HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-City Attorney ..II. o o C I T Y o F SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE DATE: June 2, 1994 TO: Mayor & Common Council FROM: Rachel Clark, city Clerk SUBJECT: Protest Letters - Smoking Ordinance COPIES: City Administrator Shauna Clark: city Attorney James Penman ------------------------------------------------------------------ ~f As of this date, the city Clerk's Office has received 't'3' additional letters of protest relative to the proposed non-smoking ordinance to be heard on June 6, 1994, Item #13. The following is a breakdown of the letters: San Bernardino Resident Out of city Resident: ~/' 2 :13 :J. If TOTAL: The following letters can be located within the City Clerk's Office. ~~~ Rachel Clark city Clerk RC:sc / ~ 'L. .4 L7Z, ~~j"," I~ 1:,1, i#M1 ffl3 t../& /j i - - o o C I T Y o F SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE DATE: June 2, 1994 TO: Mayor , Common Council FROM: Rachel Clark, city Clerk SUBJECT: Protest Letters - Smoking Ordinance COPIES: city Administrator Shauna Clark: city Attorney James Penman ------------------------------------------------------------------ As of this date, the City Clerk's Office has received 23 additional letters of protest relative to the proposed non-smoking ordinance to be heard on June 6, 1994, Item il13. The following is a breakdown of the letters: San Bernardino Resident out of city Resident: 18 ...2. 23 TOTAL: The following letters can be located within the city Clerk's Office. ~~~ Rachel Clark City Clerk RC:sc :;#3 r/pl --~.:..:.:.-. , " Q V. HOLDING, D.C. 0 1761 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92'405 909-882-4984 CHRONIC & NERVOUS DISORDERS COMMENTS ON THE ORDINANCE RELATING TO SMOKING: Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council: This seems like de ja vous. 20 years ago, this issue was put before the City Council. It seemed, at that time, there was enough statistics and indisputable clinical evidence for the Council to pass this ordinance. It is well known that nicotine is a drug, a poisonous alkaloid found in all parts of the tobacco plant, especially, in the leaves, that are dried and made into cigarettes. It is one of the most toxic and addictive of all poisons. It kills more people than all other drugs combined. But, because of this addiction, smokers feel threatened and combative if he thinks that he cannot smoke anywhere he wants. To take his cigarette away is worse than trying to take a bone away from a dog. You cannot drive or register your car without a smog check and smog devices to protect the health of everyone that has to breathe. So why not check the smog and pollution from cigarettes. I have practiced in San Bernardino for 44 years, and I have seen small children subjected to cigarette smoke in their homes and in the family car by their parents. They have been given all types of allergy tests and medications. But when the runny nose and persistent cough continues, the parent's answer is "It must be that virus going around." When the Pediatrician asks, if he asks, about cigarette smoke, they reply,"Oh no, my kids are too young to smoke." No!! They are not!! They are second-hand smoking on a constant basis. When the pediatrician asks the parents not to smoke in the house or the car for one month and then call him back and tell him how the children are doing, the parents usually call back within two to three weeks to say the children are fine - no colds or allergies, and they had not smoked in their presence since he talked to them. #/3 {p Ie, /'1 -I - - .Jj - . . o o -2- No one has died from not smokingl! The opponents of this ordinance are complaining that it will put them out of business to close their restaurants to smoking. The truth of the matter is, in Los Angeles and 500 other major cities in the United States, the restaurants that have banned smoking completely, has increased