HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-Information Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Date: APRIL 30, 2001 O"'''I''.",I'L n'l..i"vd Subject: RESOLUTON AUTHORIZING AN ANNUAL PURCHASE ORDER AND SERVICE AGREEMENT TO EXIGEN GROUP (FORMERLY DATAMAX TECHNOLOGIES) OF CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA, FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE DOCUMENT IMAGING SYSTEM From: JANIS INGELS, IS DIRECTOR Dept: ADMINIINFORMATION SERVICES M/CC Meeting Date: June 4, 2001 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Resolution #2000-181 - Approved the purchase of a maintenance contract for the City's document imaging system from Exigen Group (formerly Datarnax Technologies) of Culver City, California. Resolution # 1999-142 - Approved the purchase of a fiscal year 99/00 maintenance service agreement with Exigen Group for the maintenance of the imaging equipment and software for the City of San Bernardino. Recommended Motion: Adopt resolution. Contact person: .JANIS INGELS Phone: 384-5947 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: 564,738.00 Source: (Acct. No.) 679-251-5172 (Am n.~.:.:~~~ Council Notes: fI_ N/). ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the purchasing manager to award an annual purchase order and service agreement, with two single year renewal options, to Exigen Group (formerly Datamax Technologies) of Culver City, Califomia, for maintenance of the Document Imaging System. Background: The City of San Bernardino operates a document imaging system from Exigen Group (formerly Datamax Technologies, Inc.) of Culver City, California, for the Police, City Clerk, and Finance departments. This maintenance contract provides 8 hours-a-day, 5 days-a-week software and hardware maintenance support. Exigen Group is the only company that can provide this service because of their systern's proprietary nature. In addition to maintenance support, the contract also provides for us to receive free annual software upgrades from the vendor. This maintenance contract is a 3 year contract. Fiscal year 2001/2002 is the second year of the three year period. The City has the right to cancel the contract, annually, with 30 days advance written notice, prior to the next renewal period. The contract provides a fixed price for the three- year period that does not change. Financial Impact: The annual cost for maintenance of the Document Imaging System for FY 2001/2002 is $64,738. This is included in the I.S. chargebacks to the Police, City Clerk, and Finance departments, and is budgeted in I.S. account #679-251-5172. Recommendation: Adopt resolution. l1a~ 14 01 12:03p Public Sa~et~ - HIS SOS3BB4S13 p.1 2000-181 Gen....Tenns and Conditions 1. General. These General Terms and Condilions are intended 10 provide lor terms that are common to 1he S1andard Software license AItaclIInent, \he Software SuPllQrt Atlachmenl. the Prof_al _ Alachmonl, the Hanlware Pun:base _....... \he H_e Maintenance AltachmenI, and any o1her aI1achmenls and ~ which incorporate lhese tenns and cond1tionS. ACCOIdingIy, in the case 01 any conI1ict between the General TIlItIlS and ConditionS and any """" Attacllmefll or Sd1edule,the General Terms and CoodilIons shall control and govern, unIess_ express/r staled to the contrary. 2. LMTATIONS OF LIABI.ITY. Except as elCjlIllSSty provided in atYy warranty conlained In !he Attachments or as ""l>'ess/r provided '" law. Datamax .~aU nO( be _ fa' any loss or damage daimed to have resulted ~om ihe use, operation or performance 01 !he Sollware. the Hatdwae, the Suppo<l Services, the _ (desaibed in the Pn:iesslooal SelYir.es AI1acI1ment).the M-.nce Services. and atYy other products, Sl!lYices and soflware provided i111his Agreement (c:oIIectiveIr, the "ProducIs1, regardless ollhe form 01 acfion. In no event shall Dalamax be r1able to Customer for (a) any special. indirect, inddentaI Of _entia! ~, even ff Dalamax has been advised 011110 poosibiity 1henloI, (b) any damages resulting from 1aIent deIects, loss 01 dala 01 profits, 01 (e) any claim whether in _ract or Iott. Ihal arose more _ one rear prior to insIiuIion oIslM lhereon, or (d) any actual damages (ex<:epl damages resulting from gross negiigence 01 inten1iona1 misconduct) in eoccess 01 \he Produd prices and license lees paid hereunder. Customer agrees ihat no represen_, warranty, pmmise Of agreement 01 .., Oat_ .."....._ sI1aII be binding 011 Oalamax unless . ~ expressly incfu<jed in I~is Agreement or the approjXiate Al1achmenl. 3. 0venIue Accounts. Interest may be ~ on ovenlJe accounts and .., other fees and expenses 001 paid as provided hereunder at !he rale of ONE AND ONE-liALF PERCENT (1.