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June 25, 19B7
Subject: Authorize execution of Joint Exer-
cise of Powers Agreement by & among
the Cities of the County of San
Bernardino for the purpose of filing
a common legal claim for traffic
fines due 17 Countv Cities
Raymond D. Schweitzer
City Administrator
Synopsis of Previous Council action:
Recommen-:led motion:
That the City of San Bernardino participate as a member of the
Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement among 17 County Cities for
the purpose of filing a common legal claim for traffic fines
due to the City and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare
a resolution authorizing the execution of said agreement.
Contact person:
Supporting data attached:
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No.
Over the past nine years (since Proposition 13), the city's
fines have dropped and shown a very erratic pattern. Even
when the City assigned four more motors to the Traffic
Division, there was not a dramatic increase. I am aware of a
50,000-population city in Nevada that receives approximately
$1,000,000 annually in municipal court fines. While the City
of San Bernardino nearly three (3) times larger receives but
a small fraction of that!
It would appear from my basic calculations, that the City has
lost $1.6 million to the County through their collection
procedures over the last seven (7) fiscal years.
Enclosed with this memo is a request from the City of
Victorville representing all the other cities in the County
to join them in a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement to file
a common legal claim to allow for all 17 County cities to
pursue what is rightfully theirs under Penal Code section
1463.1(c). Our current estimated share of the cost of the
lawsuit is $9,115.00.
The Grand Jury 1986-87 Interim Report of the Administrative
Committee on Traffic Fines and Forfeitures released February
25, 1987 found that "...a significant problem exists in the
equitable distribution of traffic fines forfeitures and
assessments between the incorporated cities of San Bernardino
County and the County General Fund."
I would strongly recommend that in view of the financial
straits the City is in, that the Mayor and Common Council
authorize the City Attorney to rev~ew the attached Joint
Exercise of Powers Agreement and that the Mayor be authorized
to sign it.
1. Parties. This .]cinf; E.:!ercise of Powers Agreement. j~t.ed
.far the purpose of reference only, is entered i"t~ p'Jr5uant to
Government Code Section 6502 by and .mong the followirg public .aensigs:
Ci ty of Adelanto Ci ty of Montclair
Ci t'{ of Ba,-stow Ci t'y' of Needles
City of Big Bear Lake City of Ontario
City of Chino Ci ty of Rancho Cue a.mo I1g 3
Ci ty of Colton City of Red I a.'ds
Ci ty of Fontana Ci ty of Rial to
Ci ty of Grand Terrace City of San Ber nard i no
Ci ty of Loma Linda City of Upland
Ci ty of Victorville
2. ;ecitals. Each P3rtv to this agreement is a mu~icip~l corp~ra-
tion. duly authorized and existi,og under the laws of the State 'of C.lifo.-
'-'la, and situated within the bcu(j,ja,-ies of tIle COufity of ::301"'; 8E(lIa,-'ji,"O.
As such, Gcvernment Code Section 34501 grants to each Party the p~~!e,- to
sue and be sued in its own Ilame.
A Ji:::pute has d,.isEll bet'ileen the Pal"ties d:1d the C:"_\'lt. :.f =~I-I
8el""nardir:o regarding the collection and distl""ibution of fi('e:: d'-":! (':1 f.::'1-
t'JI-es cullacted by the COUI1ty of San Bel""naJ""diI1o. The P3.-t!2S bS'lie ~ t\-~t
since lQ80 0'- before, the County of San Berl1a.rdil1o has lfOp,.c::-e,.: -:~ ~bhI21,j
trl~ !:II-oceeds Jf certain fil;e5 3nd fo..feitul""es whicr: st-,o'_llrJ h;;:- e J::I'
distributed to the Parties pu(suant to Penal Code Seetiol' 1'1~::. I.JO:'.;:,tl?'
tiOi;S t,olith the staff of Sal' 8erna,dilio Count)"~ urging the CJ'_l 't:o ---. '~=:3=:-
this p'-actiee and to return monies improperly withheld~ ha:e bee~ L"~50:-
~essful. The P~rties th~rqfore desil-e to pur~ue thei.- CJn'~OI~ ';~al t
filing sl~it dqai~st the County of Sd~ Ber'ardi~o.
