HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-2009 Minutes
300 N. "D" Street
San Bernardino, CA 92418
Website: www.sbcity.org
Mayor Palmk J. Morris
CouncU Members:
Esther EstradfJ
Dennis J. Baxter
Tobin Brinker
Fred Shorett
Chas Kelley
RiKke Van Johnson
Wendy McCommack
MAY 18. 2009
The joint regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and Community
Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by
Mayor/Chairman Morris at 1:36 p.m., Monday, May 18, 2009. in the Council
Chambers of City Hall. 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll Call
Mayor/Chairman Morris; Council Members/Commissioners Estrada,
Baxter. Brinker, Shorett, Kelley. Johnson. McCammack; City Attorney
Penman. Acting City Manager Sassoon. City Clerk Clark.
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack left at 7:10 p.m.
Mayor/Chairman Morris left at 7:25 p.m.
L Closed Session
Pursuant to Government Code Section(s):
A. Conference with legal counsel - existing litigation - pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(a):
People of the State of California, actin~ by and throu,gh the Department of
Transportation v. Macy's California, LLC. A California Limited Liability
Company et aI. - San Bernardino County Superior Court. Case No.
SCVSS 145059;
Jane Batev. et aI. v. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino County
Superior Court, Case No. SCVSS 141503;
Redevelopment A~ency of the City of San Bernardino v. Jaime Alvarez et
al. - San Bernardino County Superior Court, Case No. SCVSS 86091;
Dennis Jackson, et aI. v. City of San Bernardino. et aI. - San Bernardino
County Superior Court. Case No. CIVSS 800797.
B. Conference with legal counsel - anticipated litigation - significant
exposure to litigation - pursuant to subdivision (b) (I). (2), (3) (A~F) of
Government Code Section 54956.9:
Denny's Restaurant Shooting
Inland Communities Corp. v. City of San Bernardino (Paradise Hills)
C. Conference with legal counsel - anticipated litigation - initiation of
litigation - pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section
City of San Bernardino v. California State University
D. Closed Session - personnel - pursuant to Government Code Section
E. Closed session with Chief of Police on matters posing a threat to the
security of public buildings or threat to the public's right of access to
public services or public facilities - pursuant to Government Code Section
F. Conference with labor negotiator - pursuant to Government Code Section
G. Conference with real property negotiator - pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.8.
City Attorney Penman announced that the following additional item would be
discussed in closed session under Agenda Item No. lB, significant exposure to
litigation: Mobile home park owners vs. City of San Bernardino.
Reading of Resolutions & Ordinances
Deputy City Clerk Sutherland read into the record the titles of all the resolutions and
ordinances on the regular agenda of the Mayor and Common Council and Community
Development Commission.
Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
The invocation was given by Captain Stephen Ball of the Salvation Army. The pledge of
allegiance was led by Bowen Dixon. a 5th grade student from Barton Elementary School.
2. Reappointments - Mobile Home Board - Mayor Morris
. Steven Oquendo
. Robert Hampton
. Sandra Kurkoske
Council Member/Commissioner Johnson made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Estrada, that the reappointments of Steven Oquendo,
Robert Hampton, and Susan Kurkoske to the Mobile Home Board. as requested
by Mayor Morris. be approved. The motion carried unanimously.
3. Presentations & Proclamations
Council Member/Commissioner Brinker presented the Student of the Month
Award to Carli Lessard. a student at Richardson Prep Hi Middle School.
Mayor/Chairman Morris and Council Member/Commissioner McCammack
presented a proclamation designating May 2009 as Lyme Disease Awareness
Month to Anne Mears.
Rabbi Cohn, Chairman of the City's Bicentennial Committee, announced that the
committee would be celebrating the 199th birthday of the City of San Bernardino
from 12~1 p.m., Wednesday, May 20, 2009, on the steps of City Hall. Jane
Sneddon. a member of the Bicentennial Committee, presented a report on the
plans for the May 22.2010, Bicentennial Parade.
Mayor/Chairman Morris presented a proclamation designating May 17-23, 2009,
as National Public Works Week to Ken Fischer. Public Services Director; Randy
Kuettle. Deputy Director/Maintenance Services; Valerie Ross, Development
Services Director; and Robert Eisenbeisz, City Engineer.
Mayor/Chairman Morris presented a resolution of commendation to Assistant
City Manager Lori Sassoon in appreciation of her outstanding deeds.
accomplishments, and dedicated service. and congratulated her on her new
position as City Manager in the City of Villa Park.
