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To Ralph Prince Subject Ordinance Amending Section 2.56.
City Attorney 001 Subsection A of the Municipal
Date May 18, 1987 Code Prohibiting the Solicitation
of Absentee Ballots
Meeting Date May 18, 1987 Agenda Item No. 44
The proposed ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Section 2.56.001
Subsection A of the San Bernardino Municipal Code to add paragraph 2 prohibiting
any campaign volunteer or worker to solicit applications for absentee ballots,
was continuedj:..Q. ,J~J_S...-l9ll.L.. with language to be reviewed by City Attorney
and City Clerk.
SC:dc /r:fih<t//
cc: Mayor Wilcox
CitlAdministrator sAAUNA CLARK
'It- ( City Clerk
Total Votes Absentee % Voting Total
. Election Registration Cast Votes Cast Absentee Turnout %
75 March 29,252 12,493 345 2.80% 42.7%
75 May 29,241 9,13113 366 4.10% 31.13%
77 March 39,1378 13,888 419 3.02% 35.5%
77 May 12,104 4,231 95 2.25% 35.0%
79 March 42,093 12,136 339 2.79% 28.8%
. 79 May 16,714 6,502 790 12.15% 38.9%
81 March 50,009 15,281 733 4.80% 30.6%
81 May 49,954 6,589 571 8.67% 13.2%
83 March 56,192 7,861 703 8.94% 14.0%
B3 May 14,750 5,443 1,390 25.54 % 36.9%
85 March 63,228 18,656 2,171 11.64% 29.5%
85 May 65,644 23,935 3,771 15.76% 36.5%
87 March 63,134 14,689 1,922 13.08% 23.3%
87 May 29,777 7,769 1,822 23.45% 26.1%
Has the increase in absentee usage increased the total voter turnout in
city-wide elections since 1975?
March, 1975
March, 1987
% voting absentee: 2.89%
% voting absentee: 13.08%
Total turnout:
Total turnout:
. c 0 '-, :)
sixth Ward Total Absentee % Voting Total
E1e.::tion Registration Votes Cast Votes. Cast Absentee Turnout
75 ~arch . 2,846 1,449 12 .8% 50.9%
75 ~ay 2,842 1,465 13 .9% 51. 5%
77 !'larch unknown
77 ~ay unknown No Six th Ward Election
79 March 4,181 1,511 107 7.1% 36.1%
79 May 4,181 1,657 116 7.0% 39.6%
81 March 7,417 1,403 unknown 18.9%
81 May unknown
83 March 7,479 1,889 81 4.3% 25.3%
83 May 7,311 2,467 537 21. 8% 33.7%
85 ~1arch 8,665 1,561 703 45.0% 18.0%
85 ~ay 8,796 1,963 799 40.7% 22.3%
87 March 8,457 2,495 624 25.0% 29.5%
87 !'lay 8,680 2,679 1,172 43.7% 30.9%
Has the increase in absentee usage increased total voter turnout in Ward 6
since 1975?
March, 1975
March, 1987
% voting absentee: .8%
% voting absentee: 25.0%
Total turnout: 50.9%
Total turnout: 29.5%
75 March Pr imary
75 May General
76 March Special
76 June Special
77 March Primary
77 May General
78 June Special
79 March
79 May
79 Nov.
8lil June
8lil Nov.
Wards 3, 5, 6 and 7; Attorney, Clerk
Special recal1 Ward 1; Runoffs Wards 5 and
6; Treasurer
ward 1 recall
Measures A: Amend Section 186; B: Amend
recall procedures set forth in Charter
Mayor; Wards 1, 2 and 4
Wards 1 and 4
Measures - B: President of Council;.
C: Appointment of Mayor Pro Tempore;
Remove veto D: Miscel1aneous house-
keeping measures
Wards 3, 5, 6 and 7; Attorney, Clerk,
Treasurer; Measures - A: Mayor's salary;
B: Limit Council to Three Terms;
C: Mayor Pro Tempore; D: Remove Attor-
ney, Clerk and Treasurer from Mayor's
supervision; E: Ordinance summaries;
F: Misce11aneous Charter changes
Wards 3, 6 and 7
Measures - E: Competitive bidding 1evels;
F: publish ordinances by summary;
Advisory: Municipal Auditorium
Section 186 be repealed?
