HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-Parks and Recreation _.. - CITY OF SAN BER.RDINO - REQUEST COR COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS. DIRECTOR Dept: PARKS. RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Date: MAY 11. 1994 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF Subject: PARKS. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CENTER OF HEALTH RESOURCES PURCHASE CONNECTION. GROUP PURCHASING. DIETARY PROGRAM FOR RAW FOOD PRODUCTS FOR THE rTTY'~ ~FNTOR NIITRTTTON PROGRAM Synopsis of Previous Council action: Similar agreements have been in effect since July 1986. Recommended motion: Adopt the resolution. L7~ Signature Contact person: John A. Kramer Phone: 5031 Supporting data attached: Staff Report. Resol ution & Agreement Ward: City-Wi de FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) No Ci ty Funds I nvo 1 ved. (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No. 7 . CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OP PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CENTER OP HEALTH RESOURCES PURCHASE CONNECTION, GROUP PURCHASING, DIETARY PROGRAM POR RAW POOD PRODUCTS POR THE CITY'S SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM. The Senior Nutrition Program of the City of San Bernardino spends eighty percent (80%) of its annual raw food budget ($191,000) with those vendors who are members of the Purchase Connection. In return, the Purchase Connection rebates two percent (2%) of the gross purchase cost to the City of San Bernardino Nutrition Program. The Senior Nutrition Program pays the Purchase Connection .015 or 1/2 cents per meal served, estimated to be $1,745 for 1994-95, to take advantage of its group purchasing program. In addition to the rebates through the Purchase Connection, significant savings are realized annually through utilization of those vendors recommended by the Purchase Connection. Use of the Purchase Connection essentially serves as a buying "Co-op," and provides substantial savings both in direct food costs as well as staff time. Municipal Code MC-858,Section, Paragraph B.3. authorizes this type of purchase arrangement. purchase connection grp 5/11/94 75-0264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CENTER OF HEALTH RESOURCES PURCHASE CONNECTION, GROUP PURCHASING, DIETARY PROGRAM FOR RAW FOOD PRODUCTS FOR THE CITY'S SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an agreement with the Center of Health Resources Purchase Connection, G~oup Purchasing, Dietary Program relating to the reduced purchasing price of raw food products for the City's Senior Nutrition Program. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization granted hereunder shall expire and be void and of no further effect if the agreement is not executed by both parties and returned to the office of the City Clerk within 60 days following the effective date of the resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1994 by the following vote, to wit: II II II 5/11/94 -1- ~..:;..;;.;,.- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , 20 , ,I 21 i! I I I 22 ; :1 23 " " " I 24 25 26 27 28 o o RE: RESOLUTION REGARDING AN AGREEMENT WITH CENTER OF HEALTH RESOURCES PURCHASING CONNECTION, GROUP PURCHASING, DIETARY PROGRAM FOR THE CITY'S SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM. COUNCIL MEMBERS AYES NAYS ABSTAIN NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER ABSENT Rachel Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman City Attorney By: II II II II purchase connection grp-u 5/11/94 -2- PURCHASgJ, lfO~ECTION~ /1/III11I11/11'''''.T r."'Um"""III1I1f111 o SENIOR NUTRITION PRO~ CENTER OF HEALTH RESOURCES . 201 North Figueroa Street GROUP PURCHASING DIETARY PROGRAMAngetes. CA 90012 , (213) 250-5600 FEE SCHEDULE Fax: t213} 250-4863 Purchase Con. ?ction will provide Senior Nutrition Proorams the benefits of Agreements Purchase Connection has negotiated with dietary vendors. The strength of this program and its savings have been obtained through a high de9ree of membership commitment and utilization of the program; . Both Hospitals and Senior Nutrition Programs are required to purchase at least 60% of dietary supplies needed by them and available under Purchase Connection Agreements through this program. Soft Drinks, Groceries (including paper) and frozen Foods, Meat (fresh and frozen). Bread, Produce. Coffee, Eggs, Detergent, Fountain Dairy, Enteral Nutrition. Senior Nutrition Programs may choose from two methods of billing for this service. It should be noted that the cents per meal rate aids in budgeting as well as a 'cap' on the expense for the Projects. PRODUCTS AVAILABLE: x .015 cents per meal served as reported monthly by programs 2% of purchases reported monthly by suppliers Initial Initial Billing will be monthly. Minimum fee is $75.00 The terms of this Agreement will be effective July I, 1994 - June 30, 1995 Signature below will indicate acceptance of the above. City of San Bernardino Senior Nutrition Program Name 547 No. Sierra Way Address San Bernardino, CA 92410 ACCEPTED FOR PROGRAM Date Project Director 10/91 ""'.......,,~._._.-.-._. o PURCHAStllfONNECTlON(!\ I/I/III/"''''''''''-T r-",,,,,,,,,m"lIlIllll o @~ CENTER OF HEALTH RESOURCES . 201 North Figueroa Street Los Angeles. CA 90012 (213) 250-5600 Fax: (213) 250-4863 GROUP PURCHASING, DIETARY PROGRAM PURCHASING COMMITMENT EXTENDED CARE FACILITIES . RETI.REMENT HOMES (Based on licensed Beds) AND SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAMS (Based on Meals Served) City of San Bernardino Senior Nutrition Program reported an average of 300 meals served per day. In computing your commitment to purchase through Purchase Connection, Dietary Program, the following statistical steps have been taken: 300 Meals X 30 days = g,OOO Meals per month 9,000 Meals per month X $1.00 (estimated raw food cost per meal) = $ 9,000 X 60% (Percentage of total non - labor dietary costs required for commitment) = $5,400.00 Your facilities commitment is to purchase $ 5,400.00 approved vendors. per month through the 11/93 comm.frm o PURCHASg"J /lEONNECT/ON@ 1I11111111111"""'.T ,-."'""1111/11111111/111 o @~ CENTER OF HEALTH RESOURCES . 20 1 North Figueroa Streel COHR-CONNECTION Los Angeles. CA 90012 (213) 250-5600 PURCHASE CONNECTION Fax: (213) 2$-4863 PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT TIDS AGREEMENT made 011 ,199-1 is belWeeO CORR-CONNBCTION (bereinafter .CORR. or "CORR-CoDDectioa.), a CaliComia Corpondioa, bavinl il.l priDcipal place oC business at 201 Nonb Figueroa Aveoue, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CaliComia. 