The following individuals were presented a service pin award by Mayor/
Chairman Morris in recognition of their many years of dedicated service to the
Delisa Billups~Jones
Miguel Castro
Rita Comad
Larry Husted
Millicent Price
Raymond Bonshire
Sharon Crawford
John Diaz
Brian Smith
4. Announcements
Development Services
Facilities Management
Years of Service
Announcements were made by the Mayor. members of the Common Council.
elected officials. and a representative from the Chamber of Commerce regarding
various civic. community, and chamber events and activities.
5. Waive Full Reading of Resolutions & Ordinances
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that full reading of the resolutions and
ordinances on the regular agenda of the Mayor and Common Council and
Community Development Commission, be waived. The motion carried
6. Claims & Payroll
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that the claims and payroll and the authorization
to issue warrants as listed in the memorandum dated April 29. 2009. from
Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance. be approved. The motion carried
7. Persounel Actions
No personnel actions were submitted.
8. ORD. MC-1305 - An Ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council of the
City of San Bernardino amending Section 5.82.020 of the San Bernardino
Municipal Code relating to the violation of any condition of an Operator's
Permit. FINAL READING (Continued from May 4, 2009)
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that said ordinance be adopted. Ordinance No.
MC-1305 was adopted unanimously.
9. RES. 2009-118 - Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of San Bernardino requesting that the City of San Bernardino's primary
election be consolidated with the November 3, 2009 consolidated election
conducted by the County of San Bernardino.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson. that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
2009-118 was adopted unanimonsly.
10. Set budget hearing dates for FY 2009/10 budget
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that the Mayor and Common Council set budget
workshop dates for June 3. 9. 16, 24, and 29 at 4:00 p.m. in the Economic
Development Agency Boardroom to review the Fiscal Year 2009/10 City and
Economic Development Agency Budgets. The motion carried unanimously.
11. Authorize the Director of Development Services to execute Contract Change
Order No. Two with Weka, Inc. for Sewer Force Main and Colton Lift
Station improvements at Inland Center Drive - Sewer Main & Sewer
Encasements at Mill Street (SW08-08) 1-215 Freeway widening (Segment 3)
and authorization to amend the FY 2008/09 budget
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that the Director of Finance be authorized to
amend the FY 2008/09 budget by increasing the revenue of Fund No. 242 (Street
Construction) by $170,000 and allocate this additional amount to Account No.
242~362~5504-7747 "SW08~08 Segment 3 Sewer Relocation along 1-215
Freeway"; and that the Director of Development Services be authorized to
execute Contract Change Order No. Two with Weka, Inc. for the Sewer Force
Main and Colton Lift Station improvements at Inland Center Drive - Sewer Main
& Sewer Encasements at Mill Street (SW08~08) 1-215 Freeway widening
(Segment 3). The motion carried unanimously.
12. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the execution of an Agreement for Services and issuance of a
purchase order to Modular Space Corporation, for Public Services Modular
Building and Related Equipment in the City of San Bernardino per
RFQ #F-09-10.
Council Member/Commissioner McCamrnack stated that in light of the fact that
the City Council has been considering selling the Integrated Waste Management
Division for some time, she questioned why the City would spend $311,000 on an
investment on which they would never see a return. She stated that she had
several safety concerns regarding the City yard. and felt that more money would
have to be invested in this project to make it work.
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack made a motion, seconded by
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada. that the matter be tabled. The motion
carried with Baxter and Brinker voting "no".
13. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
approving a side letter to Resolution 2006-66 for full-time, fire safety
employees, amending the current language in Article III, Compensation:
Section 1, Salaries, Subsection (A); Article IV, Fringe Benefits: Section 1,
HealthlRelated Insurance, Subsection (C); Article IV, Fringe Benefits:
Section 4, Deferred Compensation; Article IV, Fringe Benefits: Section 7,
Vacation and Holiday Sell-Back; Article IV, Fringe Benefits: Section 8,
Welfare Benefit Trust; Article V, Leave Provisions: Section 1, Vacation,
Subsection (E); adding Article IV, Fringe Benefits: Section 9, Post
Employment Health Plan Programs; Article V, Leave Provisions: Section 7,
Budget Concession Leave; and Article VII, General Provisions, Section 2,
City Clerk Clark stated that staff had requested that this matter be continued for
two weeks.
