HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-Planning CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUESTF~ COUNCIL ACTION From: A 1 Boughey, Di rector Dept: Planning and Building Services Date: May 19, 1994 Subject: GPA No, 93-06; and CUP No. 93-27 n Residential Care Facility for the' Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Addicts. MCC meeting of June 6, 1994 @ 2 p.m. Synopsis of Previous Council action: None Recommended motion: DIGW. OifiJ.Cg, That the hearing be closed and that the Mayor and Common Council deny General ; :lAY 94 PU~'Amendment No. 93-06 and Conditional Use Permit No. 93-27, based on the Findings of Fact. ~{ft:- (i;..- AL BOU HEY Signat e Contact person: Al Boughey Phone: 5357 Supporting data IIttached: Staff Reoort Ward: #1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: IAcct. No.l IAcct. Descriotionl Finance: :OUncil NotllS: "5.0262 Agenda Item No .2.'5 o o ,CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-06 AND CONDmONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-27 MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 6, 1994 REQUEST AND WCATION The applicant, Marianne Barldage, is requesting approval of (1) an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Map to extend the boundary line for the Commercial Regional (CR-2) District to include the property at 596 W, 6th Street, currently zoned Residential Medium (RM), and (2) a Conditional Use Permit to operate a State licensed, 4G-patient residential care facility for the treatment of recovering drug and alcohol addicts. As a residential care facility is not permitted in the RM zone, the applicant is requesting approval of the proposed General Plan Amendment to change the property's land use designation to one which conditionally permits the proposed use. The subject property is located at 596 W. 6th Street (northeast comer of 6th and "F" Streets). The property is a 10,442 square foot rectangular-shaped parcel of land, developed with a 13,381 square foot, two-story apartment structure. There is no on-site parking available. The immediate area is improved with residential and commercial structures as well as a library and a park with few undeveloped parcels (see Attachments 1 and 2). BACKGROUND An identical application was previously submitted as Conditional Use Permit No. 91-40. It was denied by the Planning Commission on June 16, 1992. At its meeting of August 17, 1992, the Mayor and Common Council upheld the Planning Commission's denial of the application. The current applications were heard by the City's Development Review Committee on February 24, 1994, and March 24, 1994. The Committee recommended that the item be cleared to Planning Commission. At the March 24, 1994, meeting the Police Department strongly opposed approval of this item. Ms. Barklage distributed a letter to the Planning Commission on May 3, 1994 (included as Attachment 4). Staff received a copy of the letter on May 16, 1994, and brief responses to pertinent concerns are included as Attachment 5. o o KEY ISSUFS The key issues are as follows (please refer to the Planning Commission staff report, Attachment 3, for a complete discussion): . The project proposes to change the land use as designated in the General Plan which will result in the uses within the CR-2 district being either permitted or conditionally permitted as indicated in the City's .Commercial Districts List of Permitted Uses,. . Structures and uses located within the CR-2 land use district (the district currently proposed) do not require on-site parking. This could potentially create an unavoidable parking deficiency should a commercial use locate on the parcel in the future. · The range and intensity of uses allowed in CR-2 are not compatible with residential uses. Designating this parcel for region-serving commercial uses will encroach into the adjacent residential neighborhood. · The proposed site is strategically located in the heart of the City of San Bernardino's downtown area, just northwest of the Central Business District. The City is working on numerous revita1ization efforts in and around the downtown area in an attempt improve the quality of the downtown environment. As such, the use would be incompatible with the adjacent residential, institutional, and downtown business district uses. · The City of San Bernardino Police Department has identified concerns with the proposed application for a Conditional Use Permit and recommended denial (refer to Attachment E of the Planning Commission staff report), ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Both the proposed amendment to the General Plan and the Conditional Use Permit are subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Separate Initial Studies were prepared and reviewed by the City's Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 24, 1994. It was determined that the proposals will not have an adverse impact on the physical environment, and the ERC recommended adoption of the Negative Declarations. The public review and comment period extended from February 24, 1994, to March 24, 1994. No comments were received. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION At their regularly scheduled meeting of May 3, 1994, the Planning Commission, by a unanimous vote (Commissioners Affaltati, Cole, Melendez, Romero, Strimpel, and Thrasher in favor; Commissioner Gpnzal,es abstaining), recommended that the Mayor and Common Council deny General Plan Amendment 93..()6 and Conditional Use Permit 93-27. o o MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OPTIONS The Mayor and Common Council may: 1. Deny General Plan Amendment 93-06 and Conditional Use Permit 93-27; or 2. Continue the item, approve in concept, and direct staff to prepare positive findings and any applicable conditions of approval. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council deny General Plan Amendment 93-06 and Conditional Use Permit 93-27 based on the Findings of Fact contained in Attachment 3. Prepared by: Conal McNamara, Assistant Planner for Al Boughey, AICP, Director Planning and Building Services Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Land Use Map 3. Planning Commission Staff Report dated May 3, 1994 A. Location Map B. SurroundinglExisting Land Uses C. Findings of Fact - General Plan Amendment D. Findings of Fact - Conditional Use Permit E. April 8, 1994, Police Department Memorandum F. Initial Study - General Plan Amendment G. Initial Study - Conditional Use Permit 4. Marianne Barklage Letter of May 2, 1994 5. Staff Response to Letter of May 2, 1994 - CITY OF SAN SERNA~/NO - o GENERAL PLAN lAND USE DESIGNATION Date I-p- ?3i ATTACHMENT 1 i Adopted c-2-~S f :0.,...., ,\ "C G i.j . ..,~- I~ . . , JUU' If JI - , I ! : wi. .' 1'1 ~~... I ,- I &. I :: ;; G(,;r ;, '=--i~': .. .ot , II i' ii' I, I I.. ! .. ~"!.. "-. .. ~:). l~ c.r.~1 : \:'.:.~~~,~ " i -~" " - . .....)...-=,\'. I - . ,- . . 1_ -._- - ~~)I "// ,,' - ""'1 I'~~:' . I"'i' I ,r,\~ . .;. I"U _I"" \: . I . :II ~/ .J. / \!J [--:. c .~~ ", ,,~ H lJ _ ' .N I.(}~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CASE GPA ~3-u~/CUP 93-27 ':Jt" ....\#4Ifl':: . ~ AGENDA tTati# lAND USE HEARING DATE.. _. _ .c.il'lP.:':.<Jll!~l~; J U I"d jO JI I . - --. ....:z.A.... ~: :--=- :; C.C;... t . f ._- .....-- -'!" i..,:: :. i: ~:i f~i<G;1I.:o ~="'\\~ - ~~.:X,~ ~ ~ ".\ . L :;.:.:\ '\". '. I - !J ' --....' _._. iii I .; , .,r- . ATTACHMENT -2 '=""" , ... ...-..., CoI""""~.-cu . . ,..,,~ I ~"""'.t1 ~tGi". ~ ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM 113 HEARING DATE Mav 3, 1994 WARD III " r-- r APPUCANT: Ms. Marianne Barklage General Plan Amendment 93-06 w 596 W. 6th Street UJ Conditional Use Permit 93-27 San Bernardino, CA 92410 ~ OWNER: Same '-' \.. r""I r The applicant is requesting approval of (1) a General Plan Amendment to S extend the boundary line for the Commercial Regional (CR-2) land use district to include the property at 596 W. 6th Street which is currently ::) designated Residential Nedium (RM) and (2) a Con~itional Use Permit to 0 allow a residential care facility for the treatment of recovering dru9 and W alcohol addicts. Currently, residential care facilities are not permitted Ie within the Residential Medium land use district, while they are con- - C ditionally permitted within the CR-2 land use district. The project site W is located at the northeast corner of 6th and "F" Streets. Ie C '-"" "' EXISTING GENERAL PLAN "' PROPFRTV LANOlJSF ZONING D~SIGNATlON Subject: Apartment Building RM (Proposed to be CR-2) Same North Residential RM RM South Feldheym Library PF PF East Office/Commercial CR-2 CR-2 ~est .J Residential RM RM ( GEOLOGIC I RISIIC DYES ) ( Fl.COD HAZARD 0 YES 0 ZONE A )( SEWERS: ClYES ) HAZARD ZONE: ~NO ZONE: . 111' NO 0 ZONE B ONO ( HIGH FIRE DYES )( AIRPORT NClISEI DYES ) !IEDEVE1.OPMENT iii YES HAZARD ZDNE: ~ NO CRASH ZONE: PROJECT AREA: IiJNO ~entral City NortlO NO - - r "' o ~~ILE o POTEH1W. SIGNIFICANT Z 0 ... APPROVAl.. ECD EFFECTS WITH 0 MI1lGATlNG MEASURES ~ 0 NO E.IA CONDITIONS we II.Q 2z o EXEMPT o UR. REQUIRED BUT NO ~i5 mJ DENIAl.. Z- SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS OQ WITH lITIGATING =2 ef MEASURES ~ 0 CONTlNUANCETO i iii NO SIGNIFICANT o SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS fd EFFEC1S lEE ATTACHED E.R.e. \ "NUTES .Ie ....- , - =.r: '= PUfMlIlI _'lII" ...." o o GPA No. 9H161CUP 93-27 ApIda Item: 3 Heann, Date: May 3, 1994 PaJe2 REQUEST The applicant is req.lHring approval of (1) an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Map to extend the boundary line for the CoIlUDe1'Cial Regional (CR-2) District to include the propdty at 596 W. 6th Street, c:ummtly zoned Residential Medium (RM), and (2) a Conditional Use Permit to operate a 4O-patient residential care facility for the treatment of recovering drug and alcohol addicts. As a residential care facility is DOt permitted in the RM zone, the applicant is requesting approval of the proposed General Plan Amendment to change the plOyoalj'S land use designation to one which conditionally permits the j)i~ use. The site c:ummtly exists as a vacant two-story Mediterranean struc:turc, built to function as a six unit apanment building. The applicant proP'>- to operate a facility for the tJPJItment of recovering drug and alcohol addicts. The Pl~ request would involve no exterior modificitions to the struc:turc, but would involve modifying the internal configuration of rooms so that 40 individuals could be housed. Up to 40 individuals would be aa:ommocIatcd in dormitory-like living arrangements for the duration of the treatment Jl1"5lill1l (approximately six months to a year). Although the facility would allow individuals to check themselves into the proataDl, the applicant bas indicated that the use will be affiliated with the Slate Depl. ta......t of Coll".:tions and therefore would be subject to receiving individuals from the California Slate penal system. As the P10)lU'lCd cost per individual will be AfII'ro,.illUlte1y $1,000 per month, tbe Slate will be subsidizing a significant_ portion orthe p1"5lam cost. The applicant bas stated that the facility would have the right to refuse entJy into the plOpill1l to anyone for any reason. As Pl~...-d, the facility will offer complete board and care to those individuals enrolled including sleeping accommodations, meals, daily therapy, recreation, religious services, and a job placement center. All those enrolled lie supervised 24 hours a clay for the duration of their stay. Surveillance cameras would be placed in all ballways and no fewer than four S1aff members would be ~l leDt in the lobby at all times. As the purpose of the facility is to promote the recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, visilation, mail, and telephone conversations lie to be restricted and supervised. Curfews would also be strictly enforced. LOCATION/J!;JWtu~G CONDmONS The subject plOyoaly is located at 596 W. 6th Street (northeast comer of 6th and -P- Streets), baving a frontage of app."Aim.