3. ~u~co=e. The purpose of this agreement is to oro.~j~ f~- ~h~
effIcient resolution of the Parties' common legal claim. Although e2c~1
Part'i has tt-:l? ',-ight to bring Silliilal- litiqati'Jn 5-=oarata11" 111 1'== ~~ll-' --:6'10:-,
the l-e15ultlnq litigation b/ all 17 cities I,ooIQuld be du~lic;)ti..'e :3C.c!. j" ~C""€
C.3:es, ;:)l-.~h1Diti',ely COStl/. T:lr-o'...;gn this agreemel1t, tn-= Fal ti== -j=:1.~ ::
-=,=t forth th<: te,-ms anc CDT"di ti':Jns under which olie actiol' inai ce .;'J~ 1-,t-:3J .~'2J
:]n t,-ehalf ot all Parties; to pl-'J.'ide for the Mal"'ldg:O'Tler:1; 31itj :jil-::.'.::t~"J'-' -:;
such ii~i:;ar;ic\'; to pl-ovlde fO;4 the alloc3tion of litiqati,~.-: ~ :en:-==: :3'
':'J :::et rr:;l-i.:h,a.-jaus othe'" "iatte:-s relati.-iq to the ;J1-Q:e-:::"~~~:.'1 :,f :;':
c:ti~~. ~lai:ns agai~st the Cou0tf of San Berna(dino. Th~ =;-~~~= .~~ -~
i~-l~e;-,d '_. ,,:,-.::ate a sepal-ate p'JbllC ag~-lcl th.-ough this 2'~1-=~'''-=1'~ =,,'J
~~o;lsioo of this agree1nent s~ould be :0 co~struEd.
.... '~I..Jtr-.cri4ation tc ;:-il5'_S'~ILt.. E....- e:..ecut"iO'1 of th'.: 3:;1' E,:":e-'!~. ~:':.;_.
P.;,-t:/ autncrizes and di.-ects that slJi~ be filed anO dili-::E''''~' r'_~.-.="t?l.
the 'i-3me5 0';- t'rIE Pal.ties, agall,st tne CO'...Jl1t'r' of 9.3.11 Ee:-:'3.,-dii-.r:,. i '=: 3':'~1 oj
Of Super,iscl-s and such ad~li~lst(3ti~e offic2rs as nlav be ~OQ1-~OI-i3~E, fJ,'
the general purpose of insu'l-ir'll~ the proper distribution or f11'2= ~!~Ij
fO\-f2itu....es under Pena.l Code Section 1463 and securirlg r€Cavtllellt ;":1 the
P~rtie~. with such interest ard penalties as ~ay be appro~ i3t~. 3]} suet!
fines alld fOl-feitures whicl1 ha'/e been imp,-operly withhel:l b.. th'? I:OU'-Itv of
San Bernard j no.
5. edministration .:rf Aoreaement. The administrat.io,-r cf th? -3C,:i'ii-
ties called fo, in this agl'"eelnent is delegated to and vested in 3n Adll'li,'lS-
t..ati......e Committee. The Administrative Committee shall be -::or"pl \St:d "f tt-,e
city managers of Fontana, Redlands and Victorville,
Each member of the Administrative Committee shall be. al all
times, an officer or employee of a Party to this agreelnent. If 3n, lnelf,te.
c~a:;es to be a.n officer or elllplo"ee of Ii Party, 0'- if thE Illenloel ': 3';:=liC,
ceaSES to lJe a Par ty to th is agreeiOen t, a new member sha 11 be p,-o,rp t: ..'