Note: No resolution was distributed with the backup material.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that the matter be continued to the Council/
Commission meeting of June 1. 2009. The motion carried unanimonsly.
14. RES. 2009-119 - Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of
Understanding between the San Bernardino City Unified School District and
the City of San Bernardino for high school graduation security.
City Attorney Penman abstained as his wife is a member of the San Bernardino
City Unified School District Board of Trustees. He stated that Tim Sabo had
reviewed and signed the documents.
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack abstained as the San Bernardino
City Unified School District is a business client.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson. that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
2009-119 was adopted with McCammack abstaining.
15. RES. 2009-120 - Resolution authorizing the Police Department to participate
in the San Bernardino County Data Sharing Initiative and authorizing the
Chief of Police to execute the San Bernardino County Data Sharing Initiative
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson. that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
2009-120 was adopted unanimously.
16. RES. 2009-121 - Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of the Amendment to the
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the San Bernardino County
Auto Theft Task Force (SANCATT).
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson. that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
2009-121 was adopted unanimously.
17. An Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Chapter 15.37 of the
San Bernardino Municipal Code related to the Historic Building Demolition
Council Member/Commissioner Brinker made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Baxter, that said ordinance be laid over for [mal
adoption. The motion carried unanimously.
18. Appeal Hearing - Appeal City Clerk's denial of the fireworks stand
application submitted by the San Gorgonio High School Tennis Team
Mayor/Chairman Morris opened the hearing.
City Clerk Clark stated that in order to apply for a fireworks stand license every
organization must have a 501(c) (3) non-profit exemption from the Federal
Government. She stated that the San Gorgonio High School Tennis Team did not
provide proof of their 501(c) (3) exemption; however, they provided a letter from
their CPA stating that the San Bernardino City Unified School District has an
exemption. She stated that her concern was that if in fact they wanted to apply
under the umbrella of the San Bernardino School District. the application should
have come from the School District; otherwise. the School District would be
assuming that responsibility and liability.
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner McCammack, that the Mayor and Common Council grant
the appeal and allow the San Gorgonio High School Tennis Team the opportunity
to apply for and provide their 501(c) (3) to the City before the deadline. The
vote was taken following additional discussion.
City Clerk Clark stated that her only concern was that this could be setting a
precedent and would open the door for others to request similar waivers.
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley stated that ultimately it was the decision
of the policy makers of the City.
City Attorney Penman stated that it was not a policy decision, but was a legal
matter. He stated that the ordinance mandates that any group must have a 501(c)
(3) and the Council did not have the legal authority to waive that legal
requirement. He stated that the Council could amend the ordinance and remove
that requirement if they wished to do so, but as long as that requirement is on the
books. the Council would in effect be breaking the law if they were to grant an
exception to any organization regardless of who they are. The ordinance clearly
requires that the applicant include a copy of their 501(c) (3) verification of non~
profit status or demonstrate that it is a non~profit organization, group, association,
etc.. which is organized primarily for veteran, patriotic. welfare, civic or social
betterment (including public or private school clubs. groups. organizations or
such other public or private school affiliates). or charitable purposes.
Mr. Penman stated that the City Clerk's determination was that they did not meet
that requirement; and he had not seen any evidence that suggested that they did.
He stated that his office had not looked into the issue of whether or not they
would qualify under the School District's status. but he agreed with the City
Clerk that they need to have that 501(c) (3) or they need to meet one of the other
requirements. He stated that it would not be appropriate for the Council to make
a decision to grant a license to someone that doesn't have a 501(c) (3). He stated
that if the Council wanted to continue the matter his office could look into
whether they would qualify, but he didn't know how much time was available.
Mayor/Chairman Morris recommended that the matter be continued to June I to
give the City Attorney an opportunity to look into this matter more thoroughly.
City Clerk Clark stated that time is of the essence only because organizations are
waiting for the drawing to take place and those organizations that are selected will
need time to apply for permits and get volunteers between now and June 28.
Cindy Buechter, Business Registration Manager. stated that not only do they have
to have the 501(c) (3). but the group has to have been established as that non-
profit organization in the City for one year. She stated that she didn't know
whether that meant that the 501(c) (3) had to have been in place for one year, or
just the group itself; and for that information she would have to defer to the City
Attorney's office.
