: SEPTEMBER 19, 1985
Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council action:
On May 20. 1985. the Mayor and Common Council oonsidered the adoption in concept
of a Mobile Home Park memorandum of understanding (MOU) and referred the item
to the Council's Mobile Home Park Committee.
Recommended motion: (MAYOR AND COMMON COUNC I L)
Refer to Redevelopment Committee
Contact person:
Supporting data attached:
Phone: 383-5081
Ward: 1-7
Amount: $
Project: AL L
No adverse I mpact on City:
September 23. 1985
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No,
One method of assisting park owners and tenants alike with CDBG funds is the
rehabilitation of the common areas and facilities of privately-owned mobile
_ home parks. This would, in theory, keep the costs of maintenance down and
alleviate the upward pressure on tenant rents. A copy of a memo from Agency
staff to then Mayor Holcomb briefly explaining how this would be accomplished.
Another way to assist tenants is where park residents have joined together
with residents of other parks, and formed stock cooperatives or limited equity
cooperatives which purchase the park from the current owner. The purchase
price might also include funds for the rehabilitation of park improvements or
infrastructure. The revolving loan fund could provide some temporary
financial assistance to aid park residents in acquisition and rehabilitation
and perhaps also help to arrange for attractive finanCing, including arranging
for tax-exempt borrowing rates for the cooperative.
In consulting with staff of the San Bernardino County Housing Authority,
Agency staff was informed that there are currently 3,000 individuals on the
waiting list for their HUD-sponsored rental assistance program for
low/moderate income households. The administrative costs for their operation
is about $34.00 per unit per month. Any serious study of a mobile home park
assistance program should investigate the administrative and financial
feasibility of the Housing Authority operating such a program on behalf of the
The above information summarizes potential alternatives for developing a'
mobile home park assistance program. If it is the wish of the Mayor and
Common Council to develop such a program, staff recommends that this item be
referred to the Redevelopment Committee for further study and that the Agency
Counsel explore all legal ramifications pertaining to the use of tax increment
revenue in a mobile home park assistance program.
- - -- -
. ~-''"' -''"\ . rn.I111
'-' -.....I
"In. 1114
April 29, 1985
W.R. Holcomb, Mayor
R. E. Goblirsch
Deputy Director
Purusant to your request, staff has reviewed the governing CDBG re&111ations
and confered with BUD rehabilitation 118nangement staff regardin& the above:
referenced subject. The fOllowing is a sUIDIDary of our findings:
The rehabilitation of cOlDIDon facilities in a private-owned
mobile home park is an eligible CDBG activity if certain
local decisions have been I18de relative to mobile home
parks. On July 1, 1981, a state law became effective
declarin& mobile homes real estate. Prior to this date,
mobile homes had been considered personal property and fell
under the jurisdiction of the Department of Motor Vehicles
(DMV). If a city has adopted an ordiance that is similar
to and in accord with the state law that became effective
July 1, 1981, CDBG funds can be utilized to rehabilitate
the cOlDIDon facilities of a privately-owned and operated
mobile home park.
I hope this satisfies your questions on this
to contact me or Kenneth J. Henderson
clarification is required.
matter. Please do not hesitate
if additional information or
Thank you.
R. E. Goblirsc;.7
Deputy Director
cc: Kenneth J. Henderson
Maurice Oliva
Sally Enriquez
" " 828L
.' .'
Fed.nJ ....... I VoL .. No.1. Il'rtcley. Sept.mber D. 11183 I Rule. end RegulaUon.
(2) OlNlVti,. and _in""'- ..;> p.llt D 10,11......... .....
UIM- 'I1le .....,.J IUIe II "'t an,
.xpe.... lIIOd.ted with NJII"'" . "'-- ........
.....liDI or _In........ public fadlltial 'I1IiI Subpartdetcribe. th. poUdu
IIId MrVtcu II ....liJIb...lIpac:ilIc and procedure. IOveminl the maIr,lnc of
_ptlone to thi. ..nere! ruI. ... CommuniI)' Development Block ..nl.
opeNttna and m.int._.xpe..... 10 EnUUement COlDIDWliU.., 'I1le poUcl"
UIOdaled with public ..mce .ctIvltiaa. ad procedure. III forth In Subparte A.
llllerim _1.I.nce. and oM". epace for C. ,. Ie. .nd 0 of till. P.rt .110 .ppl, to
JWOII'Im .taJr .mplored In ClII'1')'1na out Enlill."'ent....n..e..
the CDBG JWOII'IIIl. For .xampl.. whue f I7UlIl ~ . ~.=ota.