Measures - C: Prohibit binding arbitra-
tion; D: Flood Control and Storm Drain
Assessment Bonds; E: Allow Binding Arbi-
tration .
81 March Pr imary Mayor; Wards 1, 2 and 4
81 May Special Treasurer; Section 186: Supplemental pay
to paramedics
81 Nov. Special City-wide Rent Control
82 Feb. Special Ward 5
82 Nov. Special Ward 4
83 March Primary
83 May General
84 Nov. Special
85 March Primary
85 May General
86 June Special
87 March Primary
87 May General
Wards 3, 5, 6 and 7; Attorney, Clerk,
Wards 3 and 6
Measures - F:
trol; Measure
Mobile home park rent con-
E: Highland Annexation
Mayor; Wards 1, 2 and 4; Measure A: Time
and one-half for firefighters
Mayor; Ward 1
Measure HH; Advisory on pound animals for
research; Highland-Del Rosa Annexation
Wards 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; Attorney, Clerk,
Wards 5, 6 and 7
July 26, 1985
On July 15, 1985, the Mayor and Common Council directed the
City Clerk, City Attorney and council Members Hernandez and
Estrada to discuss the formulation of poI icy on absentee voter
The City of San Bernardino has Code Section 2.56.001, which
prohibits the handling of ballots by campaign workers and vol-
unteers. Council Member Estrada has recommended that a penalty
provision for violation of Section 2.56.001 be inserted in the
code following the section, for clarification purposes and to
make the penalty (a misdemeanor) directly applicable.
I believe the City should adopt more progressive measures to
limit the potential for abuse. Absentee ballot abuse is a state-
wide concern, but the situation is aggravated in this city for
two reasons: 1. a great deal of abuse has already taken place;
and 2. the ward system allows a smaller amount of abuse to have
more impact.
Because of the limited number of voters in a ward election,
the Council member is elected by relatively few votes. Since
"1970,there have been eleven races that have been decided by less
than 100 votes; five of those by less than twenty votes. It takes
a very smaIl effort to control 100 ballots. In comparison, a
statewide effort would be necessary to have any impact in a
gubernatorial race. For this reason, absentee abuse is more of a
local than statewide concern.
I have two recommendations. Implementation of either, and
hopefully both, would reduce potential for abuse.
RECOMMENDATION II: Make the rostl!r of absentee voters and
absentee voter applications a confidential document and therefore
inacessib1e to candidates.
elrY Oil rti.;M~
REASON Each day, the candidates purchase a copy of the
absentee roster from the-City Clerk's office. This roster shows
who applied for a ballot, when and where it was -mailed, and when
the ballot was returned to the Clerk's office. Though it is im-
possible to know how a person has voted, each side knows which
ballots they have solicited and by elimination can determine how
many ballots the other side has. By knowing when ballots were
mailed, the candidate knows when the ballot should reach each
voter's mailbox. This prompts follow up contact to supporters and
to the "other side" to swing the vote.
I f the roster
up contacts and
were inaccessible, there would be fewer follow
less likelihood of unauthorized handling of
ENFORCEMENT There would be no enforcement. This is a pre-
ventative measure.
IMPLEMENTATION Instruct the City Attorney to insert a sec-
tion in the Municipal Code pertaining to elections to make the
roster of absentee voters a confidential document for all city
RECOMMENDATION .2 Add a municipal code section to make it
it unlawful to solicit absentee ballots.
REASON Door to Door and mail-in solicitations for absentee
ballots result in the following:
1. Forged absentee ballot applications
2. Handling of ballots by unauthorized parties
3. Voters are misled by campaign workers in their
over zealousness to get absentee voter applications
4. Confused voters apply more than once for an
absentee ballot, and therefore unintentionally
commit an il1egal act.
5. Voter disillusionment concerning the process and
the failure to take care of abuses
6. Administrative and investigatory expense.in
handling the above
Every voter receives an application for an voter ballot with
his or her sample ballot and also has the option of writing a
letter to request a bal10t.
. .
ENFORCEMENT Maybe the City won't be able to prosecute every-
one who violates this law, but violations of this nature in a
campaign are quickly made public by an opponent and may supply an
important campaign issue. This issue may prevent those who
violate the law from being elected or re-elected.
amendment to the Municipal Code
absentee voter ballots.