selected i,) the same manner ~s the o~lginal member. The Adnli~i5trative
Com..i ttee shall keep all Parties informed of the composi tion of the =~,r"ni t-
The Admiliistrati...-e C:lffiulittee i: .3.uth~l~i=ed alid dil Ected, O!l
b~half ~f all Parties, to perfor,n all acts necessar~ cr' desil-~ole tc
e~ecute and administer this Ag;eeme"t i~cluding~ but not li~itEd t~:
Eel~cti~g and retaining legal coul1sel; providing day-to-da~ mal'~getOEI1t a,~o
Ji,-':ctio\l cf tr.e litigation, il~lcludinq the ,-ight to dete,-Otille all '11atters
af t.,.cti,:.; 3.l1d strategy on which l'Egal counsel reQue:;ts dlrecticf"l; al-lt:\'J
l:il'~, e'..aluati::1g and monito,-i11g legal e::pens~s; and conductirlq :::ettl:",=,.t
ne(;pti3.tiu<1S. if any, provided that an, proposed settlement agl"O:'=lf,ent :;,:3Ii 1
requil~e the unanimous consent of all aqel1Ci2S then Par"::! tJ ,.he ':;--;11 =!!!ll-=~~~.
o. ~ccoun~ino 3er'fices. Th~ Oir"ector of Fil'anc~ of the Cit" -~
~.'ictorillle shall pl-ovide Qc=ountbig services for all paYlflents ,H1C ..?celpts
taquil-ec b'/ the terms of thi5 agreentent, and shall b: 1-:?5o\:"lsible (:<1 tr-l=
.;afekeepi.,C] of all funds paid by 0'- to the Partie: to this 1~":;p'eEm~=I'I:.
7. Q.bli':la~ion of the Parl:i:s. Each Party t.o t.his 3';jle='HElIc :h:Jll:
c.. i='-3.Y, upon dema"d, 1 ts 11 aopropr i ate sha,-e" J f 3.11 e '.~e""\=e=
il-"::'JI"I-ad il1 t'ne pEt-fcrmance of ,.:lcti'lities .:alled for b'y this ;gl :?~!Tjent.
The 'aPP;-Qp\-iate share" of each Pd'l~ty shall be calculated :3.: fci1':".J'::: :;L
2~'pe~'s~= snail be appartl'Jned 3,{llO"g the pal-ties \-lith ==Cl"l P~I"t te:11 ill'; tr-.e
saine percer,taqe of those 2)-'.OE"ses ~'JhlCh that Fa,-ty' s p=l=u13t i.;:o~, te:3l: t,-
the :~'~l='ulation of all pal-ti-== t'J ti1e Agl-eeITlEnt. F'JI. the C'..J1 C':'=~ 2f
d,P~ClI"tillni('.q all e}'penses il1::,-Il~red under this agreement, the r:3l-tie.: :~ -:e
that t.he f-::dlo~.Ji,~,g table accJf3tel..' \-eflects the Fal-ties t.:: tr--:i:: ":':~i =e'Il~:.'':'~
trl~ ;J....1ull:atic.n of ~acn P3.I~ty. the :Jc.pulatiJn of all Pat-ti:::.. =l"'!rj ~t,=
C'E'"Ceni.' of e03.cn Party's pc'p'.Jlatior1 with I~espect to tr,e pop',Jl.~.ti'~lr .:,f ~; ~
Fal-l;ie= .
i:~l C::?t.
City of Adelanto
.;~ !_Tc ~;;!
. .:2~~
Ci t I of Barstow
2. ""3~;
Cit'l of Big Bear Lay-e 5,836 ..,-"
.' ..,
Ci ti of Chino 52,<)14 6. ~(,'~
City of Co 1 ton 31,661 '+ .2(1'.:
Ci ty of Fontana 59,978 i . 96 ~~
City of Grand Terrace 9,877 J .3\';
Ci ty of Loma Linda 12,588 t .67'~
City of Montclair 25,298 3.36%
Cit/ of Needles 5,200 , =~~:
City of Ontario 113,619 15. 09~:
Ci ty of Rancho CucaOlonga 80,420 1 (I. 68~';
Clty of Redlands 54,156 7 . 19~~
City of Rialto 56,'+32 - . '~q~).
Ci ty of San Beranrdino 137,277 18.23::
Ci ty of Up I and 58,941 -: .82';
CIty of Victorvi lie 24,754 3 --,.
753,314 1 r)i) . O~'.
