HomeMy WebLinkAbout16-Planning CI10 OF SAN BERNARDltY - REQUEOT FOR COUNCIL AC~N From: Frank A. Schuma Planning Director Subject: Change of Zone No. 84-27 (Prezone for Annexation) Mayor and Council Meeting of January 21, 1985, 9:00 a.m. Dept: Date: Pl anni ng January 9, 1985 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Previous Planning Commission Action: At the meeting of the Planning Commission on January 8, 1985, the following recommendation was made: The application for Change of Zone No; 84-27 (Prezone for Annexation) was recommended for approval of R-1-7200 Single-Family Residential and C-M Commercial-Manufacturing zoning. The Negative Declaration for environmental review was also recommended for approval. Vote: Unanimous. Recommended motion: To approve responses to comments and to adopt the Negative Declaration for environmental review which has been reviewed and considered. To approve, modify or reject the findings and the recommendation of the Planning Commission and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary amendments to the' Zoning Ordinance. .~ Signature Frank A. Schuma Contact person: Frank A. Schuma Phone: 383-5057, 6 Supporting lIata attached: Yes, Staff Report Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: . Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item NO'&. o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING o DEPARTMENT SUMMARY l&J (I) cl <J t; l&J ::) o '" a:: .... cl l&J a:: cl AGENDA ITEM HEA'RING DATE WARD 3 1-8-85 6 APPLICANT Fairway Engineering 362 W. 6th Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Cajon Business Park 100 W. Valencia Mesa Drive Change of Zone No. 84-27 (Pre-zoning) OWNER Subject property is a rectangu 1 arly-shaped parcel of 1 and cons is ti ng of approximately 73 acres located at the southwesterly corner of Cajon Bvlvd. and June Street an extending to Devil Creek Channel. The proposal is to change the land use zoning district from County, R-l, Single-Family Residential to C-3, General Conmercial and PRD 6/u, Planned Residential Development, 6 units to the acre pending annexation to the City of San Bernardino. PROPERTY Subject l~orti1 Sou th cast West EXISTING LAND USE Vacant Residential Residential State College Ind, Pk. Cajon Wash GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Res. 4-7, light indo Res. 4-7, light indo Res. 4-7 Light Industrial ZONING County, R-l County, R-l County, R-l M-IA C:EO~OGIC-~SEISMIC OYEU F LOOO HAZARO DYES OZONE A ( DYES ) HAZARD ZONE ZONE ~NO OZONE B SEWERS )(XI NO ~NO _._-_._~- @----------- HIGH FIRE DYES AIRPORT NOISE I DYES REDEVELOPMENT DYES HAZARD ZONE DlJNO CRASH ZONE KlNO PROJECT ARE^ lXJcHo ...J o NOT o POTENTIAL SIGNI FICANT Z Iil APPROVAL wi th cl APPLICABLE EFFECTS 0 modifi cati ons I- WITH MITIGATING - 0 Z(/) MEASURES NO E,I.R ti CONDITIONS l&Je!) o EXEMPT DEI R REQUIRED BUT NO 1&.0 0 DENIAL :iZ I&.Z Z- SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS l&J 00 WITH MITIGATING ~:i 0 CONTINUANCE TO a::Z ME ASURES (/)2 >ii: ~NO 0 Z o SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS <J l&J SIGNIFICANT SEE ATTACHED ERe, l&J EFFECTS MINUTES It; NOV 1981 REVISED .JULY 1..2 SKY "' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE Chan!la ~f Zone OBSERVATIONS ~~~~?::11~~E- ~-R-R~ PAGE 2 1. The applicant is requesting to annex 73 acres from the County of San Bernardino to the City of San Bernardino and as a part of that annexa- tion request a prezoning requesting a City zoning classification to the subject site prior to formally accepted by LAFCO. 2. The City's General Plan does show that the site lies within the Citie's sphere of influence and carries a General Plan designation of residential at 4-7 units per'acre and a light-industrial designation along Cajon Blvd. 3. The applicant is requesting a pre-zoning classification of PRO 6/u and C-3. A total of 4.3 acres of the overall 73 acres is to be prezoned as requested as C-3 along Cajon Blvd. and the remaining 68.7 acres is, to be the requested PRO 6/u. 4. In analyzing the surrounding properties, it is found to be predomi- nantly rural and residential in character. The smallest lot in the immediate vicinity is 8,400 square feet and there are several of these lots immediately to the south of the subject site. The remaining par- cels in the vicinity are greater than one acre in size. 5. The requested residential zoning of PRO-6 is not a compatible zone designation for this site for the lots are larger in the vicinity than what would be expected to be developed within a PRO zone, and that the area is not conducive to a quality PRO project as would be required by, the City. Therefore, a R-1-7200 zone would be more compatible and conducive for the surrounding existing residential area. Also, the C-3 zone as requested adjacent to Cajon Blvd. is not con- sistent with the light manufacturing designation on the City's General Plan. A more compatible zone classification would be a C-M, Commercial Manufacturing zone. This would allow the flexibility of provisions of commercial and light industrial uses. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE Change of Zone O SER TIO S No. 84-27 B VA I N, ~~~~~:GI6~~E' i-R-RS PAGE '{ RECOMMENDA Tl ON: Being that the requested residential pre-zoning application is not com- patible with the areas as it exists nor the commercial request does not comply with the City's General Plan, Staff recommends a pre-zone to R-1-7200 for the requested PRD-6 area and a pre-zoning to C-M, rather than the requested C-3 zone. Therefore, Staff would recommend approval of Change of Zone No. 84-27 with those previously mentioned changes. Respectfully submitted, ( '\.\ci'i~\ . 0 0 0 0 r CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT "'I AGENDA ..... ITEM # LOCATION CASE C.Z. i~-27 prezoning HEARING DATE 1/'0/34 3 lIo.. ~ .. """ ~' ,ijD 5T M-I~ M-2 \--- I \ .... - --t/) .::--- .J'T! ,',...,; \..:-:::,..i I \ -- < EMERSON ..' .. :> D 2ND ST 11- If' I~Jn~\ , "" ( CITY OF SAN BERNARDtNO PLANNING DEPART~rlENT APPLICATION FOR C~JA~\l'GE OF Z~ONE [\]0. 6y <:n- ,. OWNER: Cajon Business Park ADDRESS: 100 West Valencia Hesa Dr Fullerton, CA 92635 TEL: (714) 879-7070 [ )[ PROPOSEO ZONE: EXISTING ZONE: APPLICANT: ADDRESS' Fairway Engineers 362 West Sixth Street San Bernaridno, CA 92401 TEL' (714) 888-7272 J[ GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO, . PER EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED. REASON FOR CHANGE OF ZONE REQUEST: TO OBTAIN RIGHTS TO CITY SERVICES FOR ANY rUTURE DEVELOPHENT. SUBMITTALS' IXl APPLICATION (3 COPIES) IKl MAP OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (10 COPIES, FOLOED TO 8 1/2 "x II" ) IKl PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION FORM I{g GUMMED LABELS (2 SETS) SIGNATURE OF LEGAL OWNER (S) DATE APPLICATION RECEIVEO: DATE APPLICATION ACCEPTEO: ( OAPPROVED ODENIED (iI PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT OR GRANT DEED 0500 FT. PROPERTY OWNER'S MAP (EXHIBIT Al o LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (NOTARIZED) rn LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION (NOTARIZED) [XI TRANSPARENCY OF MAP (. /7'/ OATE' OATE' ) E.Re. MEETING P. C. MEETING M/C.C. MEETING "'1._ MAR.19S'" . o f . , C<::CAGQI~LE INSURAQ CO~t'ANY o '\';" EXHIBIT "A" ..,;- . ,'i.. Parcel No.1. . . ~ '" '.' , ,-0' ~~~::\ ~. . .\. '..;".' All that portion of the Rancho Mus~iahe' as per plat recoxded in Book 7,of MaP8, Page 23, records of 8d.d County," being a portion of Section 18, Township 1 1I0rth, Range 4 West, and a portion of Section 13, Township 1 North, Ran90 5 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, if :Said section linos were extended across said Rancho, described a8 follO\fS' '" Beginning at tho intersection ol\ the Southwesterly line of 90 foot wide Cajon Boulevard and the Nor~terly Une of June Sueet, au shO'o-r1 on map of 5:ract I/o. 3238, recorded in Book 60 of Kltps, pages 14 and 15, records of said County, thence along said sOuthwe.ater1y lino of Cajon Boulevard, Nortll 38- 33' 30" West 490.96 feet to its int:ersecUon with the Southerly line of the land conveyed to Albert W. XXOepel, et we., by deed recorded De~r 5, 1956 in Book 4101, page 587, OUicial ~cords; thence along 8aid Southerly line of the 'land so conveyed to T.xoepel, l/orth 89- 45' West 438.40 feet to the Southeast corner of the land conveyed to Barbara '1'. Older, a married WOlIIIUl, by deed recorded DcceIr.ber 5,.1956 in Book 4102, page 115, Official JleCOrda, thence North 0- 15' East . 30 feet; thence North 89- 45' Wost to the Nortlawest comer of the land so cOnveyed to Older I thence along the Horthwesterly line of the land so conveyed to Older, South 51- 26' 30" West to the Southwest corner of tlle land so conveyed to Older, eaid Southwest cOrner being distant .Uorth (lg. 45' West 292.39 feet from said Southeast corner of the 1l1lld so collveye<l to Oldorl thence alOl1g a line bearing North 89- 45' West, 1389.55 feet toa point in the Southeasterly line of the Devil Canyon Diversion Channel, as per deed recorded August 30, 1945 in Book 1799, page 366, Official Records, thence aloog said Southeasterly line, South . 