HomeMy WebLinkAboutR11-Economic Development Agency o o o - QEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEQ OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: KENNETII J. HENDERSON Executive Director SUBJECT: FREEWAYHOMECENTER DATE: JWle2,l994 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Svnonsls ofPrevIool CommilllonlCooncDICommlttH! ActIonl.): The Community Development Cnmm;..;on, over the past four months, had discussed and taken nwnerous actions in connection with the acquisition and renovation of the Freeway Home Center. ___________..____________________.._...._________....__....___-------..-------------______00- Reoommended MotIonl.): (CnmmRufty Develtt1)mp-nt Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Cnmm;....on approve finAncing for the Freeway Home Center project subject to the following deal points: - The Agency to loan directly to Steward and Associates S300,OOO for physical rehabilitation, with S135,000 already advanced as deposit to be included as a part of the S300,000 Motion Continued to Next Pall..... Administrator KENNETIlJ. HENDERSON Eucutlve Director Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. HeruI..-.nn Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): South F.,a.cd Tndu..crtrial Park (SRIP) Ward(s): Three (3) Supporting Data Attached: StalfReoort FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $0 000 000 Source: Budget Authority: Commission/Council Notes: . "Il6-Ol-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 Agenda Item Number: II ~ / o o o l:. REQUEST FOR COMIOSION/COUNCIL ACTION 0 Freeway Home Center June 1, 1994 Page Number -2- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion(a) Continued: That the Agency guarantee an outside bank loan in $700,000 for Steward and Associates in addition to the guarantee of $1.5 million from Valley Bank. Two-hundred thousand dollars of the above $700,000 will be added to the $1.5 million from Valley Bank to acquire Freeway Home Center for $1.7 million, with remaining $500,000 to be utilized to carry the Center for approximately 18 months at today's interest rates. "fl6-Ol-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 Agenda Item Number: L I / o o o .J - DOELOPMENT DEPART~T STAFF REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freeway Home Center The Commission, over the past four months, has wrestled with various issues surrounding the financing of acquisition and rehabilitation activities related to the Freeway Home Center project. On some key items the Chairman and Commission have been unable to reach consensus relating to the Agency's role, if any, in bringing the project to fruition. Because of the lack of consensus, the developer, Commission Members Pope-Ludlam and Hernandez scheduled a meeting with staff and the developer met on May 19, 1994 to detennine if an approach could be developed that would allow the project to move forward. At the above referenced meeting, agreement was reached on certain key issues which has resu1ted in the participating Commission Members being able to recommend to the full Commission the deal points detailed in the form motion and in the attached letter. Based upon the foregoing, the developer is requesting that the Commission adopt the form motion. KENNETH J. HENDERSON, Executive Director Development Department ""-OI-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 0CiI06I1994 Agenda Item Number: II / o o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tlmotlly C. Stelnlleus Agency Administrator --------- .---,.---- May 25, ] 994 . Development Department . Redevelopment . Community Development . Housing . San Bernatd;no Downtown Main Street. Inc. . Convenffon and oris/tors Bureau . Office of Business Development Mr. Allan B. Steward Steward & Associates 1887 Business Center Drive, Suite 3 San Bernardino, CA 92408 , Re: FREEWAYIIOMECENTER Dear AI: , On May 19, 1994, Ken Henderson, Executive Dire~tor of the Agency's Development Department, wrote you a letter confirming the approach we agr~ed upon at a meeting held May 19, 1994. o ., After reviewing the information in Ken's letter and reconfirming the deal points with you and Gene Wood, a correction to Ken's letter is in order. The following points are the correct deal points agreed upon in our meeting on May 19, 1994: · The Agency proposes to loan directly to Steward & Associates $300,000 for physical rehabilitation. The $135,000 already advanced for a deposit on the property will be part of the $300,000. The Agency proposes to guarantee an outside bank loan in the amount ofS700,OOO for StewaTd & Associates. Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) of the $700,000 win be added to the $1.5 million expected to be received from Valley Bank in order to close escrow on the purchase of the Freeway Home Center. The remaining $500,000 will be utilized to finance the carry on the Center for approximately 18 months at today's interest rate. · Steward & Associates will contact Valley Bank immediately to authorize and pay for an appraisal to be conducted by a bank approved appraiser. Allan B. Steward and Gene Wood will contact Bank of San Bernardino regarding the following: o · A $700,000 loan on substantially the same terms and conditions set forth in the Valley Bank Letter ofInterest; and/or / North E Street. Third Floor' San Samerdlno. Cellloml. 92401.1507' (909) 384.5081 . (800) 232.1267' FAX {909)384-5135 II L. - o \ o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A GENCY . .~ . A $2.2 million loan from Bank of San;Bemardino on substantially the same terms and \.i conditions as the Valley Bank Letter ofInterest. I .' Mr. Allan B. Steward Steward & Associates May 25, 1994 Page Two . On either the $700,000 or $2.2 million scenario, the Agency would guarantee the Bank of San Bernardino loan. AI, I hope this clears up any misunderstanding and please contact me if you have any questions. o TCS:pc:M)1undr cc: Comcilwoman Valerie Pope.Lu.dlam Councilman Ralph Hernandez Councilman Fred Curlin. ~LD. E.II. Wood & Assoclllles Kenneth IImdenon Projcd Manager f:.mily Wong ..... , . 