%%) per lIlOII1h or the maxinwm amount allowed br law, w~ichever is less. commeneing wiI~ \he _ payment was due. 4. Export. Customer agrees that the Products purchased hereunder wi1i not be exported direc1ly 01 ind"oredIy, separately or as part of any syslem, witho~ first oblaining a license from \he U.S. Depar1ment of CO/I1II18It8 or any other ffIlIl'ClJIiaIe agenq of Ihe U.S. Government. as _led. 5. Tennlnation. NolwMstan<Ing any o1her tenn or oondilion 01 this Agreement 01 Allachmenlt and Schodutes attached ~e<eto, Oatamax shal have the right 10 terminate \tis Agreement upon the orxunence of any of tile fallowing events: (A) Customer IaiIs to pedorln or m-.e atYy 01 its obligationS 10 0aIam.. under \tis Agteemeot, incfudil1g, but not limited 10. tile Iirrely payment 01 any sums due DaIam8X, (B) Customer admits in wri1ing ils inability 10 Pat its debts generally as they ber:orre due, or executes an assigMlent or _ document for the benefd 01 credilcn, {Cl the appointmenl 01 a receiver, IJUSlee in -..pcq or _ ofIiceI for the equity 01 assets of Customer, and (D) there is an assignment of this Agreement without !he prior written c:onsent 01 Datamax: and such e'en~s} ~ 001 remedied to the ....sonable saIisIaction of Datarnax withllllwenty (20) days after 0aIamax has sent written noIice 10 Customer. (E) Customer Intonns Dalarnax 01 ils intenI 00110 oompIy wiII1 the IenlIS oIlhis Agreement. T _ion shall not be Datamax'. exclusive remedy and no .UC~ _aIion shall adversely after:! any daim. right or IICIion wIlIcIl Dalamax may have for damages 01 otheIwise againsl Customer regarding atYy faiure 01 Cus/OIner to pedorln 01-' its ~ to Oal...... 6. Cuslamer Responslllililles. Except as o1hetwi.. provided on the Attac~menls, and in addiIion to any o1her obligations of Customer provided in ihis Agroemenl, Custom... shall be solely __ for tile foIowing: . The eornpaIibiily 01 Cu_. computer ~ar<fware, peripherals, device drivers, I~ird party operating sys1ems, and other third party software with \he Sdtware and \he Hardware; . The installation, tesling, use and operation of ihe Software and Hardware; . The maintenance and StqlOIt 01 CusllllllOf's hardware, peripherals, ~ng systems. third party -. Software, and Hardware; . The results obtained from use and opeIation of I~e Software and Hardw3le, provided,l1owever, nothing contained in tIlis subsection shaft affect ihe warranly contained in Sodion 6A2 of the Uoense AIlachmenI: . Providing a safe and suitable location fa' installalion. use, and oppera1ion of the Software ar1d Hardware in """",dauce wi1I1 any instructions that may be reasonably spedlied by Datamax; . Providing cabling and all cabling services in preparation for the installalion of IIIe Software and Hardware; . Providing and maintaining the appropriate environment tor operaIing the Software and Hardware and _ing back-llp and disaster recovery faciities;and . All data enlty and Ioad"ong of Customer dala and maintaining back-llP or archival copies lheo'eoI. 1. Pnlprtellry RIghts. Certain Information, product development plans, materials, Ier:I1nicaI or nonlealla dala, fomMAas. CflII'!liIation. progIlIIlIS, devices, _, 1edlnIques, dtawings, processes, 01 portions t~ereof supplied by Datamax, incIudJng lhe Sdtware and ... documen_ !hereol. are 1rade seerels and conIidentiaIlnIormalicn 01 Datanax or its suppliers and are ftrnisIted solely to assist Cus/OIner in the _-. __ and use of Ihe Hardware and Software. Trade secrels and conIidentiaI infomtalion incfude any infortnllion Ihal ~ d value 10 llalamax and is _ as conlidenlial. Customer agrees 10 hold Ihe ~ade seaels and conf'tdenIiaI informaliDn disclosed by 0aIamax ill s/ricIesl wnIidenc& and not to, direclIy 01 indin!ctIy, copy, reproduce, lislIibule, manuf8dll8. dUpIicaIe, reveal, 1l!pIlrt, puIlIish. _. ClIlSe 10 be Qsdosed. 01 otheIwise lIansfer the Irade seaels and _ inIom1a11on disclosed by Dolamax 10 any third party (exrepllhose thir1l paI1ies in a conlIdentiaI reIaIionship to Customer) or _ the trade seaels and confidenlial information disclosed by 0aIamax lor any purpose _ olher _ as expressly conIempIaferf by this Agreement 01 8fly Altachment. WitII regaRl to trade secrels, this ObIgation shall conlinue for so Ior1g as such inlonnalion constiC_ a kade secret under ~ law. WIlh regard \0 conlidentlal information. this obIigaIion _ continue for the IeIfn of Ha~ 14 01 12:03p Public Saret~ - HIS 9093884913 p.2 2000-181 Data furnished to CuslOl11l!f by Datamax under th;s Al1acI1ment All 01110< software and reIaIed docwnentallon furnished _ _ be subjed to O_S then prevailing Plnhase, license and _ Agreement. Except and 10 the _ expressly provided in 1Ilis Patagapb, no license or oIher right is hereby transferred or granted 10 Customer. including any license by 1mpIicaIion, estoppel or oIherwise. under any patent. trade seaeI. lIademaI1<, 01 copyright 5. ConsuIIant(sl The paIlies ~ IIIaIthe DaIam.. consul/ant(S) I>'ovided under this AUaclllnent may perform similar services from lime to time lor other.. Acco<diogIy. this Attacllment shal not prevent O_from pe<fonnIng sucJ\ _ _ or resl1lc:l Da\amax'. use '" the same oonsuIant(s) I>'ovided under !