Pursuant to Resolution No. 2000-279. City Clerk Clark administered an oath to
the following individuals that they would provide true and honest testimony:
Patrick Kahler, Head Tennis Coach of the San Gorgonio High School Tennis
Team. stated that when he asked for approval from the School District for this
fundraising activity and requested a copy of the 50 I (c) (3), they provided him
with a letter and told him that they are a government entity-they are not a non~
profit organization like a church or a charitable group. He stated that it would
cost $300 to apply for a 501(c) (3), and that would pay for nniforms. restringing
rackets, or extra equipment. Mr. Kahler stated that if the Council deems that
they are not a non-profit organization. he requested that the $75 appeal fee be
returned. He urged the Council to grant the appeal.
Mayor/Chairman Morris asked if it would be feasible to grant a two~week
Ms. Buechter stated that permits would have to be obtained through Development
Services and the Fire Department after the placement of the booths by the
Fireworks companies. She stated that if the Council continues the matter to June
I, and depending on what the decision is. the drawing could be held on June 2;
however. they would be leaving those groups with a shortened timeframe in
which to get organized.
City Attorney Penman stated that if the Tennis Club did not have a 501(c) (3), he
believed it would be a simple matter to get a letter from the School District or the
principal of San Gorgonio High School demonstrating their non-profit status.
provided that they have complied with all other requirements.
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack stated that she was concerned that
this non~profit organization had to pay for this appeal process and she wondered
why their request was denied if the ordinance contains language that allows them
to demonstrate their non~profit status, which they did by submitting a letter.
City Attorney Penman stated that he did not believe there was a demonstration
because the letter did not come from the school or the school district.
Council Member/Commissioner Johnson stated that at some point the Council
was going to have to address the fact that they are allowing fireworks stands
below the 30 Freeway and they have this division of allowing fireworks in one
particular part of the City and not in the other. He stated that they keep talking
about fires and this certainly adds to the issue of safety in the City. He stated that
the non~profit organizations are going to have to think of other ways to raise
Jay Lindberg spoke in support of granting the application submitted by the San
Gorgonio High School Tennis Team.
Mr. Penman asked if the motion was to include a refund of the appeal fee to the
applicant. assuming they are successful in their demonstration.
Council Members/Commissioners Kelley and McCammack answered in the
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley amended his original motion, seconded by
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack, that the hearing be closed; that the
Mayor and Common Council grant the appeal and allow the San Gorgonio High
School Tennis Team the opportunity to demonstrate their non~profit status; and
that the $75 appeal fee be refunded. The motion carried unAnimously.
19. Appeal Hearing - Appeal of the Bureau of Franchises' denial of a Petition for
Franchise Permit for Express Transportation dba AA Inland Empire Cab to
operate two (2) taxicabs in the City of San Bernardino
Mayor/Chairman Morris opened the hearing.
Cindy Buechter. Business Registration Manager, reviewed higWights of the staff
City Attorney Penman advised that whatever the outcome was on this matter it
would have to be continued in order for fmdings to be made in support of the
Council's decision.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada asked if the basic premise was that the
City should only have "x" number of taxicabs.
Ms. Buechter stated that the premise was the public convenience for additional
taxi service in the City.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada asked what specific requirements the
applicant had to prove.
City Attorney Penman stated that Section 5.76.060 (B) of the Municipal Code
states: "Not more than one taxicab, excluding dial-a-ride taxicabs, shall be
permitted for each two thousand five hundred residents of the City. or major
portion thereof." He stated that the maximum number of vehicles is 82. and
currently there are 80 vehicles. which meant that two additional taxicabs could
operate in the City.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada asked if the application was denied
because the applicant could not provide the additional two cabs.
Ms. Buechter stated that the applicant was denied because the Bureau believed
they did not demonstrate the public convenience and necessity.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada asked how the applicant had to prove the
public convenience and necessity.
Ms. Buechter stated that that is determined by the members of the Bureau.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada asked what were the Bureau's
Sr. Deputy City Attorney Empeiio stated that Section 5.76.050 of the City's
Municipal Code discusses what constitutes public convenience and necessity and
the language, although broad. has been interpreted by court cases as giving a lot
of discretion and latitude to the legislative body. The ordinance states: "The
Bureau. in determining whether or not such facts exist. shall take into
consideration the public demand for such service, the adequacy or inadequacy of
service being rendered by other carriers, the effect of such service upon traffic.
the fmancial responsibility of the applicant, the amount of wages to be paid to
employees, the character of equipment proposed to be furnished. and any and all
other facts which the Bureau may deem relevant. "
Mr. Empeiio stated that there is a maximum limit of 82 cabs, but to decide
whether those two additional vehicles should be granted to this applicant, not
granted at all to any carrier, or granted to the existing franchise holder, Bell &
Yellow Cab, is within the discretion of the Council.
