HomeMy WebLinkAboutR10-Economic Development Agency . ,0 o .. / o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT or 11IE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACI'lON FROM: KENNEmJ. HENDERSON Executive Director SUBJECT: SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJEer DA'IB: April 27 , 1994 Synopsis ofPrev1ous CommlsslonlCouncWCommlttee ActIoul.l, On March 7, 1994, the Redevelopment Committee approved the appropriaticm ofbcmd proceeds in a sufficient amount (based upon the alternative selected) to finaDce the San Marcos Street Improvement project designed to facilitate the ultimate development of affordable single-family detached homes and forwarded consideraticm of said item to the Community Development Commission. Recommended Motlonlsl, lCommunlty Develonment Commission) lRedevelQnment Committee Recommendation) MOTION A: That the Community Development Commissicm approve the appropriaticm ofbond proceeds in a sufficient amount (based upon the alternative selected) to finance the San Marcos Street Improvement project designed to facilitate the ultimate development of affordable single-family detached homes. Motions Continued to Next Page... ~ ~~(~ KENNE J. HE ERSON Executive Director Contact Person(s): Kenneth J HendetSOll!F.dward L. Flores Phone: S08l Project Area(s): Mt. Vernon Corridor Ward(s): Three (3) Supporting Data Attached: StaffRenort. Attachments. Resolutions FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: AmountS N/A Source: N/A Bud8et Authority: Requested ---..------~------_... .. ,...._-"'I----_.._..._---~.._-------------- Commission/Council Notes: - ------------------------------ ---,.-----...------------------------------ o KJH:DRE:ELF:paw:sanmrcos.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/0211994 Agenda Item No: / () .1 o o o o o REQUEST FOR COMMlSSI0N/COUNCn. ACTION SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT April 27, 1994 PAGE-2- Recommended Motions Contino'" lCommunltv Develonment Comml..lonl tRedevelonment Committee Remmmendatlon \ MOTIONB: RESOLUTION OF mE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF mE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO mE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAlNPUBUC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR mE Mr. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS IMPROVEMENT PROJECl). (Mavor and Common Council) MOTION C: RESOLUTION OF mE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. OF mE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO mE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAlNPUBUC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR mE Mr. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS IMPROVEMENT PROJECl). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:ELF:paw:saMlfcos.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/02/1994 Agenda Item No: /(J , ,0 o o - o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existin~ Condition: Unimproved right-of-way PrQposed Improvements: Alternate " A" includes a 950 feet cul-de-sac, including street, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches, street lights, water mains and fire hydrants. Alternate "B" includes all of the above, minus the cul-de-sac, and including a left-hand turn connecting San Marcos to Congress Street. Redevelopment Project Area: None. Cost: $555,624 or $813,928 whichever alternate is selected. At the request ofCounci1man Hernandez, on FebrulUY 15, 1994 discussions relative to financing construction of San Marcos Street hnprovements were continued and referred to the March 10, 1994 Redevelopment Conunittee meeting in order to allow the Director of Public Works to develop additional cost estimates relative to this project. The Development Department Housing Division recently received a proposal from the Sunlac Development Corporation to develop the subject property. In the course ofstafl's analysis, Counci1man Hernandez requested that installation of San Marcos Street be considered as a Capital hnprovement Project independent of the development proposal submitted by the developer. The Public Works Department has provided two (2) separate alternatives in which to complete the required street improvements. These improvements include installation of water mains, fire hydrants, sewer, curb, gutter and sidewalk, driveway approaches and street lights. Completion of these items would then place the surrounding properties in "buildable" condition (please see Alternates "A" and "B"). . Alternate "A" proposes construction ofa cul-de-sac approximately 950 feet in length, including all capital improvements, at an estimated costs of$555,624. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DRE:ELF:paw:sanmrcos.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/02/1994 Agenda Item No: /0 .0 o - - o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT San Marcos Street Capital Improvement Project April 27, 1994 PAGE-2- . Alternate ''D" provides for construction of a left turn connecting San Marcos to Congress Street, including all capital improvements, at an estimated cost of $698,928 (mcluding water utility infrastructure). This alternate, however, would also require an additional expenditure of funds to facilitate acquisition of the residential property currently located on Congress Street (approximately $115,000). Selection of an appropriate alternate will, to a large extent, detennine both the number of homes which can be developed and the economics associated with the ultimate development. In addition, as the project has been separated from related housing development, bond proceeds can be utilized to finance the proposed improvements, obviating the need to record affordability and other covenants (please see attached cash-flow relating to bond proceeds). It should be noted the Commission will have to adopt certain findings related to Redevelopment financing of capital improvement projects and mutual benefit resolutions, as the project is outside the boundaries of existing project areas. These documents and findings will be submitted to the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission for their consideration at the time policy action is expected to be taken. At the Redevelopment Committee meeting on March 10, 1994, action was taken by the Committee recommending installation of the required San Marcos Street Improvements as a capital improvement project to be funded out of available bond proceeds. If action is taken by the Community Development Commission to fund the required capital improvements, Agency staff would then issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) from residential builders potentially interested in development of the project. This RFP would outline required capital improvements as the .scll: Agency contribution to the project. ~~~lm KE TH J. NDERSON, Executive Director Development Department ---------------------------------------------------------------------- o KJH:DRE:ELF:paw:sanmrcos.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/02/1994 Agenda Item No: ftJ . , o J_ @ o 7."I3AC JIlL ~\q, ~~ Per.Lol7 B/k.66 R.Sa ,,,... "'''', ""1 ~ @ IIoC- , . ~ o ....... ~ o @. /lD .' @ ,.,,-- @ @) ,-- , , 72 . i~:~------;'---- \ f 73 ....-----r---- ,} 74 1------;.---- 1- 75 @ ~ .. ~r-----;----. . ~ ~~ 76 t li rr-----;.---l \~~L77 S _ 'I ..._/ i t:=frr7;""-';::F~ I I I I 7h,' 79 ~ 80 ~ I~ ~' . Ii t' I ~, I~ ~ .1 I~ ~, ~ ~ .\-, .{' l' . I'! I -'P- 1..,.",,,I4IW'..:"""'4 . il ~ ._)r.~I.NUT-.-1' =- --"'~----=-~ 1(53\ &. ~r. ) NO;'- Assessors Block a 1.01 ~ '."$tVff1. Numbers Shown in Circles. r .,. .. __ r-,ul ,..... . ------'--.1- .. ...# .. 71f7 '4 0 65 0 66 0 67 <9 68 0 ~69 <9 70 0 7' ...., '\ S ..' 0) o ) I ~l ....,;....... ~ q '\. I ~.. ~ ~ ~" .. . @ @) @ 97 '04 96 105 95 106 @ 94 107 @) 93 108 @ e ~ t::t:t(.....-"" 91 '10 ,( @ @ 90. 11/ 89 /12 @ 88 /13 ; II: @) 87 114 ;~ @ @: l- I I l- I r , , ! I I @: @: @: @: @: , ! (. '"' I .' I ~ I;' I @" : @; ; @: I ! I I o 86 115 @ : o 85 1/6 @: : ~ ~ 0 :-.... _8~. ;~./:: ~~ ~ It: I I < ~ 81 82 83, 1/8 /19 120\1. I, p: ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ \1' h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I H ~ ~ ... \ ~ ~I ' "000000' :. """.",'" ~.LJI"'411'r!11 I~ .-- S/tN HI1~~S ..5'~1 U/(,..7etNATl: i<t 'J Assessors Book 274 Sail Berno o o ( I ,-," .' , . i o J ). +-------.