~ly 70 feet on the north side of 6th Street and approximately 149.2 feet on the east side of -P- Street. It is located within the Cattral City North Redevelopment Project Area, the Main Street Overlay District, and the Urban Archaeological District. The j)u'l...ny is a 10,442 square foot RlClaDgular-1hs\ped Jl81'Cd of land, developed with a 7,fJJ9 square foot, two-story ap&rtmcnt structure. There is no on-site parking available. The o o GPA No. 93.06/CUP 93-27 Aaeada Item: 3 HeariD. Date: May 3, 1994 Pap 3 land use districts on the north and west are Residential Medium (RM), with the south and east borders being Public Facility (PF) and Commercial Regional (CR-2), respectively. The immediate area is completely improved with no undeveloped land. BACKGROUND An identical application was previously submitted as Conditional Use Permit No. 91-40. It was denied by the Planning Commission on June 16, 1992, based on the finding that "the plopuMl [was] not consistent with the Development Code in that a propox;d 40 resident community care facility is not a permitted use in the RM land use designation." At its meeting of August 17, 1992, the Mayor and Common Council upbeld the Planning Commission's denia1 of the application. As a result, the applicant bas resubmitted an identical proposal with the inclusion of a request to amend the pan:el's General Plan land use designation SO that the PIOpuxd use would be conditionally permitted. The current applications were heard by the City's DevelopmentlEnvironmental Review Committee on February 24, 1994, and March 24, 1994. The Committee recommended that the Negative ~]aration be adopted and that the item be cleared to Planning Commission. At the March 24, 1994, meeting the Police Department did formally register ~tion to approval of this item. CEQA STATUS Both the Pl.....-d amendment to the General Plan and the Conditional Use Permit are subject to the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Initial Studies were prepared and reviewed by the City's Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 24, 1994. It was determined that the j)IUpos.1s will not have an adverse impact on the physical environment, and the ERe recommended adoption of the Negative Declarations. The public review and comment period extaIcIed from February 24, 1994, to March 24, 1994. No comments were received. ANALYSIS OF mE ISSUF8 Issue 1: Conq)atibility of' .and Uses Gaeml PiIIII~ As a I'lupuMI to Dtodify the ~ai'1g boundary line for the CR-2 land use district, the project will c:hange the land use as ""igIt"ted in the General Plan. As a result, the uses within the CR- 2 district whicb are c:urrendy not permitted in the RM district will be either permitted or conditionally permitted as indicated in the City's "Commercial Districts List of Permitted Uses. " o o GPA No. 93..()6/CUP 93.27 Ageada Item: 3 HearinJ Dale: May 3, 1994 Page 4 The range and intensity of uses allowed in CR-2 are not compatible with residential uses. The focus of the CR-2 land use designation is to provide for high-intensity region serving uses as addressed in Objective 1.16 and Policy 1.16.10. Designating this parcel for region-serving commercial uses will encroach into the adjacent residential neighborhood. The impacts a,onrilltM with the ability to develop the parcel to commercial standards will have a definite effect on the sunounding residential neighborhood. The structure bas historically functioned as an apartment building, with the earliest city records dating back to January of 1940 (for historical issues, please see Issue #3 of this staff report). As a result of the structures longstanding use as an apartment and the immediate area's residential theme, staff believes that changing the parcel's land use designation to a commercial one will negatively impact the surrounding area and detract from the sites clearly residential intenL General Plan Goal 3A adciresses the p,mervation of structures which have architectural and/or historical merit. GoallG.a and lG.m in the General Plan S1ates that it shall be the goal of the City to "achieve a pattern and distribution of land uses which: a. relain and enhance established residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial districts, regional-serving uses, recreation and amenities; m. provide a high quality of life and secure envUonment for the City's_residents and bulllnesses. " - Objective 1.8 of the City's General Plan S1ates that it shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to "provide lands to accommodate housing units which meet the diverse economic and social needs of the residents; l"""ti"l development to (a) relain the scale and character of exi.dillg residential neighborhoods; and, (b) facilitate the upgrade and intensification of cleclining and mixed-density residential neighborhoods." The change in land use designation of the site and the location of the ~ drug and alcohol rebabilitation facility on-site would definitely detract from the site's historic residential prac.lCein the neighborhood by eliminating the site's originally intended use-an apartment builcling. As a llluJ'"'Ilj within the RM land use district, any enlargement in eYcas of 25" or any change in use would ~.;...~ the location of parking spaces in accordance with the provisions of the Development Code. Th= is, however, an exception to this requirement for structures and uses Incated within the CR-2land use district (the district currently pfOJA-;d). This exception could potentially create a conc:em given that no on-site parking is IlVIilable. Should a commercial use locate on the parcel in the future, an unavoidable parking deficiency would ensue (see Issue #2, Parking). o o GPA No. 93-06/CUP 93-27 Ageada Item: 3 Hearing Dale: May 3, 1994 Page S CoIIdiIionIIl Ux PmniI The Conditional Use Permit element of this request addresses the specific concerns associated with a p.()pu:Ic;d residential care facility for recovering drug and alcohol addicts locating on the plC,puoed site. The propu.ocd site is strategically located in the heart of the City of San Bernardino's downtown area, just northwest of the Central Business District. The City is working on numerous wrevim1i7.lltionw efforts in and around the downtown area in an attempt to improve the quality of the downtown environment. Although the concept of a facility to administer to the needs of a mcovering drug and alcohol addicts is an imporlant one, there are concerns that the use would be incompatible with the adjacent residential, institutional, and downtown business district uses. The Genera1 Plan is the primary policy cIocument for cIeveIopI1le4t of the City of San Bernardino. It defines the existing and future framework by which the City's physical and economic JaOU1'CeS are to be managed and utilized. As such, the General Plan provides various Goals, Objectives and Policies to govern the development and location of uses. The p.~ drug and alcohol rebabi1itation facility would be inconsistent with a number of Genera1 Plan Goals, Objectives and Policies. Goal IF i!! the General Plan SlateS that it sba11 be the goal of the City to Wensure that the types oflaDd uses developed in the City complement and do DOt adversely affect the quality of.life and health of the City's resicIents and bumnetses. W Furtber, Policy 1.6.2 requires that the City wcontrol the Joc:ation and number of...community-sensitive uses, based on proximity to r-Ulences, lIr.hooJs, religious facilities, and parks in accordance with Iflgilt11ltive and legal requirements. W The JII~ use is inconsistent with the above S1ated goal and policy in that it introduces a pot-tUtlly detrimental land use into a primarily residential and commercial downtown bllmness district. Due to the site's location within the downtown area, across from the City's main 1ibJary, SllIff believes that the use. would be better suited elsewhere. The p1()pu:1c;d use is also g"..,..meteolt with the above S1ated goals in that this sensitive use would be '...,.ted in an area already identified as having a high crime, prostitution, and drug usage rate (lee Issue 4). Due 10 the site's )~ in the downtown area and the fact that recovering drug and alcohol addicts with potential ties 10 the penal system would be 'lV'l!Ited there, staff believes that the use would be better suited elsewhere. As such, the use could be detrimenlal to the health, safety, and, ~ of the public and conflicts with Policy 1.6.2. Genera1 Plan Goal IG.c provides for the m'im1i7.lltiQJI, adaptive reuse, and upgrade of deteriorated Deighborboods and districts. The p.~ use c:onf1icts with the City's efforts to o o GPA No. 93.oofeup 93-27 Apadaltem: 3 Hearing Date: May 3, 1994 Page 6 revitalize the downtown arm as evidenced by the Superblock and housing rehabililation programs. The proposed use could discourage the City's efforts. Issue 2: ParkiUl At Ph_oIt, the parcel contains a two-story sttuc:ture used for apartments with Dl! on-site parking provided. As a PIOyell)' within the RM land use district, any enlargement in excess of 2S" or any change in use would necessitate the location of parking spaces in accordance with the provisions of the Development Code. There is, however, an exception to this requirement for structures and uses JocatIld within the CR-2 land use district (the district currently plupuoed). Chapter 19.24.030 of the Development Code states that a parking study may be prepared examining the ptOpuxd use in light of available public off-street parking facilities which may result in a City approved parking reduction pI'O&allD. If a study is not prepared, the required parking sbal1 be provided. However, tenant improvements for any type of propo.c.d permitted use in the CR-2 land use district sball not require additional parking spaces to be provided. Although this will not have a direct bearing on the PI T'7t use of the J11up<olty, the potential for future parking problems must be recogJIl'7<'(l. Issue 3: Histnrit'.lll StnJctun! Approval of the General Plan Amendment and Coaditional Use Permit will modify the zoning "-iprion of the subject Pn'l",di to be Commercial Regional (CR-2). As such, the existing residential structure (and future uses) will be subject to new commercial standards. A citywide historic resoun:e reconnaissance survey report was prepared in 1991 by Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, AlA, Inc. The report provides the ~lIIlItM date of construction as 1930 for the Mediterranean style two-story stucco apartment sttuc:ture on-site. Donaldson (Vol. I, p. 20) also "-'gJllItM areas in the City as potential historic overlay zones. The subject Pf~ty' is centrally located within what bas been teulKd the -Historic San Bemardino Overlay Zone, - which contains the -higJ-t coucentration of the City's oldest potential historic homes, - as well as the longest continuous habi1ation in the City, includirig aboriginal and various concentrated ethnic occupations. Because of the various historic and prehistoric events as""';lItM with the area, the subject plOp.a1y is c:onsidered to be Jnt'lIte(/ within an arm of archaeological sensitivity, the City's Urban AJyohsoeological District, as identified in the Historical Element of the City's General Plan (Section 3, Figure 8). Hence, the potential exists for historical archaeological resources of 19th century San BemanIino to be I~ted below the surface of the project site. The plopu.o.d General Plan Amendment and Coaditional Use Permit will not directly cause the alteration or destruction of a historical n:source; however, it could make possible the future location of a o o GPA No. 93~/CUP 93-27 AJeada Item: 3 Hillring Date: May 3, 1994 Pap 7 commercial use on-site. As such, the potential for the alteration or destruction of the existing structure in favor of a new commercial use must be recognized. Issue 4: Public Safety Issues The City of San Bernardino Police Department bas identified concerns with the proposed application for a Conditional Use Permit and registered its strong recommendation for cIeniaI. In a written memorandum dated April 8, 1994, the Police Department stated that the immediate area bas a high degree of criminal activity, including drug sales, drug use, and prostitution (see Attachment 3). As a result, the Police Department bas gone on record, both in the applications' DIERC meeting and in the atlached memorandum, as being unsupportive of the request as it is detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of San Bemardino. CONCLUSIONS Staff bas determined that approval of the p.Opu.d applications would not be in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare. Staff is unable to support the request for a General Plan Amerlclment as a result of the c:ommen:iaI ~ption's conflict with the land uses in the inv"",!i.... area, the eximlll structure's historical -"'!illl, and the structure's off-street parking availability. Additionally, staff concurs with the Police Department's analysis that the p........,d residential care facility for the tr-tment of recovering drug and alcohol addicts is an inappropriate use for the site. As a result, staff is unable to make 1be findings '--"''Y to _ approve either app1ic:ation. - o o GPA No. 93..Q6/CUP 93-27 Ageada Item: 3 Hearing Date: May 3, 1994 PageS RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends, based on the attached Findings of Fact, that the Planning Commission recommend to the Mayor and Common Council that the applications for GPA 93-06 and CUP 93-27 be denied for the above listed reasons. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~-- A""l'hments A. V""'tion Map B. Sl11'1'OUJlding/ Land Uses C. Findings of Fact - General Plan Amendment D. Findings of Fact - Conditional Use Permit E. April 8, 1994, Police De9oubua.t Memorandum . F. Initial Study - General Plan Amendment G. Initial Study - Conditional Use Permit ~ CITY OF SAN 8ERNAR9NO GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION Date /-//- ?3! ATTACHMENT A Adopted 6-2-89 Panel No. ~ JU ][] JI _1.J r ,.,... - t"\ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CASE ~PA ~3-~~/CUP 93-27 ""'II LAND USE AGENDA ITEM" 3 HEARING DATE.. 05/03/94 i'i~~ . n. ~ _flIiJAM::; I I ~ ~. SINGLE FAMIL::!I:..'IPt!!:jELDHEYM LIBRARY I -- ~IIL. r..., e~- I ~1.7''' I I Ir~~~ &U ;4.lf.r l.l' G" co.. T"I _ 4e:. er.T.AL . ! t . ;1 '. . /1 ,~ ATTACHMENT B &"~~ P\.ANoI." PAGE 1 01= , 1.1.90} ~ II! o o FINDINGS OF FACT for General Plan Amendment No. 93-06 1. The JlI~ amendment is not consistent with the General Plan in that it would establish a regional commercial designation in a residential neighborhood, in conflict with GoalIG <a> which addresses the retention and enhancement of established residential neighborhoods. The amendment is not consistent with the General Plan in that reuse of the existing multi- family structure for commercial purposes could lead to the destruction or demolition of the building to facilitate regional commercial uses, in conflict with Goal 3A which adcIresses the Pi mrvation of structures that have an:bitec:tura1 ancIIor historical significance. 2. The PIOpuKd amendment would be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or weIfue of the City in that a regional commercial designation would permit uses that are DOt compatible with residential use and could adversely affect the quality of life of the City's residents, in conflict with Goal IF. 3. The J'l10puKd amendment would affect the baIanc:e of land uses in the City in that it removes an eltiaillg multi-family building from the City's housing stock. 4. The subject )lIU'CC1 is DOt physicaI1y suitable for a regional commercial d-igJIllltion in that it contains a multi-family structure with no par!dng;-it is not readily re-usable for c:ommercial and ~ is no amage available 1b add parking or other commercial site improvements. ATTACHMENT C'. o o FINDINGS OF FACT for ConditioD81 Use Permit No. 93-27 1. The plOpwcd drug and alcohol rehab facility is not a conditionally permitted use in the RM, Residential Medium land use/zoning district. 2. The p~ use is not consistent with the General Plan in that Policy 1.6.2 addresses the control of community-sensitive uses and the characteristics of this use may adversely affect the cxisrillg raidents. The propos.;d use is across from the City's main libmry and adjacent to a raidential neighborhood. The amendment is not consistent with the General Plan in that a regional commercial "-irtion in a raidential neighborhood would be in conflict with the City's efforts to revilali7.e the downtown raiclential neighborhoods, as addressed in GoalIG(c). 3. The approval of the conditional use permit for the plOp.-d use is in compliance with the California F.IIvironma1tal Quality Act and Section 19.20.030 (6) of the Development Code as addressed in the Initial Study for this project. 4. There will be no potentially significant negative impacts upon environmental quality and natural resources that could not be propmly mittglot.ed and monitored in that the Initial Study for the JII~ project did not identify any significant negative impacts upon ~tal quality and natural resources. A Negative DecIamtion is propo.x:d. - S. The location, size, "-ip, and operating c:haracteristic of the Pl~ use are not compatible with the ~mllg and future land uses within the general area in which the plOpuxld use is to be located and will ~ conditions or situations that may be objectionable or detrimental to other permitted uses in the vicinity or adverse to the public interest, hralth, safety, conVGIience,or welfare of the City in that an institutional use affiliated with drug and alcohol addiction as well as crime wou1d be located within a primarily raiclerltial and C01DI11el'Cial downtown neighborhood. As a result the fn~ use will pr~.t conditions and situations that may be objectionable or detrimental to another permitted uses in the vicinity or adverse to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City. 6. The subject site is not physical1y suitable for the plUpo.x:d land use in that there is no on- site parking, DO acreage available to provide parking, nor adjacent parking available. Parking wou1d occur on the street. 7. The JII~ project is located in a high crime area and may contribute to the existing problem and impact the ability of the Police Department to provide adequate services. ATTACHMENT D ~ n ci ty of San Bernardino ('\ S~ernardino POlice Departae1{ Interoffice Memorandum '1'0: Conal McNamara, Assistant Planning Department Lieutenant L. Neigel Police Department Staff Study April 8, 1994 Planner Pro.: (;,) ',"',....' ,. / ." I ., ,. :' /....,' '-. . '..t Subject: PROBLEM: " - /.:i /i A .~, .If ,.....~ "(PI? "'/'-', Ci. ': ',' e' /'0, t.. ,.. ',.~! '/ -4,-""", . !,,~, f.."" IJ ";'Y~,,"";'. ..:':.:".. " I i/;I {'. .,..,1, "J;.,,. ""'-_ '~f. ... ":~\::t!.~.~,.~~~o -.:;..; .... ~ Date: Copies: C.U.P. 93-27 has been submitted for consideration of a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center to be located in the downtown redevelopment zone at 596 W. 6th street. The project will be located in a two story facility across from the public library and near residential properties in the area. This project will have a negative impact on the immediate area and surrounding businesses and residents. RBCOIlMDlDATIOB: Deny the conditional use permit. FIIlDIBGS: The area has been a high crime area for quite some time. It is also plagued with drug sales and use. Prostitution is a major concern and efforts are vigilant towards keeping this sort of activity down. A one year analysis was conducted through the Crime Analysis Unit for the reporting districts immediately surrounding the location in question. The period covered was March 1, 1993 through March 31, 1994. The analysis indicates that the area had 400 narcotic offenses and 77 prostitution related offenses. The area had a total of 9,413 calls for police service during that one year period. This is considered a high degree of actiVity for that small an area. The immediate area is saturated with alcohol distribution centers. A distribution center includes: liquor stores, restaurants, markets, etc. ATTACHMENT E _'s IIISStCIII ts TO PlWt.,.: lIlMLITT. PIIOFESSIOllA1 POt.ICE SElVtCE; A SAfE ElVIIICIIIEJIT TO E111WlCE TIlE lIlMLITT OF LI FE; A IEDllCTICIII tll elllIE TIIIOUGH POSITIVE POt.tCE _ITT 1IlTElACTICIII FIIlDINGS: ( continut:() 0 The block in which the proposed business will locate is occupied by the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce and the charitable organization Assistance League. The Chamber of Commerce officials support the idea of rehabilitation opportunities for deserving individuals, however, do not agree that the proposed use of the applicants property will be an asset to the immediate community. It will not be consistent with the land use design for the downtown renovation efforts. ACTION PAPERS: None attached. APPEIlDIDS: Memorandum dated April 7, 1994 from Crime Analyst Kim Sayano Reporting District maps for RD208, RD209, RD210. Crime analysis sheets for RD208, RD209, RD210 demonstrating all crimes and calls for service for the period 3/1/93 through 12/31/93. _'S Illatlll IS TO PROVIDE: CIlMLln. PIIOFDStlllAL 'CILICE IElIVICE: A SAfE EllVI--.n TO EIIIlAIlt:E T. CltlAt.ln Of LIfE: A IEJlUCTIIII III CRI. T__ PlISITlVE 'CILICE ClIIIUItn IIITDACTIIII o o City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Police Department Interoffice Memorandum To: Lt Neigel From: Kim Sayano - Crime Analyst Subject: Request Regarding 6th & F St Date: April 7, 1994 Copies: Following please find the requested information pertaining to the area surrounding 6th & F St. RDs SC208, SC209, and SC210. March 1, 1993 to March 31, 1994 Offense SC208 SC209 SC210 Narcotic 123 226 51 Prostitution 72 4 1 Total 195 230 52 The following is the total number of "Calls for Service" for the three ROS for the same time frame: SC208: SC209: '3,190 3,953 2,270 SC210: TIlE SIPD IS ClIIIITTED TO PIlOVIDtIG: PIlIGIl!SSIVE lIlIAl.lTT I'tlLtCE SOVICE; A SAFE EllVt_1IT TO 1_ TIlE IIlMl.ITY OF LIFE; A REIlUCYllIII II CRIIIE Y_ _LP l!aJGlIlTtllll AlII _l.EJI SOLvtlG I. f-- .~ !rn QI- CCO ~.... ~CC CC.... IU~ IQQ ~<:J ~~ CIJ.... I- II..CC 02 )....... I--CC .... ~~ .II & -. ~lifl~1 III'~II f' Ii o . o '" . Q It o r.-- I ",-------T--T-T----, il i I IS 3 I 'I I , Z' ~ ! II I I t; t; I ! ~! ;! i! i ..~ ~ j I :;) It; ~ I I I I I f---.l-----+--~t----+---l..---+-------_i , , , I IS::l ' I I I I I " .".,':'. '7,1.,,,,,., ~:.'-.'..""'.. ........' ,i.,.;........':...;:.:.:~.'...,i.....'...'...'.:::;."..:..........; ..,.,:.: :.'_.~:. 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'? i!~ .,.~ ~,t.... j lS 9 ~ ! i ~~1' l~~ )~",f[f~.' . g! ~---T----L---;::::<~~~ C'l J . ~ i I lIS H \ I I I ------ o. ~~---- -- , I _______~I- ~ I __.___ _ JI _ _ __....J CITY OF SAN BERNAR INO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY ... "I IDltiaI Study for Enviromneatallmpacts: General Plan Ameudment 93-06 Proleet D8Miptlnn/T .......tlon: The applicant is requesting approval of a General Plan Ameudment to extend the boundary line for tbe Commercial Regional (CR-2) District to include her pl"P"" tj which is currently zoned Residential Medium (RM). February 10, I~ = - Prepared for: MariaJme Bllrklage 596 w. 6th Street San Bemardino, CA 92410 Prepared by: Conal McNamara .4ssistant P1anner City of San Bemardino Department of Panning and Building Services 300 North "D" Street San Bemardino, CA 92418 "" ATTACHMENT F Ill'o& . __ ~_'DF' _ o o Initial Study for: GP A 93-06 INTRODUCTION: This Initial Study is provided by the City of San Bernardino for General Plan Amendment No. 93-06. It contains an evaluation of both the potential individual and cumulative adverse impacts which could occur as a result of the proposed project being approved. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a proposal must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial Study is to determine whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. The following components constitute. the Initial Study for General Plan Amendment 93-06 and Conditional Use Permit 93-27: 1. Project Description 2. Site and Area Characteristics 3. Environmental Setting 4. Environmental Impact Checklist, Findings, and Preliminary Determination 5. Supplemental Comments and Mitigation Measures 6. Supporting InformationlLocation Map Combined, these components constitute the complete Initial Study for General Plan Amendment 93-06. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment to extend the boundary line for the Commercial Regional (CR-2) District to include her p10pdty which is currently zoned Residential Medium (RM). The propert)' in question (596 W. 6th Street) is located at the northeast corner of 6th and "F" Streets. -2- o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-06 SITE AND AREA CHARACTERISTICS: The subject property is on the northeast comer of 6th Street and "P" Street, having a frontage of approximately 70 feet on the north side of 6th street and approximately 149.2 feet on the east side of "P" Street. The site is approximately 10,442 square feet and is developed with a 7,099 square foot, two-story apartment structure. The land use districts on the north and west are Residential Medium (RM), with the south and east borders being Public Pacility (PF) and Commercial Regional (CR-2) respectively. The immediate area is completely improved with no undeveloped land. ENVIRONMF.NTAL SEllING: Topographically, the site is relatively flat. The area is fully urbanized and serviced. Surrounding ~d uses include various residential types to the north and west, commercial/office to the east. and the City's central library to the south. Additionally, the project site is located in an area identified by the General Plan as being potentially susceptible to liquefaction. The subject P10pdty is located within the fOllowing overlays: 1. Urban Archaeological District (General Plan) 2. Main Street Overlay (Development Code) 3. Central City North Redevelopment Area (Economic ~elopment Agency) The General Plan also identifies the site and vicinity as a potential historic district (Section 3, Historic Element) due to the fact that the area is part of the original one-mile square survey of the City and contains the highest concentration of the City's oldest housing stock. - A detailed discussion of the environmental consequences that may occur as a result of this proposal is addressed in the section entitled "Supplemental Comments." ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKUST: Please see the following pages. , ' -3- o ~ - ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ... ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST ,... A. BACKGROUND ., ~ion Number: General Plan Amendment No. 93-06 Request to extend the boundary line for the PlIIject ~: CaImercial. Begional (CR-21 District to include the property located at 596 W:!st 6th Street, currently zoned Residential Medi.mn (RMI. .I.acatian: 596 West 6th Street, northeast coiner of 6th & "F" Streets. EnvinlI.-.. CoII111.'lllo Area: GeneraJ PImI DeIlgnmian: CUrrently RM, p...~sed to be CR-2. 2anlng DeIlgnmian; CUrrently RM, proposed to be CR-2. B. ENVIROI-VrrAL "ACTS ExpWn .Ut........ wheN ~ ........, on. MpCIIIe dached sheet. 1. E8rth R II..-a.. WlI... pIIIpllIa/ ...... in: L EarIh ~ (cul1lllCllor fill Dl10,ooo cubic yMIa Dr_? b. O'V'Iojl....... MdIar or-IlnD on. eIape glUIer 1Mn 15% ..... grIIde? c. IM\...~ wIIhIn... AIIl*-PriDID SpecW SludiM Zone _ deIlned in Section 12.0. GeaIoaic & Seilmi:, Figure "7. or... CIty'a General PImI? d. McxII'IllaIion DI any unique ~gic Dr ~ .......? e. 0..: ~J11J1Ml wIIhIn ... .'inecIfDr high PCltlllliloJ tor .., Dr wind ecaeIon -1denlIiecI in SeCllan 12.0 . Qoo "1Iil & SllImIc, Figure 53, at... Cly'a General PImI? f. MacIII..4.. or. channaI, cnak Dr rINr? .... v.. No X Maybe X X X x X -- _'DF_ "1-IlJ) .....- ..ol II. 0lmI1opment wtlhln en .,. aubject to IImdaIides, "".......1lqUeI8CIiOn or lllher aimlIar hazanIs as ..nil'*' In Section 12.0 . Geologic & SeiIII1ic, FigIns 48, 52 IIIld 53 oIlhe Citys G..,., PIen? h. Olher? 2. Air "nau_ WiIIlhe prapoal rwult In: L &m.lanliaI .. emialDna or en efIect upon ambient .., qud\y as deIined by AQMD? b. The cneliDn 01 abjeclla.18bIlI odors? Co Del. IlaplMld wIlIin. high wind hazard .,. as IdInIlfiad In Section 15.0. Wind & Fft, FIg&n 58, 01.. CIty'a G.wal P1M? 3. .... ""011_: Will.. prapoal-* In: L ChIngas In abIo.jllk"" ..... ChlnIge pIDIQ.l., or" raM and amount 01 ..-.- IIIIIlIII Clue III ImpamINbho ~? b. ChIngas In .. IlIlllrW or IIaw oIl1clad waIIrs? Co DiIct"1I8 IMo aurtaw waIIrs or any ........ 01 aurtaw ...... qlIIIIIly? d. CIIanga In .. qo IIll7 01 qud\y 01 tIIlIlnI waIIr? e. ~.. 01 paapIa or ~11tJ III IIclad '-*. ...lIIIied In" FedIraI EmeIIIf-ICt ".II.! ._d AD-Ilf/'a FIaacI ~ ~ _, CamnuIlIy PaM! Nwnbar CllI02I1 _ . _, and SaalIan 11.0. rlIIIIIIIIIO, Figln lI2, 01.. CIly'a G.wal PWI? I. 0Ihac? ... "Ia'aelaat 'Il1I a urea: Could.. pIlIpCUI.....1n: L Del."'. ._dwlllin.....all.IltI"-- Melli_ ._d 0-_11.,-.. ...1lIIled In SaalIan 10.0 - NalInI R Tnrau, Figln "1, 01.. CIly'a G.wal PIIn? b. CIIanga In .. IIlIIIIbar 01 any WlIqua. _ or ....._..d Iplaln 01"'" or..........1nlllucIlng 8WllII0Inu? Co CIIanga In" IIlIIIIbar 01 any WlIqua. _ or .........d ~ 01 aNmIIa or..... habIW? d. flMIcwaI 01-', ........? (I" or .-r) e. 0Ihac? S. NoIN: Could.. JIftIpClM/ -* In: L Del. 'a~ ._.oI......,IlaIIh_~ - .8CIIlcIc*, Ib._....~,.. -. _ or........ ......._ In _.... . r 'II orfUlln....... __.. Ldn 0115 cIIl{~~.::. ':" and.. Ldn ole _AI... ........, In 14.0. NaIIa. ..... S'1 and . 01.. CIly'a ca.n..t PIIn? Illi& - I Ves 1iI.J:;.. No Maybe x x X X X X X X X x x X X x -- _1._ It.... b. Develapment of - or ellpMIion of existing Induatrial, Ves No Maybe ClllIIIII'I8l'C;.J or other .... whleh e-r.te nolle levels on _lllIrainlng housing, 1Chools, '-lth care f8cj1ities X or other _lISftive .... ave M Ldn of IS d8CAl exterior or M Ldn of 4S c1BCA) Interior? c. Other? .. Lancl U8e: Wi. the pI'OpOIa/ resuH in: L A cNnge in the IInd lIIlI . deslgnmed on the X Generm Plan? b. Develapment within ... AIrport DiItrict . ldenllled in the Air Jrooalootlon ~ UIe Zone (AICUZ) ~ mid X the IMId UIe Zoning DiItrict M8p? c. o..:elDpment wtlhin FoolhIIl Fire Z- A & 8, or C . IdenlIIied on the IMId UleZonIng DiItrict M8p? X d. Other? 7. IIIn ~I.dl HIDrde: WII the pnljIcI: L UIe, 1lIIlII, hIIIpOIl or 111111_ cI hazanIoua or IlIldc NMriaII (including but not Imited III olI, X P "l' '.1. chemlcaI. 01 r...dIldlu..)? b. IrIvaIN the ....... cI hazanIoua~? X c. ElIplIIe peaple III the potenlial hedhlaldely '-da? X d. Other? L "".q: WII the plaplIIaI: L I'Iamo.. aiIlIng IIIUIIng or __ . .....id X for ........ hou..IlI? b. Other? to 1'1_ .p at......., ClnIuIatIon: Could the ~ in lllII......IIo.. wIIh the Clr-' .. I, PI-. . ilIIllIIW In S<<:lIon 8.0 . CIn:uldan c1the CIty'a GenenII PI-., reauIIln: L An.1CI .. In nIIIc lhIIlI ....... the IInd X lIIlIlII Ii(..o4d on the GenIIiIII PI-.? b. UIe cI aiIlIng, or dMn-.d for _. PIIklrIlI ~? X c. Impct upon exIIting public ht1ljM1IIIi... ~? X d. AII.....c1PNMnl......c1....' ".~,? X .0 Impect III ... or eIr lrIIIIlc? X f. L_ wllllely.....llIw." I.bq . I. or pedMb...? X g. A ~ J llllo.d paIlem cI taedIn., impIo.........? X h- I.........a ... In nIIIc VIllumea on thelll8d..~. X or inlIr 1:111 III;? L Other? parking X ...,.- "'- _'1IF_ "_ ..... .., 10. Pubic Set lIa..: WID the prllpClAI inlp8Cl the following beyand the cap.blIlty to plOYidll Mequale Mis of ..rvice? L Fire pIIllecIion? b. PaIiae pIIllecIion? c. Schaola (I..., a1t.nd8nce, boundaries, overloed, etc.)? d. P.u Dr Dlher NmNllcIMI f-=illtiu? .. Medi:alllid? I. Sold W....? g. Other? 11. UIIItJM: WIItheplllpllUl: L Impct the IoIawIng beyand the DSpIbIlIty to pnMde ".qlllU ..... 01 MIViae or requlN the -.trucIiln aI_f-=i...? 1. ........ pa? 2. EllcbU,? 3. w.ter? 4. Sewr? 5. Other? b. .......In a ....ja I -..cI J*Iam aI utIIty .... dans? c. Aaqun the DlIIlIlrUalIan aI_ II cl_..? 12. "nlM&-: L CaukI the 1Il'~. 'II -* In the abItrueIIcIn aI any ...,..., b. WII the vIauaJ .... 01 the pIIljact be .....,_... to the aulIlIlIIIdIng _? c. Other? 13. CUIlunIlq UIII'lU: CauklthePI'''S n'NSUlIn: L Tha ........., or daMruaIlon ala Po.......... or hIrtDrie -.. ' ,f ",... bJ .~.Illpmata wIIItIn .. alai a' lI'lLl_IIIIIJ. _ _1.llll1i1d In 8aallan 3.0. HIIUI.... FIgtn I, aI the CIy'I GanamI Plan? b. Altar..., or daatruatIan ala hIaI.4.I...., _ or aIijIDl_1iIIId In the CIy'I HiIIattc nnaur_ Jla.r,c III ~T II .... &urv.y? c. 0IItIr? .... .....- VIS - . - No Maybe. x x X X X X X X x X X x X - X X X X __ __DF .... ".... 1.. lluclakll'l FIncImg. of Slgnma.r- (Secllcm 15065) The CIIlIlarnla Environmental QuaIIIy lid. IlalH that W any of the following can be an_red yes or maybe, the pIIIject IIIlI'/ haWI a slgnlicanl eIfec:t on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shill be pr~, Ves No Maybe L Dan the pIIIject haWI the polentlallo degrade the quallt'/ of the enviroIoIII8l1l, suIIeIanlIaI'/ redllCll the habitat of a fish or wIIdIfe sp 1 ~.I, _ a fish or wIdIIe popc~1IIon 10 dlap below ..11lIIlaIMIg levell, tInIten 10 eIiminIht a plant or anlmaI communll'/. IlIdIICll the IIIIIIIber or NStrlct the range ala .. or encIaIlgeNcI plant or...... or ~ ~ aamplM 01... major perioca aI CdImIa hiIIDr'I orpr......(I b. Dan'" pIlIjIcl haWI the polenIIaJ 10 ~ short. tIrm. 10'" .at._-.. allo..,....,..., _____ goaII? (A aIlorHMm Impact on the alWinll_llls_ which _In a ....~ brI.r, def'....... periDcI aI time while ano-m impaI will endln...1nto ... fubn.) x x c. Dan ... pIlIjIcl haWI impaI which _ .....111...., ....... but ~ '11' .. 1lIlI......? (A pIlIjIcllllll'/ Impact on twD or __ 1 r ...." IDU_ "'- the Impact on... _ II ~. amaI, but "'- ... ..... aI the IolaI aI__ impaI on'" anviRIl..l~ll 1I1lg.A...1l.) d. Dan the pIlIjIcl haWI--........illoI..... which will _ .1" 11 1lIaIad-...... on ...... baIngs, ...., cIiwc:lI'/ or IndINc:tIy? x x C. DI8Cl IIIClN OF 1tMROl---U.IYALUA1ION AND mJGA1ION IEASUFlE8 ~""'.nl ,/.) '!be de+-..iled discussion of each environmental issue is provi.decl an the attached sheets. ~-- -- _101'_ 11_ ~ 1 n .... ...~- r """'II D. DE'rERYNAnClN On the bula of !his initial atudy, UJ The prllpOIed project COULD NOT haw a aignl'lC8IIl effecl on the environment and a NEGATIVE DEClARA- TION wUl be prepared. O The pIDpClMCI Ploject CllUId have a aign.ieant effeet on the environment, "hough thare wiU not be a aignllic:ant effeet in !his - "-0,. the mitigation meuur.. dncribed abov8 have bHn added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION wiU be PNPared. o The prDFn.cl Ploject MAY have uign.ieant effeet on the environment, and an ENVlRONMENTAlIMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAl REVIEW COMMITTEE CnY OF SAN 8ERNAADINo, CALFOFlNIA Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner Nama and Tille <::. /.,... n.k.. / Sign6iii ~ Data: ~h.4/~4 .. ...... ~ --..- ..... o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-06 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS EARTH RF_C:OURCES (1A-A: NO The project, as pn,puxd, involves the reconfiguration of the Commercial Regional (CR-2) land use district boundary so as to encompass the parcel located at 596 W. 6th Street, which is cunently adjacent to it. As a mere boundary movement, the {llop.wd project will not involve earth movement or development and will not modify any unique geologic/physical feature or channel. The proposed site is not located within the Alquist-Priolo Special studies zone nor is it within an area defined for high water or wind erosion. EARTH RRC:OlJRCRC: (10): MAYBE The site is Jocated within an area identified as having moderately high to moderate liquefaction potential. Although the General Plan Amendment merely modifies an existing district boundary and plOpOses no development, future construction of uses which might not otherwise be permitted to locate on this parcel could be subject to the site's liquefaction susceptibility. Future uses which will be either permitted or conditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmental analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 68). Therefore, any potential liquefaction issues would be addressed at that time. AIR RF_C:OlJRMtc: l2A-B): MAYBE Due to the fact that this General Plan Amendment involves the relocation of the exiJting boundary line for the Commercial Regional (CR-2) land use district, the plupuoc:d boundary modification will have no significant impact; however, future uses which might not otherwise be able to locate in the existing residential zone could potentially create substantial air em;cmons as defined by AQMD or create objectionable odors. Future uses which will be either permitted or conditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmental analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 68). 