· public ..mce II belne .ul.ted with (.) Priotni'iubml..IOII to HUD for
CDBG fundo. th. COIl or opeNlInI.nd III .nnu.1 ....n.. the ....nlee mUll:
maln..lninl th.t portion or the r.clUt, In (1) Develop. propooed ...tement of
wbleb the Hmea it Ioc.led it .Iilibl. .. _unll, developmenl objecttvlI .nd
part or th. public III'Ylce. Exampl.. of projecled uee or fund.. Includlna the
....ll8Ibl. OpINliDI and m.la..n.nee foUo..1111 11.810:
ape..... ...: (I) The communiI)' developmenl
(I) MafnIenaDce .nd repair of .treele. objaclive. the ....nl.. propoee. to
parb, pl.)'INUJIde. ..lar and _ punue; .nd
racilitle.. Detahborbaod f.clliU... Hnlor (II) The COIIlmunll)' developm.nl
DeDlen. DeDI_ rot lhe bandlcapped. Icttvlll.. the ......1.. propoee. to CIft)I
JlUIdna and almllu public f.dUlle.. out with anUclpated CDBC fwlda.
Exampl" of mainlen.nce .nd repair IDcIudiq all fund. Identified In
IctlvllI.. for whieb CDBC funde _, ........ph (.)(ZJ(il below. 10 .ddre.. t..
- be uoed include the IIIIInt or pol ldenlllied communiI)' dev.lopment
1101" la .treet.. repalr\na of cnck. In obJecllv... Each .uch .cllvlty muet:
Iid,w.lb. th. mowina of recre.llonal (A) Addrn. .t 1...1 ODe of the tbrae
d th Ia f broad IIItlOII.1 obJectlvn: .
.ra... an e rep cement 0 .xpended (B) Be ./iclbl. JI1IlIu.nl to the
.treel u,hl bulbe. provI.lona or Suhpart C; ....d '
(II) Pa)'1lllDI of a!eri.. for .lIff. ullll., (C) Be detcribeilln .ulfjcint d.1IIL "
COIl. aDd llmIJu expenna IIlC11Hry lIIdadllla location. to .Uow elllaena to '
for th. OpINlIon of public wOlb and detenaln. the ...... to which ther _,
racllitln: and be .ffected. .
(3) N... Jtou.i,. _tructioll. (2) Meel the rouowfne elllRn
AI.i.tanca _, IIOt be uoed for th. partlelp.llon requlramenll:
CODIIruclIoII or IIIW ptnIlIDeDI (I) Fumilh clllzena with InfOl'lllatlOll
re.ideallal .truclureI or for an, JIlllllI'UI -mini the .mounl of CDBC fund.
to IUbeldlu or l1aece IUCh DeW expected to be .v.n.ble (iIlcludlna the
CODIlnIclloa, except UlluaJ ......\, JIfOII'Im iIlcom.. lurplUl
(I) AI provided WIder the Ia.t _ from urban ranewal HllI.mell" and
......iDI provIalona III forth III M O'R proceeda from HUD IIIU1J1teed Joana)
Put G; or. for OOIlllDWIlty developmenlaDd hollflne
(U) When curied out br I IctIvllIe.. ...d tha I'IIlJI or Icttvlll"
aubreclpiellt puna...1 to f I7O.2Dt{'X2). ~:.~, be und.rtakea with th....
For the purpclH of till. ,...,...ph, (U) Hold .1 Ie... OIIe public heariDllo
Icttvllill ill lapport of the developmenl obllla the vlawa or elllzena on the
of low or moderal. iIlcome......iDI ........... houato, aDd COIIIIDunlly
lIIdacllna d.UlJlct. lit. .._bl.... development IIIIdo; and
provIIIon or III. Improv_1I and (W) PlIbIleh DOIIIIIIWIlty-wlda III
provIIIOII or public Improv'lIIIllllaDd JIIOIl Hed '''tameal or commWllly
....11I hOUlIne Pl'lCOllllructtoa COlli lit *"IoJlllllllI objectlvea aDd projacted
forth III f 17O.2IlI8(a). .ra DOt _Idared _ or funde 10 U 10 afford affacted
U Icttvllill to IUbeldlu or ~ DeW c1l1una ... opportunIl)' to .xlllllna the
lidlllttal COIlIlruclIOlI. " .....mlllt.. ooallllla,aDd to provide
(t) 1zIt:otM /KIYI1IIII1a. 'I1le JIIlere! ndi' COIIlIIIanll 00 the JI!'Opollll .lIlameDt
Ie that UaI.lIDce tbaU 1I0t be UHd for and 011 the JrIII'" . -WIlly
iIlcoma pa)'llllllll for ~ or.., Iopmllll perlo_.
other JlIII1IOII. Exampl" of IDeIillble (3) PNpue IIIIlneJ ...,-, 01" ,
-- pa)'llllllll lIlcIucIa the folIo...... WIll)' dev.IoJlllllllt obJacttyea ....,
. for '- -- jactad - of fuDde. 0IIca the........