/lis AtIacIvnent Datamax wiI make fYWJIy effort consI9lenI wItI1 _ __ pr.lctices to honor lhe specific request of Ihe Customer with reganI to !he assignment '" Its COIlsultant(.); however, Datamax _ the sole right to determine eacI1 assignment of Ila1amax consuttanI{s) under this Al1acI1ment. S. Term A. This ARachment shall_ eflecIjye OIllhe dale of acceptance by Oalamax and _ ...... in lon:8 unliI tenninaled IIith thirty (30) days prior - notice. Completion of any _, any OIdered -. or lI1e absence '" Older. for _ shaI not _. Il1Is Allacl\ment it being lI1e _ "'!he pat1Ies to keep this AIIachmenlIn efIect in tile"'" '" fullfe _lor SeMc8s. 8. Datamax may, upon mtdual written agreement with Cust<lmer, add to or rmdify the tenns and conrfl1iOlls '" this Altachment 10 meet Dalamax'.1I1en CUlIl!11I policies and _ oIIerIngs. 7. DISClAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF lIABiLITY. DATAMAX MAKES NO Rl:PRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF AIN KIND, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUOING, WITHOUT UMITATION, AIN WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR PARTiCUlAR PURPOSES OR REQUIREMENTS OR OF MERCHANTABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES OR AIN PARTS THEREOF. DATAMAX SlW.L NOT BE LIABlE TO CUSTOMER. OR ANY OTHER PARTY, FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE. OR EXPENSE OF AIN KINO OR NATURE CAUSED, DIRECTLY OR INOlRECTL V. BY THE SERVICES OR ANY UNFITNESS OR INADEQUACY OF THE SERVICES, OR BY CUSTOIIER'S NEGlIGENCE, OR FOR AIN lOSS OF PROFITs, LOSS OF use. INTERRUPTlON OF BUSINESS, lOSS OF REVENUES, LOSS OF DATA, OR FOR ANY OTIER DAMAGES OR ClAIMS. WHETHER BASED ON STRICT OR ABSOlUTE TORT llABlUTY, NEGLIGENCE, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF DA T AMAX KNEW OR SHOUlD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, IH NO EVENT SHAlL DATAMAX BE LIABLE FOR AMOUNTS iN EXCESS OF THE SERVICE FEES PAID UICJER THIS AlT"CHMENT. Tile DISClAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND lIMIT"TION OF lIABILITY set IorIh _ produce specijio 1egol1911S. CUsIomer may '-_ righlI which vary from stale to stale. Some states havelal1ls which ~ warranIy and liablity rigI1ts difterentIy from Ihose set forth _. In ,ud1 sf_the minimum I1lqlIIr8d warranty and IlalliIily lermS s/lall apply and any l1lqlIinId In1pIied _anty shaI be Iimiled in duraIion to ninety (90) days from the dale _ were JmVided. Arry action arising cut 01 this _ or the Setvices provided hereunder (whether in _ _ranty, or in 101\) IfIlSt be lIIoogI1l by CusIomerwilhin one year after thedaim 10_ ft retales fim becomes _ (or reasonably should __ _I. " GenenI Toms .... CandItions. Tile pat1Ies aclu10wIedge thel the GenetaI T enns and CoodiIiorls COIlIain provisions IIIaI govern the entire reIeliOIls/lip among lie poriies. Aa:ordin!;y, in lhe event of any coniiclbetWeenlhe Go"""" Terms and eonditioos and this A\tacIIment.Ih. GenetaI Tenns and Cor1lfIions_ control and govern. 0aIamax Technologies.~ 8y L~ (Type or pfint name): ~ 7J:;-u~ IMIe: ~eCM4v<t:. t< ~~ /~ Dale: "J/" /T ~. ~. o-U Cus 8)': / ./ (Type print name)> - ~ I""" ,. '0_. r.ae: . Ill':-~ r.~ Date: ,-. .,' ,- .. i " ""-'.-'\ ., i 2 Ha~ 14 01 12:04p Public SaF@t~ - MIS 9093884913 p.3 2000-181 !he applicable _;lid for a period at five y<!ilfS Ihoreafter. C_ acknoMedges thai use or _19" Oat"""",'s IIade secrets or confidenlial infoonalioo would cause irreparable hann 10 Oatamax. The irm1edaIe preceding paagtapI1 shall not apply 10 any such conIidenIiaI informaIion or document that is in CusIomer's poosession prior 10 receipt from Oat..."", publicly available through no faull 01 Customer or indepel1denlIy developed by CuSIllmer. Customer may disdose 10 Datamax _ non-pubIic information relating 10 Ihe Software or....ain of CusIome(s ideas. IClflllUIae, procosses, research, development. 1hird paty sollware 01 software licenses, discoveries. marketing plans, customer Iisls and OCher infoonalion relating to any of the foregoing. or may permit Dalamax 10 inspect Customer's facilities (coIIecIlveIy, !he 'Customer' ProprielaIy InloonaIion1. AU such disclosuros w1Jich Cus10mef informs Daamax are cooIidenliaI, including any information obIained in connection with any inspection 01 Customol's 'acililies, are to be considered as contiden1ial and all such disclosu<es .... be mainlained in COIba by ~ unless !bey bealme pubic Iu10wIedge Il1mugh no fad! 01 oa-. ~ wi not _10 oIhers, use for iIs _ benefit, copy, or make notes 01 any Customer Proprietary Infoonalion, such conduct will conslitute a ll<each of Ihe oonfidence and tnJsl bestowed on Oalamax by Customer. oa- acknowledges ond agrees thai <Isdosure or unau1I1or1zed use 0I1he Cuslllmer PropieIary ~ cisdosed ccuId cause ineparallle hann to Cuslomer. This Section 7 shail soFYive the tenninalion of Ihe Agreement, these General T enns and Cooditions ;lid any AUachment. C_ agrees IhaI during Ihe lenn 01 tills Agreemenl and all appiicabIe AIlact1ments, and for 0Ile year foIowing Ihe Ias1 of such to 8Xjlire, Customer shall not solicit. in<lJce 10 leave or hire any employee of Oalamax, or any individual who had been emPoyed by Oalamax within !he prior one year. 8. Ml&cel_. o Customer