HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-Public Services - CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FO' COUNCIL ACTION From: J1IIBS P. Ib.ell, Asst. Dir. of Rtilic 1:erv.icm Subject: F->111ticn teq..altirg distrih.tticn of lUplus AB 933 a...<.l ""'Y" nmey held l:>{ San &,Q.aWiro Dept: Rtilic 1:erv.icm ~. Date: (5/04194 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Ieoluticn 9)-353 D\pl.Em!nl:irJ; East: Valley O:alitial Ieoluticn 92-365 DiS:llI:sin:J East: Valley O:alitial E\nis Recommended motion: Adopt the Resolution Contact person: Kevin Barnes, Refuse SUperintendent Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Resolution Phone: 384-5053 Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Jte: 'lhis will tet:um :p:cxitrateJ.y $35J,cm to the mm Ehteq:rise E\.rD. Amount: N/A Source: (Acct, No.l (Acct. DescriDtionl Finance: Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No I q CITY OF SAN BERNA(:PINO - REQUEST FCC) COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939), as amended, requires all Cities and Counties to prepare and implement Source Reduction and Recycling Elements (SRRE) and Household Hazardous Waste Elements (HHWE) of an Integrated Waste Management Plan. The necessary studies and analysis required to prepare the individual local agency plans for compliance with Assembly Bill 939 are best performed on a regional basis, In August of 1990, the cities of COLTON, FONTANA, GRAND TERRACE, HIGHLAND, LOMA LINDA, REDLANDS, RIALTO, SAN BERNARDINO, YUCAIPA, and the COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as "The East Valley Coalition" for a period of two years to fund and obtain consulting services to study waste composition and management practices within the East Valley and develop SRRE and HHWE for each jurisdiction pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 40000 et. seq. The MOU further authorized the County of San Bernardino Department of Solid Waste Management to include a landfill fee surcharge of $1.00 per ton to accomplish these mandates of AB 939. On June 8, 1992, the Board of Supervisors of San Bernardino County, California reserved the balance of the East Valley Coalition AB 939 Waste Characterization Trust Fund and designated it for future AB 939 related studies and/or programs. On January II, 1993, roughly 15 months ago, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors authorized a Material Recovery Facility/Transfer Station/Composting Facility study by SCS Engineers for $85,968 to determine solid waste processing facility needs and report on siting possibilities for necessary projects, The City of San Bernardino has performed site feasibility comparisons and site assessments in conjunction with this study to prepare for a regional facility. The current unobligated balance for the East Valley Coalition AB 939 Waste Characterization Trust Fund is approximately $894,032. EVC members anticipated using the surplus for consultant studies to draft Non Disposal Facility Elements (NDFEs) and to revise the SRRE per new legislation. However, NDFEs were completed in-house by all EVC staff and the State has indicated a simple letter of addendum will suffice for SRRE revision. This leaves no foreseeable joint use of the surplus funding, The original intent of the AB 939 landfill surcharge was to fund SRREs and HHWEs and related projects. Costs were not known at the time the $1.00 per ton surcharge was established. The intended projects have been done using competitive pricing in consultant selection. The result is a sizable balance which should be redistributed to the agencies on a pro rata basis. >264 Ji J. o o RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COHMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING DISTRIBUTION OF REMAINING EAS VALLEY AB93' WASTE CHARACTERIZATION TRUST FUNDS BY THE BOARD 0 SUPERVISORS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TO JURISDICTION INPUTTING FUNDS ON A PRO RATA BASIS. WHEREAS, in August of 1990, the cities of COLTON, FONTANA GRAND TERRACE, HIGHLAND, LOMA LINDA, REDLANDS, RIALTO, S BERNARDINO, YUCAIPA, and the COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO entered int a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as the "East Valley Coalition' for a period of two years to fund and obtain consulting services t study waste composition and management practices within the Eas 9 Valley and develop Source Reduction and Recycling Elements (SRREs 10 11 and Household Hazardous Waste Elements for eac (HHWEs) jurisdiction, pursuant to public Resources Code Section 40000 e 12 13 14 15 16 17 Management Department to reserve the balance of the East Valle 18 Coalition AB 939 Waste Characterization Trust Fund for future AB 93 Seq. The MOU further authorized the County of San Bernardin Department of Solid Waste Management to include a landfill fe surcharge of $1.00 per ton to accomplish these mandates of AB 939 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of San Bernardino County 0 the State of California authorized on June 8, 1992, the Solid Wast 19 20 related studies and/or programs and, WHEREAS, on January 11, 1993, the San Bernardino County Boar 21 of Supervisors authorized a Material Recovery Facility/Transfe 22 23 24 25 26 27 Station/Composting Facility study by SCS Engineers for $85,968 t determine solid waste processing facility needs and report on sitin possibilities for necessary projects and, May 4, 1994 1 28 - 1L Jl>l ~ IllL WHBREAs,<:be current unobligated ba~ce for the East Valle Coalition AB 939 Waste Characterization Trust Fund is approximate I 1 2 $894,032 and, 3 4 5 beneficial projects requiring use of this funding, 6 7 8 9 San Bernardino County, California, and the Solid Waste Managemen Department reimburse The City of San Bernardino from the East Valle 10 11 basis with the rest of the East Valley Coalition members. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 IIII 20 IIII 21 I I I I 22 IIII 23 IIII 24 IIII 25 IIII 26 IIII 27 May 4, 1994 28 WHEREAS, the East Valley Coalition has not incurred costs i the past 15 months performing joint projects related to AB 939, an WHBREAS, the no mutuall East Valley Coalition foresees NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Mayor and Common Counci of The City of San Bernardino requests the Board of Supervisors 0 Coalition AB 939 Waste Characterization Trust Fund on a pro rat IIII IIII IIII IIII 1111 IIII 2 1 2 3 A RESOLuQN OF THE MAYOR AND COHMONQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA! BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING DISTRIBUTION OF REMAINING BAS' VALLEY AB'3' WASTE CHARACTERIZATION TRUST FUNDS BY THE BOARD 0 SUPERVISORS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TO JURISDICTIO~ INPUTTING FUNDS ON A PRO RATA BASIS. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adoptee 4 by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at I 5 meeting thereof, held on the day of 6 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Council XAmhers: ~ IAn Abstain Jl.bRen NEGRETE - CURLIN - HERNANDEZ - OBERHELMAN - DEVLIN - POPE-LUDLAM - MILLER - City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this , 1994. day 0' 19 20 Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 21 Approved as to form and 22 legal content: 23 James F. Penman, City ttorney 24 I ../J;1 By: .'1."...., r. ~" 25 26 27 28 May 4, 1994 3