business tremendously. Before the airlines banned smoking, some were afraid' that they would lose passengers. It is hard to get a seat on a plane since there is no smoking. The Health Department is in charge of protecting the lives of people in restaurants. If they find a cockroach, they will usually close the restaurant. No one has died from a cockroach. If there is a cloud of smoke in a restaurant, it seems to be alright. People have died from second-hand cigarette smoke. It seems a matter of convenience versus the health of the public. Or better yet, life versus death. I urge the City Council to pass this ordinance. ?f(: Gr&~ E:V. HOLDING, D.C. ~ fJ(U , o o b.. ~ ,~William Harrison till" ~ 4675 Woodbend tn, ~ So Bemrdno, CA. 92407.3809 .:;7'hl)/>/ / . CCiinc\\ \}ff\CE .. ct';""'~t"n;l}Ol"!i~\1) To: JJ.m Penman, CJ.ty Attorney, ,--;Y.1Fc\'/lh"'''''''",1 Also to Mayor and City Counc:i.'l". " 59 q"4 H!'.~ 25 I'l\ 2, My name is William Harrison Jr.,"1675 Woodbend Lane, 92407. This is to the subject of a no smoking ordnance in all San Bernardino City resturants. 1st. I have had open heart and stomach surgery. ~nd. I have preached no smoking for the last 15 years. Yes, I was a smoker and I believe that smoking and breathing second hand smoke may be harmful to many people.--How~v~r: I want to know what law, State or Federal that allows your proposed ordnance ".? Y~u do h~ve jur~diction over Pu~!}c Property, but resturants are Prlv~te Property and furthermore unljke gro~ery stores are not an absolute necessity. My home and yours is Private Property do you next propose-a no smoking ban there? How far do you feel that there is a l~~l right to control me and my guests? The home owner and the resturant owner has the right, and only he or she, has that right to refuse service or entry to their property. THEY OWN the place. They can post a legal notice that they have that right. They can invite people to either come in or stay out. - - - I feel you could legally force a resturant to post a notice - - - - at their front door stating one of three options, (1) No Smoking Inside, or, (2) Smoking allowed, or (3) We have a No smoking section. The customer has a choice. Until the Government stops subsidising tobacco farmers and makes all tobacco use illegal, I feel that you should be advised to put your efforts to the more needed problems that you can do something about. Perhaps before you ~o to the cost and embarresment of an ordnance that will not fly you will see why other cities like Beverly Hills and Los Angeles withdrew their ordnance on the subject. I feel that legality (perhaps the IV Amendment to the Constitution) and their financial loss had a great deal to do with their action. J! ~ I will not be able to be at the council meeting cov~ring this~ proposed ordnance but I do request that my letter be mad~ub~c if you still feel that you are going thru with this. Yes~ I ? am still against smoking. . Vi Q SinCerelY:~~/;'/'/'-'-;.;;>-}- ,~ g Wm. ,J!f': Harrison.J ( ( / 0 ~ ./ .#3 #11" o Elaine Cross . 260 E, 47th Street San Bernardino, California o . ,-. 92404 RECEIVED-CI1Y CLERr< '94 MAY 23 P 1 :49 May 19, 1994 City Clerk's Office Attn: Councilman Curlin 300 North 0 Street San Bernardino, Ca, 92418-0002 Councilman Curlin, I was present at the council meeting held on Monday the 16th of May and I spoke out about the smoking ordinance on the agenda, I feel you are not in a position to make the statements you did about the Tobacco Industry contributing to the opposition you received. The letters were dismissed like they were not written and signed by the people of this city, I assure you tobacco money had nothing to do with the effort people made to get the city council to listen to their side, No one received any tobacco money, I know it must be difficult for you to understand what a difference one person can make, I know that as a politician you have probably told many people to vote, that one