may notlSsign any 01 its rights or li>IigaOOns heteundef lll<cepC with Dalanax's prior wri1en consenI, and any ~ assigmIenI shall be void; provided, howeveI, Cus10mef may assign ils righls under IhIs Agreement to a parenllbal is a 100%...... of Customer or to . subsidiary thai is 100% owned by Customer. so Ioog lIB such entity agrees in writilg to be bound by all 01 the Iem1s and condlions of this Agreement o This Agleernenl shall be binding upon and shall IIlIJl8 to the benefit of the ....... ",,",Ill and Ibeir I1IOp8CIiw SUC<8SSOIO and pemiIled aso9Is- Dales or lines by whfdl Dalamax is reqWed 10 ronder perfoImance under tills Agreement shall be postpaned automaticalJy to the exlent Ihat Datamax is prevenled 110m meeting them by any tallSO beyond its __ control. o All righ1s and remedies of the parties hereto are sepatlIle and ctJ_. The waiver or failure 01_ party to 8XeIti.. in any ~ any righl or remedy provided herein shall not be deemed a __ 01 any fu!ther righI or remedy henlunder. o This Agmement shall be subject 10. govemed by. and consIrued in accoolance will the laws 01 the state of Califomia wilhout regan!1o its rules gcwemIng _ 01 low. Customer connnlS and _ to Ihe jurisdidion and venue over any _. ... or otller legal proceeding .... may 3Iise out of or in "",....;;.., with fhis Allloemelll, to be the Los Angeles Coonty in tile Stale of Callamia. o The invalidity of any JlIlWision oIlhis Agreemenl shall not allect the wildly and bIndng allect 01 any otbet provision. o _ h0/8Ilnde/ shall be sent 10 the addIessees on the fa:e of this Agreement, or to SIlCh other addresses lIB specified by a notice COfI'llIying _. and shal be deemed _veel on the _ 01 actual receipt or five deys alter dopooiI in the U.S. Mail. o Healings _ailed in this Au- are for convonience only and are not patl of lhis Agreement and do not "'lilY way intllrprel. rmil or ampIi1y the scopr!, exIeIlt or inIent oItIlis Ag/eemeIlI or any of II1e provisions _ o III !he event of any dispuIe over !he Agteement. !he General Tenns and Conditions or any of the AlIa:hments, the prevailing par1)' shall be enlitiIJed to_ aItomeys....., costs and eocpenses. o Datamax shall r.any _mens's CompensaIicn, Emp/oyot'$ UabHity Insurance and any _ insuronce which will pmIeo1 0aIamax rrOlll _ in connection wilh !he seMces III be pnlVided hereunder, and Dalamex's ollIigalions under II1e Agteemenl and any AItecIlmenls: and as _so mquired by appicabIe laws, rules, Oldinances and ~ SucIl in&urance shall be in \he form pI8IOlbed by and in !he amounls .eqliJed by the stale or stales where _ are being petformed under !he A~l and any AIIacI1menfS. 2 M.a~ 14 01 12:04p Public Safet~ - MIS SOS3884Sl3 p.4 2000-181 Software Support Alllchment Thi. SoItware SUJlPOn Attachmenl (het'ei_ 'Atlachment') between Datamax Technologies, 1m:. (hereinafter .Datamax') and (hereinalter 'CusIomer') is an _m 10 the _. License and _ Agreement between Dol"""", and c.-ner _ . Customer agrees 10 the following terms and condition. which are incorpo!aIed in and made part of the PuIl:hase, Ute1se and Service Agreement. 1. ~Support. Datamax agrees 10 provide 10 Cuslamor lhe _ described below kJr lhe _lor which _ 5l.flIlOrt _ are elected OIl Schedule A (the Covered SoItware). in acccrdance wilh the following terms and ccnditlons: A. Hours 01 Servlu AnIIIliIiIy. Payment of !he _ SUpport Foes (as del'med in Section SA) entiIIes C..- 10 SUpport Service (as deIiIled in 1.B) duling!he Principal Pefiod of Maintenance (ppu). !'PM is between the hatn of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. PaciIic lime, Monday IIIrough Friday, 0XQIuding Datamax hdKlays (Oill"""""s Normal Business HouIs) _ II1Is Attachment Is in eIled. All Covered Software elected in Sclttdule A or ~equenlly added by amendment shall have !h. same PPM. Customer may request. in writing. speciaI.-dad periods 01 coverage, subject 10 Oalamax's current policies, terms. condilioos, and prices for!llJCh service. 8. Scope of SelvIee. Datamax wiN provide service mg the PPM as long as the Covered SoItware is at the cunent or the _ most amen! r&Yision level and opeIllIed in aa:ordance witt1 Datamax'. pubIshed~ SUpport SeMces "'" (1) teIepI10ne support 10 help IeSoIve soltwaro failures during the PPM: roso/ulion may be deliWled as a SoItware Maintenance UI>dafe (SMU), snftware bug fix module or --: (2) Commercially Ie800IlllIlIe oIIcrts to report and lest fixes 10 def&ds illlle Covered Software thai maeriaIy and advefseIy alfed the -.:y or use 01 the Coveted Sollware as described in Oalamax's written spocillcalions; softwano prlJ9lllllllixes wi! be provided for 111. cunent release only; and (3) deIively 01 all softw.... revisions provided by _that Datamax deems nec:esslWy witt1 rospecllo tho Covered Sollware: and Datamax win use fts best eIIorts 10 render SUpport SeMces within a reasonable tiIre. C. EftI!aoICelMl olt III CaveIOd Software. Datamax agrees to deher to CUsIomor wiIhouI chaIgo IIlT'f new veISions 01 tho Coveted Sollware thai contain only &nllI' ccnoctions and rrinor enI1ancements. OaIamax may also oller 10 Customer new versions 01 the Covered Software lIlat contain IIlOIll than enur ccnoctions and rrinor enhaIlC8l1ll!I.... "'*'" 10 an additilr1allicense fee. Datamax _ have !he sole discretion 10 determine _ an updaled or _ version oIlIle Covered SoItware will be subjecllO an additiOllallicense fee. D. 8efvice ~ SUpport Services are contingent upon the pmper .... 