HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-Public Works . CIO OF SAN BERNARDICb - REQOT FOR~ COUNCIL AC'JON From: GENE R. KLATT, Acting Director Dept: Public Works/Engineering Date: 7-27-88 Subject: Adoption of Negative Declaration for the proposed vacation of a portion of Meyers Road. West Little League Drive Synopsis of Previous Council action: 12-17-84 -- Resolution No. 84-540 adopted approving the final map of Tract No. 11118, accepting dedications and authorizing the execution of an agreement. 03-07-88 -- Recommendation from Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that old Meyers Road not be reopened for traffic, accepted and affi rmed. 04-04-88 -- The City Engineer and City Clerk were authorized to proceed with the vacation of Meyers Road, west of Little League Drive, and Plan No. 7090, showing the proposed vacation. was approved. 07-18-88 -- Finding of Need for Health and Safety made. Recommended motion: 1. That the Negative Declaration for the vacation of a portion of Meyers Road, west of Little League Drive, be adopted. 2. That a finding be made that the vacation of a portion of Meyers Road, west of Little League Drive. is consistent with the interim policy document. cc: Jim Robbins Jim Richardson Jim Penman Andy Green Planning Department / / /, " /( ~,//\" Signature - Supporting data attached: Michael W. Grubbs Map Staff Report & Initial Study Ward: Phone: 5111 Contact person: 5 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Wages on W.O. 01266 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-000-41787 Finance: fees. t), Acct. Descri tion Vacation Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No. J (t7 . .. . CI10 OF SAN BERNARDIC - REQlQsT FOR COUNCIL AQION STAFF REPORT On 12-17-84, Resolution No. 84-540 was adopted approving the final map for Tract No. 11118, which dedicated to the City a new alignment for Meyers Road, indicating that the old Meyers Road would be vacated by a separate document, after the new Meyers Road was constructed. Old Meyers Road was temporarily closed to vehicular traffic, and has not been reopened since. On June 23, 1988, the Environmental Review Committee recommended adoption of a Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 88-20, vacation of a portion of Meyers Road westerly of Little League Drive, based on the attached Initial Study. The public review period was from June 30, 1988, to July 13, 1988. No comments were received during the review period. A Notice of Determination will be filed by the Planning Department after adoption of the Negative Declaration. The Planning Department has determined that this project is consistent with the interim policy document. 7-27-88 75-0264 c o o .:) " 's 'Ii ,;< l" ,,~ \I~ I' "," -r-O' r(f ,"> .... '3 I~ .3~ II ,3. 10 .Jo ~ ND SCIILE P,fEP,fI{Gp .8!1: t, rC6-It'5S'j C'1I/FcJ(JOQ .By: P,47",!' : S-.!z.- 8R -IP..FA. f/~(Ir..p 5"#OfAlt/,/I V.I .JJlEET I CF / 1////1///'1. I ,t:'fJ,E-" ,(/0. 1$. $O-Z'f'f PJ.,fN AlO. 70'10 'fO~ 1'\01 IS ~~. ~ ARe~ TO BE \{ACIl TiD (. ~..O All,.... U) P . 1~1..1.. .... 0,.. .- ee. . ... ~.3Iq 81 CITY OF f4A18E,fJ./~,ePIJ./O PI/Sue WOI{I( j Pk,l'.(,(T,uI!'Nr ENilIAlEE,(IJ/$ PIVIPON Ill,f' pl(oPE.pry J&~7"IOA/ 5 rRE!r VIIC"RTION: PORTION OF "".'US ~uo WUT OF L./TTL IE l.I/IlCo". Dltlll~ , o o o C I T Y 0 F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8806-3901 TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: Scott Wright, Planner I SUBJECT: Public Works No. 88-20 A Street vacation of a Portion of old Meyers Road DATE: June 28, 1988 (7485) COPIES: Counter, Library ------------------------------------------------------------- The attached Environmental Impact Checklist is to serve as a full Initial Study for Public Works No. 88-20, a street vacation for a portion of old Meyers Road located westerly of Little League Drive and easterly of Tract 11118. The vacation of a portion of Meyers Road will have no significant impacts on the environment and will require no mitigation. The portion of Meyers Road to be vacated is already blocked off to traffic. Its presence in the High Wind Hazard and High Fire Hazard Areas and in wGreenbeltW Zone B is insignificant because it does not constitute a second means of access to any residential areas. REC9J4M:&NPATION Accept the attached checklist as the Initial Study for Public Works No. 88-20... S :-t.;{{ ~J /U,~ SCOTT WRIGHT Planner I csj " o o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST "'" BACK GROY ND Application Number: Public Works 88-20 Project Description: To vacate a portion of old Meyers Road. Location: Westp-rl y of To; t't-l t=J. T.,;:Io~gl1~ nr; up. nn Tho. a.:::ac:d"'or' ~I side of Tract 11118. Environmental Constraints Areas: Hiqh Fire Hazard Area. Hiqh Wind Hazard Arpa. ~rppnhplt' 7.nnp R General Plan Designation: N/A zoning Designation: N/A B. ~NVIEONM~NTAL IMPACTS Explain answers, where appropriate, on a separate attached sheet. 