vote can make a difference, I feel sorry for you , that as a citizen you saw what one person can do and you chose to make Jean Kennedy look worse than you looked. I'm sorry Mr, Curlin all you did was make a lot of people angry, I believe if you were a smart councilperson you would run, not walk to all the restaurants and businesses owners in your ward and apologize to them for telling the people of the city that their businesses were not important, and your statements concerning business owners putting their business before public health, Only people who have put their life and every dime they make going back into these businesses would be concerned, Where have you been Mr. Councilman, while our city has been in a recession and businesses have been closing on every block in the city? I'm a smoker and have been for many years. There is some credence to your ordinance, our air quality is a much worse offender than second hand smoke will ever be. I realize that smokers are a lot easier target than the real offenders, I believe you are a few years too early to try and enforce such drastic action. ~~ Elaine Cross cc: Mayor Minor City of San Bernardino 71/.3 <7~f( ll. o - <t (1'1 - I (1'1 ... I g ~ N B- 0 [3 0 0 "" I (\J CO - (1'1 .!; ~ H <l' a: ...:i l"J I.) Pi: '" - ::> - oIl r.:I U Eo' U r~ o<C if) HZr.:IU .....tPi: ....,. E-tO O...:itllZ H H crUQQ ~Z Pi: Pi:::>:Z::o<C r.:IOE-tZ .. .:'Ult:lt: , U Or.:l Zlll N ~~ ISl E-tEo'OZ III HE-tOo<C III Uo<CMUl J:. .. <I' (., iT . b. o o CITY OF I ~ B~fDardift~ 0 Date: From: RAN DUM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 19-Mar-1994 02:12pm Melan1e Vale VALE ME N I>4Kl1:_\t I S I o~TY CLERK Tel. NO: PST BUSINESS REGISTRATIO TO: Rachel Clark TO: Susanna Cordova ( CLARK_RA ) ( CORDOVA_SU ) Subject: Smoking Protests I have received the following additional protests relative to the smoking ordinance that will appear on the June 6, 1994 agenda. letters of protest: resident of City of no city stated residents of City of residents of City of residents of city of aJ~~k bldlo,,, ~ / total "21 I think these should go in the backup for the minutes of 6/6/94 since they came in after the 5/16 meeting and will give Suzanna for her backup. Brea 1 ,/ 4/ Highland 2 II Yucaipa 1/ San Bernardinio 13 Iffl 1#1 J.Hr II I also received a letter thanking Mayor Minor and Council Members Negrete, Oberhelman, Hernandez and Miller which I will route a copy of to the Council office and give to Suzanna the original for her 6/6/94 minute backup. Let me know if you have any questions. .~ POST OFFICE BOX 1318, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 12402 300 NORTH '0' STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92418-0001 (101) 384.5302' (IOI) 384-1038 PRIDE -I "CRESS o o Date. if ~;z.. 91,,-?~ 'to the ... lenardlDo Ctt)' Couactl I _ .s.iDet Gq propo.ed IID-_Uaa or6h'-re 111 the Ctt)' of ... lenarcllDo. - <l!"; -- """ v L- ~ tr?S-- ;V( #tlC O'r ' r ~(!~920Z( "'- u.. Ll.J -' , , ~,' cD ~ >- 0- 0\ - u , co u.-' :> W (,.) UJ 0:: ~ :E: ~ . o no 00-'1 Dat..--1if1ZIL- /4-1 /99 L! . To the Sa lenardlao City Couacil I _ .piDat aay propo..d _-_Itiq ordiDaDc:. ill the City of Sa lenardlao. I L-tvE AT'; 4'i7S IV- AcAc/A A Ue. -->># 2?~/tVl)J (!If 9.;<.,-/tP7 Your. Tnaly. ~p M~Y GelS , \) .Jl o o Date. 4pr/ / /'/;, /991 To the SaD IenaardlDD City Co1IDcll I _ ap1Dat G7 pnpo..d --_ltiDa orif"...ee ill the City of SaD Berur4lDD. .r do/? 1-1- +ee./ flJa-f /1 /6 Y'ljhf- --k ?ate a i</r2J anj CJn.f ~ r iSh i-~.." L f1J.9!f Cl +: ;tIPCjq & It '-Eov /2 _ &. Sa/? 7Ser /2dr~/t 0 "'- co 0:..: ~ u.J -' - <-) 0.. 0- co 0'1 , - Cl ~ u.J > ::E: u::; U Sl UJ a:: ~!t~~ JJ o o Date I -41",-t.z; t.. / sr, I '7 7 /f' 'lo the IIaD IemardiDo City Co&mcU I _ apiJult _., pnpo..d IIO--ltiaa orclf.....~. ... the City of IIaD IenarcliDo. f'/1~5A~ c>F ~ c:>A~.z:..a1l ",1::""" &?F ~$ 7"Y...-<'E ~~~ CAV$E: #-6 .,..-0 ~,e~ ~y;;;e.?,;e c>ur=p4: <7F T7"Ti1!r ='ry ;;:;:ff 9..::zt'"ol ~ ~KK -#T.' .v<G6 &V_ ""Y' $.Z- SA.....v &.?