'l"heref'ore any potential air resources issues would be addressed at that time. AIR RRC:OURCES l2C): NO The project site is not located within a high wind hazard area as identified by the City's General Plan. -l~ L 1. o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-06 WATER RRCi:OURCES C3A-E): NO Due to the fact that the project only involves a modification to a zoning boundary, the change in land use tt.-cignation to Commercial Regional (CR-2) will not cause any changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or surface runoff; change the quality or quantity of ground water; or discharge into surface waters; or alter surface water quality. Additionally, the site is not located near flood waters or flood zone as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Maps. BIOLOOICAL RF_Ci:OURCES (4A-Dl: NO As a complete1y improved site within an existing neighborhood wbich is outside of any Biological Resources Management Overlay district, the pluposed General Plan Amendment will not change the number of any unique, rare, or endangered species of animals or plants. Additionally, the request to modify an existing land use district boundary line will not remove viable, mature trees. NOISE (5A): NO Having a Pesidential Medium (RM) land use designation, the site would CUITaltly be permitted to host noise sensitive land uses with minimal, if any, noise attenuation modifications. The proposal to change the land use district will therefore not result in the potential location of any noise sensitive land uses which might not otherwise locate on-site now. NOISE (5JU: MAYBE As a result of the site's changing to a c:ommen:ial designation, the potential for development of a commercial use which would generate noise in excess of the CUITalt residential 1evel is probable. Future uses which will be either permitted or c:onditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmenlal analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 68). Therefore, any potential noise issues would be addressed at that time. -11- o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-<l6 LAND USE l6A): YFS As a proposal to modify the existing boundary line for the CR-2 land use district, the project will change the land use as designated on the General Plan. As a result, the uses within the CR- 2 district which are currently not permitted in the RM district will be either permitted or conditionally permitted as indicated in the City's wCommerciaI Districts Ust ofPennitted Uses. W The site is bounded on the east by the Commercial Regional (CR-2) district and is therefore already directly e..pu-t to commercial land uses (or the potential for commercial land uses) impwlillte1y to the east; however, should this General Plan Amendment be approved, numerous commercial uses which currently are not permitted will be either permitted or conditionally permitted. The following is a list of the uses which would be permitted and conditionally permitted should the General Plan Amendment be approved: I. Commercial estab1islunents when: the administrative, clerical, and lIIlIDlIgerial functions of a bUs11leSS or industry are conducted or when: members of a profession conduct their practice (e.g., lICC01IJlting, medicine, or engineering). 2. Commercial establishments which provide parts, repair, sale, and service for automobiles, RV's, and trucks. 3. Commercial establishments which provide boarding, camping spaces/facilities, Intlgi1\g (with or without meals) and mixed use facilities. 4. Commercial estab1islunents which serve prepared food or beverages for consumption on or off the premi!U!S. S. Commercial establishmeqt which provide participant/speclator amusement, entertainment or sport, primarily for fillllllCial gain. 6. Commercial establi"'un.....ts which engage in monetary transactions not directly related to the sale of a product/service 7. Commercial establishlllf!llts which provide needed services of a medicallc:are nature which are related to the health and welfare 0 the City's residents. 8. Commercial establishments which provide needed services of a personal nature. -12- o o Initial Study for: GP A 93-06 9. Commercial establishments which sell merchandise generally needed/desired by the residents and employees of the community. 10. Commercial establishments which store large inventories of goods typically in industrial- style structures where these goods are not produced on the site but are offered for sale. The following is a list of uses specifically listed in the Development Code as being either "permitted" or "conditionally permitted" in this land use designation: Permitted · Auto Pans Sales (with or without installations) · Vehicle Leasing!Rental · De);ca.,senslSandwich Shops · Restaurants - No Drive- 'Ibrus · Miscellaneous Indoor EntertainmentlRecreation · Health ClinicslOutpatient Surgery · Social Service Centers · BarberlBeautylNail Shops · Dance Sch001slKarate Studios · Dry Cleaners . Health! Athletic Clubs · Laundromats (Retail only) · Drug Stores · Flower/Gift Shop · General Merchandise (Including Supermarkets) · Medical Equipment IJId Supplies · Mobile Home Sales · Office SupplieslEquipment · Specialty Food Stores (No A1coboI Sales) · Catering Establishments . C)fo.sIni"lIJanitorial · Copy CenterslPostaJ Service Centers IJId Blueprinting · Laboratories (e.g., Film, MedicallJld Dental, "R &. D," etc.) · ),fi-lll1"""'11S RepairslServices (Indoors only) · Pub1ishing/Printing Plants · Recycling Facilities (Reverse Vending Only) -13- - o o Initial Study for: GP A 93-06 · Antennae/Satellite Dish · Clubs, Lodges, and Meeting Halls . Day Care Facilities . FenceslWalls . libraries . Mixed Use . Multi-Family Housing . Museums . Parking Lots · Parking Structures · PolicelFire Protection · Public Utility Uses · Radiotrelevision Broadcasting · Religious Facilities · Temporary Uses (Subject to a Tempomy Use Permit) · TradeJTechnical Schools Conditionallv Jll!nnltt.... · Services Stations · Boarding Houses . HotdsfMote1s . Mixed Uses · Single Room Oc:cupanc.ies (SRO's) . Night ClubslBarslLounges · Auditoriums, ConventiOll Halls, and Theaters · Mi~lIlll'"'OUS Outdoor EntertainmentlRecreation · Residential Care Facilities · Senior/Congregate Care Facilities . Liquor Stores . Pipelines Although future uses which will be either permitted or conditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmental analysis and cltarlDCe prior to approval, the imp8cts asoneiated with the ability to develop the parcel to commercial standards will bave a definite effect 011 the surrouncIing residential Deigbborbood. Future uses which will be either permitted or conditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmental analysis and cleaIance -14- o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-06 prior to approval; therefore, any potential man-made hazards issues would be addressed at that time. LAND USE (6B-C): NO The fllOjlwc;d site is not within an Airport District or the Foothill Fire Zones and therefore will not be affected by the I'lupull<'(l General Plan Amendment. MAN-MADE HAZARDS nA-C): MAYBE Potential results of the parcel being desigroll~ CR-2 c:ould be the location of a use which might use, store transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic material; release hazardous substances; or expose people to potential health/safety hazards. However, the Plupull<'(l change in boundary will not in and of itself cause any man-made hazards. Future uses which will be either permitted or conditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmenlaI analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 6a). Themore any potential man-made hazards issues would be addressed at that time. HOUSING (SA): MAYBE The PlUjIUlItd change in zoning will not immMilltf'Jy impact housing; however, sbou1d the land use ~tion be changed to CR-2, the potential could exist in the future for the site to be redeveloped as a COIIUI1eI'Cial site thus e1imiftllti"l the Emti"l housing. Future requests to change uses will require individual environmenlaI analysis and clearance prior to approVil (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 6a). Therefore, any potential housing issues would be addressed at that time. TRANSPORTATlON/ClRMn .AnON t9A-In: NO Due to the fact that the site is Unn-'illt"'ly adjacent to an exiPi"l COIIUI1eI'Cial district and that the surrounding area's c:in:uIation system is constructed to the General Plan's ultimate build-out standards, the change in the parcel's land use dHigltlltion and any potential location of CODUDeIcial use will not CIeate an incIease in traffic: that is greater than the land use (I-;grollted on the General plan; CIeate a demand for new parking facilities/structures; impact existing public transportation systems; alter Pl~t patterns of c:in:uIation; impact rail or air traffic; incIease safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians; created a disjointed pattern of roadway improvements; or incIease traffic volumes on the roadways or intersectioos. -15- o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-<)6 TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULA nON 19D: MAYBE At present, the parcel contains a two-story structure used for apartments with no on-site parking provided. As a proPe.ti within the RM land use district, any enlargement in excess of 25 % or any change in use would necessitate the location of parking spaces in accordance with the provisions of the Development Code. There is, however, an exception to this requirement for stnJctUIes and uses located within the CR-2 land use district. Although this will not have a direct bearing on the prcsalt use of the property, the potential for future parking problems must be recogn;7ed. Future requests to change uses will require individual environmental analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 6a). Therefore, any potential parking issues would be addressed at that time. PURl Ie' SERVICF..t:; (lOA-F'l NO All services will be adequately provided to the project site without impacting the overall service ability of any public service. Fire ~on Fire protection services are provided by the City of San Bernardino Fire Department. Police Protection Police services are provided by the City of San Bernardino Police Department. Schools As the project involves a change in land use designation to a commercial district, school services will not be impacted by this project. Parks 01" Other IlfllN'llt2tional F.acl1iti~ As the project involves a change in land use d-ipnon to a commercial district, parks and recreational facilities will not be impacted. At p. sent, the site offers no open space or recreation lWa. -16- o o Initial Study for: GP A 93-06 Medical Aid As the project involves a change in land use designation, no effect on medical aid is anticipated. Solid Waste Solid waste service will COIItinue to be provided regardless of the proposed zoning for the project site. tITII .1TTP.c: llIA-C): NO All services will be adequately provided to the project site without impacting the overall service ability of any utility. Natural ps, electricity, water, and sewer service will COIItinue to be provided regardless of the pl~ zoning for the site. AF_~CS 112J\): NO As the area is completely developed, a change in the parcel's land use c:I-ignation will not obstruct any scenic view. AF_~("~ (12:Q): MAYBE As a result of the site's land use "-ir-rion becoming CR-2, uses CQUld potentially locate on site which might change the visual impIct of the site onto the surrounding area (see Cultural Resources 13B). cm..TURAL llP.