--------------------------------------------------------------+ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ : PROJECT: SAN MARCOS STREET FROM DATE PREP: 02/24/94 WALNUT STREET TO 950' NORTH FILE NO: 10.05 "S" (ALTERNATE "A") I LENGTH: 950' REQ'D BY: RGH -1---------------------------------------.-------------------------------+ EST EST lITEM ITEM UNIT TOTAL: INO QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION COST COST : +---------------------------------------------------------------------~. 1 ~. .... '" u 4 ~ .... fi o . .~ : 1(' ~ 11 :12 :13 t 1.:.~ 15 ~ jG .17 : 10 ~ 1 47,i ~ ~'~(, J'-'i f."-... 1 1 1 834 1,900 8,040 5,800 5 950 4 7'-11: . ....,.J ':,50 '':;50 ';)50 '?50 '::15(1 1,80(.1 .._~ ."> 4 LS Clearing and Grubbing LS f\1c,b i 1 izat ic.~n LS Traffic Control TN A.C. Pavement Lr- CLlrb & Gutter, 8" SF Side",'",l!: SF Driveway Approach, Residentia EA Street Light cr, Handicap Ramp EA Signs, Street Name CA Signs, Stc.p SF Pvmt MarkingE (2 Coats) LF 811 V.C.P. S~wey(<10'Deep) :.::; M~...j".hc,l e ~F 4" V.C.P. Sewer 20,000.00 20,000.00 7,51)0.00 38.00 11.00 2.5() 3.00 4,000.00 500.00 400.00 225.00 1.00 2(:. (H) 2,500.00 14.00 7.50 15.00 ~0.00 15.0<:: 50..00 1.00 20,000 20,000 7,500 31.,592 20,':100 20, 1('0 17,400 20,000 1,000 400 225 25 19,OOO 10, (J(JO 1 ~., i 1-:-,., .. '.' t ... ....,...~ 7~1:::5 ~ .j, 1 2~)() '3, 5(H) i..=r f ~::~>:: 47:,500 1 t B~:~~) -- -- . .. ." _. .~..- I CONTRACT ITEMS TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . .. 292,817: -..----..----...-------------...------.-.-.-----------...-------------.----------.------------+ . . 1 1 --..C" 4.... Lr G~s Main & Laterals Electi-ic Mair~ & Service Lat~. Caole TV Service & L~ts. TelephonQ Cable & Lats ~!ater Main S~ I_ats Right-oi-Way Acquisition I r -. , .- ~, LF LF" SF ESTHIf-1TED CONSTfWCTION COST. . . . . Contingencies. . . . . . . . Preliminary Engineerinq Construction E~gng & Admin. 15r. lOr. 15Y. 43,'2,23 : -----------l 33G,740 33,674 50,511 , O ------------ : . _..~~::~:~=~_.~~~~~_~~~:=CT COST. . . . .. ..... 4;~O, ':124 ~ ----------------_._._--------------_._.._--------~ " . . 10 J__ @ o 'y.'UC NIL '1.\"- ~~ Per. LAt 7 BIk.66RSa , "'".. "''' ~ , ""' 4; ~ lC. , . ~ "" ~ o o ; \ - .. .;.~. .. -_.': CQt.J6Re$~:: 51. : ,,,,, @ @ @ ..' 7lf7 ~ , l . ;'- 65 66 67 68 ~ 69 ~. G' .. ." III ~ ~ S.' 0 I~ 0 ...r.:"~ 8~. ~'7 - .," .,. '" -..0./ o o o o o o ; .. " l - ~. 5AN MI1~CoS ( Al-7l:TW~7"E5 ~ J J. o - ~ '\. ~ ...,~.. _. .,,~,~ ~ "'R-' 'J.' .....,I~' ~I.#' . :;Ut1.- ~II ~15'1 .; I .. .. CLr--- C,\ '\.., --, ASS .::~ ~ ;"~'I-I -~~ 96 105 @:I~ 95'06 €:: 1--- I ! J I . ~ ~ @ @ @ @ @ @ @) @ @) o S71Z..~r "8") @ :..: G :0 o ) 94 @: 107 93 @: @: '08 92 '09 91 ,/ 110 @: 90 @: 11/ 89 1/2 8t @; 1/3 87 @: @: 1/4 86 115 85 @: ~' -'", ~ ~ - --.. I 1/9 120~1. " , SI ~ ~I i 001 #:4J.J1 "'f4l",1 116 -" 0.. Assessors M Book 274 Pc San Bernortl :<!: , :<!: :~ I ,.. I~ : 0 : ~ : ( I ( I , I ,_ I~ . I, /J I~ iG ,....... ,0 o , !. i '-" .. )C? l +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER 1 PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ I PROJECT: SAN MARCOS STREET FROM DATE PREP: 02/24/94 1 WALNUT STREET TO CONGRESS ST. FILE NO: 10.05 "S" : (ALTERNATE "B") lLENGTH: 1100' REQ'D BY: RGH +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ : EST EST lITEM ITEM UNIT TOTAL: INO QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION COST COST : +-----------------------------------~----------------------------------+ . . 1 2 3 4 ~ "' 6 o ';j :10 ~.!l :12 ~13 ~14 1 of::::' ........ ~ .. ,: .. ~ :'17 ~18 j 19 ~20 l :.~1 ]22 1 1 1 '350 2,200 ":1,840 5,800 5 2 1,100 ~ " -:,..~c:- i":.~ 1,100 1,1\)0 1!100 1, JOO 1,100 7:200 1 . . 25 1 LS Clearing e.nd GrLlbbing Mc.b i 1 izat ion T'raffic Control A.C. Pavement Curb ~ Gutter, S'I Sidewalk SF Driveway Approach, Residentia Street Light Handicap Ramp Signs, Street Name Signs, Stop Pvmt MaYki~g= (2 Coats) 8'1 V.C.P. Sewer((10'Deep) Mi::\nh,:.l e 4" V. C. P. S(~wer Ga~ Main & Late~als Electric Main & S~rvice Lata. Cable TV Service & Lats. Telephor1e Cable & Lats LF Water Main ~ Lats SF Right-of-Way AcqLlisition Relocation Costs LS LS TN LF" SF EA EA EA EA SF LF r-'^ ...:I~ LF L- . L, !..oF LF Ic.' ~~ 25,000.00 20,000.00 7,500.00 38.00 11..00 2.50 3.00 4,000.00 500.00 400.00 225.00 1.00 20.00 .2, S(H). 