Ci ty Attorney to prepare an
to regulate solicitation of
" City Clerk
March 29, 1985
Gerane Jacobsen
Registrar of Voters
777 E. Ria1to Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92415
Dear Gerane:
This is a partial list of the problems the San Ber-
nardino City Clerk's Office encountered in the Primary
Municipal Election, March 5, 1985, with respect to ab-
sentee voters.
1. Several voters were surprised to find out when
they went to the polls that they could not
vote because they had applied for an absentee
ballot. Voters who ~ere referred to the City
Clerk's Office were shown their applications.
Many stated that they did not realize they
were applying for a ballot and were confused
by campaign workers. Three stated that their
signatures had been forged.
2. At least ninety-seven voters applied twice for
an absentee bailot, usual1y on forms circulated
by campaign workers. Some applied three times.
3. One-third of the ballots issued did not come
back. Of approximately 3,500 ballots issued,
2,310 came back.
4. The City Clerk's Office has spent several days
gathering information for a Police Department
investigation on the misuse of the absentee
voting process. It is believed that campaign
workers collected b,allots from voters and took
them back to the headquarters where the ~otes
were Changed, the ballots overvoted, or never
PHONE t'114) 383.50021383-6102
Gerane Jacobsen
- 2 -
l"-arch 29, 1985
Four voters have signed statements that a campaign
worker col1ected their ballots; in one case, before
the ballot had been voted. It is a misdemeanor
under the San Bernardino Municipal Code for campaign
workers to collect ballots. Also, the Police Depart-
ment is stilI investigating forgeries and bal10ts
that appear to have been tampered with.
If you would like any further information, please don't
hesitate to call.
City Clerk
v.2J.~~ -1~U-o- 1511'i'~~~~_H
~ ~.
1\1a#~dirii~ :hallot~foriii'
,r.~l""._l~_,.", ;%.',....:,,,. ....... . ~.-:"'_t....._,-...-.
f~!g~r,i~,,'""c~ll~_~t-pra~ .
"Jtl";" r:-By MARK LUJlri."DAHL '_"'.11. ;crlmJnallntent.- t: . {:~ -: "
fo.~A.~! BE~UIINARDSI."wrlN"'O" -: l.~:"=: "cAttorney Don Feld sli~'Qutro.
:' '.. . - 'A ~m. g. Wid Just pulUnl a praot on his
pallD. worker .who pollee beUeve t....o IODI who were soliciting .~
fora~ 25 absentee baUot appUea- senlee ballot&.
~DJ'durtn&tbe. recent 'ma)"Onl .,'~Hls two boys were IOlDe door
=0 eampatp. to~d. ottk:en ~D :to door solic1t1DI.appUcaUons.
" ay that be did It u. joke. 'Somet1mes they came home aU
~.M.II~el QUlrogl. ,,2;'V!.b'~ . bQt-incrsweaty wllb four.or five
=~ed On th~ uDluccessful..re- appJicatlons. Sometlmes'they
H I OD campaign-of Mayor.W.R. came In with more....Feld ex.
. 0 comb. coofelled'\O.off1c:erl plainecl. _.. ';:.r. ~ .
~bat be forged I: ~rJ._ofabs,atee ';"'ODe -day. ,Mr~.Qutroa:. rUled
. appU~I!JoDI..that.w~.e_&sc:overed. out I bunch of IppUcatioDJ aDd.
i ~,th~:CItY.;Clerk".~ornce.lD 'the ~~ow:ed them to-his soDs. He said
, weell: before. the,MaY-;~. e.I~~~ something lIke..Loot It all of tbe
~~Off~. authoritleuaicL -. ::- . "": applications I got.' He was going to
....But.Quiroga. a~ompanJed.by show them how much work.he
his anorOe}' when questioned, by . --,'1
P:OUce. explained that be bad no !'~' '--(Pleasesee~oti,A.7) .- .
,. .
'11ft. r,,1I1 18: 108&'
. ~ ..,'- ~~. ~~.
~ . Met"';""';' .: The Sun:- A-7
., J:'~ \1 t'lJ<' .
i..' -.,
. .lConllDued lrolD.A-U cords. Quirop.. -.0.., .~.. Jr.