Pursuant to Resolution No. 2000-279, Deputy City Clerk Buechter administered
an oath to the following individuals that they would provide true and honest
Larry Quiel, representative for the Chamber of Commerce, stated that he is
embarrassed by the condition of the taxicabs and the fact that they run late. He
stated that competition would be good for the City. He recommended that the
Council consider changing the existing ordinance to allow as many cabs as are
needed to operate in the City.
Terri Berger, General Manager of AA Inland Empire Cab Co.. spoke regarding
monopolies in taxicab companies. stating that it's usually the consumer that ends
up getting short-changed by getting charged higher rates and having longer wait
Tammy Brooks Wafford stated that she doesn't see many cabs. but the few she
has seen are dirty and they don't run on time, and the drivers are rude.
William Hunter stated that he is appalled by the taxi service in the City and he
felt competition would improve service. prices. and the quality of the cabs.
Terrell Brooks stated that he rarely sees any cabs in the City of San Bernardino
and felt that competition would provide better customer service.
Paul Waller stated that he would like to see better service because taxicabs in the
City are always late.
Michael Baptiste, taxicab driver for AA Inland Empire Cab Co., stated that the
cabs are always late and he did not understand how one company could be
allowed to monopolize taxi service in the City of San Bernardino. He added that
most cab drivers dress inappropriately.
Kevin Colgan stated that he is currently a taxicab driver for AA Inland Empire
Cab Co., but prior to that he had been a taxicab driver for Bell & Yellow Cab for
30 years. He stated that he has seen drivers for Bell & Yellow refuse to take
calls because they were in bad neighborhoods or because they would only make
Bill Lemann, Attorney for Bell & Yellow Cab Co., stated that Bell & Yellow has
45 licenses in Riverside and 70 licensed drivers in the City of San Bernardino.
He stated that the company installed a state-of-the~art computerized system that
provides a history of every phone call that's been made in the last 15 years and
that report shows that 88 percent of all phone calls are responded to within 15
minutes, and 95 percent are responded to within 20 minutes. He stated that for
15 years he has been attending the meetings of the Bureau of Franchises and not
once during that time has there been a complaint against Bell & Yellow. and no
complaints have been made to the City Clerk's office.
Mr. Lemann stated that taxi service is very good in the City of San Bernardino.
but he felt that adding two cabs would cause problems in terms of monitoring
what goes on and identifying quality of service. He stated that the reality is that
in the taxicab business in the City of San Bernardino, having one company
headquartered here and one company to identify quality of service, is more
Mr. Shawel stated that since 1999 AA Inland Empire Cab has had a
computerized dispatch system that is fully integrated with GPS. He stated that
they are a franchise holder in the City of Riverside and plan to offer the same
services in the City of San Bernardino.
Chris Christman, President of Bell & Yellow Cab Co., spoke regarding
competition in the taxi industry. He stated that in 2007~2()(}8 the business market
for taxicab travel decreased by 40 percent due to the high cost of fuel. He stated
that at one point in time he had 17 cars parked because people couldn't afford the
gas. Mr. Christman stated that every driver is an independent businessman or
businesswoman and because of that they compete with each other to provide the
best service. He stated that there are 50-60 drivers out there competing for the
same dollar, and service is the only thing they have to sell.
Mr. Christman stated that they are upgrading their fleet to natural gas cars and
they will be going into service in about two weeks. He stated that ten percent of
their fleet is comprised of wheelchair handicapped vehicles and they make over
1,000 trips per month for the handicapped. He stated that if two permits are
granted to the applicant it will open up a floodgate because there will be no
control over which two cars actually have a permit.
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Brinker. that the hearing be closed; that the Mayor and
Common Council uphold the Bureau of Franchises' denial of a Petition for
Franchise Permit for Express Transportation dba AA Inland Empire Cab. to
operate two (2) taxicabs in the City of San Bernardino; and that the matter be
continued to June 1, 2009. for adoption of fmdings. No vote was taken.
Council Member Commissioner Estrada asked how the City monitors the
activities of the cab company.