>~ .?-~rs. rl'fJ:S ~~.> .?<:>$S t:7F r.;+~ Pc?~e~ ~OR. S"A--' L'rP-e/O Yoan Tnl.,. ~&~e e 'L. co u:: ~ UJ -' .- u 0- >- i3 0\ , .- 0 ~ u.; ::>- u:; <...) (it UJ a: . o Date 0 7~ / c(~ J?C/ To the Sa ..nard.... City Co_eil o I _ ap1Det _'I pnpo.e' _-_kiDa or.i.....~e iD the City of Sa ..nard..... ek (~~, .....~~. ~ .. "'- co (;.k: l.U ~ -' - (..) >- 0- ;- c 0- , - co ~ u.J > i:iJ u iJ u.J Q:: . . , o fh~-:z... RECEIVED--Cr! '( CLER.l'" '94 MAY 19 P 1 :48 Date. Opt'J "'..;; feN4- To the Sa lenarcllDD City Couacil , o o . Date.j/tJ~~~ To the IIaa lenardiDo C1l7 Co1IIu:ll I - _pian ay propo..d --_ltiDa orit_c. ia tile Cll7 of IIaa lenarcliDo. "- IX) u.. . I..U ~ -' c - .' :- a.. co 0\ , - 0 ~ w > I..U U ~ LU Gk: ~ ~ Ll o o ~t.. cY/1- 11 To the leD lenuard1Do City Couactl I _ ...1Dat .uy Pnlpoaed ---ktaa orclf.....<< ta the City of leD lenuard1Do. tv/7#' LJe<S//J/IK<:6:5 /d 7#E- C/7f/ ~,/,'tAl// k~ flit> is 7" . ,V de , ?l? ~ 6:-c't!)/I! dJ~'1, l'V~cJ?2) i0rr '7fItT r;;;:m?#O 711/ilT ~,;/ff) . !1.L?~R: 17/ /n2 /.3/l-C J::~ . o !..l.1 :> UJ u UJ a:: "- "" UJ ....J U >- :- C , 'Joan Truly. fltN13tt-iJ t: C 4~~ /.-2~tf;f' .I?v'$' 4v, WeJJ/f/1'" (}fl, %.239/. ClC ~ - 0.. "0\ - >- ~ ;l . " o C'0c/5B -/3 Dat..'* /~ /~ T.ltbe Sa lemarcllDo City ClouDcil / I _ apiut aay pntpo..cI ao-_Itiq orclillaDce ill tbe City of Sa lemarcllDo. i , "'- a. W -' c~, ~ ";-' >;:: U ! ..... a. 0\ - co w :::>- W <..:> UJ << ~ ~'\::~~ ~~\~, o o Date. 5/0 To the ... lemarcllllD City Coaacu I _ ...l.ut ~ propo... IID-_tt.... orcl~. ill tile City of ... IemarcliDD. --r-:;.- (, )(){a JfP rerJ J <{ hC<-rm -fI~ J oce/ bu.s/ne.rJ 1,1 Ullle!. L..X:t...J& a}.50 nu.-d::- -I-!.e- (!J~ L.)tf/, ~ Mu06-j- Y_r. Truly, ::c.. r- l./fLf/lbr;/lM u- ~ UJ -' - u Q.. PO fJ6(C /QOI?S ::- r- <5 0\ Sc.,\. /]e;/):;/ddlJ I el1 . - 0 ~ UJ > i:iJ CJ:2'1/J-/d29s- u pt W 0: o o Date. ~;9/" To t" Baa BenardlDo Cll:7 CoaDc:ll I _ ...iDat aay pmpoHd _-_ltiq ordluace 111 t" Cll:7 of Baa BenardlDo. wkr17 /I+PjJel<./ ZJ 7Fe .5/114C&lS ~6k7$.. Y_re Truly. os.. ..... /~.L/?-~ <L UJ -:or ~ /Cz:o 'D - 0 #"'c.H~ ,..... 0.. ,..... G 0.. : - ~ ~-'<Yc-' Cl ~ C#- ~ > w 9.;1yy- u pi; LLJ a:: o o Dat.. ,If - ~ - 9'~ 'fa the Sa BemardtDo City c:omu:u I _ apiDet &IIJ' propo... --_ltiDa ord~ce ia the City of Sa BemardtDo. "'- ~ a:.. u.J -' - u 0- :-. .- U 0\ ! - 0 ~ w ::> w u pt UJ c:: Yoan Truly, ~W~ - ,;'.'1/(., 7u .'<]) '< ~ ~. a. 9~~ o o , Date. a~r , \ 5 I q.::J. To t" Baa IeraardlDo City Couacu I _ ...iDat arq ,npo... _-_It.... ordiaaac:e 1D t" City of Baa Berll&rdlDo. ~1~. :>L- CD ~ arJ (,jdStcacr( u.: ~ UJ ...J - Dq L~ NI'J . 7) Sf u Go. :-- G 0- 58 3;;2 yo~ , - 0 ~ UJ > W u Sl w a:: o ~A( o Dat:e. To t:he ... lenaardlllO Cll:)' Coaacll , , I _ ...iDllt: aay plnlpoaecl 1IO-_ltiDa onl.....'I:. iD t:he Clt:y of ... diDo. /VlF.!. ;..s MJ 1l!/C.4r~'" 10 j,./I ~~ /V(JOMflk.rr.,. : "I ~ "', IE' Ii.S+-I('O"".vb : III S',t~Q...Ml\o\.< I~ . Vihii-N A S'kCl'<,;,~ S~e.t-,:IV Q.o""r3i!$;;:l' I3s,:l/~. -r-r- , ivfll...: ""'i'''~ 0,.., S'111J1C"~ ~,', "''''.s ~,..J A,,o,M-}. -t4~ (3",s+'tlA.+'~"'" R,I,\ ~n d-6 flit (3 A4J~^,,~ ""- co u. U.J ~ -' - 0 >- 0- ~ 0\ 0 : .- co ~ U.J > ;:;:; u pt, l.U a:: T_ra Truly. ~A...I.It.s (l, ~I-I't. ~t.",~cl1" h:lt 1t/ S";e. ~J. y!''';- f;.. 9 O~ -ff~ 77~ o o Date. '1-/'1-9'-/ To the ... lemardt.>> City CoaDcU I _ ap1aat .-y propo..4 _-_kiDa ord.......ce 1D the City of ... lemar4t.>>. din.). 11. uh'wJrllu I.A.uj J.I-n-J/U~/D..R.A1 rhO 11!7/" bJ-1,) " ./J~J /*Jf}..J(11 ,41?>"J6. J:~.I..01 b.h/.).I........,,~ r/u.... -" ~ R~.f-~'IJVl ~~ALl , Y_n Tnlly. "'- co <L ~ UJ -1 - C a.. >- .... <3 0\ ! - Cl ~ UJ > Uj <.:> Sl u.o Q:: ---- . J:::I t./),.; /., 7'lJN 'W~ //..)I:}.c ~9M ~r AN -l3dN() C/9 9' 02 '/0 <./ .w o. o Dat....t1:fRIL- /4. ffr3- I To tile Sa Beraardil>> City CoaDcU I _ ...iDat aJq pnpo..4 --_It1D& onf.....ee 1D tbe C1t:r of Sa Beraardil>>. "" fx,: UJ ....l '--0 >- t- o , T_re Tral:r. co -:or o l..L! >- UJ u UJ a:: Sl ;J],}1N Yj{.t])ONJf~}) GO G Eo yff;L-L 5) $/() ~M/f16,e6( (~~ /f4)A/ - a.. 0- .