. .. ." . -,"; aI!o'"". paid by Holcomb., cam-
blcf done in the _ 'uncJant of palIn. Records sbow that tbe
lime ... He dldD' 1eII_1l.... - )'OUnaer QuIroP .... paid $175
'. joke, but be ..;U la1i&bIDI JD. "for ableDtee baDat wort and $22S
.1d.."Fildllld..''''':;. .... - .10ulp...n.Aaul1arsaldhellnl
. Fold Nld lIle lotled :appllc:a- ..' lNmed of the au..ed electlon
UoDl became mixed up with IOIDe .., _ foraeriel OD May " when be read
IqIllm&\e all\lllCalioDl aD4 wen aboullllD_pen.
JDlslakeDly IUen 10 the CIl)' 0erI< "",. .Ma1Or 7R.a. _.. who Iasl
lIle nest JDOr1liDI;'. .::. . .-. .........- ...0101 any mo....
: "It"wu. PI tbal_Y 101 ' edp of the aIIeIed 10000erlea. Nld
aerlous." vela aalcL "He will DOt be on TuesclJ;y that he still tnt'w
the tint father wbo has pulled a notbiDg of the reponed - election
'Ialon bls _ ..... _ out. """D&d__ofQulroga.
wroDI." . '-. "1 haft DO ldeI. That pame
. pollee U. Paul Baiha'w. saJ4 he doesil't rePter ..1tb me. 1 know
queotIoDed _ but cIId DOl DOlbID& _ It.. Ho\c:OIIlb said
man lIII am.L.8ubaw aald he from bla_~ DlghL
eeda to ..ther __ 1Dl.... . CIl)'aerk SllaIUlll Clark said
matioD before IUbmltdq t!te cue office workers dllCO\erecI the al-
to.thedlsUlel__. leIed 10l1l- .. they plowed
PoIke Nld QulnIIa _ be lbrOOI&h !be lIDaI400 aboenlee ba~
cbarged. wti" .nerat felony' lot .~tlODI they received for
counll, tncIud.lDl foraerJ and... tbe nmoff eIedioIl. Clart said tbe
IaUO.!>l.........--, ....- 00. aU 2S appllcatloDs ap-
. caiDpolID expendil1ln 1_ --' to ..... - s\iDed .ilb
on file witb the aty Clerk ,how tbe ume haDdwrltlq. .
tbat tbe Holcomb', campa1p palel Police obtained information
Quiroga I3lO lor lhIee _lis of t...lQulrOIlllDilbl be responsible
,,'ork. thoup noH 01 It a~ for. the forteriel but were not
to involve solkitiDI ableDtee baS- able to lmIDeCIIalely locate him.
Iou. Lut week. Balba... said his de-
, Georle Aguilar, ,,'be) coonU- partmeDt.... CODtacted by Feld.
Dated. Holcomb', West Skle cam- whO set. up an appointment wit:"
I palin. a.tDowle&ed lbal Quiroga the poIkelor Tueoday.
I put up 'lpI for two weeb ut4. . Until T\lesd.ay, official:". would
[durin' IDOlber week. puied, out DOt rele.De me name of tbe sus-
....polID men to _U who . peel, aa)'iDIlhey cIId DOl wanllo
bad applied to.ole ableDtee. 'hamper Ibe police In\.estJladoD.
. "'lie wua'\ IU~ to baDdJe PrevknIsIJ.1he eampaign ,"orter
Ib.ente..~llo' ,ppJlc.~lo...".;,lD ~ wili~ied 001)' u.
AltUDarIlld....N'l._........~. ",..,.. ~......_ or iDde(lOll-~
\:.~e.~r~l."lt~.~.ih~il~~~.~<!e!>\~~~.:.. .,. ._~"
~? -hlCJ"vr lel/"rt';;
\ r fAb;;:itk ~tigtiir':'?1;;~~;~;
r \ f:sttll ~ 'oses1 fO'brflls~ftTU?L
\:i" ... P .R"., - -,.", ..' /.',., ,,", .'~"" oj
. .. '.' ~!' '.' " . ~., .,..".~." ..' ."..