00 14.00 7.50 15.00 10.00 15. (1(1 50.00 1.00 50,000.0(.1 25,000 2(1, t)OO 7,5(iO 36,100 24,200 24,600 17,400 2(: 1 (H)O 1,000 400 225 25 22,000 12,500 iO,15t) 8,250 lG,500 11,000 1.6,5('0 t55, (li)l) 7,200 50, (Jl)(J .; CONTRACT ITEI1S TOTALS. . . . . . . . . . . .. 385,550 I -r--------.-.----______~___._______________________________...______.____.._____.... i . . , . ESTIMATED CONST~:UCTI Ol~ COST. . . . . Contingencies. . . . . . . . 15~ . . 57,833 I -----------, . 443,383 : . . Preliminary Engineering. . ~ CC1nstru1:til:ln Engng ~( Admin. 15% o ESTIt1rlTED TOTAL PF~CJECT COST. . . . . . . . . . . . ., 5:")4, ::::28 : ~:r .--.- - -._.___ _._._______._ _... ...__. _..___._~______._...______.__.___________._......_..____._ ._._._..........._._....+ lOt. 44,338 GG,507 ...--...-.---.------- ! //1 o :i . \ "1: ks--'6,1~ I: ~I '!. CONGRESS.AVENUE 4S.JS' /.:0' ~ .~ 62 ~ SJ .54 $5. 56 51 50 5.9 60~ 6!J L~I .10 .. __.... .._"0,. '., .. 'W 660' o o '.3$' 64- " .... '7 m ...... . 65 . . I ro . G6 t1 67 68 69 " 70 71 ~ 72 .. ~ Sl ~'l ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ 0 1 Il"V ~I It It I IA..-:f , I '/40' .. .- ~ . UO' 140' .9!} 102 98 /03 . .97 104 - .9$ 105 - .9.'i 106 .94 107 93 108 92 109 9/ I/O SO 1// B!J 1/2 80 1/3 , '- 87 /# - 8& 1/5 . 85 I/G I~ 84, //7 #0 140' 466' ~ %! 46.66' tit it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... .~ .... .... 81 82 83. //4 1/.9 I. !4G.GG' .46.6G' "'. r ^ ,0 o o o )0 . ) Economic Development Agency Development Department Obligations/Expenditure List - Bond Proceeds Af.ter Ma.r4:h U1I2 As of January 5, 1994 Obligations/Expenditures: In-fill Streets Major Arterials Median Landscaping State/School SB 844 92-93 State/School 93-94 Municipal Development Code Revision Code Improvements - Hallmark Demolition Fuddruckers Tenant Imrpovements 201 N E Waterman Median Landscaping Naug1es Restaurant Diagonal Parking E Street Miller Property Acquisition Miller Property Improvements Santa Fe Automotive De1mann Heights Water University Village City Hall Roof Goodwill Acquisition FY 92-93 Expenses FY 93-94 Expenses $1,000,000 15,000 2,320,304 817,612 30,000 55,000 12,930 257,032 163,000 12,000 25,300 160,000 75,000 110,000 85,000 650,000 100,000 298,000 2,069,165 1. 200.000 Grand Total Obligations/Expend 9.455.~43 Remaining Bond Proceeds to be Programmed 3..192.c}2~ Potential Estimated Expenditure: State Complex Valley Auto Security Bank Acquisition $700,000 436,220 1.]36.220 1900A ~ .!/j --" r: :0 c o - - o .r 0 .- ") ~;';I I' II ,'" I' I _.t 11 . ~~:. bl': \1 ";, 1;1:: II '1 I, .:,. 1,.\ . ! 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(!j 1""(-{ 111 A1" -1\ e..& :\i-.\\JU01)'Llf\v,l1.lA.-f HtA.v~ 17--16 f-Alt...- f2/)/+D rJGf~/2-~l(.. )l-IAN~ ~ {(GtJ "\:?lJBtGlJ A ~ p~ 2- geq~ \~ (p C!J t\...( e \f'~ I ~ (;aJ'I P.$. fltll ((1t(~ ~,^,,,h\()-ro'AL.e.( I rZt;Ct;..""('jU-"lt,-:.S i!ON$.eo;c\'LX:;"ITt..'I.f" ~'t\f\J "-X')'( 1\ "f-fta.jl) -(I-lb 1Vl6l?fi tJG-.G. ~~€fll$"r,;D ~ ~ A1'-tbN11oJ M2.o llN D 1He- b. - o o ,0 MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AGENDA April 4, 1994 Item: RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) Action to be Taken: Adopt Resolution. o Certified copy of Resolution to be returned to Sabo & Green, A Professional Corporation. o SBEO!OOOl!DOC/2 04/01/94 1030 o o ;0 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino, California (the "City"), is a municipal corporation and a charter city duly created and existing pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the State of California (the "City"); and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission") on behalf of the o Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency"), is a redevelopment agency, a public body, corporate and politic of the State of California, organized and existing pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Part 1 of Division 24 commencing with Section 33000) of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445 of the Act, the Agency may, with the consent of the Mayor and Common Council of the City (the "Council"), pay all or a part of the cost of installation and construction of any building, facility, structure or other improvement which is publicly owned either within or without the boundaries of a redevelopment