HomeMy WebLinkAbout50-Council Office ~. : C o o J LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE May 28, 1987 ATTENDEES: Councilman Jack Strickler-Chairman; Councilman Gordon Quiel; Councilman Jack Reilly; Councilman-Elect Tom Minor; Councilwoman-Elect Norine Miller; City Administrator - Ray Schweitzer, Deputy City Administrator - Jim Richardson; Deputy City Attorney - John Wilson; Public Works Director - Roger Hardgrave, Public Services Director Jr. Moreno, Public Buildings Supt. - Wayne Overstreet; Assistant City Engineer - Gene Klatt; Council Executive Assistant - Phil Arvizo; Mayor's Executive Assistant Richard Bennecke; Patrick Kendell, Burton Wilcke (No Smoking Coalition); Hy weitzman (Restaurant Assoc.); Ron Saldana (Tobacco Industry); Marshall Julian; Frank Ayala & Scott Shira (School District); Patrick McCreevy (Sun). ^ 1. ~ro~ FOR CONNECTION OF continued. REVISIONS TO MUNICIPAL CODE - REQUIREMENT DEVELOPMENTS TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM - Item v 2. PROPOSED REVISION TO MC SECTION 19.56.420 - DRAINAGE OF STORM WATERS OVER CITY SIDEWALKS - Committee recommended adoption of ordinance. C 3. WAIVER OF FEES - CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED SCHOOL AT LITTLE LEAGUE DRIVE/BELMONT STREET (VERDEMONT AREA) - Item continued. The Unified School District will meet with the City Administrator when specific information is available. 1 4. CASH IN LIEU FEE - DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT Committee recommended recision of the in-lieu fee paragraph of the existing ordinance, The Committee further recommended that the Council request the Central Parking Place Commission to study the parking problems, provide the Committee some options and recommend a financing scheme. . 5. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES AND IMPOSING LIENS ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY FOR THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT Committee recommended adoption of the resolution. Public Services will review the method of collection and the legality of adding a penalty charge when the cost is placed on the tax rolls. This item will be returned to the Committee within 30 days. r 6. REVIEW OF "NO SMOKING" ORDINANCE - After extensive discussion, the Committee recommended that the Council set a public hearing to review the ordinances. Mr. Weitzman and Mr. Saldana will provide an ordinance for review along with the other two ordinances one from Redlands and the other from the Clean Indoor Air Coalition. #3 ,. " c o o :) G 7. SEWER CAPACITY RIGHTS - The Committee recommended that the schedule of charges for sewer capacity rights be reviewed at a future Committee meeting and serious consider- ation be given to maintaining an increasing scale of charges for sewer rights. Meeting adjourned. ectfully submitted, OZe-t;i tJ~ cilman Jack Strickler '. lrman egislative Review Committee JS:ej ,-' '.,,,, .~ ~k'" / THE WEITZMAN COMPANY Association Management Government Relations Public Relations May'3l,1987 The Honorable Mayor and City Council of San Bernardino 344 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mayor Wilcox and Council Members: Pursuant to Councilman Jack Strickler's request at last Thursday's study sesson on a smoking ordinance, I have asked my client, the California Restaurant Association, to provide a copy of an ordinance that effectively meets the needs of non-smokers while allowing businesses and restau- rants to adequately serve their customers and employers. The attached ordinance recently passed by the City of Burlingame is such an ordinance. It calls for smoke-free public areas and workplaces while at the same time provid- ing the business community with a reasonable guideline to serve all of their customers, both smokers and non-smokers, within constraints of safety. The ordinance, because of its reasonableness, invites com- pliance and assures that San Bernardino will have met the concerns of all its citizens. We respectfully suggest that it be used as a model for the proposed hearing. Sincerely, ~ /!f'&e Hy Wei zman for the lifornia Res urant Association cc: Chamber of ommerce Legislative Committee MAIN OFFICE: 3972 N. WATERMAN AVE. . STE. 103, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92404. (714) 883-8701 SACRAMENTO OFFICE: CORUM BUILDING, 1005 12th ST. . STE. E. SACRAMENTO. CA 95814, (916) 444.