01 the Covered Sollware in acco.da"ce willl Dalamax's published specificaCions and do not include any 011110 toIlowing: (1) service on Coveled Software Installed in unsafe or haurdous environments, as dolennined by Datamax; (2) _ resulling fmm _, negIec:t, aIteIaIions, Improper use, or nisuse 01 the Coveted Sollware as noces_ by adjusImenls and chonges atlompIed by ~ pelSOIlne/; (3) _ice to a _iOn _lIlan the aJl/ent or the noxI most cunenl version of Ill. Sollware; (4) elforIs to _ the software _ and/or dala beyond the most _ba:k.UII; (5)....... rolaled to software _ than the Covered Software; (6) _ "'_10 unquaIitied produds, _ har_ or sofMare, Il>aI are _ or insCWIed in the customer system thai have not been previously ilj)pnlW!d by Datamax; and (7) ....... request due 10 pobIems Il>aI are not !he direct resl.lI of COvered Sollware Iicen&ed by DoIamax. In tlle event Il>aI SUjJp<lf1 SeMces are provided at a location __ than Oalanlaot'. facilities, IIIen Custooler sI1a11 be cha!1lod Datamax's !hen current hourly or daily rales kJr Support Services during at _ time plus a111eaSOf1ab1e travel and lodging expenses 01 DaIamax and I1s __. NoIwiIhstanding anything to the conllaly contained in lIIis AlIacI1merlI. Oalam.. shall use convnarciaIIy _ otIorts to respond to pobIems set fanh_. Priority Codes: The Codes below depicI the priority level assigned by Oatarnax 10 oech issue or problem p/1oned in by Customer. 'A Priority" , A Sollware .!Tor renders lhe _are inop&raIlIe. Resoun:es assigned 1Oi1I1in two (2) hours after notice during PPM. 'B Priority' - A SoItware error is detected for a syslom module wIlich seriou~y impairs system operaIlons, bul does not....deI It down. Resources assigned willli1 lour (4) hours after _ during PPM. 'C Priority' - Minor problem to be generally resolved during PPM within 30 days. '0 Priority' - Minor pmbIoms which Datamax will pIarllo inc;orporale i1IO a Uure software release. 2. C.._. Reoponsib1Ii1lH Customer sI1a11 plOVide IeaSOfIabIe assistance to Oalarnax in the peIfortnar1al 01 Support Services, incIuIing wiIl1oullinilallon, providillg llaIamax copies 01 .. dBla and other ties reasonaIlIy required 10 verify, repIllduce, diagflose and resolve repoIted problems. CusIomor is respOIlSitlfe for maintenance and inslaIIaIion 01 8f1y COIllII1OIl carrier equipment or oomnunication seMces reIaIed 10 II1e Coveted _ and not fumisI1ed by 08lamax, lIlCiJding _ tImifaIioo, the ~ modem and remoIe oocess soIIware reasooably speciIled by llalamax for the puIllOSeS 01 providing diakJp access to Datamax. CUSIonle! Is responsible for charges _ for ~ faciIi1ies fmm ~s fldt1es. _ -I1.a::t 14 01 12:05p Public Safet::t - MIS 9093884913 p.5 2000-181 incurred by CUSlllmer or by Oalamax service lelK_ives _ peIfoming ....." M the ~ SoIlwoIe. CUSlOOlOr is ....ponslbIe for pedooning all system software bacl<ups and i'OSlO1aIion of dala. Customer shall notify Oalamax of any Cll'Ilnd SoIlwoIe failure and shlJl aJow Oalamax lull and hee aa:ess to the Covered SoIlwoIe lor perlcnnIng s.PflIllI 5eNlces. c.-ner agrees IhaI Oalamax shall '""" all righIs and licenses d IhIfd patlles /l8ceSS3Iy or appropr;a1e for Datamax to access 111. _are and Ihird patty soltwaJll in the pe!formance of fhe SuppOl1 Services. 3. AJIIrIlions ond-"" Oatamax wiD not be responsible kJ Customer for loss d use d the Covered Software or lor any _liabiities arising fn:m _. additions or modificatrorls wllich all! made to the Covered SdIware by other ihan au_ed l1!JlIesenlatives of Oalamax U In the opinkln of Oatamax, any such -, addition or modifICation advefseIy aIlects Dalamax's abIrlly to 'ender Support Sertices. Oatamax ......... !he right to termInaIe !lis At1at:hmen! immediaIefy """" Wlitten nolice to Customer. .. Term ond AppIcobIIlly lD OIlIer _ wiIh DolIma. II Cuslomer eleds at the ..... time as . executes a Purchase, Ucense and SeMce Ag,ee_t 10 """" this Atta<:I1ment apjlIy, then (a) the ...ia1 lerm shall begin ninety (90) days after !he ActepIance Dale (the Aa:eplance Date shall be the _ !hat Cowted SdIware Is _ and passes Oatamox's lest ~ al Customer's sire). ~ this Attachment r"l goes into effect aI any ofher time, the initial term shall CllfIUTIeI1Ql OIl !he date d execution or signing oIihis Attachment. The iIiliaIlerm shall terminate OIl Oecemllor 31 cJ the yellin wllichlhe initlallerm ""..,~.c:ed. The Ierm cJ seNice lor upgIades and _ software added as Covered SoIlware after the initial Aa:eplance Dale shaii be _ous with the Ierm of service appIIcab/e to !he Covered SdIware Inillally covered, After the initial term, Supporl_ shall be automalk:aly _ for SllCCeSSiYe