project area if the Council determines: (1) that such buildings, facilities, o structures or other improvements are of benefit to the redevelopment project area or the immediate neighborhood in which the project is located, regardless of whether such improvement is - 1 - I.t o o ,0 o within another project area, or in the case of a project area in which substantially all the land is publicly owned that the improvement is of benefit to an adjacent project area of the Agency, (2) that no other reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements is available to the community, and (3) that the payment of funds for the acquisition of land or the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the project area, and such determinations by the Agency and the Council shall be final and conclusive; and WHEREAS, the City and the Commission have previously approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the "Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan"); and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the present landowners within and adjacent to the project area subject to the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "proj ect Area" ) and the residents, both wi thin and adjacent to the Project Area and within the City generally, that the Agency assist in the financing of certain public improvements consisting primarily of the installation of water mains, fire hydrants, sewer, curb, gutter and sidewalk, driveway approaches and street lights, to prepare for future development on San Marcos Street north of Walnut Avenue in an amount not to exceed $ (the "Street Improvements") which Street Improvements are to be undertaken within an area which is adjacent and in proximity to the Project Area as further illustrated on the map - 2 - o o o ./0 attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the undertaking of the Street Improvements will make the future residential development of the area feasible and will provide jobs. housing, and increased tax increment. and will better meet the needs of the residents and occupants within the Project Area and areas adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS, the undertaking of the Street Improvements will enhance aesthetic conditions through the development of new and modern housing in areas immediately adjacent to the Project Area; and o WHEREAS, residents and occupants from the Project Area currently utilize the subject street and accordingly, its improvement will ensure the health, safety and welfare of residents and occupants of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the improvement of the street through the undertaking of the Street Improvements is necessary for the development of the Project Area and areas adjacent thereto since the Project Area provides a residential base for many residents who may desire to use the street or move into the newer housing; and o WHEREAS, in order to promote the City's health, safety and welfare, it is important that the Street Improvements be financed in order to ensure the orderly development of the Project Area and neighboring areas; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate at this time for the Council to make certain findings and determinations and take certain action with respect to the undertaking of the Street Improvements. - 3 - o o 10 o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Recitals hereinabove are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. section 2. The council consents to the payment by the Agency of the costs of the Street Improvements to be undertaken adjacent to the Project Area which are of benefit to such Project Area and other neighborhoods within the City for the reasons set forth in the Recitals hereinabove. The Council finds and determines that no other reasonable means of financing the undertaking of the Street Improvements is presently available to the City and that the City and the Agency require the use of revenues generated from the Project Area in order to fund the undertaking of the Street Improvements. Section 3. The provision of the Street Improvements in an area adjacent to the Project Area will improve aesthetic conditions around the Project Area and make possible necessary