~OURr.F_c; 113A): NO The proposal to modify the land use "-ignarion will not alter or destroy a prehistoric or historic an:baeo1ogical site by devel~t. Future uses which will be either permittal or concIitionalIy permittal in the CR-2 will requiJe individual environmental analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 68). Therefore, any potential arcbaeological issues would be addressed at that time. . -17- ....L - o o Initial Study for: GPA 93-06 CULTURAL RP_C:OURCES (13B): MAYBE Approval of the General Plan Amendment will modify the zoning designation of the subject property to be Commercial Regional (CR-2). As such, the existing residential structure (and future uses) will be subject to new commercial standards. A citywide historic resource reconnaissance survey report was prepared in 1991 by Architect Milford Wayne Donaldson, AlA, Inc. The report provides the estimated date of construction as 1930 for the Mediterranean style two-story stucco apartment structure on-site. Donaldson (Vol. I, p. 20) also "-igJ"'ted areas in the City as potential historic overlay zones. The subject prope.1)' is centrally located within what bas been termed the "Historic San Bernardino Overlay Zone, " which contains the "highest concentration of the City's oldest potential historic homes," as well as the longest continuous babitation in the City, including aboriginal and various concentrated ethnic occupations. 'Aecaose of the various historic and prehistoric events asonMlI~ with the area, the subject plop.aty' is considered to be located within an area of archaeological sensitivity, the City's Urban Archaeological District. as identified in the Historical Element of the city's General Plan (Section 3, Figure 8). Hence, the potential exists for historical archaeological resources of 19th century San Bernardino to be located below the surface of the project site. The JlIU~ General Plan Amendment will not cIirectIy cause the alteration or destruction of a historical resource; however, it could IIIlIke possible the future location of a commercial use on-site. As such, the potential for the alteration or destruction of the exiJti"& strw:ture in favor of a new commercial use must be reoogI'i7ed. Future. uses which will be either permitted or conditionally permitted in the CR-2 will require individual environmental analysis and clearance prior to approval (a list of potential uses is analyzed in Section 6a). Therefore any potential historical ~ issues would be addressed at that time. SUPPORTING INFORMA nONILOCA nON MAP: Please see the following pages. -18- r CITY OF SAN 8ERNA~O o "" . GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION Date 1-//- ~.?I AdoPted 6-2-89 Panel No. ~ ~ '" JU j[! Jl - ~ i 'i__il IF- '~GG;..t- , ~.2____" i_ II I~ I r': I I: - I' I . II' - . ~. . . fCl!~J-." .' ::}'l~U~1 ; "!:~~ ~~ . I . -.J, " . '.\'1.~=\ \>\ I - ~ I_.~l ..' _ . ,.. I' . / " I.::l ,,: -...", l~" ~ ; GG51" I i <y1, .""ite ~ 11 / _.. V'lJ, '1 1'/ a U'II ~ - Ld iCO OF SAN BERNARDINO HISTORIC RESOURCES RECONNAISANCE SURVEY .,vol..-e }-6 (- .u - Page 15 of 10> 2. c-",......l_ I.... '- NUoNI A.gioIIr.... LaoIIdHigI 1"11 . IDEN'IlI'ICA llON AND LDCA l10N 1. HinIric_ 3. _a_ Clty 4. UlM__A 5. eu.l1IIIp No. 596 W 6TH ST Croa _.4 B .....No. 0"4-02J-19 \IIrinilr...,- ~ c 0IIw ~_.""" I........., I... = ~ . cII*I. .......01..... ._~. .. 7. ....,~T .........-..... _. _aot...........--~.._ .'. ,,", -;....-.........-..,-r...~ ""'..., _~', LnlI&yIe. I€DlTERRAAEAN MA TERIAl: STUCCO .. PL_!........, .. a.......... 1a. ",.01.....__ n. ......_ 12. ,... j 13. '"- ... - ~RICAL INI'OllllAllON 1.. 'eon._dMIla) C19JO /0 (0 0rigin0II- 0.._ 4hlraian1 , ... 16. An:Il_ Builder 17. HiatIlfica-.(_l1IlIIlIMrframlial) :lIGNlFlCANCE AND EYAUlA1lON 18. ~Iar..~ '"~ n.. ZOTH C ARCH Periad ,...." .... ANa ConIuI ........, 1'11111111 la. IlNlIy diaaalllell'<. .,. iIllpcwMo*....... _ UleI1illlric8lMCI_41' ........,. -..p."....~_1imilIr ~p.l'Iiet. ,. 2Il. Souoa. - -- ...............-. MCI.... ...~.........., In U ..............,-........._...4._...... N ---...... 21. .,y' b'. .......Rl_. tv-....... 22. oe..1 _ oi..... _~.4._&.No.(I ....'- ") 23.fr'- o..ofMr" .... , 24. s.....,..... Z5. s.....,.- 21. V_IarmIft;lo....4I 1990 S,(-I 01.... tian. -... ily Uip .- I II 1_0 !jiPUI "Itf L i ,! 11 IiI JIll. i!iil. ! Jil t!ii i I~I I'I1 'Id · I . . . - ,. u. ~ tv ll;! ~ ~~ - ;UJlj'; I · I g z I I , I . + . I i . ! I , I + , I i i J . + i i i . I i i -0 -t--.....-- II7N ..,.. I I.. /I~PARK ~ORII! C -1C.~. -//--, - I5iii: _____.. -- I ...a.= ...-...==.... 0- .~ .' I . I , f , , , I i -~.._--~ . i ~ I I i i i ; : - . - -... ! I -Ii ~ i ! . I L1 ,.... " -- CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY .... ....,j r Init1al Study for EaviromnentaJ Impacts: Conditional Use Permit 93-27 Proled DesulIJ1I.mIT .......tion: The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a residential care facility for the treatment of recovering drug addicts at 596 West 6th Street. Cum:ntly, residential care facilities are not permitted within the Residential Medium Land Use Districts; however, the app1icant is pocessing a COI1CU11'eDt General Plan Amendment to change the parcel's zoning to CR-2, where the use is conditionally permitted. FebnJary 10, I~ Prepuoed for: Marianne Barklage 596 W. 6th Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 Prepuoed by: Conal McNamara Assistant Planner City of San Bernardino Department of Panning and Building Services 300 North -D- Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 ... ATTACHMENT G m.r;- . ....,j __ _'OF' _ o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 INTRODUCTION: This Initial Study is provided by the City of San Bernardino for Conditional Use Pennit No. 93- 27. It contains an evaluation of both the potential individual and cumulative adverse impacts which could occur as a result of the proposed project being approved. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a I'IUpuMl must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial Study is to determine whether or not a propoW, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepIIJed. The following components constitute the Initial Study for Conditional Use Permit 93-27: 1. Project Description 2. Site and Area ChaIlIcteristics 3. Environmental Setting 4. Environmental Impact C/leclrHct, Findings, and Preliminary Determination 5. Supplemental Comments and Mitigation Measures 6. Supporting Informationll.ocation Map Combined, these compoo.ents constitute the complete Initial Study for Conditional Use Permit 93-27. . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a residential care facility for the treatment of recovering drug addicts at 596 West 6th Street. ClII1'aItly, residential care facilities arc not permitted within the Residential Medium Land Use Districts; however, the applicant is 1'1ue-,il\g a concurrent General Plan Amendment to change the parcel's zoning to CR-2, where the use is conditionally permitted. SITE AND AREA CRARAl.:TEKISTICS: The subject JlI"I'""l1 is on the northeast comer of 6th Street and wFw Street, having a frontage of approximately 70 feet on the north side of 6th street and approximately 149.2 feet on the QSt side of wFw Street. The site is approximately 10,442 square feet and is developed with a 7,099 square foot, two-story apartment struc:tuJe. The Jand use districts on the north and west arc Residential Medium (RM), with the south and QSt bolde.i being Public Facility (PF) and Commercial Regional (CR-2) respectively. The imlMdiSltP. area is completely improved with no undeveloped land. o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 ENVIRONMENTAL S~I ."IN'G: Topographically, the site is relatively flat. The area is fully urbanized and serviced. Surrounding land uses include various residential types to the north and west, commercial/office to the east. and the City's central library to the south. Additionally, the project site is located in an area identified by the General Plan as being potentially susceptible to liquefaction. The subject prop.aty is located within the following overlays: 1. Urban Archaeological District (General Plan) 2. Main Street Overlay (Development Code) 3. Central City North Redevelopment Area (Economic Development Agency) The General Plan also identifies the site and vicinity as a potential historic district (Section 3, Historic Element) due to the fact that the area is part of the original one-mile square survey of the City and contains the highest concentration of the City's oldest housing stock. A detailed discussion of the environmental consequences that may occur as a result of this proposal is addressed in the section entitled .Supplemental Comments.. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACI' CHFrICT .T!M': Please see the following pages. -3- ~ r- _ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ... ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST ~ r- ""I A. BACKGROUND ~nNumber. Conditional Use Permit No. 93-27 Prajec:lDTlt.~: Reouest to locate and ooerate a residential care facility for the treat~nt of recoverino druo and alcohol addicts in an existing two-story apartment building. Lacation: 596 West Sixth Street; northeast corner of Sixth and "F" Streets. Urban Archaeological District (General Plan), EnvianmenmJ COli.."".... Arua: Main Street Overlay (Development Code), potential liquefaction zone. Gener.J......~: Currentlv RH. orooosed to be CR-2 throuQh GPA No. 93-06, Zon~~: Currently RH. proposed to be CR-2 through GPA No. 93-06. 8. ENVIROteENrAL "ACTS ExpIIin ~ whIrII..........., on . MplIIaIe alIacMd sheet. 1. Earth qTlaur~.. WIIthe propoaaJ .....111: . L EaJth IIlll\.WIIenl (cut ancUar III) '" 10.000 cubic yanIa or _? b. DevwIap.._1l ancIIor grading on ... ~ 1han 15% naIuIal grade? c. Develapment wIIhIn the AlcI*.f>rlDb SpecW Sludiu Zone - cMflnMllII Sellon 12.0. Geg' 'Ilk & SelImic, Figure 47. 0/ the CIly'. Gener.J Plan? d. Macll'1llIIIiDn 01 any unique gaolao&. or p/IyIlcal feahn? .. 0wI1A,t..-nt ..... _ cMfInMI for high potenIlaJ tor ...., or wind eIOIion -1denlIied III SecIian 12.0. ~Ic & Seilmk, FGIIIa S3, 0/ the CIty'a GenIraI Plan? f. MoclIIc4.n 01. channel, cnek or rInr? to.. Va No Maybe x x x x x X .w~_ ~ _'OF_ I""" II. Oe\..lclN....nt within an __ subject to 1BnclIIides, Ves No Maybe lIIf'l'rUlIe.,1iq1lllaclion or IIlher UnIIar hazanls as IlIellllliad In Section 12.0 - GaoIogic & SaiImic, X Fig!-. 48, 52 and 53 oIlhe Clty'a G..,. Plan? h. Olher? 2- Air Rnau.-: WUllhe prapoaaJ raauIt In: ao SubIlanIial air amlllic... or an .nect upon amIliwIt X air quality as cleIiMd by ACMD? b. The cnaIIon 01 abjec:li1lo18ble adorI? X Co DM'.lapmallt within a high wind hazanI_ asldaodlad In Section 15.0. WInd & FA, Figure 58, at lhe Clty'a X ca.-J Plan? a. W..... R.nu_; WIIlhe prapoeaI raauIt In: .. Changes In 1~la4plIu.. -'lhInage ........., arlhe ... and amount 01 aurfaw III'laII clue to X ~n~ ......1 b. Changes In lhe _ arftaw 0I1Iaad ......? X Co DIa:I_..1nIo l1li'-...... 01' any -1118Ib. X 01l1li'-...., quaIty? d. Change In lhe qudIy 01 quality 01 gnIlnI waIIr? X .. ~.. 01 paapIa 01' III'DlIlrty ta IIaad hazanls _ "'4IIacI1n" FalIenII EmeIge...,. u.nag.1Il8I1l ...... FIoacI ~ ~ MIp, CamnuIky..... ...... ClI0281 _' _ . and SacIIan 11.0. X FlaacIoIQ, Figure lI2, 01.. CIty'. ca.nar.J Plan? f. 0Ihar? 4- .'lla.... AnaL -: Could.. p....-. raaultln: .. OM-.~p_1l within "llIo&:J'~ "-- ... itl ._ll 0...." -_..11 In SaalIan 10.0 . ...... "l ~ ~ Figure 41. 01.. CIty'. X ca.nar.J Plan? b. Change 1n"1IlIIIbar 01..., unique. ... 01' .......ad Ill. ... 01" arlhalr habIIId InaIudIng X .... 01"-'1 Co Change In "1IlIIIIbar 01..., unique. ... 01' X ...._oM! ~ 01..... arlhalr habIIwl? d. RaI,I\."" 01..., .........? tI" 01' ......1 X .. 0Ihar? So NoIaa: Could.. pI'IlpClW raauIt In: .. OM 111",._. 01 hDuIIng.lIIIIII_ ~~II......... 1b..1w. -'fJ'" -11 t 01'_............._ In _.... 'U '" 01'............. ___ IAn 018 ~ and _IAn 0I..:'W MrIar _ld.. Tn ~ In 14.0 . NaIIa. ..... and X . 