In the event 'Jf tennination by any Part":,- to tt',is Aqr-.ee:nel)t,
the Director of Finance of the City of Victorville shall rEcal~~,late the
03DprOP"- iate ::::Mare of e'iic:h Pal-t.t to the Agr"eemef'it based IJO'Jn the Ti~'.J1 E: =~t
fort;, above and shall notify each Party of the results of th'3~ '-'='=3L'_;l~,
s. Upon e>:ecution of this agreement. pay to the F:!'-3n:e
Direct-ol of the City of Victol-",dlle the sum listed after tr-:."'1';'1'Ir:= ,:of ;:.=,,-;,
Par~Y1 ~hiCh sum represents e3ch P3rtY'5 aporcori~te sh3~e ~f 'he fi! ~t
-yea. '-: ::tirnated legdl e:-'<peT"lses:
Ci tv of Adelanto 310.00
Ci t'/ of Barstow i,365.00
Cit; of Big Sear Lake 385.00
Cl T:y of Chino 3,::.50.00
Cit,- of Co 1 ton 2,100.00
C i t;- of Fontana 3,<:;80.00
City of Grand Terrace 655.00
Ci ty of Loma Linda a35.00
Ci ty of Montclalr 1,680.00
Ci ty of Needles 345.00
City of Ontario 7,545.00
Ci ty of Rancho Cucamonga 5,340.00
Ci ty of Redlands 3,595.00
Ci t'i of Rialto 3,745,00
Ci tv of San Bernard i no 9,115,00
Ci ty of Upland 3,910,00
City of Victorvi lIe 1,645,00
,- Pay, upon demal,d, it~ appl.opriate share or" liti.~~ti'JII
e~penses which exceed the first ~e~r's estimated e~oenses ~~t forth ~ndel
subparaqr~Dh b, above, or which are ipcurred ~fter Jul! 1, 1~87.
All bills and invoices for expenses i~curred cur~~ant to
thlS agreement shall be directed to the Director of Fi~ance of the Cit, of
!;icturvill~, who shall calculate the amount owed by each Pa~ty undel the
fO'"iTH.ll.a :et. fOi-th in =ubsecti~Ji 03, 3b'~';e, dn,j bill e-3ch Part-I :3;c~~:d:lI~l:....
8i115 ~l'all be prepared for each calendar Quarter in which 3ctivit~ ~CCUI._
~i'O =n:311 be payable to the City of ',jicto\-ville i,T'/'fledia.t~l'-, '_10'2'1 dE'maf"id.
8. ~ermill~tio\i of Ao\-e~j,..~ent. ihi5 aqr-=ement 5h311 t~""il'~;.= ::: ~--.
any ~a'-::~ ~IOO" occurrence of any of the following COl1ditlons:
~. 15 days pl-ior v;ritten 110tic2 of terminatl'J.I-' b_ ~tI. ""51 :.
gi'Jell to the then chairperson of ~he Administrati'.ie Co.M'!ittee: ;', oJ.:.::~.-j.
hall-Ie.o'er, that the terminatii<g Pal-tv shall be liable fo,- it: ~~c,.:,:;,i:3t~
sha,-e of 6'....':. e~:oenses i"cur-,-e.J up t8 the date notic:! 'Jf :e;-.nj;;;;t:,=,', j.:
,-e~Ei'",ed 'lIihich 2.'>iceed the te':-mir1ati,ig Pa.i.t/'S ,:Q\,t.-il:utioll ul,rJe' L':l ~';IL ;['Lr
'7.0.; and ~r'J'/idEd fUithe;~1 tnat ill '''0 evert 5hdll a tei-inin'3tj\'V;l I:'="~ .-
e1,titled tD 3 ,"ef'jr.d 'Jf 311 i~\~ an-'~ par t iJf its CQntl"'ib'jti,JII 'Had'? ;J"''::::
;J03raqraph 7.b.
o. ~utomaticallj1 U~Cn the failure of ~"Y Pa~t~ to 03. It~
aporOD~iate ~Mare o~ litigation e~pe"ses withir 60 days of d~~E cF ~n ciee.
:;. ~1\~endmef1t. Thi~ ~QI.~ement Illa'y be allle'1ded at a ,"\ 'y tilli'= '_II'Cll ':rl:a
,;,cpl.'.,JJal .J! all Parties tc the Aqreeme.,t.
E,:=':uteo 0....
CallTornia by:
City Attor;,ey
. .
1987 at
City L.ler"