90012-2623, and . (bereinafter "Participalinl Member" or "Member") wbose principal place oC business is located at WHEREBY the Participalinl Member desiJes to elllU inlo Ihis ApeemeDC Cor the purpose oCparticipating in COHR- Conoectioa oeaotiated pvup pun:basiDa apeenteDlS iDvolviDa the purchase oC bealth caze supplies aDd equipmelll solely Cor its .0Ml use.. WHEREfORE the PartieipaliDl Member speciflc:al1y apees to abide by Illd be ob1iaaled UDder Ibe CoUowina lenns aDd CoaditiODl set Corlb below: - I. ACCESS TO GROUP PURCHASING AGREEMENTS Provided there bas beeD DO expintiOll, tenniDalioa or Olber violatioD or bJaCb of Ibis Acmmeot, the Puticipatina Member sba1l be eDlided 10 pun:bae beallb cue supplies and ~ under !be exp1ic:it lenns aDd cooditiOllS cODlaiDed in die various CORR-COIIIIIlctioa oeaotiatecl poup pun:llasiDl qreemeolL Sucb pwthases sba11 include product UDder MEDI~URGlCAL, PHARMACY, LABORATORY, DIETARY and CAPITAL EQUIPMENT' ProdUClIines. n. PROGRAM PARTICIPATION FEES As coosideratioa Cor access to CORR oelocialed poup pmdlasiDs a6'~"""" the ParticipatiDa Member agrees to pay 10 CORR a propam partidpllioil Cee . set COI1h in the ""-'-I sc'-ln"'. IlL SUPPORT 01' PROGRAMS The ParticipatiDl Member underslaDds. acbIowledgea aod spec:ifica11y apees 10 use ill very best efforts to exclusively suppot1 all CORR-Coooectioa oelocialed poop purcbasinl qreemeoll offered 10 member facilities whenever possible aDd practicable. The sole aUowable exceptioa beiDl in product areas where COHR-Coooectioa does DO( curreotly possess a oesodated pvup pun:basiD1 apeemed.. I IV. VENDOR COMMITMENT LETTERS By virtue oC sectioa m above, the PartieipatiDs Member, as a coodilioa oC membersbip, shaD apee 10 execule aD)' approprialll .vendor commilllleDlletterslagreemeDlS" as may be required by cataiD individual veadon. supplielS or 1 " ., o o .' """',' ":':<.,:'..).,~.~.:~:~(l:ir:~i\L~.'.::..~~~':;'r~;:;':;!" .. .' ,-. . :"<. '.'; :',~:~~~i~~~:;P ...'l _. .~ \;::-......r..~~'.qv.,...~:,~;$Jn.<~.,.~. . ~...~. ~~,.~. '. ~ l...,....,~'i......,~tr.. ,,"',.-:,' '- : _ _}. _:~:::~~~~:~~~~~~::;~~~, .~.:"'.,_~, '._.' .', _": " .: .,.. ; '.u '~~~~"~:~~_-:'21~~~~~:~~~-:'::t~ " ".;:;:.... --.~ wbol__~ .<\~II1!'l't"':" f """'lI'_.witb-COHR~ I~Itb fw:1be"...l.,tl i.oiii~~1;,~.' " . '.~ ~ .......,~~,......_. tw... ~ ~.".' . . .., . .... -"II. f........... ."" . ;. .:.: IDdeIi~.&p..jlIiu ~_A...i~1eaen or &JsiCCII.-tS. COHR'1s simply providiDl a service for!beinl!" I beOe .",,.': . . 'O~~P~(!~'~~.~llDli!be~ogecUve~.wboleSaterorsuPP1ierlofac;(jt""me~, e~ <,'~.:: . .c.p~g.~( ~~"'~:"Anysuch::!~COtIIJDilIIIeIIIellen/apmDeIll.S~soelleClltl:dsballb,e'SUb~ . Jr~,.;'1-;! ..' --.I'CiJ!dd!"l:" . ...._.., ..----~..,..; .~,","''''''''",,,,,'~'..'. "'. ';"'''''~''' .. ":H~'" I~I"'-. '.". ~terIDS"......_ ~~~"""""'A...~,l,,-;\>"''''_''_'~'~_'1....~.,.~.. .- ....~-~... '.~ . '-"iJ!i>-c 'r "~,.~t:-.." rll'"..f"-t-~~. .~..." ~-'.' "~':-'.~' '..... ~.-':.:..:~.:~I'~7;.,;oo'~-;~.:;~....h. ~;. \?':I,,~I. .. _"':..~ ~ ..~.'" :....~!,;.Jt~J!\f~?.. ~ .;.. ;1;~ :. ~ ': ," '1 ....... ~ . ~ '-~j~.:. r.-~':-h.':..t':":;\~lI.,," J.SE-' -ti, ~:t' . V.";iPO.CB"AI'lGES<_1"-':".