. . . The 1985 San.. Beroardino municipal elections are .nOW
\.; , be .hindUS' but tbey. lea~... n. e imPO. rWlt legacy of unfinished
f::buslness: The absen~.y. . g prcicesMi . . ~'" 'oll'
!. ~. _ In San Bernar~Q.l '. electio~the ~les Jor absentee
, -voting are tighter 'tlian ~ey are generally 1,hroughout the
~state. Campaign worken are prohibited from..bandlinli the
::.lJallots themselveS. '\bt! ~harp.eYed 'vIgIIanee'.of City. Clerk
'Shauna Clark aIsO.helpikileP thInIS on the up and up.'. :.
f . Even so. there were clear signs that aU was not the.eplt.
_ome of scrupulousness in the eaJJipalgJJ.just .0D~lwle<t::...
li'.. pollee remain interested In tilldDilto a man :who turned
~in'25 absentee ballot.appllca1;l0ns.~t.aU appeared'io have
: been signed by the same pefSOn.--..--.'--'- -.'---" .
~ There is also the ~rious and unresolved case 'of the COll-
. pie who received absentee ballots although they had never
~appliedfortbem.. ~'... .....~.'".;~;;'~~:i" "",.' ... .,'....
1 :: If someone were to take a: hard look. doubtless other
. t ':irregularltles would come to light. Since the election was not
. ~a .Iose one, It Is unlikely that lu.h scrutiny will take pla.e.
I ~ Still. the problems i-eJna\n. .. ...1.. .. -'. :~<~.
\ ~ . Under the .urrent highly Ilbera\lZed state laws that allow
, t-obsentee ballots to be sought at the drop of a hat, the invita.
.,. :. _lion remains open for unprlnclpl~QDlpalgn workers to In-
tdulge In any number of dishonest practl.es.: . '~f . .
1.. __ As long as thousands of .baUots can drift around. un>U-
\" .~!f~~~~;~i;~~:eJ~~';l:;~':
\ ..;:. Let us hope that the LegislatUre places some common.
\:..' sense restrlctlons on the process before it beCOmes so rife
. .__With ab.....that the whole proceis Is corrupted.
, ", .~.. .-
: i:'TY-
M. ..",_Fh
. ore fabtise'" I-.J
:;. . i.' ".:-," ~- ~~ 4"Jb.i1. ~i.a""l
(Q~~J1.~nq~.~~~, .
.~...\.11'''''''''' ,,'l.1,~~......; '95'i-
~. ..:'By.~".LlJNDA~. ;".:. ,:
....:~,...J..~ :$ultlleffwr_.:....'~~;
. : 'SAN'BERNARDlNo'AM~r;'~
. potts surf.ced MoDday.of possible
abUleS lD the drivel for ab6ealee
,vote( ~ one day before the city
,1DI)'onIe1ectIoDnuMlrf.-',~ -
. ; Pollee IDvaU.'ton leknow"
.poI lbat ,boy received . r.port
MODda)' of another campallD
worker who anegedly- bandied an
.blentee 'baUOt ~;. vlOlaUoli:oI
~e.cttycod~i~A~:Ut r~Il.'
; ..'".; T.he-.JD.v~ton . al80 COIltbI--
-uecl their search for a man who is
suapected oucqtiic 25 .bie....
. 1Iol\ot .~tIOOI.aDd .oaId. tbe)'
believe the mID. DOW in M~~ .
. Anotber:resi4eDl telepboDecI
lbe ,Sun u,d eomplained that Ibe
. aqd.ber.husblDCl neeived..bieD:-
tee baIIoU. ~thougb th<Y....d.....
~ .applied for )bem..1"be woman
said. the stgaaturet. OD.' the apPuca..
liDOS carried crude. forgeries. .1~';:'
City Clert SbaUDa Clark said i
San'- Bernardino l'omao -...a1ked
latD ber..oUlce -on Mopd.y.:.af~
t.erDOOD with.' request to ebaDge
f her absentee vote. The womu re-
~ ported that. ber' absentee banal
. .bad beeD picked ,up by i ~
palgn worker. Clark J&i<L. . . .
-"Tbesame-woIDI.n. who did"nOl
, wisb to be ldentUied. told the SUD
_ ,that ber baU"._'plckod up.by
:._ Wilbur Jac:ksollJ worter for the
l~ AfiUse~'-' -."" >
. . . ..r"f'~~ ).~:~~ ~L.~~~:: :.'~~~>;.:';" ";..-..,~..;";'''~:~,04 !;!.-; ..t:'" t
," .' (CO~UD~.d;r;';;'';.~~.,': . PoII<e reportedlUt Week thA, " i.....iSii;<.l.c;,2'IOli.adera
r, I ,.." -.i.~;.l!;": ,,,,.,; ~ "; the suspected. forled 'appUcltloDl Roa4101d. The Sun th.t she and.