01.. CIty'. ca.nar.J Plan? __ _101'_ ,,_ ~ . - ..... b. Denlapment of new or expMSion of .xlating industrial, Yes No Maybe ClIIInmen:lal or other _ which ~rIII. no.. levels on - 00Illein1ng hou8lng, 8ChooIs, '-'th em. f8CiIities or other 88lIIItIve _1Ibove M Ldn of 65 d8(A) exterior X or M Ldn of 4S cIl(A) interior? c. OIlIer? .. a..nd Uee: Wlllhe propoaa/ _uk In: L A ch8nge In the IInd 1118 .. dalgnUld on the X General PIIn? b. DenIapment wlIhIn ~ Mpon DiIlrIcl.. ldentlied In lhe Ail IMt......... CompIIIlblo. u.. Z- (AICUZ) Report 8nd X lhe UncI u.. ZanIng DiIlrIcl ...? c. O.nlap"*,, wlIhIn FooIhIlI Fft Zar.. A & 8, or C .. t.. ldelllllied on lhe UncI u.. Zaning DiIIrict MIp? d, OIlIer? 7. ....... dl .........: WiD lhe pIIljeel: L u.., ....., RnIport or ~ .... GI hIDnIouI or IlIIdc - 11 riIIIs (including but nollmlted III 011. X .-'1 .. '-", c:hemIcIII or filii"',)? b. IrMIIv.lhe ...... GI hIDnIouI..... . c u? X c. &po. peapIe Illlhe poIMiIJ '-1h1.18Iy ....? X d. OIlIer? .. ......1n8: WIIlhe~ L Aemo... 8IliIIiflg IIouIing or __ . dema.,d _ X tar 1IlIdL.. houIIiiVI r- b. 0Iher? t. TNI_, .11....... / ell::: ,'.Itan: ClIuId lhe PRll-olI, In -.-'lIon ....lhe CI-'. ., .n PIIn -idenlll din SeclIon 1.0 . ClIaIIIIiIn Gllhe CIIy'a .... PIIn. ....In: L An ,- ..In lraIlIc... II .,...,thMlhe liliiii X ... 11111:.-""'" on lhe GeMrIIPt.!? b. u.. 01 exIIlIng, or dem8nd tar new, ~ X "'o8lt~? c. Irnpc upon -.lIIIng pubic hnIporlatian .......? X d. ......... of pr-.. FJ -- ...01. . 1~JI.? X L Irnpc to ... or eirtrldlic? X f. inc!-&Jld ...., .,... . to ...... bIq. ~ rh or ,ldUL!...? X g. A -IJII a.d .......01..-.; ~.__? X h. _.......Ina... In lraIlIclllllumea on the ..1>....... X or .........? L 0Iher? ... m&- _ _IDF_ "MIll 10. Publca.4fall: W1....plOpllAllmpctthefollowlng a.,ond... ~ 111 pnMde -*I.... leftls of service? L Fire pIQleCtion? b. Fob pnMclion? c. Schoola (i..., "ndance, bouncIariea, ovwIDad, etc.)? d. Palka or llIher __illMl 'c1I1ties? .. MecliceI eld? ,. Sold W...? Do Other? Yes No Maybe . X X X X X X 11. UIIIlIM: WII... prap.-J: L Impect... tDlawing a.,ond'" ~lIllbfty 111 pnlVide -*I...... ..... 01 MIVicle or ~... CXlIlItIUCIIIln oI_'....? 1. tuIInJ ges? 2- 0Ic:lIUy? a. w.a.r? 4, ..." S. 0Iher? X X X X b. AeeuIt In. -1111 ~ paDIm 01.-..... lIalll? c. ...... the CllIIIIInJcllDn 01_' ""w? X X - 12. . r.........: L ClIuld the pi' . It......1n the CIbIlnIllIIDn 01 any -.Ie..., b. _ the vIIuaIlmpect 01 the prIIjIal. dill......... 111 thellllnllllJdllv _? c. 0Iher? - X X 13. CUIIuraJ RI 11 U I: ClIuld the pIapIIIIllalUllln: L The . ....ordllJruc:tianol.p.~.-r,.,llI' "'_<lI II '1~lul"'byclal.llall._.wIlhIn.. -~~. II' ._11l1W_....- fin""" a.o. H'lea_ F9n.. 01 the ClIfI GaIwaI PIIn? X b. Alarall.... or ~lIt .... 01. .'_1 rk~.... 8lrJJI:IuN llI' abjICt......1n the ClIfI tiIlDdc - T I ~ fl-.!:c.. rmlwwy? X c. 0Iher? -- _.1IF_ "MIll -- ,.. - "'I 14. IIIndatDry Flndlnp of Slgnlflcll_ (Section 15065) The c.J1famIa Envilanmenl8l Oudty Ad .... that K any 01 the foU-ing can be 8IIIMIlId yu or maybe, the praject may haft a aignKicant "'eel on the environment and an EnvilanllMlllaJ Impact Report shell be 1HJ*ed. v.. No Maybe L Daa the pIllject hIIve the palentiaJ lD degrade the qudy 01 the envIronmenI, aubetanIlaIy Nduce the habbI aI. flail or wid... ... _ . fish or .... pllpI~ lD drop below ... aualalnlng levell, """"lD eImInIIa a plant or ...... _munlty, Nduce the IIIIIlber or NalrIct the range ala .... or ....IgMacI.,. or aninal or aImInIIa Imporlant -.- 01 the mejor I*IDda III CaIIornla hlalDry or pIW/JIalDIt? b. .Daaa the pIllject hIIve the pat8llIlaJ lD achIava short. tann, lD the ~II'~'" III loug_n., envInII_rb1 ....? (A ahart-Wm Impael on the anvirDl.ment 11_ which _In a IWIllIualy Inf. cIe/'..1ilh period III lima.... IaIIg-181m impacla wII andura ... inIa the fuIura.) c. Daa the pIllject haft impacla which _1ndivIdudy ImIIad, 1IuI-.......1o; lIlIIlIIdetlble? (A pIllject II1II)' Impael on two or _ , Ip 1'* r..au_.... the Impaelon aaah _ II ~s....... but.... the IIIfaclI III the IalaI 01"- impacla on the ........ 11-'8.......11.) x x x d. Daa the pIllject haft .nvlroQ..._.... ..... which wII - 'N0I: I II1II.......... on humen beInga, ...., chclIy or IncIlNclIy? x C. NOOI'IIIDN OF BrMOr-WIfAL IVALUA1ION AND 1I1IGA1ION IIEASURES (AIr.dI...... m -.y.) The detailed discussion of each environmental issue is provided on the attached sheets. ~ ...-- ....01 -- _11IF_ 11_ ... ....- ~ - - n D. DETERMlNAnON On lhe buis llf this InItiaJ atudy, [!I The prep a Jad pnlj8ct COULD NOT h8w a aignlllc8nt 1IIf8Cl on the anviranmm 8IId . NEGATIVE DEClARA_ TION will ba prapllred. O The PftIIICIUd pnlj8ct could haw . aignl'lCant 1IIf8Cl on the arwinlnmant, "hough lhara will not ba . aignllicant lIIfaet in this - -.... the mitigation......... daacribad aboWl heva baan addad to the projac:L A NEGAnve DECLARATION wiD ba JII'8paIad. o The PftIIICIUd pnlj8ct MAY h8w. algnlicant aIfaet on tha anvlranmant, 8IId an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is raquinld. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN 8ERNAFlDINo, CALFORNIA Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner tQma 8IId TltIa c:....t.... (). Jt~ _ .; SigMt: ~ o.:!Jb4/Q.., . , -- ..oiII ~ __GF_ nMIII o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS EARTH llJl.~OlJRCF_~ (lA-F): NO The project, as plupoac.d, will utilize the existing two-story structIJre located at 596 W. 6th Street and therefme will not involve earth I1lOVeJIIeIIt or development and will not modify any unique geologic/physical feature or channel. The Plupuxd site is not located within the Alquist- Priolo Special studies zone nor is it within an area defined for high water or wind erosion. EARTH llJl.~OlJRCF_~ llG): NO The site is located within an area identified as having moderately high to moderate liquefaction potential; however, the Conditional Use Permit merely establishes a new use in an existing structure. As such, no development is being Jl1~. Additionally, at the time building permit plans are JeYiewed, the structIJre will be required to meet seismic standards. AIR llP-~OURCF_~ 12A-D): NO This Conditional Use Permit will involve changing the site's use from a strictly residential nature to a commercial residential facllity. However, there will be no substantial air emissions or objectiooable odors generated. Additionally, the project site is.Aot located within-a high wind hazard area as identified by the City's General Plan. _ WATER llP-~OURCF~~ 13A-ID: NO Due to the fact that the use will be occupying the existing building, the project will not cause any changes in absolption rates, drainage patterns, or surface runoff; change the quality or quantity of ground water; or d;ccharge into surface waters; or alter surface water quality. Additionally, the site is not located near flood waters or flood zone as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Maps. BIOLOGICAL llR~OURCF_1il (4A-D): NO As a completely improved site within an Mjm1\g neighborbood which is outside of any Biological Resoun:es Management Overlay district, the plopu.;d Conditional Use Permit will -10- o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 not change the number of any unique, rare, or endangered species of animals or plants. Additionally, the establishment of the use will not remove viable, mature trees. NOISE (SA-B): NO Having a Residential Medium (RM) land use ~p'tion, the site currently can be permitted to host noise sensitive land uses with minimal, if any, noise attenuation modifications. The proposal to change the use will therefore not result in the poteDtiallocation of any noise sensitive land uses which might not otherwise locate on-site now nor will it cause the development of new or expansion of existing industrial, commercial or other uses which generate noise levels on areas containing housing, schools, health care facilities. LAND USE (6A): YES As a collUDel'Cial residential facility, the Pluposed project will alter the use of the site which is currently multi-family residential. However, the c:oncurrent General Plan Amendment ~ addresses the issues associated with the change in zoning and use. LAND USE (6B-Cl: NO The proposed site is not within an Airport District or the Foothill Fire Zones and therefore will not be affected by the PIOpuxd Conditional Use Permit. MAN-MADE HAZARDS t7A-CI: NO The ptc.puMld board and care facility will not use, store, transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials. Additionally, the PIOpu.ld project will not involve the release of hazardous substances or expose people to potential health/safety hazards. HOUSING (JlA.): YES The propos.:d use will still serve u housing, on a temporary basis for a segment of society different from those currently inten:sted in living theIe. Multi-family units will be removed from existing housing stocks; however, since the City hu an adequate supply of low to moderate income multi-family units, the project will not create a demancI for additional housing. -11- A. o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION (9A-B): MAYBE The proposed use is a commercial residential use which will increase the site's intensity, but the use will not create an increase in traffic that is greater than the land use designated on the General Plan due to the fact that most clients will not drive and the site is adjacent to the CR-2 zone, thus sharing its traffic patterns. Although approximately seven (T) parking spaces would ordinarily be tequired for the propu.:d use, the provisions under Section 19.24.030 of the Development Code exempt the CR-2 district from the need to upgrade parking facilities thereby not creating a demand for new parking facilities/structures. TRANSPORTATION/ClRCULA TION 19C-H'l: NO As a commercial residential facility utilizing an existing structure, the PIOyuaeCl project will not impact existing public transportation systems; alter p.Go.w,t patterns of circulation; impact rail or air traffic; increase safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians; created a ~ointed pattern of roadway improvements; or increase traffic volumes on the roadways or intersections. PlJRI.ll'" SERVll"'R~ (10A-C.F) NO All services will be adequately provided to the project site without impacting the overall service ability of any public service. Fire Pmtectinn Fire prote...1iOll services are provided by the City of San Bernardino Fire Department. Police ~ion Police services are provided by the City of San BcmanIino Police Department. Schools As the project involves a change to a commercial residential use for recovering addicts, school services will not be impacted by this project. -12- o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 Solid Waste Solid waste service will continue to be provided regardless of the proposed use for the project site. PURI.Tr. SERVICRc; lIOD-E) MAYBE Parks or Other TlPJt!lP.lltional Facilitif!ll As the project involves a change to a commercial residential use, parks and m:rea1ional facilities will not be impacted. The park and library facilities may be used by residents since, at present, the site offers no open space or m:rea1ion area. However, the residents are not CAi""'ted to create any significant impact beyond present capabilities of the facilities. Medil'.lll Aid As the project involves a change in residential intensity, more people could require medical aid; however, due to the fact that only 36 residents will live on-site at any given time, no effect on medical aid is anticipated. IJTIT .mltCi: 1I1A-O: NO All services will be adequately provided to the project site withClut impIMillg the ~ service ability of any utility. Natural gas. electricity, wala'...and sewer service will continue to be provided regardless of the PI()puM:d zoning for the site. AF.Ci:THETICS 1I2A-B): NO As the use is propu..ed to be loeated within an maillg blli1dillg on-site, the proP<>sed use will not obstruct any scalic view or change the visual impact of the site onto the sunounding area. CULTURAL TlF_Ci:OURCRc; 1I3A-I{): NO Due to the fact that the PI()puM:d use will occupy the Cltiaillg site, the proposal will not alter or destroy a prehistoric or historic an:haeological site by cIeve10pment nor will it alter or destroy a historical site, structure or object. -13- o o Initial Study for: CUP 93-27 SUPPORTING INFORM A nONIIDCA nON MAP: Please see the following pages. -14- CITY OF SAN SERNAR /NO GENERAL Pl.AN LAND USE DESIGNATION I Date 1-#- "31 JU :, :iO JI- - " Ii " I" :...:r-....... I ;~ ~ Gt;..