~-~.-:".',-,!?~"";"'>' ,. . ..,~,,,,, ..-....."',..;:;:..~. ..->.. . ~ ......1~? .... ,'" :~h'''-!_ .., , . .... ...".,., '..." '.' ->' '{; 'J '':.,fS i'." ...~>,::";~,.,, ~~.:";"l.~~~.; ~~ ~-0t~ "~~,j'i:{.1'F,.:~..t:\:::~:.:. ';;t~~:~:~ .~;"'0~.t~~~~h.~;;;'ffi,~~'t13:~:~~..;'. ' .:{-. ":'-. ;.".~..,,~,._, '. '. .,' ,"Tbil:PanicL~ .mbi~~~p.diit1poli_.,' .," rCOHR.'iOpaidoo..of~tbi;';piO .. -. .;". ." .....c./PUtice ~ .:ID m&r,cbaase,liom limo to time:..1bePuti~ ,. ""'. - . ,r <J.~ ~:,.... ::.:.t'r~"\"""'" \~.., .._r. '~""";>;:';"'L--"-'od-" ~~'''''';;,.;;;-~~.' ..,,-__........IIO-;"''''*'' ~~~1;j. ,"i:<:";..':.;:'{~}'U'liO-.,._ '. ,,'. ,~_._~~r--I'~_~~::.~~- ~~'_ :~'_~~~ .-1;'f~:.- :~5;1:..<:~~:~ :Jtl.~ . .~. f~~"""51>1lJ..-:ii~~~..~~'ri!.~~~':;-~,~'~~::':-~;>R~t.'~~ ,,;,~~.~\ ' A'''(~~: ~";.; /;.~;..t~.! ....l'\~6~'di-1'.:c '- ~\;oi.l,=,.f '~'''<'.:::~~~''':~''--~'''f' .,*" ~.\t....,--<<-:..~~, '-"~'~"" 1i. '.~' '\ \ ~";\',.." _ ~'.. . .(~~~~ .,. 'I' - .....~t~...,~~,....~,_ - ....-0'1..,. ,,;t...~t1d:,., -.:. .........., ..ja;t: " ,,' . ...,.'...-.e....." . ..,," _' "...,.,..........,0 .,'..".'!j;' ," .'. ,'-.' ."....,. ".. :.,...,.' .. . ..,~..' >."'\ ...' VL"'l,.~.!..' - -I;--"~~ '~" ,.,..-'..,~lOl..'..~f~.lM< .r,~~~';':'"''-:'''':;'' <''"r''''-'-' ;,l...:.,.i".:~;iJ~'......~...""..,;..,. .' ~",,-on,. ~'~'" ... '. :{X~~. .' ,,!.:~:...:%.'t""~~ ,'" .:-~1.';t"'*-"':t,' ~~l"......tJ" ~~.~,,~1';< .:-.:,;;.0;.....,.;:. .,:;.,~:~:~~:~~~..:. ~.t-~- ~~~,;;,,""'~""'.':.. ~ ":'".~..:i- . .....,~'!.._..., '. ....{".'~ .-;1..;:'_ -~~l~ . <~A.:\'-.f~.l.trJl -:..~~..\.:,s:.f;....,l<'.i1,....~~'~~--::"..,.j..,...~?.- .;.t.: ~e ....,..1...'.~.....JI:i:.{.\t.7;:-.r.,.y'..!,.".ot..t~t..".(..t! . .,:-i:t;;. . "..\~ ~.~kt.~"~~l-"'?i,:~(~}_~' "':>...h.(';,!.~f~r.:,;:..<i~7.~::~~f,:;....;.J".::.:,"'.. '~i~_;,;~:~~. S...,i~.::.:~Ii~..~~~~i:.::-;.-~ ~-li ,.' ~~,.,~. ~":nIe~ietaito...y. .~. .: ~...~,. ".,. .." r ~ '~M~~iI',~. -.... COHR-C()o--'<I"";~paa.Ol aegotiJled:pOup purcbuiDllao-..cs; 10 !be eud of COHR'i - - . ~. .'Ag[c:. ..:~_~!~,7...4.~~t:"~he(':2>-;~~.~~p.I_~~ :... . ....., .... ;"t~~,'t~i;;~~~.1..,1~l~~~~~1.~fi.Biii;t~~~j~~~%~.~"i~;~~t:;. . '.,-'~ vri.. :.eo,.~~~t~rN'~...~;..:~~~~~,.~;~. ~ ~'.'.' ... ~"~~ "-'r..-~~,,:.,:. ,,;. ;~,~:~:;.(~.j .,_.,k7~ ':~>~;m.'" . ::, :-,.;;:.;"." . _ "COHR:wiIl,~. ni:ofc:baipia<l) complete set of Aarccmetll biDdCn eilber'iD miaoficbe,olr- . . .;~.~i':t;,i..{\,'1i..:.,ve~. .P..O:W~' ON(1a aYiIbbIe.with ,'''It'..... ';f..;,.....tiid.b..c1....oIl. .. .. . . .~ '. :.f~](r~:~{t.;\.rtliO... c,.,'. .<~. - .....~iH:''C. -..itP-;;l'~_. _ ~.IDtGIiB""d;~.'~ . .,,, .~'^""~, '. . C be .Cat.IOiii;;ro..i'~'..~~11ie'Iiii. ';;' OliiiTil~~f~.+J::-~':'~'.. .. replacemear: Said fee CIII be It-".... upoa reqaest.." . '.. "c.' .....'''\~<\I,,!:'.c... '''''''',c.''''-"""""., .x.,' " .;_ ,,' ~.,:- v.:'1r\~::~~.;.t;"i" ~ . .' ..-..... " "'$';' . ' '-. . '. - . .--><!s:,1.... - '. ~":..\.,.~. '."--. -~... -", . . -'it. ., ::";~:' :::-\'~F--~"":'- .;;:.l~,"~: "(~ }"~~';1~':~ 1,w'~.c . ;'"'f. ~ ..,;o...?..\ ."i..~~-.. ~:.....r.~.. "'~(,:N#;.;:f.t..k ;~':;i.:,:~,.. .. ~-~;~~.:. l~".::tr \" '~'.h~i~, , . vm-- . CANCELLAnON.AND.TERMlNAnON'~'l.,..'"",,.!!h~~~\;?',n ..' . "'.c-"1""',,;".' ...,.o.?:\'..... ."",,~.;,;.