HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-Parks and Recreation CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FeJ' COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Dept: PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Date: MAY 19, 1994 Subject: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 275.00 FOR USE OF FISCAlINI FIELD BY SAN BERNARDINO CHILD ADVOCACY PROGRAM, INC. Synopsis of Previous Council action: DMIN. O;'r~i;;e, I W-V 94 !:..l 33 Recommended motion: Fonn Motion 1: That the request to waive fees for use of Fiscalini Field and facilities by San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program, Inc., in the amount of $ 275.00 be denied. - or - Motion 2: That the request to waive fees for use of Fiscalini Field and facilities by San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program, Inc., . in the amount of $ 275.00 be a~ ~._ i2--~ Ignature Contact person: TOM BOGGS Phone: STAFF REPORT, LETTER OF REQUEST Supporting data attached: AND APPLICATION Ward: 5032 .Y ~ FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 275.00. Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. DescriDtionl Finance: · These are funds which would be deposited into a revenue account for use Council Notes: of facilities should the reQuestinQ QrOUD be reQuired to Dav. These are funds which assist the department in offsetting some of the on-going maintenance and repair costs for keeDinQ facilities available. There are no Citv funds directlv involved with doing this event. 75.0262 Agenda Item NO.-1 t CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FO' COUNCIL ACTION . STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 275.00 FOR USE OF FISCALINI FIELD BY SAN BERNARDINO CHILD ADVOCACY PROGRAM, INC. The San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program, Inc. is sponsoring a fund-raising event at Fiscalini Field. This is a national charity which is working to. combat child abuse through treatment, prevention and research. The fee for use ofFiscalini Field for this event is $ 275.00. They have requested that the fee be waived. (please see the attached letter) Resolution No. 91-35 allows the Mayor and Common Council to exempt non-profit corporations and associations, organized primarily for patriotic, civic betterment or charitable purposes, from the rates and fee schedules for the use of park and recreation facilities, services and equipment under the condition that paying the fees would create a hardship or if the event is of unusual benefit to the citizens of San Bernardino. This event is certainly aimed at civic betterment and at correcting a social ill that affects all of our citizens. Therefore, San Bernardino Child Advocacy Program, Inc. does meet the qualification for having the fees waived in the interest of providing a positive activity to assist the children in our community. staff report/child advocacy 5/19/94 amt 5.0264 J::' 0... o o SAN BERNARDINO CHILD ADVOCACY PROGRAM, INC. Sen,jng as 'he child's Guardian ad Litem through tile Juvenile [)ependencr Dil'ision. Superior Court of Son Bernardino County ('hildfe~ March 1, 1994 Mr. Edward relton San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Department 547 N. Sierra W'9' San Bernardino, CA 92410 Dear Mr. relton: 17zis letter is to corifmn our discussion regarding the use qf Fiscalini Field on June 11, 1994 Jor our Old Tuners Baseball Gamefundraiser. We expect a crowd qf around 3,500 people, and are looking forward to the big event. As we are a non-prqfit Agenry, we would like to have any fies required Jor the use f!f Fiscalini Field waived, and thank you in advance for your assistance in accomplishing this. Please forward Il1V' paperwork necessary to final~e this agreemmt to my attention at your earliest convenience. TIumk you for your consitkration qf this worthy cause. HTzth the Children at Heart. ?We Audella Cook Executive Director Attachment: Non-prf!fu status letter P.O. BOX 30930 . 900 E. GILBERT STREET. SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92413-0930 . (714) 387-7567 o PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES APPLICATION/PERMIT TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITY Date of Application: March 10 , 1994 Name and AddressofApplicanVOrganization: San Pernardino Chi] d Advn~a~y l'rnl.'ram. Tor. P.O. Box 30930, San Bernardino, CA 92413 Facilny Requested: Fiscalini Field Date of Activny: June 11, 1994 Time of Activity: 9 , 10 A.MJRlM. To 6:00 AlM.IP.M. Nature of ActivityiEvent: Baseball Event Describe Planned Activnies: 3 teams. 10 Dlavers each: one ~ame of thrpe ;nnini~ PPT tpAm Estimated Attendance: 3700 Is Activity Open to the Public? y"~ Admission Fee? $4.00. $25.00 Will Sound Amplnication or Public Address System be Used? ves Time of Day Amplnier is to be Used: 12,00 A:MJP.M. To 6,00 (Section 12.80.130. City Municipal Code Applies.) ~JP.M. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Applicant hereby acknowledges that he/she has read, understands. and will comply wnh all provisions of Chapter 12.80, Municipal Code, Cny of San Bernardino, Calnomia pertaining to use of Park and Recreation facilnies.. Applicant hereby assumes all responsibility to leave areas in a neat and clean condition. Applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnilythe City of San Bernardino, Calnornia, from any and all liability for injury to persons or property oocuring as a resutt of this activity and agrees to be liable to said Cny for and all damage to any park, facility, building, pool, equipment, and fumtture owned or controlled by City, which results from the activity or permittee or is caused by any participant in said act~ ~J I\lnature icant "NOTE: This permn is subject to cancellation by any Polica Officer who determines violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code. CLEANING DEPOSIT: n areallacility is not left in clean condnion, the deposn shall be forfened. C::::ron 'Ra""Rir~';~ ~h;l" A"""mrr PT'ngT"::rom rinted Name of icant AVAILABLE:_ YES _NO SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY: YES NO FEESjpEPOSIT!Sl REQUIRED:_ YES _ NO FEE~'7S,t& RECEIVED BY: ON RECEIPT': BY: DEPOSIT(S):~ RECEIVED BY: DEPOSIT RETURr.lEDTO: DATE: o APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE: KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be returned wnhin two (2) working days after the event for which the key(s) is issued. If key(s) is not returned promptly, the deposn shall be forfened. Tn,.. P.O. Box 30930 Address Director, Part<s, Recreation & Community Services ~An Rp.rn~rd;nn. r.A Q'6'~ (QOQ) ~ '" Zip A "5'V';UA"~ I LtC- Lr~ Signature of Applicant 3R7-7~67 Phone Number DISTRIBUTION: WHITE: CEPr./FACUYY GREEN: APPLtcANT I USER CANARY: DEPOSIT ALE PINK: POLICE OEPT. GOLDENROD: RISK MGMT. HI - FACILITY USE F~S & DEPOSITS o FEES NON-REFUNDABLE quip/FacilitY/Scrv. Unit Quantity Unit Price Extension TOTAL $;l .Ef2- DEPOSITS REFUNDABLE s L TOTAL $ IlL (SPECIALCONDI2 ) DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: Signature Date Printed Name & Address ,