HomeMy WebLinkAboutR01-Community Development Commission o o o o o MAYOR AND COMMON CO~Cn. . ANDTHE: '."',.. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES JOINT REGULAR MEETING April 18, 1994 11:00 a.m. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 300 North "On Street, San Bernardino, California and called to order by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 4:16 p.m., on Monday, Apri14, 1994 . ROLL CA' .1. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Member David Oberhelman. ST AFF PRF.~F.NT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Shauna Clark, City Administrator; Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administrator; Jim Penman, City Attorney; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Melanie Vale, Deputy City Clerl<; Diane Jones, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHF.RS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Saba, Special Counsel, Saba and Green. Plmuc COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, commented on the discussion of the public comments agenda item at the Legislative Review Committee on Thursday, Apri114, 1994. Mr. Wright also discussed the symbolizing of writing "Pink Floyd" on the wall that was to be demolished. He emphasized on the authorization he was given to do so. CONSENT CALENDAR JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 1 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 fA o o o o o The Commission Members requested items numbered "2", "3", and "6", be removed from the Consent Calendar. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, that the Consent Calendar items numbered "1" through "6" be adopted, except for items numbered "2", "3", and "6", respectively. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Obelbelman 1. JOINT POWF.RS FINANCING AIITHORITY (Community DevelQJment Cnmmilllsion) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, that the Regular Meeting of the loint Powers Financing Authority be continued to Monday, May 16, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. 4. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. INSTAl.' .ATION OF PLAYGROUND F.tllllPMENT AT ENCANTO PARK (Ml\Yor and r.nmmon Councll) Councilman Hernandez made a motion, secooded by Councilman Devlin, that the plans for the installation of playground equipment and handicap accessible matting at Encanto Park, in accordance with Plan No. 9090, be approved; and the director of Public Works/City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Oberhelman. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:bnp:cmin4j2 2 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 In o o o o o 5. AWARD OF CONTRACT. CONSTRUCTION OF RJf'HARDSON STRlmT STORM DRAINS /Mayor and Common Council) CounciJmBn Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Councilman Devlin, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLlmON NUMBER 94-99 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO CORNISH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., FOR INSTAlLATION OF THE RICHARDSON STREET STORM DRAIN, FROM DAVIDSON STREET TO MISSION CREEK. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Oberhelman. 1. COMMllNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINIlTRo;; (Community Development COmmitL4ino) Commission Member Devlin indicated that the dates for Item #8 which reads "October 15, 1994 to October 15, 1994", should be corrected. Timothy C., Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that the dates should read, "October 15, 1994 to October 15, 1995. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, questioned whether or not the item on "Public Comments" was discussed at this meeting. Commission Member Devlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, that the minutes of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino for the meeting of March 7, 1994, be approved as corrected. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete: Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. 2. RF.DF.VF.J .OPMENT COMMITIF..E MINllTF.O;; (Community Develqpment Commiuinn) Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, commented on whether or not the item on "Public Comments" was discussed at the Redevelopment Committee. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 3 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 J _ o o o o o Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, explained that the Redevelopment Committee had not discussed the item. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, that the minutes of the Redevelopment Committee of the City of San Bernardino for the meetings of March 10, 1994 and March 28, 1994, be received and med. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. 6. RIGHT .OF.W A Y ACOtllSITION . SAN BERN A RnlNO COllNTY SUPF..RINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS (Community Develqpment Cnmminion) Commission Member Negrete made a motion. seconded by Commission Member Miller, to authorize the Executive Director to acquire right-of-way necessary for the CODStroction of the Central Police Station from the San Bemanlino County Superintendent of Schools for the price of $85,000.00, plus estimated escrow and title fees of $1,100.00, and execute any and Bll documents necessary to complete the acquisition. Commission Member Hernandez explained chat he would like to vote "no" on this item. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, conunented on the cost of this item to the City and stated that this item should have been off the Consent Calendar for the publics review. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Commission Member Hernandez. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 7. CONTINllF..D FROM APRB. 4. 1994 F..DGEHB .1. VB .I.AGE REINST ALLA nON OF GREENHEL T (Community Develqpment Commi~cin...) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, stated that Edgehill Village is compiled of both sales and rental properties. He explained that this item was originally proposed to be funded by revenue bonds from the sales of the properties. JOINT REGULAR MEETING K1H:lmp:cmin4j2 4 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 //1 o o o o o Dennis A. Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney, recommended that Motion "C" of this item be revised to request the Mayor and Common Council to complete an action rather than give instmctions to the City Administrator. Commission Member Curlin commented on the cost to property owners to maintain their property. Shauna Clark, City Administtator, explained that the agreement will require property owners to maintain their property. She indicated that the City would maintain the property at a cost to the owner, or place a lien on the property if the owner failed to maintain the property. Commission Member Hernandez requested a copy of the document to be sent to the property owners regarding this issue for his review. Commission Member Popo-Ludlam commented on the fire hazards located in this area and the need to approve this item. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 2:23 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER MD.LER RETURNED AT 2:24 P.M. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, asked if the property in question is where the bomb factmy was previously located. Chairman Minor stated that he was unaware of a bomb factmy on this site. Commission Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, that the following motions be approved and adopted: That the Community Development Commission approve a grant in the approximate amount of $23,500.00 utilizing 20% set aside funds for the installation of approximately 62,000 square feet of irrigation and drought tolerant landscaping at Edgehill Village, 1400-1500 Edgehill Road. That the Community Development Commission authorize the preparation of an agreement between the Commission and Edgehill Village Homeowners Association, allowing for the installation of the greenbelt and collection and/or Iieoing or the property should the association fail to maintain the property. That the Community Development Commission request that the Mayor and Common Council direct the Director of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department to oversee the repair and installation of the greenbelt. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 5 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 /n o o o o o 8. FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY COURT RETENTION - YMCA PARKING LOT (Community Development Cnmmfmrinn) Commission Member Devlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, that the following motions be approved and adopted: That the Community Development Commission approve the construction of parking lot improvements on a vacant parcel owned by the YMCA at an estimated cost of $280,000; further, that the Economic Development Agency budget be increased by $280,000 plus monthly ground lease costs. That the Community Development Commission authorize staff to negotiate an agreement whereby the YMCA would install parking lot improvements on the vacant land parcel.. That the Community Development Commission approve a ground lease from the YMCA to the EDA, as well as a lease of the completed parking lot from EOA to the Bankruptcy Court landlord. Commission Member Hernandez expressed concern regarding the retention of the Bankruptcy Court in the City of San Bernardino. He commented on the architects removal of the Bankruptcy Court from the superblock design. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, commented on staffs efforts to retain the Bankruptcy Court in San Bernardino. He explained to the Commission that in the event the Court did nol remain in the City the parking lot could be used for other projects. Discussion ensued regarding the need to show the Bankruptcy Court that the City was committed to retaining them in the City. Commission Member Hernandez commented on the cost of this project. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Millec. Noes: None. Abstain: Commission Member Hernandez. Absent: Commission Member Oberhebnan. 9. Em CONSULTANT - SUPERBLOCK fMlIyor and Common Coond!) Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that the costs for this item would be reimbursed by the State. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, commented on the EIR Report being proposed by staff. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:1mp:cmin4j2 6 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 /~ o o o o o Councilman Devlin made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Miller, to authorize the Mayor and City Oerk to execute a contract with the staff recommended ElR consultant in an amount not to exceed $150.000.00 The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Obezhelman. (Community Develqpment Commission) Commission Member Devlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to authorize the Executive Director to reimburse the City of the contracted ElR consultant, including expenses incurred for the City staff environmental consultant (Tom Dodson & Associates, not-t<HlXceed $15,000.00) and direct expenses, and allocate bond proceeds in the estimated amount of $150,000.00 for same. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member ObeIbelman. 10. INLAND PLAZA REFINANCING - PllBLlC RF.ARING OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING lMJIyor and Common Coundn Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, briefed the Commission on the history of this item. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino. CBlifomia, questioned the funding source for this item. Mr. Henderson explained that bond issues were used for this item. Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Councilman Curlin, to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Obezhelman. Councilman Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Councilman Negrete, that the following resolutions be approved and adopted: JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:Imp:cmin4j2 7 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 /1) o o o o o RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-100 RESOLUTION OF TIlE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REGARDING TIlE HOWING OF A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION Wl11ITIIE EXTENSION OF TIlE MATURITY OF TIlE $2,200,000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. INDUS1RIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1983A (INLAND VALLEY PROJECT). RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-101 RESOLUTION OF TIlE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING TIlE EXTENSION OF TIlE MATURITY OF TIlE $2,200,000 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. INDUS1RIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1983A (INLAND VALLEY PROJECT). The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. 