C-" .....-.-., _pIaled .... c111ua partlclpallOD
IIld ~:::..... dowa ~la,~ IIq1IINm.n.. III ,...,...ph ('XI) .bove.
-...... the ..at.. mull COIIIIder .., RCII
-- .. Subpart D or Put '"' Ie ....... _nil and vi... NcalncI IIId If the
d U tau.w...-,__~ ....... daellll.pproprIa..1IOdIIr the
propoaad ...Iement. The ....nlee .hall
1IIIk. the 1In.1 11.I.ment .veU.bl. to .
the public. The llnal...tem.nl 811'
lncIud. .cllvlli.. which do not either
ben.Rllow and mod.ral. Income
panona or prevant or .liminate .Ium.
and bl""l onIr If tha ......Iee ldenlln..
auch .cUvllIelln th. fin.1 .t.tement .nd
aerlIlie. that .uch .cllvlll.. .ra
deeiped to _I olher colDlllunlly
developm.nllleed. "'vtna . particular
"",nC)' beelUN exI.lm, condition.
poae. llriOue and lIlunediate thre.1 to
th. he.lth or welf... or th. colllDlunil)'.
and other lIn.nclaI relOlllCe. .re nol
(t) SubmllaDd neelv. .pprov.1 or ill
Houelne Aui.lance P1.n In 'CCord.nce
wllh f 170.3OB.
(h) The ....nl.._' eleclllot to CIft)I
oul an Icllvll, con..in.d In III fin.1
...temllll or to CIft)I oal.cllvitie. other
than tholl deacrlbed Ia lach .t.temen..
provided it h.. afforded .ffecled
elllzllll .n oPporlwlil)' 10 comment on
the propooed chanae.. The ....nlee .h.n
lIl.k. .vailabl. to the public and .h.n
IUbmlt to HUD . de.criplion of .n,
c:henp. Idopled. The procedure. in thi.
pu.....ph .ha11 .Iao be foUowed when.
......Iee delet.. .n .ctlvity lrom.'or .dde
III ,cllvil)' 10 thON .cttvltie. deacribed
Ia .pplicallona .pproved prior to Fiac.l.
Veu 1882.
'1'7U02 tc.m..lton,.... effiNla.
[.) ConllJnl.1n order 10 receive il.
UIIa.1 CDBC Enlltlement ..n.. .
..nlee mUll .ubmlt the rollowi""
(1) S..ndud Fonn at;
(Z) A ClIp)' of th. ........... final
...lemllll of community developm.nl
objecllv" and projected UN of fund..
aovertna the HIDe 11.11II .. 1i.I.d in
1 ~(')(1); aDd
(3) Certtllcallona ..tI.r.Clory 10 the
Secretary coverina .U of the item. Ii.led
III 1170.303.
(h)"Timu., of lubmiuioll6.
(1) In ord.r to r.cIII..l. conlinuil)' In
III JIfOIrIlll, th. ....lIlee .houJd .ubmlt
III IlneJ '''_110 HUD .11.... 30
de,. prior 10 lb. .tul of III communit,
developllllnl p......am ,eu. butla no
...11I1 wID HUD .ccepl . labmlllion for l
e ......teuller than December lor....
!bell th. llrat worklna d., In Sept.mber
or the F.deral FIIcaJ YIU for which the
....1 funde ... .ppropri.ted.
(2) A JII'OIfam ,ear Ihall run for .
lwelYllllonth period. A......... 81.'.
~..v.. .Ith.. abort.a or I.JIIlh.n III
JIOOIrIlll ,.u. provided HUD ncel~"
wrlll.. IIOtIce or .IeDllhened P.........
rear It Jallllwo mOllih. prior 10 th. .
del. the JIfOII'Im yeu would h.v.
lllded If It had 1101 been IeJlllh.ned. or
HUD Neelv" DOUce of . lIhortened