~{',~~, .' . .~;~~';..~,;-",~.;,.: .;'-. ..' .,.-".._ ;" :.' ". :t;;:i..;;;.,".. .. _..,.....:~;~~':.,.:-. ~':'...,~ . . COHR:c....-::tlOa\___..A.lbeulgbt.to ClIDIld ,1Dll. ___lReta.tbe,ri~Ol'a'. PutlcipatIDI. MeaibelibDcter. this ..,. ~ . , '. . .. ....l . - - . AgreemeDl as foOowr. .... .'f. .. .. " . .,'~.rl<.::- . A) . rm_otPIy upoa aatIce ....._ 10 IeClioa X below; or 9) W"1lbID tbirty (30) ~ wrillalllOlice to !be J'a1ftripori.. MembeI; or C) For v101adOlll of ~llD XXII c:on6Mftri.lily provIsiom; or ,'~ ~ ~ ~ . ., D) For faIhn to ~ 10 sectioo XXV provlsiom. lbe PaniclpatiDl Member may caned aDd cenniDalD its rigbls UDder Ibis Agreemeol DpllD thirty (30) days Wrillen DOnee to COHR~OG. In !be _ !be PutlclpatiDl Member elect3 to 1erminale a provided for above, DO monies ptevlousf)' pIiclto COHR will be refuoded If !be A~lllleml bas Ibree (3) moodls or less mnaiDlDg aDd aD curmllIy out-",U"llDvoica due COHR-CoooectIllD wiI1lmmedialely became due IDll payable.. IX. INDEMNIF1CAnON 9y ill! continued participation in !be COHR-CouoectlOtl programs, !be Participating Member bereby expressly a~es 10 indemnify aDd bold-bannless COHR-Connectlon agaiml any and aD claims. judgmeDlS, coslS. expenses or other losses arising OUI of any COOOncl relatinlto !be use of or UDder lbe authority of COHR-CoooectIon oegolialed group purchasing agreementS. wbere cooduc:t of !be PaniclpatiDl Member faI1s 10 expressly confonn to IDll comply with 2 o o outlined COHR-CoooecUon roles. policies and/or din:ctives. x. "OWN USE" POUCY The Participating Member ellpressly and UllCquivocal1y uode.mnds and agrees thal eacb and every purcbase made througb anY COHR-COllllectiOD negotialed group purcbasiDg agreemeDlS for bealth care supplies and equipmeol are for thal Participating Members' ultimate cODSumplion or "owu use." "Owo use" being de60ed by any of tbe foDowing: A) Those relevant sections of the Ptescriplion DNg Muketing Act of 1987 and any ameodmeDl therelo. and/or B) Those relevant sections Robinsoo-Patman Act of 1932 and any amendmeots thereto. aodIor C) The United Stales Supreme Court decision in Abbott Laboratories et al. v. Portland Relail DruRltiSl Association. lIlc:.. Elc. (1976) 42S US l. TlUS AGREEMENT SHOULD NOT BE ENTERED INTO IF THE PARTICIPATING MEMBER IS NOT ABSOLUTELY CLEAR AS TO WHAT IS MEANT BY "OWN USE" AS IT RELATES TO PRODUCT PURCHASED PURSUANT TO TIllS AGREEMENT. Additionally. !be Participating Member UDdeIS12Dds. acknowledges and coDSeDlS 10 baYing its membelSbip immediately and UDCODditiooa1ly termioaled following COHR-Coooection's discovery thallbe Participating Member bas violated or acted in ID iDc:oosi,-- maDDer 10 !!!1 provision of this subseaioa. XL ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION This apeer- eat and any addeoda to it sball DOt be lIIDSCenble, assipallle or delegable without Ibe ellpJeSS wrineo cODseDt of COHR-CODDeClioa. MY attempted assipllDelll of this &peemelll or delegation of any duties UDder il without expIeSlI prior wrilleD IIllborizalion of COHR-CoooectiOll is void. xn. DISPun; RESQLunON My dispute arisiJII bd w<<:D the Parlicipatinl Member and COHR-CooDectiOll UDder this agreemeat wiD be senJed in the foUowing IIWIIIeI: A) Any dispute reprdiDl a claim for damaaes within Ibe jorisdictiooa1 limits of small claims divisioo of !be MUDic:iplIl Court. LoI Mleles JucIldal District, wiD be JeSOlved by thal court. B) Any dispute benreea !be Participatinl Member and COHR-CoooectioD arising out of this A,.