(J948 ,~ , ... ~U-Pi ~, . ... c .'- , ,.,I , i;.: E' ~, ..., ;r ORDINANCE NO. t 141 ADIlIIlG CIIAPTEIl '.1' - SIIOItINC The CITY COUNCIL of tile CITY or IUIlLIllGA/IE dou her.by ORDAIN follow.. Section 1. Chapter 8.18 "&.okinl" 1. added to the Burlln.... Hunlcip Coda to read I ....1..010 DE1'INITIONS The followin. words and phr..... whenever u.ed in this .rticle, shall construed .. defined in this ..ctlonl e. "Baril ...na an .r.. which t. d.voted to the ..rvinl of alcohol bevera... and In which the ..rYlca of food 1. oa.17 Incidental to the consWIll tion of such beyera.... b. "Budn..." .ana any aol. proprietorship, partnership, joll ..nture, corporation or other bustn... enttty fo~d for profit-makil purpo..., tncludtnl retail ..tabltab.enta where load. or ..rvic.. are sold. veIl .. prof...tonal corpor.ti~ and other entiti.. vb.ra la..l, ..die.: dental. anatneed,n.. architectul'al. or otMr prof...tonal service. al "Uvered. c. MDinin. Ar.." ..ana Afty .nclo..d ar.. containin. a count.r or tabll upon which ..al. are .erved. d. "rapIoy..11 ...na any per.on who 1. ..,loyecl by 8IIY aid.ration for direct or indir.ct ~n.tary w.... or profit. who wolunt..ra hia or her ..rvic.. for . non profit entity. .-ploy!!!r in ear and any persc e. "laployer" _811. 8IIY peraon. partnerahip. corporation. or non prott .ntity. inc1ud:Ln1 a ....icipal corporation, who .-ploy. the .."ic.. of one 0 _n perlJOlW. f. "lnclo.ed"..-n. clo.ed lD by roof and at l...t three valls. I. 'INon-Profit Intity" _ana any corporation. unincorporated associ a tion. or other enUty created for charitabl.. eclucational. political. social or other .iaUar purpo.... the net proc.... fro. the operationa of which ar. c~itt.d to the prOllOtion of the object. 01' PUCPO... of the oraanizaUon ani not to pri.at. financial ..in. A public ..--=7 ia not a Ilnon-profit .ntity. within the ....in. of thi. aectioa. h. "Plac. of IIIplo,...at" ...... _, enclo." ar.. under the control of . public or private ..,10"1' which ...10,.... no~lly frequent durinl thl cour.. of ..,lo,..,.t. inclu41na but not U.ited. t.o. work ar..s. etaploye, lOUD.... .. ~tl'OOll&. coaf.reDCe .... elaa. ~, cafatari... and hallways oe.pUnal 1. A pri.ata r..idence 1& not. a place of ..,loyMnt. unle.. It is us.. .. a child can or a healt.h care facility. 2. The dubl ar" of a nauU'aat 1. not a "place of ..,loyment. II 1. "MUe P1.... _ OIl' ...10.... .... to vhleh tho public 10 In- vited or In which the public i. paraitted. includinl, but not llalted to: bank.. educational facilitl... health facilitle.. public transportation 'acUiti... nceptl_ aru., n8uucaaU, ntail food produ.ction and ..rkee- in. ..tabll~ta. retall ..mea _tabll.....u, nutl Itor.a, theaters. 0IId valtlDl _. ?.: t " . ;-. ~ ~I f I...~ /~.... ...J -." ) I j ,.) J. "I..taurant"...M a,. coif. lhop, cafeteria, tavern, ..ndw: .tand, .od. fountala. 'd....t. 01' public ac:hool cal.tad.., and any otl ..tinl ..tabltlb.ent, orlani..ttan, club, boardlDlhouae, or lueathouaa, vhl liv.. or offarl food for ..1. to the public, auelta, patron.. or ..,loya, Iscapt that the t... "nltaurant" aba11 not lncl.... . cocktail lOUD,. t....rn if ..i. _taU ~aa oc ta.... i. . "bu" aa c1aUn" hanin. t. "l.uU Tobacco Ston" _ana a 'Ntatl aton. util1ud prlaarily f tM ..1. of tobacco product. and ac&:Maori... 1. "Slrvie. Line" _an. indoor line at which on. or "1'. perl on. _ vattinl for or reee!v!na ..1'.10. of any kind, wb.tber or not luch ..rvtCI 1 clud.. the lachana. of lIOft.y. . .. lISlIOkinl" .an. tnhaURa. axballnl. bumtn.. or carry!na any Uaht pipe, cl.ar, or ct..ntta of any kind, or any other c~buatibl. lubatanca. n. "Sporta Arena" .an. lPOl'tl ,.viUona. 