41- 40' 45. West 1100.41 foot to . point distant thereon l~orth 41- 40' 45" East 928.65 feet frOlll the Northwest corner of Lot 65, Tract No~ 2824, as per plat recorded in Book 39 of Haps, pages 7 and 8, records of said County, said point being on tho llorth line of the land convey..d to Standard Properties, Inc.. a California Corporation, by doed recorded llay 21, 1951 in Book 2766, page 499, Official JlecOrds, thence along oaid lJortherly line of Standard Properties, Xnc., land Sout1\ 89. 45' Eant 150.36 feet to a point in t1le Northerly extension of the center line of Bronson Street, as shown on said lo:ap of Tract No. 2824, thenco continuing along the North line of said land conveyed to Standara Properties Inc., SouU, 89- 45' East 1319.71 feet to the Northeast . corner thereof, thence along the East line of said Standard Properties, Xnc., 1A1ld South 0- 2' 30" East 118.20 feet to the l/ortheast coxner of Lot 31, Tract No. 5004, as per plat recorded in Book 72 of Haps, page 28, recordS of said County; thence along the boundary of said Tract No. 5804 the following courses and distances; South 89- 45' East 60 feet, thence South O. 02'30" East 16 feet; thence Soutll 89. 45' East 742 feet to a point in ,the West line 'of Tract No. 5515, as per plat recorded in Book 68 of Haps, pago 37, . recorda of said County, thence loavinq the boundary of said Tract No, 5804, along the boundary of .said Tract 110. 5515' the following courses and distances: .. . ":0 -- "0"'" 3...-01 .. , . o (,t.CAGo-ITLE INSURAG coL'ANY o EXUIBIT "AIf CON".i.~INUED............ , 1J0rth O. 02' 30" \lest 290 feet;' thence South 89- 45' East 142 feat, thence North O. 02' 30. West 19.60 feet, thllDce llorth 89- 57' 30. East 60 feet to the beginning of a non-tang..nt curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 20 feet; thence alOllg said curve Southeasterly 31.31 feet and through an angle of 89. 42' 30., ti1ence South 89. 45' East 246.37 ,feet to tha beginning of a curve concave to the.Northwest. having a radius of 100 feet; thence along said curve Northeasterly 67.73 feei; and through an ,anglo of 38. 48' 30., thence Uorth5l. 26' 30. Jtast 25.48 feet to tha Northwest corner of said Tract No. 3238; thence leaving the boWlda1:Y of said Tract No. 5515, along the boundary of said Tract No. 3238 the following courses lU)d distances I I.. '.' '. , ".;. . :. ~ . North 51. 26' 30. East 50 feet to the beg1nD1ng of a curve concave to the West having a radius of 20 feet, thence along said curve Northterly 31.42 feet and through an anqle of 90., th_ North 51- 26' 30" Jtast 60 feet to the beginning of a non-t8Dgent curve concave to the North hav1ng a radius of 2'0 feet, thance along said curve Easterly 31.42 feet: and through an angle of 90., thence North 51. 26' 30. East 345 feet to the point of beginning. Pllrcel 110. 21 ", ','. , . . All that ,portion of the Rancho Mus~1abe, as per plat recorded in nook 7 of Kal's, page 23, records of 8aid County, bein'1 a portion of Section 13, Township 1 North, Range 5 West, San Bernardino Bas!iJ lInc1 t'.eridian, if said soction lines were eY.tcmded across said, Rancho, described as follows: De<]inning at the intersection of the center line of Bxonson Street and tho llorth line of Tract No. 2824, 88 per plat recorded in Book 39 of l!ups" pages 7 and 8, records of said CoWlty, thenco a1on'1 the North line of Tract No. 2795, as per plat recorded 1n ltoOk 38 of, Haps, :'age 87, records of said County, South 89. 45' East, .1169.71. feet to the Soutlnrest corner of Lot 37, Tract No. 5804, as per plat recorded. in Book 72 of Mal's, page 28, records of said CountYI thence along the. boundary of said Tract 110. 5804 the following courses,and distancesl " " llorth 0- 2' 30" West 180 feetl thence South 89. 45' East, 15 feet; thence llorth 5. 29' 15. East 155.65 feet, thence North O. 02' 30' tlest 243 feet; thence South 89- 45' East 120 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 31 of said Tract No. 5804, said Ilortheast corner being on the East line of the lalld conveyed to Standrad properties, Xnc., a California Corporation, by deed recordod Kay 21, '1951' in Book 2766, page 499, Official Records, thence along said East line North 0.'2' 30. West 118.28 feet to the Ilortheast corner of said lalld conveyed to Standar:d Propertios, Inc., thence along the Northerly line of said Standard Properties, Inc., land North 89- 45' West 1319.71 feetl thence SouthO. 2' 30. East 696.28 feet to the point of boqinnill']. t:i ~;~.:::~,:~. ., -:.- ..~.'. :: . ,.1;.. .1. '." . . ,"';.:1, ~ ._' '.:;'- ~,,' ,_. ..' .<~. ,