residential development for the Project Area residents and occupants which will make the Project Area more desirable for further residential and other development which will in turn help eliminate blight within such Project Area and other areas of the City. o Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause this Resolution to be transmitted to the Agency for consideration in connection with appropriate action by that body. - 4 - L _ o o ,0 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) Section 5. The findings and determinations herein shall be final and conclusive. This Resolution shall take effect upon the date of its adoption. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: o AYES: Council Members NAYS: ABSENT: City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: o JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney By: SBEO\OOOl\OOC\2 - 5 - - o o o STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ) ) On before me, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared . personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name (s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity (ies) , and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) o o . ,0 Item: Action to be Taken: JL o o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AGENDA April 4, 1994 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) Adopt Resolution. o Certified copy of Resolution to be returned to Sabo & Green, A Professional Corporation. o SBEO/COOl/DOC/l 04/01/94 1030 o o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT .PROJECX POR. THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino, California (the "ci ty"), is a municipal corporation and a charter city duly created and existing pursuant to the Constitution and the laws of the State of California (the "City"); and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission") on behalf of the o Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency"), is a redevelopment agency, a public body, corporate and politic of the State of California, organized and existing pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Part 1 of Division 24 commencing with Section 33000) of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445 of the Act, the Agency may, with the consent of the Mayor and Common Council of the City (the "Council"), pay all or a part of the cost of installation and construction of any building, facility, structure or other improvement which is publicly owned either within or without the boundaries of a redevelopment project area if the Council determines: (1) that such buildings, facilities, o structures or other improvements are of benefit to the redevelopment project area or the immediate neighborhood in which the project is located, regardless of whether such improvement is - 1 - - o o ,0 o within another project area, or in the case of a project area in which substantially all the land is publicly owned that the improvement is of benefit to an adjacent project area of the Agency. {2) thaL no other reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements is available to the community, and (3) that the payment of funds for the acquisition of land or the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the project area, and such determinations by the Agency and the Council shall be final and conclusive.i and WHEREAS, the City and the Commission have previously approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the "Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan"); and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the present landowners within and adjacent to the project area subject to the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Project Area") and the residents, both within and adjacent to the Project Area and within the City generally, that the Agency assist in the financing of certain public improvements consisting primarily of the installation of water mains, fire hydrants, sewer, curb, gutter and sidewalk, driveway approaches and street lights, to prepare for future development on San Marcos Street north of Walnut Avenue in an amount not to exceed $ (the "Street Improvements") which Street Improvements are to be undertaken