Ms. Buechter stated that everything is funneled to the Bureau of Franchises per
the Municipal Code, so the City Clerk's office would receive any complaints
which would then be brought forward to the Bureau of Franchises. She stated
that the Bureau at any time has the authority or can ask the existing service
provider to bring in any kind of reports or to look at their time responses. The
taxi ordinance is extremely old and the Bureau has looked at that ordinance and
has gone through it section by section and has made recommendations for some
revisions; however, that was never brought forward to the Council. She stated
that there are provisions in the ordinance that the cabs are to be inspected. but it
was her understanding that that job classification no longer existed.
City Attorney Penman stated that Section 5.76.580 of the Municipal Code
regarding enforcement states: ".. .the Chief of Police. who is charged with the
duty of enforcement of all provisions of this and other ordinances pertaining to
the operation of vehicles for hire." Mr. Penman also cited Section 5.76.330.
which states: "Such vehicles shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary
condition and in a good state of repair, and shall be subject to inspection at all
times by the Bureau, or its representative. Any vehicle which becomes unsafe,
unclean, or unserviceable. or mechanically defective may be retired from service
upon order of the Bureau, and no vehicle which has been so retired shall be again
operated in such service except with approval of the Bureau."
Mayor/Chairman Morris asked why the revised ordinance was not brought
forward to one of the Council committees for review.
Ms. Buechter stated that the recommendation was to bring it forth to the
Legislative Review Committee because she believed there were still some
questions that the Bureau Members had regarding the proper language and they
needed guidance. but she was not sure where it died in the process.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada stated that her concern was that there
was no real monitoring of taxi services in the City, and she felt that the ordinance
should go forward to the LRC for review.
Council Member/Commissioner Brinker stated that cab companies have the
technology that allows them to see where their cabs are within the City and he
didn't know why that information could not be put on the internet so everyone
would be able to see where the cabs are and the consumer could then make the
decision as to who was going to provide service to them.
Council Member/Commissioner Shorett stated that he was not sure that the people
who use cabs would even know where they should take their complaints. He
stated that he didn't think he would have known to complain to the City Clerk's
office or to the Bureau of Franchises if he had a problem with cab service.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Shorett, that the hearing be closed; that the Mayor and
Common Council grant the appeal for a Petition for Franchise Permit for Express
Transportation dba AA Inland Empire Cab to operate two (2) taxicabs in the City
of San Bernardino; and that the matter be continued to June 1. 2009. for adoption
of findings.
City Clerk Clark stated that if the Council wanted this item to go back to the LRC
for review of the ordinance, she suggested that they also consider the possibility
of transferring the duties of the Bureau of Franchises to the Police Commission
because of issues they have had with appointing members to the Bureau and
obtaining a quorum to discuss matters. many of which come under the purview of
the Police Department.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter amended his original motion. seconded by
Council Member/Commissioner Shorett. that the hearing be closed; that the
Mayor and Common Council grant the appeal for a Petition for Franchise Permit
for Express Transportation dba AA Inland Empire Cab to operate two (2) taxicabs
in the City of San Bernardino; that the matter be continued to June 1. 2009, for
adoption of findings; and that the matter be referred to the Legislative Review
Committee for possible review of the taxicab ordinance and perhaps transferring
the duties of the Bureau of Franchises to the Police Commission. The motion
carried with Brinker and Kelley voting "no".
20. Public Hearing - Resolutions establishing certain fees for services furnished
by the City of San Bernardino; an ordinance clarifying the City's authority to
charge for certain fees; and draft ordinances to be referred to the Legislative
Review Committee. (Continued from May 4, 2009)
RES. 2009-122 - Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of San Bernardino establishing certain fees for services furnished by the City
of San Bernardino, and superseding all prior fee resolutions. (20A)
RES. 2009-123 - Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of San Bernardino establishing the schedule of penalties for parking
violations set forth in the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code and the
California Vehicle Code, and superseding Resolution 2008-315. (20B)
An Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Sections 8.27.100,
8.30.130, 8.36.070, 12.64.020, and 15.28.150 of the San Bernardino
Municipal Code and adding Sections 12.80.055 and 12.80.100(C) through (F)
thereto to incorporate into the Municipal Code language contained in the
Master Fee Resolution, to clarify the process for obtaining a permit to
consume alcoholic beverages in a park, and to authorize fees relative to
processing of information concerning liens. FIRST READING (2OC)
An Ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino, California adding Chapter 16.18 of the San Bernardino
Municipal Code regarding unauthorized signs on public property. FIRST
Note: Ordinance No. 20D was not distributed with the backup material.
An Ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino, California repealing and replacing Chapter 5.68 of the San
Bernardino Municipal Code regarding yard sales. FIRST READING
Note: Ordinance No. 20E was not distributed with the backup material.
The hearing remained open.
Jay Lindberg stated that some of the proposed fee increases were outrageous and
flat out unreasonable.
Council Member/Commissioner Estrada made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Baxter, that the hearing be closed; that said Resolutions
A and B, be adopted, as amended deleting Part III, Section 7 of Resolution A
regarding Animal Control; that said ordinance C, be laid over for [mal adoption;
and that said draft ordinances D and E. be referred to the Legislative Review
Committee for further discussion and review. The motion carried and
Resolution Nos. 2009-122 and 2009-123 were adopted with KeUey and
McCarnrnack voting "no" .
21. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement between the City
of San Bernardino and Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership, dba Verizon
Wireless for the lease of nine hundred eighty seven (987) square feet of City
owned property at Fire Station No. 228 located at 3398 Highland Avenue for
a ceUular tower disguised as a functional fire hose rack (APN 0285-191-05).
(Continued from May 4, 2009)
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Estrada, that the matter be continued to the Council/
Commission meeting of June I, 2009. The motion carried unanimously with
McCammack absent.
22. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino approving Liceuse Agreement No.
09-37471 with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway for
maintenance of temporary shoring under the Mt. Vernon Viaduct between
2nd Street and 4th Street (BR#54COO66). (Continued from May 4, 2009)
Note: No resolution was distributed with the backup material.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Estrada, that the matter be continued to the Council!
Commission meeting of June I, 2009. The motion carried unanimously with
McCammack absent.
23. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of
Pipeline Liceuse Agreements with the BNSF Railway Company for sewer
relocation work to be performed by the City at Sprnce Street and at 10th
Street, relative to the 1-215 widening. (Continued from May 4, 2009)
Note: No resolution was distributed with the backup material.
Council Member/Commissioner Baxter made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Estrada, that the matter be continued to the Council/
Commission meeting of June I, 2009. The motion carried unanimously with
McCammack absent.
24. Discussion of Possible Grant Opportunities
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack stated that she brought this item
forward in order to discuss grants that the City is able to apply for that either they
have not yet applied for or for some reason the City made the decision not to
apply for them. She stated that there is a grant called Staffing for Adequate Fire
and Emergency Response (SAFER). which is not to be used for equipment or to
build infrastructure, but was actually to be used to fund firefighters; however, the
deadline for this grant was May 20, 2009, and she was going to ask the Council
to take action.
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack stated that several cities applied for
this grant and were awarded funds including the County of San Bernardino.
which was awarded $532,000 on April 4. 2009. She stated that this particular
grant could be used to enhance staffing and should provide all the frontline. first
due apparatus of SAFER grantees and they have a minimum of four trained
personnel to meet the OSHA Standard of two men in and two men out.
Ultimately. a faster. safer and more efficient incident scene will be established
and communities will have more adequate protection from fire and fire related
hazards. The Federal share of salaries and associated benefits is limited to
$105,000 per position over the course of the performance period. There is no
funding limit for any application. or any limit to the number of positions eligible
for funding per application.
Fire Chief Conrad stated that Deputy Chief Fratus had been working on this quite
a bit and discovered that what is coming due on Wednesday is the Assistance
Firefighter Grant which they have applied for in the sum of $351,000 to replace
breathing apparatus, but that grant cannot be used for staffing. He stated that he
has been in contact with Washington regarding the SAFER Grant which will open
up in the summer for this next application period, at which time they will
certainly go to the Grants Committee to determine whether it is appropriate.
Chief Conrad stated that there are very few grants out there that actually pay
staffmg and the SAFER Grant contains a lot of conditions. He stated that the
money they give you is for five years, so that $100,000 is spread out over five
years and you also have to commit to having that staffmg for that full period of
time. He stated that the City should think this through very carefully, but it is
something they would certainly consider. He stated that they did apply for it in
2006/2007 and in 200712008. but they did not receive it either of those years
because it is a very competitive grant. He stated that they look more to the
smaller rural fire departments and. in fact. only 17 percent of the awards they
made last year went to City fire departments with full-time staffmg because they
are trying to augment staffing in a lot of the less wealthy fire departments.