1YWI..i.... h..lth .p box in. aren... awi..in. pool.. roll.r and ic. rink.. bowlln. a11.y. and at. .t.ilar plac.. where ...bars of the public .....b1. to .nla.. In physic; ax.rci... participata in athl.tic c~tition. or vltn... aport. av.nts. '.11.020 APPLICATIlIl or SIIOlIIIG III cm OIINID rACILITIIS. All .ncl...' f.clliti.. own" b7 the City .f Burlina... shall be .ubja, to tb. pro.i.ions of this arttc1.. .. Plac.. of PubUc Asa.blv. s.oltln. 18 prohibitecl in he.rin. raGa or plac.. of public ......ly In which the bustn... of the City of Burlln.... or any of ita Bo.rd. or ea..i..ione. te conduct.d. b. Public Lobbies. Public Hallwav.. !.okinl i. prohibit.d In wattin rOOlUl. lobbi... and public hallway. of .very build!n. under direct or In direct control of the city. pr~id". however. that where a lobby i. 1. -.diat.ly adJ.cent and incidental to . place of public .....bly where ..okln 1. prohibited pur.uant to aub.ectlon (a) above. ci.arett. .~ktnl ..y be per _itted In auch lobby: and further pro.ided. however. that this prohibitl01 doe. not pra.ent the e.tabll.b.ant of ..parat. area. In a build!n. In whicl ci.arette .~ltinl is paraitt.d .. lonl .. .aid are.. contain no .or. tn.1 fifty percent (501) of the waitin. ~ apace In the build In.. '.11.030 rmBIlITIlIl or SIIOlIIIG III I'IIILIC fLACIS. .. s.oUna .hall be prohibit" in. 011 _1.... public plac... Indud. Inl. but not lillit.d to. the followin. place.. 1. &l..ator. and r.atroo.a. 2. Buse.. ta.icaba .nd. other _ana of public tran.it under the authority of the CIty of Burlin..... and in ticket. board in.. and vaitlnl ar.a. of public tranait depots. pr~ided. howe..r. that this prohibition doe. not pr...nt (a) the ..tablt.~nt of aeparat. vatttn. ar... for ct.ar.tte a.okers and non.-ok.r.. of ~ual ai.. or (b) the ..tablt.b.ent of a ...1~ of fifty p.rcent (50%) of a liven waitina area. .. ci.arett. -.ok in. are... 3. S.rvice line.. 4. RetaU Stor... ac.,t area in eaid. .torea not open to the public and all ar... within retail tobacco .to~. 5. R.taU food ..rtaUlla aatablla_to, includina acocary otora. .1l4 supanuT.et.. ..cept those .rau of auda ..tabl1.......U ..t uide faT the purpo.. of ..rYin, of food and dTlnk. reat~ and. offic... and area. thanof DOt 0..... to tha public, ""iell..y he otharwis. r....l.t.. b7 this 2 ~.i'... , c /,,'''''J., ....,; ,-....... , j ,~ .) ~ 6. All ar... available to and cuato.arl11 u.ad by the leneral public in .11 buai...... and non-profit .ntiti.. patrani..d by the public. Including. ....t not llalt'" to. bual_ offlcaa. banD. IIot.la ond oot.la. 7. Publlc.naII of ....d..... 11""&'1'1... anti ........ when open to thl' public, prowl.... boweYar, that Chi. prohibition doe. not prevent the de~18. natloe of . conttauoua area contatnlna a ...~ of fifty percent (50%) of a lObby .. . ciaaratta .-okina ar... a. Ala., builelin. not open to the IlI:y which h used pdrnar! ly for ex- biblt!n. any ~tton picture, ata.. elr.... lecture. .ulteal recital or othrr .t.llar ,.rfo~.. excapt when -.akinl 1. part of any such production. provided howeyer. that Chi. prohibition doe. not preyent the designatlon of a conttayou. ar.. containtna a ..&l.u. of fifty parcant (50%) of . lobby aa a cl.aratta .-011:101 ar... 9. Baclo..d aporta .rau, excepe in cleatanatad ..Una arees. 10. Waitin. r~ of doctor. offic.. and denti.ts offices. hallways, .arda. and ...i-privat. roo.8 of health facilitie.. including. but not li.ited to. ho.pital.. clinic.. and phy.ical therapy facilities. In bed apace are.. of health factllti.. ~ed for two or ~r. patients. smoking shall be probibited unle.. all patient. within tb. roo. ar. -.okera and request to bo pI..... In a roM when _kinl i. .....ittod. 