one (1) yeal pericds...1ess either patty notifies lheolher OIl or beIore Oinety (90) days prior to lheend 01 the then _ng tenn. 5. S~F_ A. DelinItIon.'Support Fees' are the tolai annual chalges designated as such OIl Schad,*, A. SUJlIlOll Fees cover Support Services petformed at Oatamax~ faciIilies. After the initial term and upon thirty (30) days wtitten _, Oalamax mar mange Ihe SUJlIlOll Fees to 11$ standard supponlees then in elIot\. U 1he Suppor1 Fees are increased, Customer mar -... seM:e as cJ the elIedive _ d such inaease, upon rlfteen (15) days advan<:e written noIfce 10 Oatamax. n Customer does nor tennlnate seMce as just stipulated, the new SUppor1 Fees shall become effe<:tive 0Tl the date specified in Ihe notice. New Supflon Fees shall not "'"'""" DaIamax'. lees charged to similarly silUaled cus1omers. B. 1_ SuPflllll Fees wil begtn ninety (90) diy' after tile Aa:eptance Date. s.pport Fees for renewal term& shall be payable annuaUy in advance en or beIore JanuaIy 1 d eacI1 yeal. 0ne.JIme chalges will be _ .. incumod. Par1IoI "'" invoicing will be proqIod on the basis 01 a Ihirty-day (JO.day) monll1. CUstomer sl1aiI pay 100 Support Fee and aU othe, Invoice charges in iuD within ihirty (JO) days of the invoice date. AD amounls payable under !his A_ shail be paid in U.s. Doll.... C. 1leIouh. Cu5lomel shall be _ to """" <l8faulterl in payment W K has not paid Oatamax aM amoonlS due wi!hin 1hirty (30) days alter receipt of Invoica CusIome(s laiilre to pay any c:haIges _ '*'" shall also consti1ute suIficienI cause for Oatamaa< 10 suspend Of 1_ service under !his At1at:hment. 6, DlSCLAIIIER OF WARRAIITY AIIO lllTATION OF UABU.lTY DATAMAX MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTlY, EXPRESS OR IMPlIED, iNClUDING, WITHOUT UlAITATlON, ANV WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR PARTICUlAR PURPOSES OR REQUIREMENTS OR OF MERCHANTABilITY, WITH RESPECT TO THE SUPPORT SERVICES OR ANV PARTS THEREOF. DA TAMAl< SHAll NOT BE lIABlE TO CUSTOMER, OR ANV OTHER PARTY, FOR ANV lOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE OF ANV KINO OR NATURE CAUSED. DIRECTlY OR INDIRECTlY, BY THE SUPPORT SERVICES OR ANV UNfITNESS OR INADEQUACY OF THE SUPPORT SERVICES. OR BY CUSTOMER'S NEGlIGENCE, OR FOR ANV lOSS OF PROFITS, lOSS OF USE, INTERRUPTION OF 1lUSlNESS. lOSS OF REVENUES, lOSS OF DATA. OR FOR ANV OTHER OMIAGES OR ClAIMS, v.\tETHER BASED ON STRICT OR AllSOUITE TORT lIABILITY, NEGlIGENCE, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF OATAMAX KNEW OR SHOUlD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSStBIlITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHAll OATAMAX BE LIABlE FOR MORE THAN THE SOFTWARE SUPPORT fEES PAID UNDER THIS ATTACHMENT. The DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND UMlTATION OF lIA81UTY set for1lI_ produce speck legal righIs. Customer mar have olher rights which vary from state to oIaIe. Some oIBtes have laws which require _Iy and _ly rights liflerently from !hose set forth above. In such slates the minimum reqUred WManly and Iiebifily term& shaI apply and any requiled implied -lY shall be _In _10 ninety (90) days after !he Acceplance Date of !he Covered SoIlwoIe. Any action ~ oul of this AltachmenI or the Support SeMces provided hereunder {"""""",,, conIract. WManly. or in IotlJ must be brought by Customer within one,... after llIe claim 10 which K relales 1IrsI becooles _ (or reasonably should have be<;Qme k.-.). 2 'M.a~ 14 01 12:05p Public SaTet~ - MIS 9093884913 p.6 2000-181 7, SujIp/eInetlblSUpporl Service A. ...........101 Cowered _. CoYered _ moved 10 . _ _ Nor1ll America _ continue 10 be _ under this AttactrnenI ",he <ljlIion 0I1lalamax. DaIamai< shall have the right 10 aI1er the type and schedule of maintenaoce provided 10 the reIocaIed Covf!fed SoIIwa... CUsIomer shall give Dalame>< at leas, thirty (30) days adyMCe _ no1ice specifying the new _ prior to any movement. B. Olher Senricn. Any services rendered by Oat'""'" th.l.... no! included in the srope 01 Suppoft SeMces, W lllqUesled by Custome<, will be pedormed at Dalamax's tIscretion and, ij pefIonned, will be charged 10 Customer al CUlTenl Customer _lime and _ ,.. and lenns then in effect 8, SouIce Code Elc..... A copy 01 the souo:e code....... 01 the CoYered SoIlwaIe (Soun:e Code) has been placed in the possession 01 Data _ ~, Inc. (Escrow AgenI). with all fees and ex....... 10 be paid by Custames. Cuslomet, and Escrow Agent shall in good faith ~ an agJeernent mu1ually .- to \he paIIies which 011.. inch.. provisions pr_lIng the "'-aIiIy and ~ 01 the Source Code and shall provide for the Ierms regarding release 0I1he SouIte Code. 9. General rennund CondIlfon.. The paIli.. ~ thal tho General Tenns and Conditions conlain plOYisions theC lJO"OIIl the enllre reI_ip among the parIies. AcconIingfy, in the event of any conlIicI belween the Genefal Terms and Ccndi1ions and this Atlachment, the General Terms and Condi1ions shall control and govern. 7.Du::~ t/. p. C%, W. IfM.J U;.lId :-T7C;-~ (Typeor:ntnamot. ~ Tille: f""..Ke~ 4",,~ By: Title: Date: Dale: , j'l"t ,t'.:.:. . ;:' ;,.