11. WARMC'RRRK APARTMENTS ~or and Cnmmon Council) Councilman Hernandez made a motion, secOnded by Councilman Negrete, !bat the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-102 RESOLUTION OF TIlE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL INDEN'IURE AND A SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL INDEN'IURE FOR ITS MULTIFAMU..Y HOUSING REVENUE BONDS (WARM CREEK APARTMENTS PROJECT) SERIES 1985. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. JOINT REGULAR MEETING K1H:lmp:cmin4j2 8 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 I,. o o o o o 12. FRF.F.W A Y HOME CENTER (Community D@v@kq)m@ot Cnmmic.an,,\ lRedevelQpment Committee Reenmmendatlon) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, explained previous recommendations that have been approved for this item. He explained that RTC had agreed to sell the property to Allan Steward, Steward and Associates. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to authorize and direct staff to submit a $2.5 million dollar loan application to a private lender for the purpose of reloaning the loan proceeds to Allan Steward, Inc., for purposes of acquiring and renovating the Freeway Home Center and for woddng capital, subject to review of Allan Steward's fmancial capacity and, further, authorize the chairman and Executive Director to execute an Owner Participation Agreement to include a personal guarantee pledge by Allan Steward. (No Vote Taken) TlJDothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, indicated that RTC had informed the Agency of its willingness to sell the property to Mr. Steward despite his current legal problems. Commission Member Devlin expressed concern regarding the Agency loaning funds to Mr. Steward at this time. Chairman Minor spoke of the pass-through loan as requested by Mr. Steward. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam emphasized on the need for improvements to the Freeway Home Center. Commission Member Miller commented on the amount of funds being proposed for this project. She indicated that the funds being used for this project were all City funds, and that the developer was not conbibutlng any personal funds to this project. Discussion ensued regarding various projects funded by the City. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 3:20 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER Mll..LER RETURNED AT 3:23 P.M. Commission Member Hernandez asked if the Agency would be repaid for its investment in this project. Mr. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that if and when the project is sold, the Agency would be repaid with interest. Mr. Steinhaus indicated that the bank would loan the Agency $2.5 million and amortize it over ten (10) years instead of five (5) years. Allan Steward, Steward and Associates, emphasized that the project would only be successful if amortized over 25 years. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 9 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 Ir. o o o II. - o o Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, concurred with comments made by Commission 11. r.1<t Miller. Commission Member Curlin recommended this item be continued until additional infonnation is available. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam reiterated the need to fund this project. Esther Estrada, Ramona Senior Housing, Inc., requested an opportunity to correct statements made regarding her project. She explained that Case Ramona was a non-profit organization which has invested over $300,000 into the project. She stated that the funds received from the Agency would be repaid. RECESSED MRRTlNG At 3:40 p.m., Chairman Minor recessed the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission for five (5) minutes. MRRTlNG RECONVENED At 3:45 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was reconvened. ROLL CAT.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Member David Oberhelman. STAFF PRRClRNT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Hendenon, Executive Director, Development Department; Shauna C1ark, City Administrator; Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administtator; Jim Penman, City Attorney; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velanle, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Melanie Vale, Deputy City Cledc; Diane Jones, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording SecreI8ly, Development Department. OTHRRS IN ATIENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Saba, Special Counsel, Saba and Green. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 10 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 - lli o o o - - o o 12. FRRRW A Y HOME CENTER lCnmmllnity DevelQgment Commiuinn \ lRedevelQpment Committee Recommendation) Evlyn Kenny, San Bernardino, fell this ilem should nol be approved. She expressed concern regarding additional funds needed 10 protecl citizens in their homes. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that RTC indicated thai there were other interested buyers for this property. Allan Steward, Steward and Associates, explained that he is currently working with 60 square units of tenants 10 locate to this area. Commission Member Curlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, 10 authorize and direct staff to submit a $2.5 million dollar loan application to a private lender for the purpose of reloaning the loBO proceeds 10 Allan Steward, Inc., for purposes of acquiring BOd renovating the Freeway Home Center BOd for woddng capital, subject to review of Allan Steward's fmancial capacity and further, authorize the chairman and Executive Director to execute BO Owner Participation Agreement 10 include a personal guarantee pledge by Allan Steward, contingenl upon approval of getting a 25 year amortization, 8% interest, 7 year call. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Commission Members Devlin; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberl1elman. 13. ARROW VISTA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (Community DevelQpment Commission) Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, 10 approve implementation of the agreement for termination of obligations pertaining to the Arrow Vista Housing Development, authorize the utilization of $120,000 in available low income housing monies BOd authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute any documents necessary 10 effectuate said implementation. (No Vole Taken) Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administralor, Economic Developmenl Agency, explained that the Agency was asking thai this projecl revert back 10 the Agency BOd thai John Dukes, Dukes-Dukes and Associates, be hired 10 acl as a consuItanl for lhe project. He staled that there was a termination clause in the agreement. Mr. Sleinhaus briefed the Commission on the process needed if the Commission elecled 10 foreclose on this loan. Commission Member Devlin questioned whether or nol Mr. Dukes was willing to repay the Agency with a portion of his consulting services fee. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 11 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 - 14 o o o - ~ o o Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, California, commented on the amount of funds being paid to the developer as a consulting services fee. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Commission Member Devlin. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. 14. SAN MARCOS STRRRT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 'Community Develqpment Cnmmiuiftn l lRedevelqpment Committee's Recommendationl Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to continue this item until May 2, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. RS-l. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY LAW LmRARY RETENTION (Cnmmi~cion Develqpment Commiuinn) Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, indicated that approval of this item would be a positive move toward gaining the confidence of the Bankruptcy Court. Discussion ensued regarding the various motions listed in the staff report. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to authorize the Executive Director to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Joint Escrow Instructions between Bank. of America National Trost Savings Association and the Redevelopment Agency. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. (Mayor Anti Cnmmnn Cnnnd1) Councilman Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Miller, to set a joint public hearing for May 15, 1994, to consider approval of a Disposition and Development Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the San Bernardino County Law Library Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Oberhelman. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 12 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 }/f o o o - o o RS-2. UlCAL BID PRF.FF.RF.N('E (Community DevelQ,pment l:nmmiccinn\ Commission Member Hernand~ made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, to adopt Section 3.04.125 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code as its Local Bid Preference Policy if said section is actually approved by the Mayor and Common Council. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Memben Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Popo-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberltelman. RS-3. GENF..RAL COtINSF..L SERVICES (Community DevelQpment ('omm;mon) Commission Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, to approve the retention of the City Attorney as Economic Development Agency General Counsel until a new Agency General Counsel is selected by the Commission. Commission Member Hernandez recommended that the City Attorney's Office continue working on existing Agency projects. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator. Economic Development Agency, commented on the need to continue using the City Attorney's Office on a case by case basis until new Counsel for the Agency is obtained. Dennis A. Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney, stated that the City Attorney's Office was in agreement with this item. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Oberhelman. ARS-l PROPOSED INf'RF.ASE IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMLq.'lION MEMBERS COMPENSAnON IMlIyor and Common Council) (Councilwoman PflPe-Ludl..m's R..rnmmendation) Dennis A. Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney expressed concern regarding the legality of including annuBl CPl increases as pari of the Commission's raise. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin4j2 13 COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 h o o o o o Counci1man Hernandez indicated that the request to increase the Commission's salary was not a new issue. He explained that the salary of the Mayor was raised several years ago. Councilwoman Miller voiced her disapproval of this item. Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam commented on her conversation with the Mayor regarding placing this item on the Commission Agenda. Mayor Minor recommended that the citizens of San Bernardino vote to raise the salary of the Commission Members. He stated that he would support a charter amendment on the ballot. Counci1man Curlin commented on the negative press that has been received as a result of this item. He suggested that this item be either tabled or continued untiI a later date when the Mayor has had ample time to thoroughly research and review this item. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, concurred that the Commission did deserve a raise but requested that it be done by vote of the people and not the Council. Evlyn Kenny, Citizen, stated that the Council was paid $550.00 a month. Esther Estrada, Ramona Senior Housing Inc., recommended the Council approve a Blue Ribbon Advisory Committee to address this issue. Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Counci1man Hernandez, to approve a resolution increasing the Community Development Commission compensation from $75.00 per meeting to $1500.00 per month and amending the previous actions of the Mayor and Common Council. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Devlin; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: Counci1man Oberl1elman. 17. ADJOURNMENT At 5:23 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was adjourned to Monday, May 2, 1994 at 11:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully submitted: KENNElH J. HENDERSON Executive Directorl Secretary to the Commission JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:bnp:cmin4j2 14 COMMISSION MINUlES April 18,1994 la o o o o JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:Imp:anin4j2 - J o IS COMMISSION MINUTES April 18,1994 - J n. o o o .1 - o o MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. AND THE . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 2, 1994 11:00 a.m. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was held in the Council O1ambers, City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California and called to ordel' by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 11:00 a.m., on Monday, May 2, 1994 . ROLLe.'.'. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chainnan Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F.l. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberllelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson. Executive Director, Development Deparlment; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Ve1arde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo. Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTIfF.RS IN ATI'ENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; 10hn Husing, ECAP; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. Plmuc COMMENTS ON ITEM." NOT ON TIfF. AGENDA Jeff Wright, P.O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, expressed concern regarding statements being made about his comments at the Commission Meetings. Jim Schlsta, Citizen, commented on the need for citizens to fight for their rights. Commission Member Hernandez spoke of constant newspaper articles which implement that the City is giving away public funds. He recommended citizens report the misuse of funds to the proper authorities if they have evidence. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin5r1 1 COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 - IL o o o o o Commission Member Curlin requested speakers properly identify themselves when speaking at the podium for validity. Bob Nelson, Citizen, commented on the need to make various changes within the City. Gary Kirby, 1505 Yardly, San Bernardino, commented on the Commission Members making various statements which attack the public. He explained that the meetings would run more smoothly if various statements were ignored rather than acted upon. Mr. Kirby recommended the Councilman of the Fifth Ward hold public forums to keep the residents of the Fifth Ward informed of all issues. The Commission Members requested item number "5" be removed from the Consent Calendar. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberltelman, that the Consent Calendar items numbered" I" through "5" be adopted except for item number "5", respectively. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 1. COMMlJNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MlNlITES (Community Develqpment Comml!li-cinn) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, that the minutes of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino for the meeting of April 4, 1994 be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 2. FY 1994/1995 COMMUNITY DEVF..LOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CDBG PUBLIC HEA RING ~yoraDdCnmmoDCoundn Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberltelman, that May 16, 1994 at3:()() p.m., be established as the date and time for the FY 199411995 CDBG Public Hearing for consideration of various proposals requesting CDBG financial assistance for the period beginning July 1, 1994 and ending June 30,1995. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin5r1 COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 2 - h, o o o o o 3. RENTIDF..POSIT GUARANTEE PROGRAM (Community Develqpment Cnmmbtdon) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member OberhelmaD, to approve designation of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department (Westside Community Center) and Frazee Community Center as FY 1993-94 Rent Deposit Guarantee Program recipients. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberlle'tm.n; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 4. HOUSING DIVISION QUARTERl,y ACTIVITY REPORT (Community DevelQpment Comml..don) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member OberhelmaD, to receive and file the attached Housing Division Quarterly Activity Report for the months of January, February and March 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 5. SP COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FIRST AMENDMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION (Community DevelQpment Commiulnn) Commission Member Devlin asked if the developer had met all the necessary requirements for this item. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administtator, Economic Development Agency, stated that all requirements were met and that all the fees were paid. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, explained the tenns of this agreement. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberhe1man, that the following motions and resolution be approved and adopted: That the Community Development Commission approve a First Amendment to an Owner Participation Agreement with SP Commercial Development. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin5rl COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 3 I~ o o o o o That the Community Development Commission authorize the Chairman and Secretary to execute the subject First Amendment. RF.