1. Ea~th Resources Will the proposal result in: Yes No Maybe a. Earth fill) more? movement (cut and/or of 10,000 cubic yards or x b. Development and/or grading on a slope greater than 15\ natural grade? x c. Development Alquist-Priolo Zone? within the Special Studies x d. Modification of any unique geologic or physical feature? x "" ~ REviSED 12/87 PAGE' OF a SW/csj II o o o ,. e. Soil erosion on or off the project site? f. Modification of a channel, creek or river? g. Development subject mudslides, other similar within an area to landslides, liquefaction or hazards? h. Other? 2. ~IR_RESOURCES: Will the proposal result in: a. air upon emissions or ambient air Substantial an effect quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? Yes c. Development within a high wind hazard area? X 3. WATER RESOURCES: proposal result in: Will the a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces? b. Changes in the course or flow of flood waters? c. Discharge into surface waters or any alteration of surface water quality? d. Change in the quantity or quality of ground waters? e. Exposure of people or property to flood hazards? f. Other? '" REviSED 12/87 PW 88-20 o """ No Maybe x x x x x x x x x x x x ~ PAGE: OF 8 , o 11 o .Q. , 4. BIOLOGICAL R~SOURCE~: proposal result in: Could the a. Change unique, species habitat trees? in the number of any rare or endangered of plants or their including stands of b. Change unique, species habitat? in the number of any rare or endangered of animals or their c. Other? 5. NOISE: Could the proposal result in_: 6. .... REVISED 10/87 a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to exterior noise levels over 65 dB or interior noise levels over 45 dB? c. Other? LAND USE: result in: Will the proposal a. A change in designated Plan? use as General the land on the b. Development within an Airport District? c. Development within "Greenbelt" Zone A,B, or C? d. Development within a high fire hazard zone? e. Other? Yes PW 88-20 o No Maybe "'" J{ x x x x x x x x x x ~ PAGE 3 OF 8 7. MAN-MADE HA~~FP$: project: Will the a. Use, store, transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials (including but not limited to oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? b. Involve the release hazardous substances? of c. Expose people to the potential health/safety hazards? d. Other? 8. HOUSING: Will the proposal: a. existing housing or demand for additional Remove create a housing? b. Other? 9. ~RA~SPORTATIqN/CIRCULATION: Could the proposal result in: a. An increase in traffic that is greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? b. Use of existing, new, park ing structures? or demand for facilitiesl c. Impact upon existing public transportation systems? d. Alteration of present patterns of circulation? e. Impact to rail or air traffic? f. Increased safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? REVISED 10/87 Yes No PW 88-20 Maybe x x x x x x x x x x x x PAGE 4 OF 8 . g. A disjointed pattern roadway improvements? Other? of h. 10. FUBLIC SERVICES Will the proposal impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service? a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools (Le. attendance, boundaries, overload, etc.)? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Medical aid? f. Solid waste? g. Other? 11. UTILITIES: Will the proposal: a. Impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the construction of new facilities? REVISED 10/87 1. Natural gas? 2. Electricity? 3. Water? 4. Sewer? 5. Other? b. Resul t in a pattern of extensions? disjointed utility c. Require the construction of new facilities? Yes No x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x PW 88-20 Maybe PAGE 5 OF 8 . . o , [ o o 12. AESTHETICS: 13. a. Could the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic view? b. Will the visual impact of the project be detrimental to the surrounding area? c. Other? ~Y~TURA~--FESQURCES: proposal result in: a. The alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Could the b. Adverse impacts historic object? physical or aesthetic to a prehistoric or site, structure or c. Other? 14. Mandatory Findings of Significance (Section 15065) '\.. REVISED 10/87 The California Environmental Quality Act states that if any of the following can be answered yes or maybe, the project may have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shall be prepared. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate Yes PW 88-20 No x x x x x x Maybe PAGE 6 OF 8 o ..... ~ . , o o o PW 88-20 o """ r Yes No Maybe important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) x x c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? x x C. DISCUSSION OF E~~IRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES (Attach sheets as necessary.) lro.. ~ REVISED le/S7 PAGE 7 OF 8 J . o o o PW 88-200 " ~ D. DETERMINAnON On the basis of this initial study, r-A' The proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the ~ environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. The proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, although there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described above have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o o The proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA f/vVIKlJtJ/vIel/17fl,. tUt/€-N ClJNUrr~ Name and Title iUtkP (['1# Signature Date: 6- 7:3 -2;f) ~ REVISED 12/87 PAGE 8 OF 8