-1Il must be submitted to biDdinl azbitntiOD if Ibe amOUDl in dispute exceeds the jurisdiaiooal1imits of !be small claims court. but does DOt exceed a loW of 6fty thousand doUm (5'0.000) iD asplate c1aim(s). AAy and all disputes arbitraled and decided UDder this sectiOll shaD be CODSidered FINAL AND BINDING. AAy sucb azbitration will be WQducted iD Los Mgelel, CaliCOIDia iD suitt accordaDce with !be Commercial Rules of The American Milralioo Association. 1be tusiag part)' wiD bear the attomey's fees aod costs of the prevailiDg party. C) Any claim or claims by ei!ber part)' Igainsllbe ocher thal sbouId exceed an aggregate lOIal of 6 fly tbousaod doUan (5'0,000), wiD DOt be eligible for arllitratiOll as DOted above. ID sucb ID eveol. !be parties agree to relaiD their respective legal rigbls and sectioa xm below wiD become bindinc and eofon:eab1e. 3 ~ - o o ..'.. 'xvm:.::.:.Co. . 1JN...I_~AJ:ft'.'.-.';<-.' 0..,......1........ . ~ '. '\".;..".' .- It:'> . . ,,,;...ii..,,. ,'_ ~.,,"~~."'~!'_',. '" ,,~f!.. ," ~:.:t..,:"~'II-:f::~:.~':i~~~. :~..ANl1!~:~~J'l:l,~ tc~~,,;;~~, ,.;'1 ,~7 TbII';i;''"';~_~- ,m.1 "---d71a~_Cir_~;' ~'IIdaOlwblcla""I(' ,,;. 10. oriailllll; b..:.:.......oIwb1c1a....cor-ri.... but_...... - ...~. .-. .~....,: XIX. SEVDABILI'I'Y SboaIdaCGlll-of Ill"... II).... .. j~.......,of"''''lN';' ...:lWPoIIiD.......u ~.....tD..~orlO be 0Ih..__' . 1 ,. ..... ___.. be" '1\1..... ApI -...... -..... _lM-..... be Ii-Ildlll", ~ ... eIIIcL: . xx. w ARa.UI'I'IBS 1be PanI.I. -....... LIf.... ~... ..uc:....... .... COHll-C M ~a dlnlaF pili L "'I.' II....... .......lIIllilaat..-.,...W--...,...' lp\, veador. 111--' or ......... wIda wIIIclI COHll.... ~sa" . (...,. r-' '"'I....' COHR mabI.lMtl_.. A...t.... ...__ u. eiIbIr........ · or Jmpu_.a .. ..,.....wba...>- widlout II-~ eo.... ta tit! ... 81. L........." or IIIaeIItbr ......-. witb IIIpIClIO ...". servic:es ll.u.1ded ........10 dill AlIH'm - ....dd1ol,.,..lIy. CORR .........IID IIaIIIIlly .~ injuJy. l"ujleftJ ....... or loll pnlilI CIIIIIlI by or JellIed 10 ... Ibove ~ ""II ,.odacII or ., ~l & ..lLpoup _Iler IIId IDY Acc:anIinPJ. _, lid.""" pmdacts or "or persoaal So 4 o o XXI. PARTICIPATING MEMBER'S OBUGATION FOR PAYMENT Participating Member sball pay !he maou(actwer, distributor or wholesaler dUe<:tly (or any and all equipmenl, supplies or other purc~ pwcha.sed by !he Participating Member uDder !he authority of and pursuad 10 this Agn:emeot. xxn. WARRANTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY Participating Member recogDizes. uoderslaDds aod specifically acknowledges tbaI!he mat.erial beiDa pIOYided 10 il is (or tbaI member's use oaJy. Participatina member absolulely agn:es DOt to divulp. fuJ1Ii.sb or make accessible to anyone. o!her than oecessary employees of !he ParticipatiDg Member. any knowledge or iotormalioa with respect to pricina. products, coolrac:t telDlS or other setvices offeled by COHR-CoDDeClioa propama wbicb is DOt otherwise generally moW1l or available to the iDdusUy. The iotonnalioa provided