( I;~~~ .1 ~ 1I I. . 't I . 'I " - . ,,.. " :. ,. -. ~-_ it l~Gt~1 ~ ,.~~~~ . . '. ~',,-. I ',-- .~~:'\ ,\ - -~.~- , ~ I . / ; . ^ I.:i - - r ::., ,. .. "~-I .~'\ ~. - vu;t..... I, . I ~ j, / -.. '. .' / 1:1 Adopted 6-Z-69 Pans! No. G 4 1\ - I.J ! - ! I , r , I -_...L___ i ! I- I . I i ; , I , , "; . j I .. 'f ~n !iil'll) n8j~ ~ l. !;qi !ll/1I11 =llr. ~ I ~! Iii ~i! E i -:Ii 6 :0 I'e. iZ !I> 1:11 :.:::C~ · '. I" f!nll~ri 'Ie' i> ~ , " F j1lH I I I I j -, -, . I I . I I i . + . I i i . I . I . + . J I j I j i i i . I i . J ~-j ~ !fI;ARX K4Noa II e ..~. ~-=--, -,--, 1I - r-- --___w : -... . - - ---00:.- . ,I J i ! .... ."" '-1... I ~~-I 0 III HONVN )I::~ ... II) I < HB I \ I - j · !mil \ IBm III . { l III I I · II II i \- III I -. 1/1 1-1111 Ea ~ I il .. 11 . , i!EiZI 'i. II I ! [I , . 1 I I '-1111 I III \ . II \-1111 , , 1 _ I!I!II I- I I \ - IIIlI j III I m , , I ii - II1II I J i ~ I 11m IlIlm Ii lZI!I u 0!1 'IT.ht ~$ '~~.~~~-.':;-.<~..;;;~"..F'''''':-!l-.''... -. 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Marianne Barklage 596 West 6th Street San Bernardino, California 92410 MAY 1 6 'j:~; ,'n] - i IJ I 1894 L:.~' May 2, 1994 I"" 1 ." . ; I_-J -.,", i: : City of San Bernardino Department of Planning and Building Services Al Boughey, A I C P Director 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92418 ... .,.--:'" ";'-",'-'".:"j(j :r ('.;0; ,-:l'';'';'.;\T<iC f~ :.:: :;;E:-:\.-:::i..::i Dear Mr. Boughey: 1 1 ~ubmitted my application in November 1993 and had my first revieK meeting in the last week of February 1994. Constant delays have created a financial burden and real hardship on me 1 will have to ask for a new Assistant Planner. Mr. McNamara has in every telephone conversation or meeting I have had with him complained about being "swamped" and overloaded with work. This situation also affects the staff report he prepared. It is incorrect, very negative and detrimental to my pro.iect. r. The staff report states: A. The proposed project is to be for 40 residents. True B. The existing building has 6 units. False 2 The existing building has 19 separate apartment units. Thus as rented in the past to a couple with 2-4 children brings the occupancy to approximately 95 residents. This figure does not take into account the numerous visitors showing up around the 1st and 15th of every month using the address of the tenant's to receive their welfare checks. There are also many "overnlghters" and "vacationers" that make the residency load even higher. ATTACHMENT 4. . . . 6 . 3 4 5 - o o Renting said apartment building with very careful screenin~ and on site manager still has problems: drug use and sale, prostitution, and fights. Occurrences of thIS nature were on a daily basis. Because of Tenants Rights the police could not be very effective. Officers where restricted to the front doors. As stated in Police Dept. Interoffice Memorandum, see attached. The area has been a high crime area for quite some time, 9,413 calls during the year. These facts. affirm that changes are needed. My project will indeed do that. As Mr McNamara stated in the staff report on page 2 "All those enrolled are supervised 24 hours a day for the duration of their stay", The staff report states that future residents to the recovery program could be affiliated with the State Department of Corrections and therefore subject to receivin~ individuals from the California State Penal S~'stem. I am not aware of a code or law that lets a recovery program discriminate against such patrons, I do know that in renting'an apartment I can not discriminate against such individuals who have paid their debt to society. However, if the City/Mayor of San Bernardino WIll assist me or issue a letter of hold harmless against such discrimination or instruct me otherwise, I would gladl\' be in compliance with their requests. Mr. ~cNamara's opinion as stated in the staff report .....the State will be subsidizing a significant portion of the program cost." is incorrect, because in the majority of cases the cost carrier is the individual themselves or their illsurance compan~'. This demonstrates a strong desire and motivation on the part of the individual to turn their lives in a more positive direction. 1 have to stress that the program is not a detox center it is a recovery home under professional supervIsion and will be state certified and state licenced, staff report did not mentioned this at all. II, The impact associated with the ability to develop the parcel to commercial standards will have no negative effect on the surrounding residential neighborhood. The staff report refers to the building as a facility, the building has a historical value and the exterior will be unchanged. The building will remain a residential building and will have at least 60X less occupancy than the present apartment building. Also, it can and shall be properly controlled. o o . ~ Goal 10,a and IG.m in the General Plan Amendment states that it shall be the goal of the city to "achieve a pattern and distribution of land uses which: a. retain and enhance.... m. provide a high quality of life and secure environment for the City's residents and businesses.... 6 This project certainly meets this pattern. In addition due to the great reduction in occupancy" 58 ". The noise will be drastically reduced. my project is a change in land use designation only, and my request is to extend the boundary line for the CR2 land use. How Mr. McNamara can state that the surrounding area is residential I do not know. Bound to my East is CR2, across the street is a Public Library, and the South West Corner is a medical building. I hope you will grant and extent my request for the CUP and CR2. As you granted Dr. Alvaro Bolivar (my neighbor across the street) a General Plan Amendment on 5-2-94. OPA No. 93- 03~ 7 In conclusion please keep in mind where ever one sees a dru~/alcohol ("Gibson House" and "New House") or boarding hOllse ("F" ans 7th Street) it stands out as being well kept especially in the areas of cleanliness and landscaping, etc. Also. the Police Department if needed has full cooperatIon with Management for a "No Closed Door Policy". Sincerel~', p.,.8v>/././ ~lB/bt cc: Hayor Tom Minor Council Members Chamber of Commerce - - o o . ~ RFSPONSE TO MARIANNE BARKLAGE'S LETTER OF MAY 2, 1994 GPA NO. 93-06/CUP NO. 93-27 The following is offered as a response to the letter addressed to the Planning Commission dated May 2, 1994, from Ms. Marianne Barklage, Ms. Barklage's key comments have been identified with a number. Staffs corresponding response are provided below. 1 The General Plan Amendment (necessary to change the land use designation to one which conditionally permits the proposed use) was submitted the last day of November 1993; however, the applicant did not submit the corresponding Conditional Use Permit application until two days before Christmas, 1993, A plan check submittal was received on November 30, 1993, indicating modifications to the building for a 40 person care facility use. As a result of the need for both a General Plan Amendment and Conditional Use Permit before the proposed use could locate on-site, staff waited to receive the Conditional Use Permit submittal before processing the applications to hearing. Further, City Hall was closed after that point until January 3, 1994. The item was brought before the Development/Environmental Review Committee on February 24, 1994, with two Initials Studies. The Initial Studies were circulated for public review and comment, and on March 24, 1994, the items were again heard by the DIERC which cleared them to the Planning Commission with a recommendation to adopt the Negative Declarations. The items were then brought to the next possible Planning Commission hearing (May 3, 1994) and are now being brought to the earliest possible Mayor and Common Council meeting. The information contained in the staff report is the result of information obtained verbally from Ms. Barklage. Both the General Plan Amendment and the Conditional Use Permit applications were extremely unclear as to what is currently existing within the structure and what the nature of the proposed use is. As the application gave no project description other than "apartment building" and "group home," staff had to obtain additional information orally prior to drafting the staff report. The information in the staff report directly reflects the verbal statements given by Ms. Barklage. Although the Planning Commission staff report stated that the structure had six units, building permit records indicate that the site is approved for 19 apartment units apparently functioning as a boarding house (with one bathroom per "unit" and one kitchen serving the entire building). 2 Staff introduced this on the record at the Planning Commission hearing. Due to the fact that the structure is only 13,381 square feet (first and second floor area--as indicated by separately submitted plan check plans), it would not be possible to yield 19 apartment units as recognized by the Uniform Building Code (UBC). The UBC requires that each apartment unit have kitchen facilities. The propel t)' in question is constructed to function with a single kitchen serving all units. 3 Comments noted. ATTACHMENT 5 . .. . 4 5 6 7 .lio- ~ - - o o GPA No, 93-06/CUP No. 93-27 MCC Meeting of June 6, 1994 Page 2 As stated under the first item, much of the related information was received verbally from Ms. BarkIage throughout the process. Ms. BarkIage did state that the project is proposed to be State licensed and certified. As identified and discussed in Issue 1 of the Planning Commission staff report, the question is not only the immediate effects of changing the zoning, but the long term effects of the property's standing as a commercially zoned parcel. The proposed use mayor may not cause a decrease in the occupancy at this time. However, if in the future the proposed use is to cease operation, the site could be established with other commercial uses permitted in the Commercial Regional (CR-2) land use district. The "residential" appearance of the building is only partly at issue, additional focus should be placed on the fact that there is no on-site parking available to accommodate even a low-intensity office use, should one be proposed in the future. Based on existing constraints (Le, no on-site parking and no available area for on-site parking) future uses in the CR-2 could be restricted. The applications being considered involve more than merely shifting the boundary line over to encompass the subject property. With regard to the relationship between the proposed General Plan Amendment/Conditional Use Permit and General Plan Amendment 93-03, the latter involved a legal, nonconforming medical use which has been operating since the 1970's in the same location seeking to change the land use designation to Commercial Regional (CR-2) so that it would be a conforming use and the parking area could be expanded. As identified in the Planning Commission staff report, the proposed use has been found to be incompatible with the surrounding uses and area. The City is currently making attempts to revita1ize, reuse, and upgrade deteriorated neighborhoods and districts. The proposed use confficts with the City's efforts to revita1ize the downtown area. Ms. Barklage has no use in operation and wishes to change from apartments to a commercial venture (there is no on-site parking at 596 W. 6th Street and nowhere to expand to provide parking). Additionally, the latter involves an relatively innocuous use while Ms. BarkIage's CUP involves a use which has been hailed by the Police Department as a detriment to the community. Comments noted. " .