within an area which is adjacent and in proximity to the Project Area as further illustrated on the map - 2 - o - - o o '10 attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the undertaking of the Street Improvements will make the future residential development of the area feasible and will provide jobs, housing, and increased tax increment, and will better meet the needs of the residents and occupants within the Project Area and areas adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS, the undertaking of the Street Improvements will enhance aesthetic conditions through the development of new and modern housing in areas immediately adjacent to the Project Area; and o WHEREAS, residents and occupants from the Project Area currently utilize the subject street and accordingly, its improvement will ensure the health, safety and welfare of residents and occupants of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the improvement of the street through the undertaking of the Street Improvements is necessary for the development of the Project Area and areas adjacent thereto since the Project Area provides a residential base for many residents who may desire to use the street or move into the newer housing; and o WHEREAS, in order to promote the City's health, safety and welfare, it is important that the Street Improvements be financed in order to ensure the orderly development of the Project Area and neighboring areas; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate at this time for the council to make certain findings and determinations and take certain action with respect to the undertaking of the Street Improvements. - 3 - o o ,0 o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Recitals hereinabove are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Commission consents to the payment by the Agency of the costs of the Street Improvements to be undertaken adjacent to the Project Area which are of benefit to such Project Area and other neighborhoods within the City for the reasons set forth in the Recitals hereinabove. The Commission finds and determines that no other reasonable means of financing the undertaking of the Street Improvements is presently available to the City and that the City and the Agency require the use of revenues generated from the Project Area in order to fund the undertaking of the Street Improvements. Section 3. The provision of the Street Improvements in an area adjacent to the Project Area will improve aesthetic conditions around the Project Area and make possible necessary residential development for the Project Area residents and occupants which will make the Project Area more desirable for further residential and other development which will in turn help eliminate blight within such Project Area and other areas of the City. o Section 4. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause this Resolution to be transmitted to the Mayor and Common Council of the City for consideration in connection with appropriate action by that body. - 4 - o o 10 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO THE BENEFIT OF UNDERTAKING A CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (SAN MARCOS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) Section 5. The findings and determinations herein shall be final and conclusive. This Resolution shall take effect upon the date of its adoption. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of 1994, by the following vote, to wit: o Commission Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER day of Secretary The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this , 1994. Tom Minor, Chairman Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: o By: Agency Counsel SBEO\OOOl\DOC\l - 5 - o o ;0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) ss CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) I, Secretary of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached copy of Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino Resolution No. is a full, true and correct copy of that now on file in this office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino this day of , 1994. Secretary of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino o o