(/,~ 3 'M.a~ 14 01 12: 06p Public Sa~et~ - MIS SOS3884Sl3 p.? 2000-181 ProIesIion.aI SorIieH AtIId1ment This Professional Services At1acI1menl (hereinafter 'At1achmenI') between Oatamax T edmologies, Inc. (hereinafter 'DaIamax') and (hereinafter 'Customel") is an -.. 10 the Putchase. license and Ser.ice Agreement between DaIamaK and Customer _ Customer agrees 10 Ihe fobing leIms and cooditions which are incorporated in and made a part of Ifte Purcllase. License and Service Agroemenl. 1. SIIVIeH A. Tile services to be peIbmed by DaIamax lIIder !his A_ may include, bul are IQ limited to: Iraining, COlSUlIing, spedaI S1lJ<fes, impIemenlalion. insfallalion evalualions, programming and documontatIon, appIicaIion design and development, systems analysis and design, CCIlVefslons and implementation pIanIing lcolleetlvely Jelefred to as Ihe 'SeMals'). Services thal are agreed as Ii Sle effecliwt dale Ii lhisA_, aredesoribed in the Statement ofWorl<. B. Each lime CUstomer desires to engage DaIamax to provide Services 10 Customer. ... paoties will enIer inIo a mutvaIfy..- Statement 01 Work. Each Stalement 01 WoJ1c wiD at a minimum: (ij _be the specific Services !hat we are to proWl. to CUstomer undOllftat engagement, (0)101 bth the lees thal Cu_ agrees to pay b' !hose Services and Ihe manner in which Customer agrees to pay Ihose rees, (ii) set fDUllh Ihe lime frame for performance 0I1hose 5errices. and (i.) int:orpomte by reference tile terms and conditions of this Anachmenl. C. Hours m Ser.ice: The Ilalamax consutIant will perform Services during Ihe houlS of 8:00am and 5:00pm" Ioc:allime, Monrlar IhroogI1 Friday, eou:Iuding Datamax holidays. CUstomer may request in writing extended hours beyond Ihe normal hours of services at the prevailing surcharge rates. O. Should an Dalamax consultant be UIlable to perform the Services undOl this AlIachmenl because of illness, res9lafion or oIhet causes beyond DaIamax's oontmI. Datamax will 3lIempt 10 IIljl/ace such consulIant within a reasonable lime, bul DaIamax shalll1Clt be liable for tailute to replace such consulfanl wilIlln Ihe schedule. E. Customer shall furnish Datamax, at Customer's _, allled1nica1 data and in1ormaIioo as may be detetmined by Oatamax to be necessary 10< the petformance of the Services. Customer sh~ grent DaIamax aa:ess to the Softwn and the hardoIare m which the Software IUI1S al such limes and so conigured .. may be requiled for Ihe adeqvale pllIfonnancv 01 the seM:H. ClISIOJ11el agrees that Oatamax shall have all r9>fs and licenses of Ihinl parties neoessaIY or appropriate for Oalamax to aa:ess the hardoIare and third party software in the perlamance m the Services. 2. ChatgH A. Customer agrees 10 pay lees for Ihe Services as provided m Std.._ of W""'. or W IQ pI1JYided 011 ... I -nI 01 WGrt, Customer agrees 10 pay for all ServIces peoformed , inctuding reasonable _. subsistence, and lodging In acconmce wilh Ilatamax's established rales and minimums In effect when Services ... Illndered. Addi1lonaIIy, the Customer agrees 10 relrnbu10e llalamax for any spedaI or unusual_1named althe Cusloml!l's specilic toqUes(. 6. AI charges and rales are eoa:IusiYe of aII_, use and like laIC... Such falces are the respansibiily of the Customer and will be billed 10 the Customer as a separate line Item m each invoice. C. All charges and rates are based on Dalamax's then amen! schedule of chaIges and .- and are suIljecIlo change by llalamax upon advence written lKllIce. QuoIed d1arges and .aIeS will be held fifm for ninety (90) days from the date of quoIaIion. 3. CDlIIrol and Sapenlsfon A. While present 011 the Customer's poemises and pedorming SI!f1Iices under !his _, Dalama>c _ conIorm 10 CUSlIlme(s reesanable. pullIished policies and procedutes disclosed 10 Oatamax and shall abide by Customer's directions which .... consistent with lhe naWrv and $tOpe of the Senrices to be provided. B. It is the _ intention of the ponies thai Oatarnax and/or Ihe llalamax consultant is an independent contractor and not an employee, agent, or partner of Customer. NoIhing in this Attachmenl _ be Inte/pfeted .. aeoIiIlg the rela1ionship of employer and """*""" betWeen... Oatarnax COl1SIiIant and Cuslomer. 4.RlgIltsinDaIl 1lIe 10 and -iI> of all -. _ aeoIed for Customer under this Attachment. 1nc:Iuding, bulllClllimillld to, soIlwaIl!, /llaflIlIltk: and op6ca/ disks, tapes, listings and other softw;n documentalion (coflectively refelll!lf to as 'OaIa' fiISI_oped or aealed by Detanax under this Atta:hment and all proprielary righls therein shaI at all times remain wilh Ilatamax; however, DaIamax, llUIlject 10 the paymenl by Customer of all chaIges - to tl1e services, grants 10 Customer a person"', jleIJlO!uaI, non...lldusiYe, __ and royalty free license ID use such .l>Ia1:l 14 01 12,07p Public Safet1:l - M1S 9093884913 p.8 2000-181 -...-...... _Atr_4 INs ~ ~lI1IISeIviee Ajjnlomollt is .-lI1IIenlorIdinlo by and_ Dolamax T~ Inc. rllanal<"), _ 016101 W.Cenlinela A..., CIlIverCily.CA. 90230 and 0aIlImall.... c.