HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-Redevelopment Committee o o o o o . REDEVELOPMENT COMMlTI'EE.~' .;' . . ... .~, ':~~IiIifTE'~" "'.' ".;, ,::,.c,}!,;;-..:;. \ ~:~".; REGULAR MEETING April 7, 1994 3:00 pm, The regu1ar meeting of the Redevelopment Committee was called to order by Chairwoman Pope- Ludlam at 3:14 p.m., in the Economic Development Agency Board Room, 201 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLLCAJ.J. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam and Committee Members Edward Negrete; Ralph Hernandez. Absent: None. SfAFF PRli'.cmNT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Ann Harris, Executive Director, ~ Street; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Lorrilineyehlnle. Executive AssistBilt to theMay'Or~ DenniS Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHF.RS IN ATIENDANCE Richard Mayo, State of California; Derrik Eichelberger, Katherine Spitz Association; Kathy Madden, Project for Public Spaces; Fred Kent, Project for Public Spaces; Katherine Spitz, Katherine Spitz Association; Judie Cady, Caltrans; Paul Danna, Keating MaonJernigan Rottet (KMJR); Rick Keating, KMJR; Mike Mann, KMJR; Cory Ticktin, KMJR; Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper. Staff requested the Redevelopment Committee consider Item Number 2 while waiting for representatives to arrive for Item Number 1. 2. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACOlJI..<;;InON - COUNTY SCHOOLS Timothy C. SteinhBus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, indicated that this item pertained to the new police station. He emphasized that a portion of 7th Street would need to be vacated in order to build the new facility. Committee Member Hernandez commented on the three (3) property OWDC!rs involved. Mr. SteinhBus stated that staff was working on a concept which would eliminate the need to vacate a portion of the land thus causing a savings of approximately $150,000. REGULAR MEETING Imp:rminapr.941 REDEVELOPMENT COMM.ulJ:!d!; April7,19.94 .1. 2~ o o o ..a o o Paul Danna, Keating Mann Jernigan Rottet, spoke on the size of the buildings and explained how the OOildi"8l' are scaled. Discussion ensued regarding the model sizes of the buildings in comparison to existing buildings within the City. Mr. Keating described how and what devices are used when building them. Mr. Danna commented on the auditorium that would be located on the flISt floor of the parking garage. Mr. Padrutt discussed uses for the extra space in the State Building. Mr. Danna explained the various types of building materials that could be used. He discussed the dollar amount of lime stone versus pre-cast, indicating that pre-cast was much cheaper. Mr. Keating spoke of the possibility of having a revolving beacon that would rotate on top of the largest building. Katherine Spitz, Katherine Spitz Association, discussed the landscaping for the plaza area around the buildings. While showing slides, she discussed the various aspects of the plants and landscaping designs shown. Mr. Padrutt stated that if pre-cast material was used, the project would stay within the budget. He stated that the cost of the project to date was approximately $90 million. He indicated that the groundbreaking date for the project would be November 1, 1994 with the anticipated move in date in 1995. RECOMMENDA nON The Committee recommended this item be received and flIed. NB-l FRRRWAYHOMECENTER Committee Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Negrete, that the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Committee since the agenda was posted. Motion carried by the following vote: Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam; Committee Members Negrete; Hernandez. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, indicated that he was expecting to hear from Mr. Steward regarding the seller financing. He stated that he had a meeting scheduled with him on Monday, April 11, 1994. Mr. Henderson also indicated that information regarding AI Steward, Steward and Associates, background was being reviewed by the ethics committee before approval by the RTC. REGULAR MF..ETING Imp:rminapr.941 -3- REDEVELOPMENT COMM.llll!;!!; AprD 7, 19.94 t; o o o o RECOMMENDAnON There was DO recommendation made for this item. . 4. ADJOURNMENT o p.m. There being no further business, the meeting of the Redevelopment Committee was adjourned at 5:05 APPROVED BY: VALERIE POPE.LUDLAM, Chairwoman Redevelopment Committee REGULAR MEETING Imp:rminapr .')41 .4- REDEVELOPMENT COMMI1TEE April 7, 19.94 1, o o o o o REDEVELOPMENT COMMnTEE " . . ' "1. "".'. 'MINUTES:"'" ~. '.( ,'r,.,::-. .~..;", ~ ." ,'.' .:. . " REGULAR MEETING April 21, 1994 3:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Redevelopment Committee was called to order by Chairwoman Pope- Ludlam at 3: 14 p.m., in the Economic Development Agency Board Room, 201 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROI.LCAI.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam and Committee Members Edward Negrete; Ralph Hernandez. Absent: None. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Barham Lindseth, Manager, Administtative Services . . ... . . Division; Sue Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administrator; Ann Harris, Executive DirectOr, MiuD Street; David Norman, Development Specialist, Development Department; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHRRS IN ATI'ENDANCE Alonzo Pedrin, AI Gober and Associates; John Husing, ECAP; Timothy Saba, Special Counsel, Saba and Green; Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper. Staff requested the Redevelopment Committee consider Item Number 2 while waiting for representatives to arrive for Item Number 1. 