HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-Parks and Recreation 4 CI.TY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST F(')I COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Dept: PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Date: MAY 19, 1994 Subject: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT COMMODITIES FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TO BE UTILIZED IN THE 1994 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN Synopsis of Previous Council action: IMiN. OFf~~~Council approved the Director to apply for and accept California Department of Education Commodities in 1993. I.:AY 94 ~}:> Recommended motion: That the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department's Director be authorized to apply for and accept commodities from the California Department of Education for use in the 1994 Summer Food Service Program for Children. ~7'~ Signature Contact person: .JOHN A KRAMFR Phone: 5031 CITY-WIDE Supporting data attached: STAFF REPORT AND APPLICATION Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct, No,) (Acct, Descriotion) Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No g CI.TY OF SAN BERNetDINO - REQUEST F01 COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPI' COMMODITIES FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TO BE UTJI.T7.RD IN THE 1994 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN. The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department has contracted in the past with the City Unified School District to prepare meals for its Summer Lunch Program for Children. The City Department, as sponsor, is eligible to receive donated U.S.D.A. Commodities, from the California Department of Education, for use in meal preparation. By obtaining and directing these commodities to the School District, program costs are lessened, amt 5/19/94 summer food staff report 75-0264 CAlIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDucATION CHilD NUTRITION - FOOD DISTRIBUTION DfVlSION o AGREEMENT FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ,DONATED FOOD INSTITUTION FDS -1038 (10190) Return 10: CALI^,A DEPARTMENT OF EOUCATlON FOod' ~bu1ion Section P.O. Box 944272 SacramenlO, CA 94244-2720 The applicant agency identifl8d below, herBinaftereall<<lthe reclp.nl /lgeney. hereby makes application forcommodities tfon/ll/ld by Ihe Agriculture Marl<eting Service, U,S, Depat/ment of Agriculture, to the California Dllpartment of Educallon, hereinaflercaHetf the /llIIle /lJ1/Incy. for use and disposition in accordance with the/erms and conditions appetuing on Ihe reverse side he_I. which by reference arB incorporated herBin, 1. R8c:ipienlall8ncy is: ~ A lax-supported agency o A priV8lll, nonptOfilllgOncy operating. nonptOfit _ng program 2. Type of institution operating the nonprofil feeding program: (ctwQ ~ _prior. "_.1 (~J ryp. Typ. . Cily/=unlyjail NJ Typ. (~J T",. (e, Home lor 1he needy llgld (h) Su","* _lor dlldr.n (~ Nu~ition progtam lor Ill. (ij S_food....co oIdetIy Ihol is nor lundId by X progtam lor dlildlln 1he Oidet Am..-. Act. (j) Hom.Ior1he _opmonlall, TItIoIII-C diSlbIod (g) Mi..ion 0I1U1dlIn lor (k) 0Ihet (Specify,) feeding -,-- (oj Hospital ld) Adult rohlbilitation (b) Adu~ drug ondJOIllcahol ,.habilitation cente, . Stare COrrectional iNti- Mion 3... Indicate number 01 eligible persons served meals daBy. . Prerelease cemerll halfway house Lund! 1700 3.b. Incicala number 01 days per week meals served, 5 4. Length of time I8eding program has been in continuous operation. 5. Is any USDA food given 10 private homes or individuals? 14 Years [!) Ve. 0 No Program Rules Allow 6. WiD your agency be senctng any USDA food 10 . commerclal proce.sor lor the lIIp8Ckaging or mlllulaclUre 01 preperlld food item.? o VtI IXI No 7. Ale the I8fVices 01 . public or private 0llI1II~ zaIion used 10 prepare any pan 0/ th.II1NI.? "'*: 011)' .",.W1II,......... """''''''10,..,.. UIIAI,... on,."." III ......,. A....,."",...,. r f I JJJ ...,...,."..... ,..,.... o VtI III No 8. Have lilY Ioase. or 'poilage 0/ USDA food OOCU"""? o VtI ~ No ,,... .cq,yIll..Ioot1/NfPM111On..,..., nut ~,.. ---"PftC/IIf.,,,,., .._.FOB_.....-...."'MyUSl)l_...___ .,.,----...- RECIPIENT AGENCY AGREEMENT CERTIFICATION I, /h. ~""t euthorized by /he I/O-rig boarrI of Ihe recipient 8(18n<:y (or by Ihe chief admini.tra~WI ofli_ of /I recipient agency wftich has no goveminfJ boIIrrI) ID l1li1., into /his II(1fHmIIIIt cartiIy /hat /he information pre.enlfld is accullll8 _ agree. III /he lerrn. _ """<Irion. of /hi. /lglllement as /hey /lrB presenlfld on /he Ill...... side of /hi. farm. PR",TED DR TYPED NAME OF AUTHORIZED REClPENT AGENCV REPRESENTATIVE ANNIE F. RAMOS. DIRECTOR TIlI.E TELEPHONE NO, PARKS. RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES ( 909) 384-5233 STATE AGENCY APPROVAL 'TIIi. application wften approved by Ihe .ra", a(18ncy ,ha. con'~1lIffI an a~ wItidI ,hall ramain in ""!oraI IIIId aff8ct unlil wrillen noraID /he contraty II (1iWln as provided in paragraph 8 of /he ,."", and conr:Ilions on Ihe llI""r.. .ide of thi.Iorm, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SHOW NAUEOR OODRESS ::HAHClE -<ERE APPROVED - The I8Cip1ent ~ency i. approved 10 order commodities lor the loIlowing number of meaIa per week: IENDDR <UMBER H13J-02 36 63127 1 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 547 NORTH SIERRA WAY SAN BERNARDINO ,CA 92401 S_TURE OF AUTHDRlZEDSTATEAOENCY REPRESENTATM; OOENCY ~ S_TURE OF AUlHORIZED RECIPIENT AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE ~ DATE DATE STATE AGENCY o o California Department of Education Child Nutrition and Food Distribution Division Pomona Distribution Center 2550 Fulton Road Pomona, CA 91767-2176 CERTIFICATION OF NONPARTICIPATION IN THE SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM THIS CERTIFICATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN OFFERING. ORDERS WILL NOT BE FILLED WITHOUT THIS CERTIFICATION. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I am aware that my organization is prohibited from participating in BOTH the Summer Food Service Program for Children (SFSPC) and the Summer Camp Program at the same time. City of San Bernardino Parks. This is to certify that Recreation & C~nity Services Dept_will not participate as a (Rocipiorc AgoiIcy) sponsor in the 1994 Summer Camp Program. _oI_~(PrinI..Typo) TOle DIRECTOR OF PARKS. ANNIE F. RAMOS RECREATION & COMMUNIT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SIgn8Iure . v..-_ NIA Dolo ToIophono (909) 384-5233 OFD/C-F-014 -3-