HomeMy WebLinkAboutR04-Economic Development Agency o o ,0 I I I I I QVELOPMENT DEPARTMENO OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REOUEST FOR COMMTRlUON/COUNClI.ACTION FROM: KENNETII J. HENDERSON Executive Director SUBJECT: INLAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY: STORAGE SPACE IN 201 NORTII "E" STREET BUILDING DATE: June 1,1994 S~"p.l. ofPrevloUI rnmm"I"'n1rmlft..nJrnmm~ AdIonlll: On Februaty 21, 1994, the Communily Development ('.nmmi..non approved the lease of 3,600 square feet of office space to the In1and Empire Symphony on the first floor of the 201 "E" S1reet Building. -------------------------..-------------- RN'ftmllhlftdM Motionl.): lrnmmunltv Develonm.ent Comml..lonl MonON: That the ('.nmmnn;ly Development ('.nmmi"";1)[l authorize an amOlBlt oot-to-exceed five-thousand dollars (55,000) to improve prior approved lease storage space to the In1and Empire Symphony on the first floor of the old "Thrifty Building" located at 201 North "E" S1reet subject to the Symphony matching each dollar the Agency contributes. ~~ Administrator llll,t~ KENNE J. ERSON E1eC1Itlve Director Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. HenderaonlJoe Garrett Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Ward(s): One ()) Central City supporting Data Attached: StaffRqnto MP.mnrnndnm from f'.rnmcilmA11 HerrumdP.7 FUNDiNG REQUIREMENTS: AmolB1l: NfE $5 000 Source: Bond Pfor....!. Budget Authorily: RP.ml~M Commlsslon/CODneD Notes: KJH:lmp:storspc.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 t/ Agenda Item Number: o o o :i o 0 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT INLAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY: STORAGE SPACE IN 101 NORTH "E" STREET DIm .DING On Febrwuy 21, 1994, the Commission approved the lease of3,600 square feet of storage space within the old "Thrifty Building" first floor portion of the 201 North "E" Street building located at 201 North "E" Street to the Inland Empire Symphony. The purpose was to store valuable donated historical music scores and documents received from the collection of Mr. James K. Guthrie. The Agency was to pay for all utilities except telephone installation and monthly service charges. The month-to-month rental rate was one dollar ($1.00) with a forty-five (45) day cancellation clause and tenant improvements were to be at the expense of the Symphony. It was understood that the Symphony would vacate the space upon its lease to a bona fide tenant. Subsequently the Symphony determined the space was unusable in its present condition and, upon opting not to use it, sought alternative space elsewhere. Unfortunately, it was unable to find suitable facilities. On May 19, 1994, Councilman Hernandez placed an item (attached) on the Redevelopment Committee's regular agenda urging the Agency to allocate five thousand dollars ($5,000) to make the area usable for the Symphony needs (i.e., energize lighting of the space and make the toilets operable). This would facilitate the cataloging of documents and music scores by volunteers who will work periodically in the area. After discussion the Committee voted to recommend the Commission make the previously approved storage space usable for the Symphony needs, bring it in compliance with appropriate city standards and require the Symphony match each dollar the Agency pays up to a maximum of $5,000. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. [1,,.1~.J&.f~ KENNETH J. NDERSON, Executive Director Development Department KJH;1mp:storspc.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 Agenda Item Number: <j . . 0('''' o o o 1 MAY-17-'94 TLE 10:06 ID:CCl.tlCIL CFFlCE o _ l 11770 P01 TEL !'D:'309 3845462 o CITY OP SAN BERNARDINO INTBROPPICB MEMORANDUM TO: Kenneth J, Henderson. Executive Dire<;tor, Development Dept, FROM: CouDt:n Office SUBJBCT: Use of Thrifty B\1l1dl1\g - RDA Committee Meeting DATB: COPJES: May 17, 1994 -.-...~....---_.----~_.---------._---_._---_...----_.--- The Inh...d Empire Symphony baa re<;Cived the donation of a historical music borary from Mr, James K, Guthrie, a lifetime resident of San Bernardino and former publisher. These records are used by, and should continue to be available to, a worldwide audience of orchestras. Please place the following motions on the agenda for the May 19 RDA Committee. M<p'ION 1: To consider the use of the Puddruckcr aICa of the Thrifty Building for the storaae ofhistorlca1 music li\)rary,_~.,,';f' "1'",'1 mu:;k: ,[:',r,'cj n",'itfj~1. ~ To allocate a sum not to exceed $5,000 for the UP&1'8de of the Fuddrucker area in the Thrifty Building to bring it to the standards required for use of that area. This item was brought to my attention after the alcnda was posted. ~J I RALPH HERNANDEZ Councilman, Third Ward RH:jv J