. i EvlynW,lcoxcampalgJL .,' .., :were -.verodUDOllI the.flDa1 . berbUlboDd,DaD J. bad receiVed
',. JacbOo coul4 Dot be reaebed 400 .b.eotee applte.UOIllIU1).. ~.bIe1ltee.baQotS..'1be result of
for comment Monday;- . _', '.; ~ mlUed for Tuelday,'Inmolf.elec- forlecl ....turet. OR the .appllca-
'. ',' UDder SID _Bernardino city lion biiweeD III)'or'W..a. Hol.. 'UoD,foriDl:. -~;C':.,'~:' ,;'c;~- : ,.", .
~ law, oampaigD workerc andeother' eombud_WlleOx;~I~~~~::'" .;-':'";. .....~:, The rd. "..;ere" retumed to
, third parties caunotdollver.bIeD- ',':Claikoaldall25.~-.1D the couple by;aarti - .Ia\d the
tee. ballots to.-the City Clerk or q~ appeared .~,...~~ ,.,lipItuMoa1hemdidDOt'matcb
.venbandl. 'b'IJL'.VlolatiOD of IIgned by the..... -...., ." - OD flle.lIn. SIlyd....ld the
the _code c.arrieI. ambdemeaDOf ' Neltber Gq~Jl.lel Dor'Clark ,..J:I&Da~-were~deforgerieL'
pelll1ty.t\~,,;,,'~i'.,",- " wlDnleuethetiame:'of:the....~. SbellidlbeanclberbUSbaJUl
, Under state law, campallD. soupt by poIlee'for qUeF&-ht.I. .... DOl berm ~pff'O&cbed by rep.
workers may pick up and mall ab- ,_" But: Clark said all of-the aJlet- .reeeu~oflDYe&DClklate. .
seatee ballots _ but may DOt de- edly forged. names came from Uae . ~ . Clark said, 5,8l!2 req~ for
liver them in penon. .~. clty)- lit and 3M wards aDd ill. ablent:ee ballOts were reeetved by
'CIty Councilman &a,l,ll Her. volw4 JUapaDicL. She '........ her office for the electIOD run-off.
DIJldez. whO bas coordinated wu. Celted. tbat tbe worker belD. a UJUl UIat Iba~ all previOus
cos.. ._tee voUai drtIe. oaId ........by poI1ce - . Iow_ cityrecordS-...,.
be was surpriIed by the aceuaa- . voluteii' Of ~p ta.l!v' CIIl..... \
UOI1. 'r-:-.' ~t, :.: H erwbomayuve....paIclforhll
.~,.. bard 10 be\IeVe. It .o-~ campalp _k OD' peHlpature
IQUnd like blm CJ'acUoD). rd have baIL" ......' .,...' , ..... ~
to \Ilk to him ftnt.-JtCODld be. t" HernaDdellubmlthd'eam.
...-u.." H.rD...d....ld. ,,,' ,,- . ,..,. recorda OD SuDday lbat be .
(" San BenwdlDO PoII<e \.t. Paul aid""'" the W_ campaI&D ,
;=~::'~.::-~ r:.-.=.rOD~~::::: \
. 'loll aDd would IDv_ta. the 11- ,. --........-
~ matter. ~'.,. '.' '. ~ . that..theeampa1&liworkertDq.... ~
In another matter La.yolvlDI tIoD WIS'DOt involved. lD btl Fe- ,
.boe.'ee ballots. Bubaw aDd Po- _campalp.. - , .
lice CbIeI BeIl)am1D _ laid .. . . "\,_~ mow wbo be II. H.
! Monday tha' they bave reeelved _ bave been . ......L H._lei
. information that a man _peeled have beta HeruaDd.a. He could
of IOfgine the signltUres of 25 ab- have beeD . dozeD ,people," HoI-
&entee ballot applicatloDl was nOW comb 1I1d. . . -". .'~"
mMexlco. .'" ... .,..".. '." . MeaDwbile. it betlme appar-
\ . "We hive Dot been able to 10- ent that. lbe .bientee ballot abuM
t ,eata. _. JI_.ClI(:sO.!:Bernard!- .....nd.d. bey.~!'.".!"'J\I.panle
._~aa\d._."-' ~lIIIity _.,.w..".'