- ~ 0, o o.t:.. 1-/-/S--91f '10 !:be Sa BeraardiDo cti:y c:ouactl I _ ...iD8t: ...,. pntpo.... _-_Ittq ordiDaDc. ill t:he Cit:,. of Sa Beraar"iDo. Your. Trot,.. "'- co +0honC. mCDArJarJrL IX u.J ~ -' tlSM AOl>hol~"rI (]LJ.e u - ;:- D- o- <...0 0\ ! .- ..J.of) A'l>.IYJ!dU7 () C> ~ '..1.1 :> 9ac!os- UJ <..:> ~ LU 0:: o. o Dat.. _ r;-- 5" - "1 '-( To the Sa lemardlDo City CoaIu:tl I _ qa1Dn may propo..d 1IO-_1d,,, ordiDaDc:. 1D die City of Sa IemardlDo. Y01Ir. Truly. rG n ,......... ,...- "'- ClO a ~/\A:O CL u..J ~ , -' !JOt) L./ 11) n r fl r 1 ""'- <..) - Cl... ::- 1~A~A~~AL~ ....- <::5 0\ . .- 0 ~ u..J > z: CA '=!;J...L{o7 w u pt; UJ a::: o. o . Dal:.. S -~ -'94- To the Sa BeraardiDo Cil:y Coaacll I _ aptul: _y pnpo..d --_ltiDa ordw-ce lD I:he Cil:y of Sa BenuardiDo. "'- CO Yoa~.a)~~ 0:: UJ ~ ~ ~C'/1C:://9 -' <...> - >- 0.. ..- c5h"v ~{lff'9'~7 c 0\ , - co ~ w :> LU u pt UJ 0:: . o 7;i/3,/~r o Date. To the ... lemarcltDo City CoaIlcU I _ &pillet -J pnpoHcI _-_U.. orelf....... ill the City of ... lemareltDo. f / S lIer/-e. L -)n,r-'!r.5/lp . 1..> W(J~k.- 0yJ /Z -eJ C 1'/ YJI. e 7 It Nt ffl;f -v+- ~ 75 C I -7 (Oct I1C (~I Ii -t:/9-IJ -e. POYl r /- tR.uA It- yoq ,Q:;n 'I / :/c -e l-h Your. TnlJ. .~ "'- co ~.d/it:, a:. '? ~ t..f 3 13/C9~ ~Olt 1$11/ UJ ~ -' " "-' - :-- 0.. ~~ t- )3..e"nfLt/,(/nOj [q _ c- 0\ i - Cl ~ !..L! > Uj (.) il UJ a: o o . Date. .c;-7-tfy To the s.a IenlarcU._ City Coaacu I _ ...iDat _y PnlPO". _-_U... onillaDce ill the City of s.a IeraanllD. R~~aY~ L:/rif'~ ~ ~ q,. .~ .~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~C?~.. ~ U;. co l..u ':'t --J U - ;.... a.. .- G 0\ , .- co >-- l..u :::.. ~ iZ u il ~ ra Truly, tV. W,E5W '!3t/SB 7//.3 "c;p/?/?IS /;L/li.. S4/r /->j)~. ~ 9.:< yt?~ , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o City Attorney DRAfT 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 8.72 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SMOKING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 8.72 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "8.72.010 Legislative findings. The Mayor and Cornmon Council find and declare that: A. Numerous studies have found that tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) has conducted additional studies to warrant the classification of environmental tobacco smoke ( ETS) or secondhand smoke as a Group A carcinogen and is the only agent ever classified by the EPA as a known human lung carcinogen. B. Reliable studies have shown that breathing secondhand smoke is a significant health hazard, especially for certain population groups, including elderly people, children, individuals with cardiovascular disease, and individuals with impaired respiratory function, including asthmatics and those with obstructive airway disease; c. Health hazards induced by breathing secondhand smoke include lung cancer, respiratory infection, decreased exercise tolerance, decreased respiratory function, bronchioconstriction, and DAB/ja [SDoking3,Ord] 1 ~B May 9. 1994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 / / / H. I. o o City Attorney DRAFT bronchiospasm; D. Nonsmokers with allergies, respiratory disease and all others who suffer ill effects of breathing secondhand smoke may experience a loss E. of job productivity; The Surgeon General of the United States has advised nonsmokers to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke wherever possible, and found that simple separation of nonsmokers and smokers lowers but does not eliminate the risk of nonsmokers from secondhand smoke; F. The smoking of tobacco, or any other weed or plant, is a proven danger to health; The Surgeon General of the United States has declared that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine G. or heroin; no other addictive product or drug, or cancer causing product or drug is sold through vending machines: The U.S. Secretary of Health, the U.S. Surgeon General and the leading vOluntary heal th organizations all recommend the elimination of cigarette vending machines for health reasons; Accordingly, the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of, persons employed in, and persons who frequent this City will be benefitted by the regulation of smoking in enclosed places. DAB/j. (Smoking3,OrdJ 2 May 9. 