1. ECONOMIC IMPACf STUDY - CALTRANS Susan Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administrator, stated that the consultant hired to complete the impact study on the Caltrans Project was present to give the Committee an overview of his fmdings. Alonzo Pedrin and AI Gober and Associates, explained the impact smdy prepared by his office and the types of things looked at when preparing the report. He stated that some of the types of things assessed were net increases in office space downtown, office space plus employment and the f1SC11l impact of the whole project as described in the general office budget. Mr. Pedrin commented on the current office space in downtown San Bernardino, indicating that the REGULAR MEETING Imp:rminapr.942 REDEVELOPMENT COMMn 1_ April 21, 19.94 .1. 1d o o o o o ground floor retail would cause a ~ effect with other downtown businesses. He also indicated that funds could be gmerated through this project by employees dining or shopping locally. Mr. Pedrin made various recommmdations to the Committee regarding projects that could be initiated to enhance the downtown are using Rivenide as an example. He ended his report by stating that this project could be a positive response to the demand for new downtown office space. Committee Member Hernandez responded to comments made by Mr. Pedrin emphasizing the empty buildings that may occur downtown due to the new facility. Mr. Pedrin explained how his firm developed the figures used in the report. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Developmmt Agency, explained that many changes had taken place within the City since the completion of the report. He discussed the interest of a restaurant and a health club in locating to the ground floor of the state building as well as other private retail. Mayor Minor asked the completion date of the report. Mr. Steinhaus stated the report was completed in January, 1994. Mayor Minor expressed his dissatisfaction with the report and the lack of correct information that it obtained. Mr. Pedrin acknowledged that changes had been made in the City since his report was completed. He stated that most of his information was obtained from brokerage finns. Ann Harris, Executive Director, Main Street, commented on Court Street Square not being addressed in the impact report. She recommmded the report be updated and rewritten to list more facts and less narrative. RECOMMENDAnON The Redevelopment Committee recommended the Economic Impact Study be revised and updated and brought back to the Committee. 2. ECONOMIC CONDmONS OF TRF. CITY WORKSHOP. ORAL REPORT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that at the last Committee Meeting, it was briefly discussed to hold a workshop regarding the Economic Conditions of the City. He stated that he contacted Mr. John Husing, Economist, to speak to the Committee regarding this issue. Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam explained that her desire was to review the entire economic condition of San Bernardino as a whole. John Husing, Economist, stated that the Inland Empire bad just gone through a serious recession including the closing of Norton Air Force Base (NAFB). He stated that the City now needed to focus on its REGULAR MEETING Imp:rmlnapr .\142 -2. REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE April 21, 19.\14 1,. o o o o o positive attributes such as the geothermal water and also the AHSL and the benefits they can bring. Mr. Husing commented on needing to worl< together with all walks of life in order to pull through this recession successfully. He indicated that the positive atttibutes held by the City should be transferred into the overall economic development process. Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam spoke of the benefit of having a Redevelopment Agency as well as an Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) in the City. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, commented on the Agency being the investment arm of the City. He discussed processes that businesses use when facing difficult times. Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam recommended a luncheon workshop be held to discuss this item with an action item at the end. Mr. Steinhaus stated that an EDA Summit could be held for the Commission at a cost of $12,000 by Mr. Husing. Committee Member Hernandez commented on the need to have the City Administrator and the Agency Administrator worl< together as a team. Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam suggested that Mr. Husing be present at the Commission Meeting to allow the Commission Members the opportunity to hear his comments fIrSt hand before attending a EDA Summit. Discussion ensued regarding the type of atmosphere needed to hold the EDA Summit. RECOMMENDAnON The Commillee recommended that this item be forwarded to the Community Development Commission for its consideration, and that Mr. Husing be allowed to give a brief overview on the subject. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MANAGEMENT AUDIT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Admini.,trator, Economic Development Agency, explained that the management audit had not been completed. RECOMMENDATION There was no recommendation made for this item. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting of the Redevelopment Commillee was adjourned at 4:58 REGULAR MEETING Imp:rminapr .942 -3- REDEVELOPMENT COMMl'ITEE AprD 21, 19.94 1/. o o o o o p.m. APPROVED BY: VALERIE POPE.LUDLAM, Cbairwoman Redevelopment Committee REGULAR MEETING lmp:rminapr.942 REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AprD 21, 19.94 .4. I)", o o o o o REDEVELOPMENT COMMlT'I'EE ~. '_ ;. ',' . t, :,. ~:' ~ ,..'