0 \ I .' j . /1 / '. o o o .1 - o 0 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNClLACTlON FROM: KENNETH J, HENDERSON Executive Director SUBJECT: FREEWAYHOMECENTER DATE: June I, 1994 SVDQDSIs ofPrevioul Cnmm".lonlCOlln~Cnmmlttee AdIonl"l: The Community Development Cnmm;..noo, over the past four months, bad discussed and taken numerous actions in eonnection with the acquisition and teIlOVation of the Freeway Home Center. Recommended Motlonlsl: {CmnmODItv Develonment Cntnmlalonl lCommll.ion M..mben Curlin. Pone-Ludl.m and Hemandez RlN"ftmm..nd.tIonl MOTION: That the Community Development Commission approve financing for the Freeway Home Center project subject to the following deal points: - The Agency to loan directly to Steward and Associates $300,000 for physical rehabilitation, with $135,000 already advanced as deposit to be included as a part of the $300,000 Motion Continued to Next Pal!e._ , ICCZ Administratot (lAh~t#>> KENNETHJ. ERSON Executive DIrector Contact PCIllOIl(S): Kenneth J. Henderonn Phone: S08l Project Area(s): South East Industrial Park (SHIPl Supporting Data Attached: StalfRennrt. FUNDlNGREQUlREMENTS: Amount: $30Q,0(,)0 Budget Authority: Ward(s): Three l3l So~: Tax Increment Requested CommlssionlCouncl1 Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:lag:06-Ol-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 Agenda Item Number: i I o o o - ..l REQUEST FOR CO~ION/COUNClLAcnON Freeway Home Center June I, 1994 Page Number -2- Recommended MotionOO Continued: IIiJ o That the Agency guarantee an outside bank loan in $700,000 for Steward and Associates in addition to the guarantee of$1.5 million from Valley Bank. Two-hundred thousand dollars of the above $700,000 will be added to the $1.5 million from Valley Bank to acquire Freeway Home Center for $1.7 million, with remaining $500,000 to be utilized to carry the Center for approximately 18 months at today's interest rates. KJH:lag:06-Ol-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 Agenda Item Numben I / o o o - DRELOPMENT DEPARTMAT STAFF REPORT Freeway Home Center The Commission, over the past four months, has wrestled with various issues aurr011nding the financing of acquisition and rehabilitation activities related to the Freeway Home Center project. On some key items the Chairman and Commission have been unable to reach consensus relating to the Agency's role, if any, in bringing the project to fruition. Because of the lack of consensus, the developer, Commission Members Pope-Ludlam, Hernandez and Curlin and staff met on May 19, 1994 to determine if an approach could be developed that would allow the project to move forward. At the above referenced meeting, agreement was reached on certain key issues which has resulted in the participating Commission Members being able to recommend to the full Commission the deal points detailed in the form motion and in the attached letter. Based upon the foregoing, Members Pope-Ludlam, Curlin and Hernandez recommend adoption of the form motion. {A,\'lI1.1..J1rlAt,JE KENNEm J. NDERSON, Executive Director Development Department K1H:lag:06-O 1-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 06106/1994 Agenda Item Number: / / o o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Timothy C. Stelnhsus Agency Administrator -,.._.._._._~........_---_..._-_._-------- .. May 25,1994 . Development Department . Redevelopment . Community Development . Housing . San Bemardino Downtown Main Strear. Inc. . Convenllon and Visitors Bureau . Office 01 Business Davalopment Mr. Allan B. Steward Steward & Associates 1887 Business Center Drive, Suite 3 San Bernardino, CA 92408 . Re: FREEWAY nOME CENTER Dear Al: , On May 19, 1994, Ken Henderson, Executive DirePtor of the Agency's Development Department, wrote you a letter confirming the approach we agri,ed upon at a meeting held May 19, 1994. " After reviewing the information in Ken's letter and reconfirming the deal points with you and Gene o Wood, a correction to Ken's letter is in order. The following points are the correct deal points agreed upon in our meeting on May 19, 1994: · The Agency proposes to loan directly to Steward & Associates $300,000 for physical rehabilitation. The $135,000 already advanced for a deposit on the property will be part of the $300,000. The Agency proposes to guarantee an outside bank loan in the amount of $700,000 for Steward & Associates. Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) of the $700,000 will be added to the $1.5 million expected to be received from Valley Bank in order to close escrow on the purchase of the Freeway Home Center. The remaining $500,000 will be utilized to finance the carry on the Center for approximately 18 months at today's interest rate. · Steward & Associates will contact Valley Bank immediately to authorize and pay for an appraisal to be conducted by a bank approved appraiser. Allan B. Steward and Gene Wood will contact Bank of San Bernardino regarding the following: . A $700,000 loan on substantially the same terms and conditions set forth in the Valley Bank Letter ofInterest; and/or o . 207 North E Stre.7, Third Floor' San Bernardino, Call7ornl. 92401.7507' (909) 384.5081 . (800) 232.7267' FAX (909) 384.5735 1/ .1 o \ o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY , o · A $2.2 million loan from Bank of San;:iiemardino on substantially the same terms and conditions as the Valley Bank Letter of Interest. I .' Mr. Allan B. Steward Steward & Associates May 25, 1994 Page Two · On either the $700,000 or $2.2 million scenario, the Agency would guarantee the Bank of San Bernardino loan. AI, I hope this clears up any misunderstanding and please contact me if you have any questions. o TCS:pc:"')tllndr cc: Councilwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam Councilman Ralph Hernandez Councilman Fred Curlin. MD. E.II. Wood & Asroci.... KCIIt1dh lIendenon Project Manager Emily Wong '.,.. , o , \ 5 . /)