1994 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o City Attorney DRAEI 8.72.020 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section: A. "Bar" means an area which is devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages and in which the service of food is only incidental to the consumption of such beverages. A bar includes only those places which prohibit entry at any time by any individual under the age of 21. B. "Business" means any sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation or other business entity formed for profit making purposes as well as professional corporations and other enti ties which provide legal, medical, dental engineering, architectural, or other professional services and which "business" employees two (2) or more persons. Management employees shall be included in the calculation of the two or more persons. C. "Employee" means any person who is employed by any employer in consideration for direct or indirect monetary wages or profit, and any person who volunteers his or her services for a non- profit entity. D. "Employer" means any business and any non-profit entity with two or more employees. Management employees shall be included in the calculation of DAB/ja ISmoking3,Ordj 3 May 9. 1994 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. o o City Attorney DRAft E. the two or more persons. "Enclosed Area" means all space between a floor and ceiling which is enclosed on all sides by solid walls and/or windows (exclusive of door or F. passage ways) which extend from the floor to the ceiling, including all space therein. "Enclosed athletic recreation area" means gymnasiums, health spas, swimming pOOls, roller and ice rinks. G. "Freestanding Bar" means a bar which is located in its own building or if in a building with another business or restaurant, has its own independent air ventilation system and a floor to ceiling physical barrier. H. "Non-profi t enti ty" means any corporation, unincorporated association, or other entity created for charitable, educational, political, social, or similar purposes, the net proceeds from the operation of which are committed to the promotion of the objects or purposes of the organization and not to private financial gain. A public agency is not a "non-profit entity" within the meaning of this section. "Place of employment": means 1) any enclosed area, 2) under the control of a public or private employer, 3) which employees occupy with normal frequency during the course of employment, including but not limited to, work areas, DAB/j8 [SDoking3,Ord] 4 May 9. 1994 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 L. o o City Attorney DRAFT employees lounges, and restrooms, conference and classrooms, cafeterias, and hallways, except that a private residence is not a place of employment, unless it is used as a child care or health care facility. J. "Public place" means any enclosed area to which the public is I imi ted to: permitted, inCluding but not banks, private educational health facilities, public facilities, transportation facilities, malls, reception areas, restaurants, retail food production and marketing establishments, retail service establishments, retail stores, theaters, and office waiting rooms. A private residence is not a public place. K. "Restaurant" means any coffee shop, cafeteria, tavern, sandwich stand, soda fountain, private or public school cafeteria, and any other eating establishment, organization, Club, boarding house, or guest house, which gives or offers food for sale to the public, guests, patrons, or employees, except that the term "restaurant" shall not include a cocktail lounge or tavern if said cocktail lounge or tavern is a "bar" as defined herein. "Retail tobacco store" means a retail store utilized primarily for the sale of tobacco products and accessories. DAB/ja [Smoking3,Ord) 5 May 9. 