~OLllTION NllMBER 5395 RESOLUTION OF TIlE COMMUNfIY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ON BEHALF OF TIlE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING TIlE EXECUTION OF A CERTlFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR SP COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR TIlE DEVELOPMENT OF TIlE CLUB CENTER 'The motions carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 6. SUNLAC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (Community DevelllPment Commission) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, briefed the Commission on the previous action related to this item and the problems that have been incurred since the homes were built. Mr. Henderson commented on the additional improvements needed before the homes could be sold, emphasizing that without Agency assistance, the homes could not be sold. He stated that the homes had been on the madret for nine (9) months. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to approve a proposal to finalize development of the Falcon Ridge housing development project, allocate $121,400 in available housing set-aside funds and authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute any documents necessary to effectuate implementation of said program. Commission Member Obedtelman questioned why the Agency was giving the developer $50,000 and loaning him $71,400. He felt that the entire amount should be in the form of a loan. Discussion ensued regarding the funding for this item from a private banker. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Agency Administtator, Economic Development Agency, commented on the need to assist the developer in order to sell the homes. He stated that the homes are already built. Commission Member Oberhelman reiterated his comment regarding the need to seek assistance from an outside funding source. Commission Member Devlin asked if there was a completion bond on this project and if so, what it covered. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Curlin to continue this item until May 16, 1994. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminSr1 COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 4 /'-' o o o The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberh",lmon: Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. o o 7. ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRllTING. EV AUlA nON AND TREATMENT. SUPERBLOCK (Community Develqpment Cnmmiuinn) Timolhy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that this item was part of the environmental process that must be completed for the superblock. He indicated that since this was an historical area of lhe City potential historical resources had to be identified. Mr. Steinhaus stated that this item would award a contract of up to $45,000 to complete the archaeological testing of the area. He also stated that lhe plonnj,lg and Building Services Department and the consultants had reviewed this proposal. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 11:40 AM, Commission Member Devlin questioned the necessity of this item. Mr. Steinhaus explained that the City must go through the EIR process and be certified no later than September. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN WAS EXCUSED AT 11:43 A.M. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN RETURNED AT 11:44 PM, Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, stated that lhe testing should have been done before the Platt Building was demolished. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to aulhorize lhe Executive Director to draft and execute a conlract with Statistical Research, Incmporated for an amount not to exceed $450,512 for archaeological testing, evaluation, and treatment for the construction of the State Consolidated Offices and CALlRANS Building on lhe Superblock and allocate funds for same, with lhe understanding that such funds will be reimbursed by lhe State of California as a cost to this project. Further, that staff be authorized to otfm;nister and execute change orders, limited to the amount of lhe contingency ($45,000). The motions carried by lhe following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Miller. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin5r1 COMMISSION MINUI'ES May 2, 1994 5 {h o o o o o 8. TENANT SCRRF.NlNG PROGRAM (Commonity DevelQgment Cnmmi.flinn\ lCounl"ilman HernRndez's RN"ftlilmendation) Commission Member Hernandez spoke of the numerous apartment complexes within the City that are experiencing drug problems. He stated that the problems will continue to get worse if a solution is not developed. COMMISSION MEMBER OBERHELMAN WAS EXCUSED AT 11:47 P,M, COMMISSION MEMBER OBERHELMAN RETURNED AT 11:48 P.M. Commission Member Hernandez stated that more code enforcement was needed in those areas experiencing the problems. Commission Member Obe1be1man concurred stating that every part of the City is impacted by the lack of tenant screening. Discussion ensued regarding the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to address this issue. Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council, informed the Commission that the City Administrator was also looking into this issue and stated that it would be discussed during the Legislative Review Committee Meeting. Commission Member Oberllelm.n made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, to refec this matter to the Legislative Review Committee. The motion canied by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Miller. RF.r.F_'lSED MF.F.T1NG Chairman Minor recessed the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission at 12:00 p.rn.. to the Luncheon Workshop at the EDA Board Room. LlJNc.HF.ON WORKSHOP The Luncheon Workshop of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was called to order at 12:30 p.m. in the Economic Development Agency Board Room, 201 North "En Street, Second Floor, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Commission Members Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberheiman; Jeny Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Norine Miller. REGULAR MEETING KJH:imp:cminSrl COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 6 Ii o o o o o STAFF PRF."ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Ve1arde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson. Recording Secretary, Development Department. O'mERS IN ATTENDANCE Dave Padrutt, Staubach Company; Richard Mayo, State of California; Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces; Judie Cady, Caltrans; Katherine Spitz, KSA; Paul Danna, Keating, Mann, Jernigan, Rottet, (KMJR); Rick Keating, KMJR.; Mike Mann, KMJR.; Cory Ticktin, KMJR; John Husing, ECAP; Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. 11. SCHEMAnC DESIGN: STATE CONSOLIDATED OFFICES AND CALTRANS 81m .DlNG _ LUNCHEON WORKSHOP (Community Develogment Commission) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, gave a brief overview on the presentations made to date regBIding the State Consolidated Offices and Caltrans Building. Dave Padrutt, Staubach Company, commented on the steps taken to date regarding the schematic design and the types of material that could be used in building the project. Paul Danna, KMJR, showed various focal points within the City that helped the Commission Members identify how tall the State Building and the Caltrans Building would be. He suggested to the Commission that the building be built using warm tones and desert colors for a nicer look. He also commented on the benefit of using pre-cast material versus lime stone. Mr. Padrutt stated that a mock-up of the project using a variety of materials could be done for the Conunission's review. He also commented on a 360 seat auditorium that would be located at the bottom of the parking SlIuclure. Discussion ensued regarding the location of parking, easy access to the facilities, and the locating of a heli-port. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion. seconded by Commission member Oberl1e1man, to approve schematic design of the Stale Consolidated Offices and CALlRANS Building on the western two- thirds of the block bounded by Fourth, Fifth, "E" and "D" Streets and instroct staff to proceed with coustroction design and development. Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces, discussed the impact this project will have on the downtown area. REGULAR MEETING K1H:lmp:cminSrl COMMISSION MINUrES May 2, 1994 7 Ih o o o o o Bob Curci, Carousel Mall, made comments regarding the different facilities located in the downtown area. Timothy C. S'"inhm.s, Administtator, Economic Development Agency, made closing 1'CIIllUks regarding the project and stated that the mock-up of the facility will allow the Commission to get a better idea as to how the project will look. Mr. Padrutt stated that he would review the possibility of locating a heli-stop on the project and share the costs with Mr. Steinhaus. He indicated that at present, the total project cost is approximately $90 million. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Curlin; HernandeZ; ObeJ:belman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Members Negrete; Miller. The luncheon workshop concluded at 1:32 p.m. The meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was scheduled to reconvene at 3:00 p.m. MRF.TING RECONVENED. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was reconvened by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 3:32 p.rn., on Monday, May 2, 1994 . ROLLCAI.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chainnan Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F.I. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David ObeJ:belman; Jerry Devlin; and Valerie Pope-Ludlam. Absent: Commission Member Norine Miller. STAFF PRR~ENT TlIDothy C. Steinhaus, Administtator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel CImt, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerlt; La Vonda M-Pe81Son, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHRRS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; John Husing, ECAP; Timothy Sabo, Special Counsel, Sabo and Green. REGULAR MEETING K1H:lmp:cmin5rl COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 8 It.. o o o - - o o 6. SlINLAC DEVF..I,OPMRNT i>R.O.TF-CT (Community D@velQJ)ment CnmmiBinn \ Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam to reconsider this item. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained that this item was continued for two (2) weeks at the moming session of the meeting. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, stated that Mr. Otis Lacy, SunIac Development, was present to address any coocems the Commission may have in reference to this item. He indicated that previous discussions with the bBDk regarding fmancing for the project were not promising. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Ober.....lmRn: Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Commission Member Devlin. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Miller. Mr. Henderson commented on the need for funding to make the necessary improvements to the homes before they are sold He recommended the Commission proceed with this item so that the current escrows are not lost. Commission Member Oberhelman recommended the total amount of funds requested be a loan rather than a partial grant. Otis Lacy, Sunlac Development, informed the Commission that he had incurred additional costs to the project for mandatory City fees and landscaping. He explained that those additional costs added to his funding shortage. Commission Member Curlin questioned whether or not Mr. Lacy owned any abandoned property in the City. Mr. Lacy Slated that he owned additional property in the City that was in the process of being cleaned-up. Commission Member Oberhelman questioned the amount of personal funding invested in this project. Mr. Lacy indicated that he had invested approximately $250,000 in the project. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, to approve a loan in the amount of $121,400 and that it be repaid at the close of escrow. (No Vote Taken) Commi~sion Member Pope-Ludlam spoke of using the 20% set-aside funds for the intended purpose. She recommended the Commission support the staff recommendation. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminSrI COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 9 I/-' o o o - - o o Commission Member Hernandez Dtadc a substitute motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope- Ludlam, to approve a proposal to finali7p. development of the Falcon Ridge housing development project, allocate $121,400 in available housing set-aside funds with the understanding that $50,000 would be repaid to the Agency, and authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute any documents necesS8l}' to effectuate implementBtion of said program. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Poi>>LudIam. Noes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Devlin; None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Miller. ,. ECONOMIC CONDmON OF THR CITY WORKSHOP (CommuniQ' DevelQpment Commiuion) Toothy C. Steinhaus, Administtator, Economic Development Agency, stated that the Redevelopment Committee recommended Mr. John Husing, ECAP, briefly speak to the f'.nmmk,ion regarding this issue. John Husing, ECAP, commented on both San Bernardino and Riverside growing from the recent recession. He spoke of the proper context needed in order for the City to better understand its community. Commission Member Hernandez questioned whether or not redevelopment funds would need to be pot back into the economy. Mr. Husing briefly discusSed the importance of redevelopment funds in the City. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam commented on the stBte of the City emphasizing on the problems of the City. Discussion ensued regarding the set-up of an Economic Summit Workshop, the attendees and also the hosL Commission Member Pope-Ludlam recommended Mr. Husing host the summit due to his experience with this subject matter. She explained that he has a better understanding of the problems of the City. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bemardino, indicated that this summit would be a benefit to the City. Evlyn Kenny, Citizen, requested the Commission not hire any more advisors for the City. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to establish a date and time certain for the conducting of the Economic Condition of the City WoIkshop to be held the 3rd or 4th week in September. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin5rl COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 10 Ih o o o o o The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Membeo: Miller. . 10. SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Community DevelQpment Cnmmi.clnnl Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by.Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to continue Ibis item until June 6, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberlle1man; DevliIi; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Miller. 11. SnmMAnC DESIGN: STATE CONSOLIDATED OFFlCRc; AND CALTRANS Bun .DlNe: . LUNnlEON WORKSHOP (Community DevelQpment Commiuinn) ('Ibis item was acted on during the luncheon workshop in the EDA Board Room) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberl1e1man, to approve the schematic design of the Slate Consolidated Offices and CALlRANS Building on the western two-thirds of the block bounded by Fourth, Fifth, "E" and "E" Streets and instruct staff to proceed with construction design and development. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Curlin; Hernandez; Obetbelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Members Negrete; Miller. RS.l. STANDARD MORTr.Ae:E LOAN COMPANY (Community DevelQpment rnn:.mkcinQ) (CouncilwomAn Pqpe_LudIAm's R..-nmmendRtion) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, briefed the Commission on previOl1S actions regarding Ibis item. He explained recent changes that had been made to the agreement with Standard Mortgage per legal counsel of Riverside National Bank. Mr. Henderson stated that the change to the agreement would allow the bank to call on the Agency's guarantee the day that Standard Mortgage is late with its payment. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin5rl COMMISSION MINUI'ES May 2, 1994 11 lh o o o Commission Member Hernandez asked if the Agency could seek assistance from another financial institution. Mr. Henderson explained thaI due to the time constraints, it would not be feasible. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam commented on the changes that were made to the agreement and the need to assist Standard Mortgage. Commission Member Oberil"tm~n commented on the lack of information presented at the Commission Meeting as well as the risks involved if this item is approved. Mr. Henderson stated that the Agency was currently in negotiations with the bank regarding various tenns in the agreement. . Commission Member Curlin concurred with Commission Member Oberhelman and recommended this item be continued. Mr. Steinhaus explained that-the Agency did not receive the request to place this item on the Agency agenda until Friday, April 29, 1994 at 11:00 a.m. He indicated that the information from the bank was also not received until Friday by facsimile. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, questioned the use for the funds requested. R W. Steiler, Standard Mortgage, explained to the Commission that this was of urgency to Standard o Mortgage. John Nolan, Attorney representing Standard Mortgage, stated that the modification made to the agreement does not increase the fmancial obligation of the Agency as guarantor. He emphasized that Standard Mortgage was pledging 33 ttUSt deeds of property in excess of $2.5 million as collateral. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to continue this matter to Thursday, May 5, 1994, at 3:30 p.ID., in the Council Chambers of Cily Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 12. ADJOURNMENT At 5:50 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission was adjourned to Monday, May 5, 1994 at 3:30 p.ID., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully submitted: KENNETH J. HENDERSON . Executive Directorl Secretary to the Commission o REGULAR MEETING KJH:hnp:cmin5rl 12 COMMISSION MINUTES May 2, 1994 Ih