.. " MINUTES REGULAR MEETING April 21, 1994 3:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Redevelopment Conunittee was called to order by Chairwoman Pope- Ludlam at 3:14 p.m., in the Economic Development Agency Board Room, 201 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL C.lI.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam and Conunittee Members Edward Negrete; Ralph Hernandez. Absent: None. STAFF PRF."lENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Barbara Lindseth, Manager, Administrative Services Division; Sue Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administrator; Ann Harris, Executive Director, Main Street; David Norman, Development Specialist, Development Department; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistanllo the Council; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lu Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHRRS IN ATI'ENDANCE Alonzo Pedrin, AI Gober and Associates; John Husing, ECAP; Timothy Saba, Special Counsel, Saba and Green; Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper. Staff requested the Redevelopment Committee consider Item Numb<< 2 while waiting for representatives to arrive for Item Number 1. 1. ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY. CALTRANS Susan Morales, Assistant 10 the Agency Administrator, stated that the consultant hired to complete the impact study on the Caltrans Project was present to give the Conunittee an overview of his findings. Alonzo Pedrin and AI Gober and Associates, explained the impact study prepared by his office and the types of itemslooked at when preparing the report. He stated that some of the types of itemsassessed were net increases in office space downtown, office space plus employment and the fiscal impact of the whole project as described in the general office budget. REGULAR MEETiNG lmp:rminapr.942 -1- REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE April 21, 19.94 1/' o o o o o Mr. Pedrin commented on the current office space in downtown San Bernardino, indicating that the sroaod floor retail would cause a trllC>>off effect with other downtown businesses. He also indicated that funds cou1d be generated through this project by employees dining or shopping locally. Mr. Pedrin made variOl1S recommendations to the Committee regarding projects that could be initiated to enhance the downtown area using Riverside as an example. He ended his report by stating that this project could be a positive response to the (IP.111and for new downtown office space. Committee Member Hernandez responded to comments made by Mr. Pedrin emphasizing the empty buildings that may occur downtown due to the new facility. Mr. Pedrin explained how his firm developed the figures used in the report. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained that many changes had taken place within the City since the completion of the report. He discussed the interest of a restaurant and a health club locating to the ground floor of the stale building as well as other private retail operations. Mayor Minor asked the completion date of the report. Mr. Steinhaus stated the report was completed in January, 1994. Mayor Minor expressed his dissatisfaction with the report and the lack of correct information that it obtained. Mr. Pedrin acknowledged that changes had been made in the City since his report was completed. He stated that most of his information was obtained from brokerage flnns. Ann Harris, Executive Director, Main Street, commented on Court Street Square not being addressed in the impact report. She recommended the report be updated and rewritten to list more facts and less nanative. RECOMMENOA'TION The Redevelopment Committee recommended the Economic Impact Study be revised and updated and brought back to the Committee. 2. ECONOMIC CONOmONS OF TIlE CITY WORKSHOP - ORAL REPORT TimOthy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that at the last Committee Meeting, it was briefly discussed to hold a workshop regarding the Economic Conditions of the City. He stated that he contacted Mr. John Husing, Economist, to speak to the Committee regarding this issue. Otairwoman Pope-Ludlam explained that her desire was to review the entire economic condition of San Bernardino as a whole. REGULAR MEETING lmp:rmlnaJH" .942 -2- REDEVELOPMENT COMl\Ulu;J!; Aprll 21, 19.94 1h o o o tll o o John Husing, Economist, stated that the Inland Empire had just gone through a serious recession including the closing of Norton Air Force Base (NAFB). He stated that the City now needed to focus on its positive attributes such as the geothenna1 water, the AHSL facility and the benefits they can bring. Mr. Husing COI1IIl1ented on the necessity to wOIk together with all walks of life to pull through this recession successfully. He indicated that the positive attributes held by the City should be transferred into the overall economic development process. Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam spoke of the benefit of having a Redevelopment Agency as well as an Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) in the City. Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, COI1IIl1ented on the Agency being the investment arm of the City. He discussed processes that businesses use when facing difficult times. Omirwoman Pope-Ludlam recommended a luncheon workshop be held to discuss this item with an action item at the end. Mr. Steinhaus stated that an EDA Summit could be held for the Commission at a cost of $12,000 by Mr. Husing. Committee Member Hernandez commented on the need to have the City Achninistrator and the Agency Achninistrator wOIk together as a team. Chairwoman Pope-Ludlam suggested that Mr. Husing be present at the Commission Meeting to allow the Commission Members the opportunity to hear his COI1IIl1ents fIrSt band before attending a EDA Summit. Discussion ensued regarding the type of atmosphere needed to hold the EDA Summit. RECOMMENDAnON The Committee recommended that this item be forwarded to the Community Development Commission for its coosideration, and that Mr. Husing be allowed to give a brief overview on the subject. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MANAGEMENT AlJDIT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Achninistrator, Economic Development Agency, explained that the management audit had not been completed. RECOMMENDAnON There was no recommendation made for this item. REGULAR MEETING Imp:rmlnapr.942 -3- REDEVELOPMENT COMMl1TEE AprD 21, 19.94 1h o o o o o 4. ADJOlIRNMENT There being no further business, the meeting of the Redevelopment Committee was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. APPROVED BY: VALERIE POPE-LUDLAM, Chairwoman Redevelopment Committee REGULAR MEETING Imp:rmlnapr .942 -4- REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AprD 21, 19.94 1/" o o o o o REDEVELOPMENT.COMMITI'EE. 'i ',..1 MINUTES yJ ,', ;,.:"Pl.,::: ~ .... f'.'"i.-; "'.',.' REGULAR MEETING May 19, 1994 3:00 p.m. The regu1ar meeting of the Redevelopment Committee was called to order by Chairwoman Pope- Ludlam at 3:14 p.m., in the Economic Development Agency Board Room, 201 North "En Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CAI.'. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Committee Members Edward Negrete; Ralph Hernandez. Absent: OIairwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam. Also present was Mayor Tom Minor. STAFF PRF.qRNT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administmtor, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth 1. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; Phil Arvizp, Executive ~istant to the. CouDcU.; . L<]r.raine Velarde. Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attoritey; La VoDds. M- Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTIIERS IN ATI'ENDANCE Susan Feller, Inland Empire Symphony; Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper. Staff requested the Redevelopment Committee consider Item Number 2 while waiting for representatives to arrive for Item Number 1. 1. METROLINK STAnON . ORAL REPORT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administmtor, Economic Development Agency, stated that staff would like to make an update report on the progress of Metrolink. Susan Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administmtor, gave a brief history on Phase I of the Metrolink Project which included the building of the platforms and the beginning of services in San Bernardino. She stated that Phase 11 of the project would include a lay-over facility developed in San Bernardino where up to seven (7) trains would be stored overnight. Ms. Morales commented that SANBAG received a $1.3 million grant to be used in the clean-up of the Santa Fe Depot. She stated that SANBAG would be conducting a workshop on May 22, 1994 to further discuss the grant and other issues related to the Metrolink. REGULAR MEETING Imp:rmlnmay.941 -1- REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE May 19, 19.94 1f/ o o o - o o Mayor Minor questioned the StBrt-up time for the Santa Fe renovation. Ms. Morales stated that they were currently in the process of submitting RFPs for the project She also stated that Metrolink would like to begin full service in San Bernardino on January I, 1995. Committee Member Hernandez commented on the Santa Fe facility and the need to clean-up its area near the Melrolink Depot. RECOMMENDAnON The Redevelopment Committee recommended this item be received and fIled. NB-l. USE OF mRlFTY Blm .DING Committee Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Negrete, that the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Agency after the agenda was posted. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Committee Members Hernandez; Negrete. Noes: Nooe. Susan Fellar, Inland Empire Symphony, indicated that Main Street had located available space for the James K. Guthrie Library in the 201 Building. However, due to the spaces current condition, it could not be used. Mayor Minor questioned the cost for tenant improvements to the space. TIIDothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that the cost was approximately $2,500. Mayor Minor recommended the Agency match the amount of funds raised by the Symphony toward the tenant improvements for the storage space. Discussion ensued regarding the types of improvements needed before the Guthrie music library could be stored. Mayor Minor also recommended that the Symphony contact the In1and Valley Development Agency (lVDA) and the San Bernardino International Airport Authority (SBlAA) to see if they had any available storage space. Ms. Feller stated that she understood that in the event a paying tenant was interested in the 201 Building Space, the Guthrie music library would have to be moved. RECOMMEND A nON REGULAR MEETiNG Imp:rminmay.941 -2- REDEVELOPMENT COMMn 1.l!J!; May 19, 19.94 ')(1 o o o o o 1he Committee recommended to the Community Development Commission to allocate a matching sum not to exceed $5,000 for the upgrade of the Thrifty Building to bring it to the standards required for use of that area. 1he Committee also recommended that staff get a bid on the total cost for the improvements to the space. 2. ADJOllRNMENT There being no further business, the meeting of the Redevelopment Committee was adjourned at 3:52 p.m. APPROVED BY: VALERIE POPE.LUDLAM, Chairwoman Redevelopment Committee REGULAR MEETING Imp:rminmay341 .3. REDEVELOPMENT COMl\tn lEI!; May 19, 1934 I)"