1994 :.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o ~tRAAFT M. "Service line" means an indoor queue in which one or more persons routinely wait for or receive service of any kind, whether or not such service includes the exchange of money. N. "Smoking" means the igniting, inhaling, or carrying of any burning cigar, or cigarette of any kind, or the igniting, inhaling, exhaling or carrying of a pipe or other device for smoking, containing any burning substance. O. "Wai ting room space" means the Common area of any office, restaurant, theater or any other facility where persons routinely wait. P. "Tobacco vending machines" means any machine or device designated for or used for the vending of cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, or tobacco products upon the insertion of coins, bills, trade checks or Slugs. 8.72.030 Prohibition against smoking in city owned facilities. Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed facilities owned by or under the direct or indirect control of the City of San Bernardino. 8.72.040 Prohibition against smoking in public places. A. Smoking shall be prohibited except as otherwise specifically set forth herein in all enclosed public places, inCluding, but not limited to, the fOllowing: 1. Elevators and restrooms. DAB/ja [Smoking3,Ordj 6 May 9. 1994 .". 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 7. 8. 9. 10. DAB/j. ISDoking3,Ord] _,~~U o City Attorney ODRAFT 2. Buses, taxicabs and other means of public transit operated under the authority or Franchise of the City of San Bernardino, and ticket boarding, and waiting areas of public transit depots. 3. Service lines. 4. 5. Retail stores. Retail food marketing establishments, including grocery stores and supermarkets. Those areas of such establishments set aside for the purpose of serving food and drink shall be subject to the same provisions as set forth herein for the regulation of smoking in restaurants. 6. All areas available to and customarily used by the public in all businesses and non-profit entities patronized by the public, including, but not limited to, such areas in business offices, banks, hotels and motels. Public areas of aquariums, libraries, and museums when open to the public. Any building not open to the sky which is used primarily for exhibiting any motion picture, stage, drama, lecture, musical recital or other similar performance, except when smoking is a part of any such production. Enclosed athletic recreation area. Waiting rooms of doctors' offices and dentists' offices, hallways, wards, and patient rooms of health facilities, including, but not limited to, 7 M.y 9. 1994 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o City Attorney OORAFT hospitals, clinics, and physical therapy facilities. 11. Polling places. B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any owner, operator, manager or other person who controls any establishment described in this section may declare the entire establishment or any portion thereof to be a non- smoking area. 8.72.050 Smoking in restaurants. Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful within all enclosed restaurants. 8.72.060 Child care facilities. Smoking is prohibited and unlawful in any facility or private home providing child care, either licensed or unlicensed, and either on a 24-hour basis or day care, for children not part of the family of the provider, but only when children are present. 8.72.070 Regulation of smoking in places of employment. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, smoking shall be prohibited in all enclosed places of employment. 8.72.080 Vending machines. No cigarette or other tobacco product may be SOld, offered for sale, or distributed by or from a vending machine or other appliance, or any other device designed or used for vending PUrposes except in DAB/ja [SmokingJ.Ord] 8 May 9. 1994 ... - I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o Oy Attorney DRAFT freestanding bars. 8.72.090 Where smoking is not regulated. Notwi thstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the fOllowing specific and limited areas shall not be subject to the smoking restrictions of this chapter. 1. Bars and freestanding bars. 2. Up to 35% of hotel and motel rooms in a hotel or motel rented to guests may be designated as smoking rooms; providing however, that smoking shall be prohibited in the lobby, conference rooms, and other common areas of hotels and motels. 3. Retail tobacco stores. 8.72.100 Posting of smoking and no smoking areas. A. The international "No Smoking" symbol (consisting of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a red bar across it on a sign of a minimum of six inches (6") in width and eight inches (8") in height), ci ting this subsection shall be Clearly, and conspicuously posted in every bUilding or other place where smoking is controlled by this chapter by the owner, operator, manager or other person having control of such building or other place. B. Every theater owner, manager or operator shall conspicuously post signs in the waiting area stating smoking is prohibited. DAB/j. [Smoking3.0rd) 9 May 9. 1994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o ~tRAFT 8.72.110 Violations. A. It is unlawful for any person to smoke in a place where smoking is prohibited by this chapter. B. It is unlawful for any person who owns, manages, operates or otherwise controls the use of any premises subject to the prohibition of this chapter to fail to comply with any of its provisions. C. Any person or business which violates subsection "A" or "B" of this section or permits such violations, or any other provision of this chapter, except as otherwise provided herein shall be guilty of an infraction, punishable as set forth in San Bernardino Municipal Code, Section 1.12.010(B). 8.72.120 Enforcement. A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a public nuisance and may be abated by the City through means of restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or in any other manner provided by law for the abatement of such nuisance and the City may take action to recover the cost of such nuisance abatement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a private citizen may bring a legal action to enforce this chapter. 8.72.130 Non-Retaliation It is hereby declared to be a violation of public DAB/jB ISlloking3,Ordj 10 "BY 9. 1994 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / o City Attorney OORAFT pOlicy for a person or employer to discharge, refuse to hire, or in any manner retaliate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant exercises any rights afforded by this chapter. 8.72.140 Other applicable laws. This chapter shall not be interpreted or construed to permit smoking where it is otherwise restricted by other applicable law or regulation. 8.72.150 Severability. If any provision, clause, sentence or paragraph of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidi ty shall not affect the other provision of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declare to be severable." DAB/j. [SDoking3.0rdj 11 May 9. 1994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AN ORDINANCE...AMENDING CHAPTER 8.72 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SMOKING I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER City Clerk The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorn~ne1 .... ..\\: C'''J By: DAB/j. ISmoking3,Ord] I , ! . i I 12. May 9. 1994