_... q,( .';" . ... ,_, f;::1~:'~.. ,~. ~~..",:"i ... ..,:'-..,,:'::.:."!L:..~.":'f.-;.'- ~ i.
~.Cu..I, '1'rI ~ 7, 1"16~
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',. ~'Bj\wt"1l LUNDAHL'- -~ elusloQi.~-Buh.w' said. ""Mt~ con-~AS'oI ThiirsdiY7Clark said tbe
t ........,"Sun s....-Wrttw..... .~~-? ;,:p-' "~-elu.stonsmaYDoteount.anyway." ~nee -bad'TtlCetved 'one call bu1
: ,"SAN BERNARDINO - A Po- City de.-k Sbauna Clafk said ....id the complaining residenl
~~ IJee Dep.rt~eDt Ollicl'l.s~jd,.~.5be.dJd not boW it any votio&,(g',!,e~,:reaU)' -,D~DI conc~ tc
Tbunda, be Is iDYe.tilatIDI~ -~qul.ritl.ba~.~.tound.bOt.j.,"'~..\tl>~ \ t,
char,. that absentee ballots may Aid, 'There's been some talk that " Clark said the office. so far. ha:
_ave been improperly bandied a voter banded ,a ballot to a earn. _ received and processed more tbi
durtoa the ~ Ward. City CouncU _ paisn worker b1stead of maUina It . 500 requests tor absentee ballot
~~OD. :~:' . " ' ",' . . '. to City HaU." :_ :'~', .~~ ~.: ;,~_Tbe counCil and mayoral primac.
: Poliee Lt. Pa.w ~shaw said be .. . Under curreni 'ciiy' ...;,., eam. .: '~,~bedulec2 for MAJ'('b S. ~ .
bas been lnvestlgatmg th.e .matt~r paign worken can distribute apo ~,'H ,.Clark said that absentee ballot
sIn,!e Monday. A eity offlelalllld plicatlODS tor absentee ballots, but .applicatJons have been handled
tile original complaint _wu reg. ~ ~ AI'!..:Dot aUow~~&o ~dI. the ac;;... by'campaJ,n worten tor several
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:!.... ':"~y~.fJ ,~;, ':. .'. "'. ",,',,:: ~"BallotscaDcinIYbebandledbY', bUttbatthebulkotappllcaUons'
I' "We received a complaJnt,. lbe vOler, the City Clerk's office:' are being generated by 'Worken
\, (rom the 1st Ward.. We are now and tbe U.s. Post Oftke.:: ,'" ..:'tOl' llayor WA Holcomb and 1st
\- l~ttnaataUthebaUob~hatbave' ....-; As a -"mu1t'&'uie"~~pWDi~';..w~ -.In. c~~~ ~ben C~De-
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:~~~&..y It UI,y 1rregularJtI~at other penoDJ are Dot aUowed his become III effective. thougb
'l~: lIne 'beea. found DOrtf the' probli.:.,~.toueb the baUots.: COIItrovenial, tool for ,randldates
~'tI: foe........ on any nArtkular ~~ Th...n ---':=-.L.'" .' - . '-uuearch01 votel. ..
~ . -.. r- ."t', e yera-..a_edthosewho '.':..'
C\idates. .' ~ had any complaints about bow the .~.t' "rm not ")'iD, there is abuse
~ 7m Dot It llbeny to say. It] ballota are helnl handled to tele- '1Oin& on, but the potential tor
~d. that would be jumping to COn- _{)bo~e the City.clerk'~_ot~e..... .~~use is tbere," Clark sajd.
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June 11, 1987
300 N "D" St
San Bernardino, Ca 92401
A~TN: Mayor & Common Council
Re:: Absentee Ba110tts
Ordinance to Amend, Municipal Code Sec 2.56.001
Aggenda Item *.-, Council Meeting 6-15-87
Ladies & Gentlemen:
My attention has been called to the above aggenda item, and
I am writing to project my opinions and solicit your support to
amend the Municipal Code in line with the proposed suggestions.
Mv preference is to appear in person before your meeting,
but I will be hospitalized at that time, making a personal
appearance impossible.