11. Polllal ploco.. b. Notwithatandin. an, other prowl. ion of this ..ction. operator. .ana..r or other person who control. any e.tablishment this ..ction ..y declara the entire ..tabll.b.ent .. a ..t.bl.....t. any owne r . described In nonsmoking ~ 1.11.040 IIClIu.TICIl or SIlOl1I1G IN I'LACIS or DtPLOYllENT. Within 90 day. of the .ffective data of thi. article. each place of ..,lo,..nt ahall adopt. i.,l....t. ..k. known and ..intatn a written smoking policy It.tin. where ...ktn. i. ,.~ltt" and where it ia prohibited. Viola- tion. of this ..ctian Or an, policy adopted pur.uant to this section shail not be nbject to .'orc_t .at forth in Section 1.11.070. In any dispute .ri.inl under. pollc, adopt.. pur.uant to tb. ..ction. the health concerns of the .---..1' .hall be Ii... praceduca. 1.11.050 11IIIII SIIOl1IIG IIlIr IIClIu.TID. .. Notwtthatandinl any othar provi.ion. of this chapt.r to the con- tr.ry. the follow in. ar... .hall not be lubjact to the .-akin. restrictions of the chaptar. 1. lara. ..;. 2. "at.ul'anta. ..cept "'1'7 reataurant with. a..Unl capacity of 50 (fift,) 01' "1'. person.. .hall provide a naa-.okinl ar... 3. Private residenc... excapt whan u.ad... child cara or a health cal'a facUity. 4. Hot.l..... IIOtel lobbi.. and ball..,... hotal uuI -.atal roo.. r.nted to ....t.. 5. Iotoll tobacco .to.... 6. lutaul'ant. botel and _tel confaAIICe 01' .etinl rGOU. and public ..... prh.t. _1)' _ whll. than ploc.. ... bolnl ..... (or private 3 ~. ~ ~ j c """". v ~ ') I.'.... . 'f funcUon. . 7. A private enclo... place occupied exclualvely by .-ok.ra, even tboulh auch . placa .., be viaited by ~ker.. 1.11.060 POSTING or SIGNS. e. "S-Una", "Ct..rette S..kinl" or "No SIIokinau a1ln., whichever are appropriate. with letter. of not 1... than 1" In bal,ht or the lntern.tional "No SlftOklnl" .,.bol (coad.Unl of . pictorial repr...ntation of . bum In. cl.arette enclo..d in a red circle with . red bar acro.. it) ahall be cl..rly and conspicuously poated In every build tn, or other place where ..okln. i. controlled by this article. by the owner, operator. .-nA.er, or other peraon havln. control of auch bulld!n. or other place. b. Every th..ter owner, ..na.er or operator aha II conspicuously post atlns in the lobby atattn. that .-okln. Is prohibite. withtn the theater or auditorium, and in the ea.. of ~tion picture the.tera, luch information .hall be .hown upon the .creen for at l..at fl98 leeondl prior to the lhovin. of ..ch f.atur. ~tion picture. c. Ivery re.taurant required to provide a nonsmokin. area shall have posted at .ver, .ntranc. a .iln clearly .tatina that . non.-okln. ,eetion i, ...ilable, atatin. the ai.. of that aection and lndleatinl the loeation of that ,.ction. lver)' patron ahall be ukeel .. to hia or her pref.rence by the host 01' hoat... (if OM: i. Oft duty). A peraon tatina re..nation. for a ru- taurant ,hall lik..ia. uk if there i. ~kinl or .-oklnl pr.f.rence. 1.11.070 VIOLATIONS. a. It 1. unla.ful for ..y parlon to S80k. in a plac. .here .-okina ia prohibited. . b. It 1. unlavful for any perlon who own., ..nal'" or othervi.. con- trol. the u.. of any pr..i... .ubJect to the prohibition of thi. chapter to fall to polt lilnl .. required by thi. chaptlr 01' to knowinll, ,.~it I violation of thi. ordinanc., praYid.., howev.r, that ...10"" .1" not r.quired to d.,i.nat. their individual .ark .1'.... 1.11. 010 ~ISCIIlJIlIlATIOIl. No perlOn lull dl.char.., r.fu.. to hin, 01' in "Y' ......1' dberain.t. a..inat any ..,loy.. or .pplicant for ..,lo,..nt bee.... .ucb ...10"" or .p- plicant ..arei... anY' rtabta afforded by thi, .Ictlon." Sact10. 2. Tlda ori_a .hall be publbbad .. nquiru br law. itayaI' I, .nJDI'rH A. MALlAnI, City Clark of the City of Burll"...., do heraby certify that thi. foreloinl Ordinance v.. introduced at a r..ul.r ...tinl of tbe City Counell held on the -!.!:!!- day of May , 1917, and v., adopted ther..ftar at a relular ...tlnl of the City Council held Oft the -l!..t:hday of May , 1917, by tha follow1.1 ""te. AYES. NOES. AlllIIIT. COUIlCIUll!lh N1STRUP, BAR'1'ON, LEllBI, PAGLIARO COIlIlCIUlElh NONE COIlIlCIUll!lh IIAIlGINI City Clerk ., IF f