Fire Chief Conrad stated that the Fire Department received a grant for $484,000
that will allow them to put exhaust systems in all fire stations and complete the
purchase of fire shelters, and they have another grant in the amount of $321.000
that will pay for defibrillators, generators. etc. He stated that they are very
aggressive in applying for grants and they have applied for everything they can
find. and now they are hearing about some new opportunities with the stimulus
package. but they have not seen any of them come along yet, but they will
certainly get in line with everybody else. Chief Conrad stated that in previous
years the SAFER Grant would only fund newly created positions and it made no
sense to apply for a grant that would only cover 10-15 percent of the cost and
required the creation of several new positions. He stated that it was his
understanding that this year the grant would allow them to fund positions that
have been eliminated due to lay offs or other reasons.
Chief Conrad stated that the fire service has not historically received a lot of grant
monies compared to law enforcement, but they have increased the grant monies
available for building fire stations to $210 million nationally, and they will
certainly compete for that grant also, but it is a long shot.
Lori Sassoon, Acting City Manager, stated that the City Manager's office
subscribes to Grants.gov and the City's Federal lobbyists also forward those grant
opportunities; and as those deadlines come due they will be forwarded to the
Grants Committee.
C. Patience Summers stated that she supports local law enforcement and the
firefighters; however. she was very disappointed to see that the Fire Chief was
not scrounging for every penny of grant money they could get.
Council Member/Commissioner Johnson stated that Council Member/
Commissioner McCammack had to leave because she was going to Sacramento;
however. before she left she asked him to refer the matter to the Grants
Committee so that they could look at how they wanted to address the stimulus
funding action.
Council Member/Commissioner Johnson made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Kelley, that the matter be referred to the Grants
Committee. The motion carried unanimously with McCammack absent.
25. RES. 2009-124 - A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City
of San Bernardino fmding a severe fiscal hardship will exist if additional local
property tax funds are seized and additional unfunded mandates are adopted
by the State of California.
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley made a motion. seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Baxter. that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
2009-124 was adopted unanimously with McCammack absent.
Mayor/Chairman Morris; Council Members/Commissioners Estrada,
Baxter, Brinker. Shorett, Kelley. Johnson; City Attorney Penman, Acting
City Manager Sassoon, City Clerk Clark.
Council Member/Commissioner McCammack.
R26. RES. CDC/2009-20 - Resolution of the Community Development Commission
of the City of San Bernardino approving and authorizing the Interim
Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San
Bernardino ("Agency") to execute Amendment No. 1 to the 2008 Disposition
and Development Agreement by and between the Agency and Maya Cinemas
North America, Inc., (Central City North Redevelopment Project Area).
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
CDC/2009-20 was adopted unanimously with McCammack absent.
R27. RES. CDC/2009-21 - Resolution of the Community Development Commission
of the City of San Bernardino approving and authorizing the Interim
Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San
Bernardino ("Agency") to execute a Demolition Contract by and between the
Agency and J & G Industries, Inc., for the demolition of Agency properties
located at 2656, 2695, and 2639 West s<J' Street, San Bernardino (s<J' Street
and Meridian Avenue Project).
Council Member/Commissioner Johnson made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Baxter, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No.
CDC/2009-21 was adopted unanimously with McCammack absent.
28. Appeal Hearing - Conditional Use Permit No. 08-21 (Appeal No. 08-07) -
Appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of a Conditional Use Permit to
convert an existing 6,747 square foot church building into a 56-bed homeless
shelter with related support facilities and office space located at 840 North
Sierra Way in the RM, Residential Medium, land use district. (Continued
from April 20, 2009)
The hearing was closed at the Council/Commission meeting of April 6, 2009.
Council Member/Commissioner Kelley made a motion, seconded by Council
Member/Commissioner Johnson, that the matter be continued to the Council/
Commission meeting of June 1, 2009. The motion carried unanimously with
McCammack absent.
29. Public Comments
Jay Lindberg suggested that the City get a bid from San Bernardino County to
subcontract out the Fire Department. He spoke about the solar energy industry in
the Inland Empire.
Betty Jean Long gave the City Council two weeks to answer her question as to
what happened to the $20,000 that she claimed belonged to her. She announced
that she was going to run for Mayor of the City of San Bernardino.
C. Patience Summers spoke regarding the Operation Phoenix molestation case
and requested copies of all financial records including any charities associated
with Operation Phoenix, and Mayor Morris' personal taxes.
30. Adjournment
At 7:32 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next joint regular meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission is scheduled
for Monday, June 1, 2009.
City Clerk
BY~/~ /
Linda Sutherland
Deputy City Clerk