punulllll to this AgRCmeDl is CONFIDENllAL. Failwe to exercise reasonable p~utiODlto protect !he coa6dellliality of this iotormalioa would be grounds for tenninalioa of this Agreemem aod could resull iD substantial civil peoalties 10 lbe Participating Member. XXIII MEMBERSHIP INl11ATION WIleD accepled. membelSbip 10 1be COHR propama of oeaotiated group pun:basiDa agreemeolS will DOt commeoc:e earlier thao thirty (30) caleodar days from receipt iD COHR', offices of 1be propedy executed participalioa agreemeDl aod completed'IDformatioa Sheet. XXIV. UPDATING INFORMATION SHEET The Participating Member Uudb.uads. acbIowledges aod agn:es Ihal it is the fadIiIy', duty aDd obIiplioa to update the IDfoll1latioa Sbeet oa an aDIIIIIl bam or sooaer if Ibete is I mllerial cbaDp ia !be Participatina Member', busi.oea or operatioaL "MaIeriIl 0-,." sball be iotell'.~ted III iDcIude, bat shall DOl be Umited Ill. sac:h cbanges IS owoenbip. ellpiralioa or revocadoa of ~ aDd lbe lite. FaiJun 10 update 1be iotormadoa fonD as provided for above could teSUll ia _1-'- punuaat III secDoa vm. XXV. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES The Participating Member is aware aod 1Dleataoda tbaI Admioistntiw Fees may be coUected by COHR-CoooecIiOD from veadon. supplias uJlor wbol...,-, based oa sales III the PartidpatiDl Membem. CoUectioa of lIlY sucb fees is 10 assist the fuadiaa of the COHR-Coaoectioa ptoIrIlIII sod shall be ill full compliaoc:e with CIIIreal applicable federal law mJlor reJUlatiOlll. I I I ! ! I , ! ! ] 1 XXVI. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agree~ ...-tiI..u lbe eodIe aocIeISIaodiDI aod agRC_1Il betweea lbe parties witb respect 10 !he subject malt.er described beIeiD Uld supeaedes illY prior uodelSlaDdial or,tat.emelll of cooditioas or iDleIIL In affixing !heir signatwe thereto, DO party is relyi.aa oa aoytbial DOt sel fOllb beteiD abo1e. ,. o o _:.~t~~~;~ .... IN w..I"IIlSS,......... dIiI~ II eo. ~ ill ~ by .~,'nri2ied...... of lbepMill:' -.';~..'. :-&. ~..:~:_'~, FACIUlT" COIlJl.CONNECTION ,.....,, ;{",';;;-.::~~ "'~~~.:-. - u.......~~~j~:~.... ,~Ii;;4~~ . ~.tz';~_~:~~,. ~,':L:t";.:\~~~r~. .',,' -)'" .:. ~.~~.""'-,, " ."....;., v, ',^..-:-.;~,"~~,;;:, ,.' -.!~"-~"-:-~"'1." . ~ ,~.; .'-;";-.~ 51.......- st..--"'-\""'. ~',~.:'~;r~:~i:;=mt~:~.'-:L')i~ _~'-__' ,. ."...._'iC>~:~~.'"',._. '>> . ....~.~__iJ~.~t:..:,_,. . , ,.~ rm.dN....".q', . (. ',-",< '~- TItIeIl'oIiIiaa' A.~ '1"'_ 0.. ..,-.".' 0..-. __,~._>l[=---""-';z..'- . c-"'l":.t"""''<-'''''',. " ,. ...,' ~ ~~~i?'i~'~ ~' ". APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT. ("-'1 . James F. Penman, City Attorney By;~.~ y C.""" " ..,...,'~. ~i.y._ '"i'~.Jt:;;; ~...'-, 6 - o o ADDENDUM PURCHASE CONNECTION INFORMATION SHEET The roUowiol iDConnatioa must be provided 10 ellSUIe thai you JeCeive all of the correct priciDl aad iofonnatioa. AgreemeDl tanDOt be pnxessed wilbout this completed ronn. (please Iype or print) Facility Name Facility Address City SIaIe Zip TeJepbooe . Primary toatm persoa MedicalJSurgic:ll FAX' Pbarmacy Capital DietaIJ l.abonIoIy RadlololY .AAminlctralioa Modem . BAUD RaIII DEA' Rx Wbolesaler/OlvUioa Health tndusUy Number (HIN) (wIleD avlilable) Prosnm Materials to be provided oa: paper mitlOlldle _ eledroaic:ally