-... h8leby _ as_: - (hei8inaIIer 'CuslomeI') IOcaIed at: ThIs'~ _allllS SIgnaIUnlpoge, .. _ T.... and GoodUls, Ihoge AlIod.......1iSIIdbelawwhid1...dboltr.aled byc.-...'sinilials (lie 'A1Iatm1elltS;.1Il Sc:IlldlIelI,.lIo....,"""aI_...."". A1111lfe1ences1O'~ Ihal Indude INs_page, ..._ T_ and~ and all sucII_and~ AlfuluIe__ ~to Dolamax sholl be gDllOlIIOd by Ihe Ienns 81d ccndilions ..IllOwd hoIeln and siIaII_ _ve upon .........."" by III _IlaIlmol....,q.o. - Cu.lame(J tdi* . SIandMl SdlwanI1.iQolse AIlac:hmenl (logel/Ief Wi1h ScIleduIe A) . _SoIppOI\ AIIaehmenl (togeIIIeI.... ScIleduIe A) . ~Servic:esAllachmonl(togelltetWi1h_of_) . H_ __llogolhorwilh Sc:hocMoA) . Han!waleMail...........AIIachmont(lDgelher....ScIleduIe Al . Other: ..r: ... TlIis~.~I:IIfISlil$!$"_ag._...~_tIle"""'ontllesulljecl_and__"pIor..._........._ -,<, ,..".Aialioo.. ,.......llaIions and pnIllllSOIs. -. el'O'''. This Allo"',1Ol4 does not oporaIe as III ............ a lIlY alllIdlng Ienns and condle.saod _ pl8VllI_ any ...-,g pnlWisiolI a an, purdIose IlIrlsr or lIlY .... ~ a CuoIaIner. I being ..40Sb.d ... lIlY ....... ..... _ by ClSxner _ be for QJslomoo's _N"';"'ICII only. AdoIoMt.cli"...i of . ~ _ 0nI0t by DaInax _ not CllIlSlIIuI8 """",*"ICI! 01 an, such addIional ex -.nt ..... and...- ThIs~ may only be --. "'"'-. ...........lIbd. ex <lINIol8d _ by......"*'*" by... _ DaIomalIlllllfoyee and Cuslomer. Ilr -=uIirV \!is AgoeenleIll. CusllIner atlI~..... has Ieviowed IIle _... candlIans ~oooo.....olbl into !his Agreemenl and ....10 be IegIIy _Ilylhe..... :-Tedo7 >>~ {Typeorprinl......t. /-P-<4 7<::..u ovR T;ue; t;;:'A:eov.~c. V. p- Dale: ~ $0. ~ c-r By: Z iJ .....,r.-JUlI/1A /i{i IK.s ",,,-- Date: \ '~.\ ,'" ".~(-' .:' ('-- (.""', '- (", I'".~ \..., ~ v r:=~\\ 7 ~' U I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTIlORIZING THE PURCHASING MANAGER TO A WARD AN ANNUAL PURCHASE ORDER AND SERVICE AGREEMENT, WITII TWO SINGLE YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS, TO EXIGEN GROUP (FORMERLY DATAMAX TECHNOLOGIES) OF CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA, FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE DOCUMENT IMAGING SYSTEM. BE IT RESOLVED: SECTION I. That Exigen Group is a sole source for the City's document imaging system maintenance (hardware and software), for the City's Police, City Clerk, and Finance departments. This maintenance contract is a 3 year contract. This resolution covers the 2nd year. The City has the right to cancel the contract, annually, with 30 days advance written notice, prior to the next renewal period. The contract provides a fIxed price of $64,738.00 annually for the three-year period that does not change. Future year renewal options shall be 14 contingent upon funds being approved in the City's budget for this service. 15 SECTION 2. That the Mayor and Common Council authorize the Purchasing 16 Manager to issue a purchase order for $64,738.00 for Citywide document imaging system 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 maintenance services. III III III III III III /II III III III '- C~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /"'- (.., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING MANAGER TO A WARD AN ANNUAL PURCHASE ORDER AND SERVICE AGREEMENT, WITH TWO SINGLE YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS, TO EXIGEN GROUP (FORMERLY DATAMAX TECHNOLOGIES) OF CULVER CITY, CALIFORNIA, FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE DOCUMENT IMAGING SYSTEM. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the_day of ,2001, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members Abstain Aves Navs Absent ESTRADA 11 LIEN McGINNIS SCHNETZ SUAREZ ANDERSON McCAMMACK Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of . 2001. Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman, City Attorney By:L 1-./~ U , . .' ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): G,-4-o\ Item # Vote: Ayes \- 'I Nays .e- Z3, Resolution # 'ZOO I - 13~ Abstain -& Absent e Change to motion to amend original documents: - Reso. # On Attachments: -==-- Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -==-- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD WICOUNTY NulVVoid After: - By; - Date Sent to Mf;g'Thrr, ,,-It -0 \ Date of Mayor's Signature; "-S-O, Date ofClerk/CDC Signature: 6-5-0 I Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed; / ,,/' Date MemolLetter en 60 Day Reminder Leller Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Leller Sent on 45th day: See Attached: ttached: See Attached: Date Returned: - Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557); Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes V No By Yes No v' By Yes No ./ By Yes No ~ By Yes No _ By Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ./ Code Compliance Dev. Services EDA Finance i/'" MIS ,...- Parks & Rec. Police Public Services Water Others: Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: <'0 I {, ! () I Revised 01112/01