As a person who has long been concerned with the topic of
politics, both as related to candidate issues, and topical
issues, it is my impression that the present regulations of
the City of San Bernardino, leaves areas that are subject to
abuse, and defeat the intention of the intention of absentee
balloting under the election procedures.
I recognize that under the status of a Charter City, the reg-
ulations of provisions of absentee ballots, are, in the main,
subject primarily to the decision of the Council and voters,
of the City.
For the past several years, numerous allegations have been
charged of improprieties, by individ~als in the use of the
absentee ballots, and accordingly, it is my belief that the
opportunity for these abuses, can be avoided by amending
the Municipal Code, to:
1. Cause the applications, and the ballots cast, to be
confidential information.
2. Add a section to the Municipal Code to make unlawful
the solicitation of absentee ballots, by persons
other than the voter.
These conditions, would not eliminate the ability of a voter,
to obtain, and vote by the absentee ballot procedure, as other-
wise presently provided.
P.O. BOX 23097 . 180:; NORTH i:) ,~r :.>,~t" BERNARDINO, CA 92406
f/o> )
LTR, JACOBSEN, 6-11-87, Mayor & Council San Bernardino p2
These proposals, would if adhered to, would eliminate the
mass issuance of absentee voter applications and ballots
by other than the voter, thereby reducing the number of
absentee ballots issued, (and not returned; 40% in a recent
election), and thereby eliminate the charge that voters
executing absentee ballots and delivering them to a third
party (illegally), are then screened, and forwarded to
the City Clerk's office if the vote favors, the solicitors
It further, appears appropriate to implement the action now,
at a time when the pressures of an election campaign are not
upon us.
For these reasons, and others, I solicit your support of the
proposals foramending the Municipal Code as proposed.
('-. .."
CI" cp tQ/J.~c.'
Gd>>-.-a /4.v Bt/l CFflC
........Jlt,y / s 1Y4!{DI.,J
Alt 1/: Ss
June 15, 1987
The Honorable Mayor Evlyn wilcox
Members of the Common Council
300 North "0" street
San Bernardino, CA 92401
RE: Absentee Ballot Legislation
Dear Mayor and Council:
The members of the Thursday Morning Group are concerned about the
potential for abuse of the absentee ballot process. The City has
wisely recognized in the past areas of abuse, and responded with
prudent legislation to prevent an escalating problem.
It appears as though further study of this process and
appropriate legislation to control it are necessary. We are
concerned that the potential exists for major abuses to occur in
the future, leaving a negative impression of San Bernardino
politics in its wake, and causing citizens and the press to
wonder why preventative measures were not implemented when the
opportunity was presented.
This is not directed at any candidate past, present or future.
It merely recognizes the tremendous temptations that confront
campaign workers, particularly paid ones, when conducting an
absentee ballot campaign.
The City Clerk has proposed legislation that will correct these
concerns. We urge you to study this matter carefully.
Yours truly,
Salvatore F. Catalano
P.O. Box 616
San Bernardino, Ca. 92402
~ N. Mt. View Ave.. S~ 150
San Bernardino. Ca. 92401
Re: Ordinance a~di'lg. s.~~. 2.5.P.001
Subsec. A, Munici,e1 "'1hJ~pR2.~l ting
the solicitation of absentee ballots).
June 10, 1987
Mayor Evlyn Wilcox and City Council Members
300 North D Street
San Bernardino, CA 92418
Dear Mayor Wilcox and City Council Members:
The League of Women Voters of San Bernardino is concerned about abuses in
the use of absentee ballots, not only in San Bernardino, but also statewide.
Leagues throughout the state recently reexamined our position on voting
rights, including postcard registration, bilingual ballots, and absentee
ballots. On the basis of, this review, we support the city's effort to
make a change in how absentee ballots are handled in city elections. We
have serious reservations about handling of absentee ballots by third
parties, especially political groups or parties.
We agree with the staff report that there is ample opportunitY for any-
one to vote absentee without solicitation by campaign workers. To
further reduce the possibility of fraud, we also suggest that persons
returning absentee ballots to election offices should be required to sign
a form or a roster. In addition, clear information about the use of
absentee ballots should be provided to voters.
If you have questions about our position, please contact Gloria Anderson
at 338-4163.
Very truly yours,
Ruth Petrucci